Oleg Woolf Translations

          В среду

В среду живут и белят.
Город румын и белен.
Лошадь выходит перед
самым автомобилем.

Жизнь есть четверг, но после
дождичка. Март с обратным
адресом. Вроде почты
в местных помарках марта.

Вроде намокшей почты
бывшему адресатом.
Здесь это знаешь точно.
Этот урок не задан.


                                  On Wednesdays

On Wednesdays they just live here and paint coarse
walls. The town is all Romanian and painted.
The front bumper tailgates the horse.
Seven comes closer to half
                                             past seven, becomes eighted.

On Thursday, right after that
it rains. March has a return address
with all these local watermarks, another bad
snail mail ended with God bless

and started with Dear Former
Addressee. And the farmer
throws his bucket into the well
of village wine, waiving his farewell.

Translated by Irina Mashinski and the author