Omar Ahmed Translations


Intay dunidii dhismiyo
Dadaalkii hurumareed
Daraasada ugu jirtaa
Dagaalkii nala haroo
Asaaggeen naga durkee
Iswada doox dooxidiyo
Dilkaan xalka keeninbaa
Dadkeeni idlaynayee
Dawadii caafimaadka iyo
Daruuro ma raadinaa?

Dibraac aanoon dhamaan
Daciif bay naga dhigtee
Darbiga ina kala xayiray
Dulaqaad baa jabin karee
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!

Diryaanka rasaasta ay
Duqowdu ka cararayaan
Dalaabka dhalaanku yahay
Duulaan meel kale ka yimid
Dareenka ha galininee
Dadkeenaa dirirayow
Dadaabadahaa watee
Miyaynaan diir naxayn?
Dhanqadkii walaanimiyo
Damiirki maxaa la tagay?

Dibraac aanoon dhamaan
Daciif bay naga dhigtee
Darbiga ina kala xayiray
Dulaqaad baa jabin karee
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!

Hadaan da’yartii wax baran
Sharcigu dalka ugu sarayn
Dastuurkana lagu sinaan
Dakuna u hogaansanaan
Hadaan danyartii la kabin
Hadaan dood dheer la furin
Hadaan codka laisku darin
Dulqaad iyo samir la helin
Dan guud lama gaarayoo
Dib baa loo soconayaa

Dibraac aanoon dhamaan
Daciif bay naga dhigtee
Darbiga ina kala xayiray
Dulaqaad baa jabin karee
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!

Daa’inkii na uumay baa
Ra’yiga noo kala duwee
Midkii damaciisu yahay
Dariiq ila toosan baan
Dadkoo dhan marsiinayaa
Cidii igu diidanoo
Midayda ka dood qabtana
Danbiilaan ka dhigahayaa
Dadoow qaran kuma dhismee
is doontoo wada tashada!

Dibraac aanoon dhamaan
Daciif bay naga dhigtee
Darbiga ina kala xayiray
Dulaqaad baa jabin karee
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!
Ducaystoo is wada cafiya!


As the world is striving forward,
engaged in extensive research
to find development,
a futile civil strife draws us back
and our peers thus leave us behind.
We kept stabbing each other, but
killing is not bringing any solution.
Thus our people go into extinction, annihilation.
How do we find
ourselves a sustainable, healthy solution?

We must end the vengeful deeds
because they weaken us badly.
The wall of separation,
only tolerance can break it down.
Pray for each other, forgive each
other and ourselves!

Mortar shells roar,
with elders fleeing in horror
and babies perishing,
this war seems waged by aliens.
Don’t feed them with your fears and emotions.
You who are fighting each other,
battling with tanks,
Don’t you see we have feelings?
Where is our brotherhood?
Whence our scrupulousness?

We must end vengeful deeds
because they weaken us badly.
The wall of separation,
only tolerance can break it down.
Pray for each other, forgive each
each other and ourselves!
Pray for each other, forgive each
other and ourselves!

If the young generation does not study
and if the constitution is not the supreme law of the land,
and people are not equal before the law,
people do not abide by the rules.
If we do not assist people in need,
if we do not have long, constructive debates,
and unite our voices,
and if we do not show tolerance and patience,
we will not reach our goals.
We will surely fail and stumble backwards!

We must end the vengeful deeds
because they weaken us badly.
The wall of separation,
only tolerance can break it down.
Let’s pray for each other, we must forgive each
other and ourselves!
Let’s pray for each other, we must forgive each
other and ourselves!

Our Creator gave us
different perceptions.
If anyone’s desire is to dictate,
to act arrogantly overbearing toward others,
to hinder people’s free opinions,
those who boldly say “we object to your idea”
that dictator will subject them to criminal punishment!
Oh, people this way we cannot build a government!
Let’s reconcile and love each other!

We must end the vengeful deeds
because they weaken us badly.
The wall of separation,
only tolerance can break it down
Let’s pray for each other, we must forgive each
other and ourselves!
Pray for each other, forgive each
other and our selves!


Anoon dhiilo qabinoo
Dhulka hooyo joogoo
Marna dhayda caanaha
Dhiilaha ka buuxsada
Marna beerta dhaladka ah
Shimbiraha ka dhiciyoo
Laanta dheelinaysoo
Dhulka miruhu gaareen
Dhereg iigu filantahay
Marna xeebta dheer oo
Hirarku is – dherbaaxaan
Malay aan dhib loo marin
Shabaago uga soo dhura
Oo dhoofitaan iyo
Dhul kale aanan doonayn
Miyay dhabadi duushoo
Shinbiruhu dhawaaqeen

Weerar aan dhamaanayn_
ee aan dhana u socon oo
Madfac dhagaha tira
Hooyadii dhalaysiyo_
Dhalaankii ku soo dhaca
Maydkoo dhabaha yaal
Dhaawocoon la tirin Karin
Dhibka oon yaraaynanyn
Dhacdo waliba tii hore
Ka sii dhaygag badan tahay

