1959 1st Session, 86th Congress

Petroleum and petroleum products: rescind action imposing quotas on (see bill S. 1525), 5136.

Wood molding imports, 16728.

1961 1st Session, 87th Congress

Domestic and foreign industries: adjust conditions of competition between certain (see bill S. 1735), 6778.

Foreign Trade, before the National Shoe Manufacturers Association, by, 4377.

Foreign trade: orderly marketing bill, 6792-6794.

Foreign trade policies, 4378, 4379.

Letter: Textile imports, by James R. Franklin, 12560.

Meriwether, Charles M.: nomination to Export-Import Bank, 3363.

Orderly marketing bill, 6792.

Table: import levels under Orderly Marketing Act, 6794.

Textile industry problems, 4376-4379, 12560.

1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress

Reciprocal trade agreements: administration's proposals, 6035.

Trade Program, by Harold O. Toor, U.S. Shoe Manufacturing Industry, 6035.

Association of Shoe Executives of Maine, by, 7615

Shoe imports, 7615, 8541-.8544.

Textile Imports: bill (H.R. 10788) to regulate 8524, 8525, 8533, 8534, 8539-8544, 8652. 8654

Press release: shoe industry seriously concerned by increasing imports, by Maxwell Field, 8542.

Table: Shoe imports, 8544.

Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (H.R. 11970), 15395, 15506.

Trade Expansion Act of 1962: proposed amendment, 15506.

Shoe industry: trade legislation, 15506, 15509.

Trade Legislation, by Harold 0. Toor, 15507.

Table: Footwear industry: trade data, 15507, 15508.

Report: Number of Employees in Footwear Industry and Location of Plants, 15509.

Letter: Textile imports, to President Kennedy, by, 15572.

Textile industry, imports, 18237-18239.

Trade Expansion Act, before Senate committee, by, 18243.

Trade Expansion Act of 1962: bill (H.R. 11970) to enact, 19857-19869.

Telegram: Trade bill, by sundry members of shoe industry, 19859.

1963 1st Session, 88th Congress

Businessman's Look at Impact of Foreign Trade in New England, by H. King Cummings, before New England Managers Institute, 1721.

Farmers Home Administration loans - two-price cotton, 24497.

Tariff Act of 1930: amend to tighten loopholes in imports of waterproof cloth (see bill S. 941), 3111

Textile Industry: Imports, 24497.

1964 2nd Session, 88th Congress

Agriculture: bill (H.R. 1839) to restrict meat imports, 17122, 17124, 17128.

Dumping of Shoes on U.S. Market, Senator Symington, 22110.

Imports: problems of , 17122, 17123, 17128

Letter: Shoe industry meeting in Milan, by, 17125.

Progress on Shoe Imports, by Senator Kennedy, before New England Shoe and Leather Association, 1040.

Report: Impact of Italian Imports of Shoes, National Shoe Manufacturers, 17125.

Shoe industry: effects of imports on, 17128

Shoe Industry: effect of imports from Czechoslovakia, 22108

Table: footwear imports, 17128.

Text of proposed agreement between shoe manufacturers, 17126.

Wool Imports, 10133.

1965 1st Session, 89th Congress

Analysis: S. 2022, to provide for orderly marketing of certain imports, 11347.

Balance-of-payments hearings by, 3745

Balance-of-payments: hearings on, 3556.

Balance-of-payments: problem, 9327, 9850, 17902, 24898, 27119.

Balance-of-payments: program to improve, 6543.

Bernstein, Edward M., 9850.

Exports: bill (H.R. 7105) to provide for continuation of authority for regulation of 15387, 15388, 15390, 15391.

Foreign trade: provide for orderly marketing of imports, 11345.

Future in the International Drug Field, American Market Association, R. C.Fenton, 17908

Imported articles: provide for orderly marketing of (see bill S. 2022), 11336.

Letter: Opposition to restrictive trade policies or boycotts, by J.T. Connor, 15390

List: Schedule of hearings on balance-of-payments problem by Committee on Banking and Currency, 18807

National Association of Manufacturers, J. W. Barr, 24898.

Orderly Marketing Act: proposal, 11345.

Remarks in Senate: Proposed Orderly Marketing Act, 11854

Report: Balance-of-payments statistics of the United States, Review Committee, 9327

Statement: Balance-of-payments, K. Gordon, 9327

Table: Balance of payments summary, 9328

Tariff schedules: bill (H.R. 7969) to correct certain errors in, 20218.

Text of S.2022, to provide for orderly marketing of certain imports, 11346

U.S. Balance of Payments, Business Council, H.H.Fowler, 10435.

United Arab Republic: boycott, 15390, 15391.

1966 2nd Session, 89th Congress

Agricultural commodities: amend bill (S. 2933) promote International trade in, 4333

Fabrics containing wool and silk: amend rates of duty on (see bill S. 3865), 23858

Import duty reductions: require congressional approval to international agreements for (see S. Con. Res. 83), 6895.

Tariff Act of 1930: amend relative to manufacture or production in Insular possessions (see bill S. 2911), 2598.

World trade: monetary reserves relative to, 1663.

1967 1st Session, 90th Congress

Analysis: S. 1446, Orderly Marketing Act, 8350.