Tuugta dhuuni doonkee_
Dhabacan saqdii dhexe_
Sharci dhicinayaa jirin_
Waa dhalangadoon qaran_
Waa dhaxal-tir shacabeed
Kuwii dhigga qubay iyo_
Kuwii dhacay hantida qaran
Taariikhdu way dhigi_
Mana dhuuman karayaan_
Dharaar lala xisaabtamo_
Dhakhso way u iman oo_
Dhiinkeeda way helin_

Dhanka kale ka eegoo_
Markii uu dhismuhu dumaay
Ee dhaxanta loo baxay_
Dhiig joojin daawiyo
Dhuuni kaleba laga tagay_
Oo dhalasho sooc iyo_
Dhaxdo laysku gawracay_
Dhabbe lagu baqdaa jirin_
Kuwii kor u dhawaaqee
Dhibanaha badbaadshee_
Xasuuqii ka dhiidhiyay
Kuwii dhabar adaygee
Iyagoon wax dhaamin e
Dhacsaal iyo haraad qaba
Maskiinkii rajada dhigay
Dhadhamada biyaha iyo
Dharka ula gurmadayee_
Boogaha ka dhayayoow_
halkii aad dhigateen iyo_
Dhagartaa kula kacdeen_
Taariihdaa dhigaysoo_
Ubadkiina waa u dhaxal
Dhimashada danbeetana
Dhigaalbay idiintahay_

Dhanka kale ka eegoo
Waalidkuba dhalaankii_
Dhabta uu ku sido oo_
Caanaha dhansiiyaa_
Markuu dhawr jirsado oo_
Saamaha isdaba dhigo_
Haduu dhiiranwaayoo_
Xeerada la soo dhigo_
In loo sii dhaweeyoo_
Afka laga dharjoyo sugo_
In lagula dhabiiltamo
Miyay daniba dhaafsii
Biyadhaca murtida iyo_
Maahmaahda dhuux oo_
Inkastoo dhawayn iyo_
Abaal dheer naloo galay
Dunidii dhamaanteed
Dhibteenii ka daashaye_
Dhabta ma_isku sheegnaa?_
Dhinbilaha ma daminaa?
Jidkii hore dhamaayaye_
Dhabe nabad ma qaadnaa?_
Dhabtii Haa!  Dhabtii Haa!
Dhabtii Haa!











When I was living in my motherland
I had never experienced any hostility.
I filled milk
to the top of my milk-vessel.
I protected my fertile farm
from the birds.
My farm’s leaves blossomed
and grew vigorously
as the seed crops touched the ground.
Contentment and prosperity.
Further, I enjoyed deep sea fishing.
With waves hitting each other,
I pulled the net easily from the water,
filled with fish,
without the desire to travel or
want of other people’s lands.
One day birds of bad omen flew
and alarmed us loudly.

Infinite wars.
Cross cannon bombardments
that deafened the ears
fell pregnant mothers and babies.
Explosions in every direction.
Dead bodies on the street.
Unable to count the wounded people,
the situation is not getting better.
Every incident is worse than the first,
every incident more evil than the last.

Hungry thieves searching for food,
plunder and dodge in the late night.
There is no law that can stop them.
It’s an alteration of our good governance,
denying people’s inheritance rights.
Those who spilled people’s blood,
those who looted the nation’s property,
history will record their misdeeds!
Surely, they will never escape
from the eyes of the law.
That day, evildoers will be judged!
Soon, indicted, brought to justice,
soon they will pay the price.

See the other side of the story…
When the buildings collapsed
and people shivered for lack of shelter.
No medicine,
nor food was available.
Then followed indiscriminate killing.
One slaughtered his close relatives.
There was no way out.
Peacemakers call loudly for mercy,
speak up for the victims.
Their mission against genocide,
saving and respect are their particular causes.
Though the peacemakers had no resources,
feeling thirst and exhaustion,
they committed to giving hope to the poor,
offering them water,
clothes and shelter!
They healed wounds
then, they were murdered.
Those who deceived them, who enacted this
inhuman crime
history will record,
and their offspring will inherit the curse!
This crime will haunt them forever,
even after death!

See the other side of the story…
Consider how we raise our children,
the parents keep the child content on their lap
and feed him milk.
And then later
the baby attempts to walk.
If the child does not have the courage
to feed himself, the parents still help,
bringing the plate close to him,
feeding him by hand.
They teach him how to manage,
convince him how to treat other people.
The bedrock of wisdom
is to properly digest the proverb.
We (refugees) were warmly welcomed.
We are in debt, with enormous gratitude.
People of the world
get tired of our fighting.
Do we talk seriously?
Do we extinguish the flames of war?
We came to the end of old road.
Do we choose to take the peaceful path?
Serious yes!  Seriously yes!
Seriously yes!