Arms export financing, 21788, 21795-21797, 22089, 22090, 22093, 22095, 22096, 22097, 22101, 22102.

Committee on Banking and Currency, 21419.

Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of hearings, 7079.

Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of cancellation of hearing by, 16317.

Communist countries: trade with 22115, 22196-22198, 22200, 22201, 22204, 22394, 22400.

Domestic industry and workers: protect from injury by increased imports (see bill S.2476), 27033.

East-West trade, 22115, 22196-22198, 22200, 22201, 22204.

Export-Import Bank: bill (S. 1155) to extend and increase the authority of, 21786-21788, 21795-21797, 22089, 22090, 22093, 22095, 22096, 22101-22103, 22115, 22196-22201, 22204-22207, 22215, 22217-22220, 22225, 22393, 22394, 22398, 22400.

Export-Import Bank: amend bill (S. 1155) to extend and increase the authority of, 22200, 22203, 22204, 22226.

Export-Import Bank: Byrd amendment relative to countries trading with North Vietnam shall not receive credit from, 12177.

Export-Import Bank: New Zealand's embargo on North Vietnam trade, 23869.

Footwear: provide for orderly trade in (se bill S. 2540), 28882.

Foreign trade, 12429.

Groundfish: impose Import limitations o (see bill S. 2411), 25486.

Imported articles: provide for orderly marketing of (see bill S. 1446), 8337.

Imports: marketing of, 8350.

Imports: textile, 4983.

International Finance Subcommittee study of foreign trade by, 12429.

Letter: embargo on trade between New Zealand and North Vietnam, F. Corner, 23869.

List: developed countries for purposes of the IET, 22098.

List: members of Eximbank's advisory committee. 21788.

Motion Picture films: provide for free importation of certain (see bill S. 2744), 35499.

New Zealand: embargo on North Vietnamese trade by, 23869.

Orderly Marketing Act: introduction, 8350.

Subcommittee on International Finance: hearings, 12422.

Table: summary of operations, Export Import Bank, 21788.

Text of S. 1446, Orderly Marketing Act, 8350.

Textile industry: problems, 4983.

Textile imports: Impose quotas on certain (see bill S. 1796), 20341.

Trade agreements: prevent or remedy serious injury to domestic industry resulting from (see bill S. 1891), 14407.

Vietnam: lending of funds to countries supplying North, 22215, 22217-22220.

Wool and silk fabrics: amend tariff rates relative to (see bills S. 629, 1866), 1300, 13696.

1968 2nd Session, 90th Congress

B. J. Middleton, 17603.

Balance of payments: program to Improve, 17409.

Committee on Banking and Currency, 11144.

Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of hearings, 7834.

Export-Import Bank: bill (S. 1155) to extend and Increase the authority of, 3834-3836.

Export-Import Bank of the United: enable to approve extension of certain loans in connection with exports (bill S. 3218), 6931.

Export-Import Bank: bill (H.R. 16162) to extend authority of, 17409-17419, 17603.

Foreign trade: nontariff barriers, 5696, 9467.

Letter: balance of payments position of Export-Import Bank, H. F. Linder, 3836.

Memorandum: response to question of Senator Miller during debate on H.R. 16162.

Nontariff trade barriers: inventory, 5696, 9467.

Occidental Petroleum Corp.'s Import project, 29513.

Occidental Petroleum's Corp.'s Import Project (sundry), 29514-29516.

Paper: Trends In International Trade of United States, Howard S. Piquet and Merrill A. Watson, 18267-18283.

Re-refined lubricating oil: limit application of trade regulation rule with respect to (see bill S. 3890), 23490.

Report: Eximbank Transactions, Department of Commerce, 17412.

Roth, William, 5696.

Tables: exports and imports (selected data) (sundry), 18268-18281.

Tables: inventory of nontariff trade barriers by country, 5697-5703, 9468-9470.

1969 1st Session 91st Congress

Agricultural commodities: orderly marketing by producers (see bill S. 812), 2340.

Analysis: Orderly Marketing Act of 1969, 5691.

East-West Trade Relations Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2283), 13996.

East-West trade: update regulations, 9860.

Excise tax: amend bill (H.R. 12290) to continue on automobiles and communications services, 20069.

Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: print supplemental views on, 20711

Export Control Act of 1949: res( (H.J. Res. 864) to provide temporary extension for, 22887.

Export Administration Act of 1969 (H.R. 4293) to enact, 39205, 41136-41138.

Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: bill (S. 2696; H.R. 4293) to enact, 31004-31008.

Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: introduction, 9860.

Export Control Act of 1949: temporary extension of authority conferred by (see S.J. Res. 122), 15526.

Exports: continue authority for expansion and regulations of (see bills S. 1940,S.2696), 9831, 20702.

Fish and wildlife: prevent imports of endangered species (see bill S. 335), 6415.

Foreign trade: regulations, 9860.

Foreign Trade Zones Spark Lively Controversy S. M. Aug, Washington Star, 7255.

Hart, Philip H,: study of oil import quotas by, 11760.

Imported articles: orderly marketing of (see bill S, 1462), 5684.

Imports: recommendations on oil program, 34519.

Letter: oil import controls, M. R. Laird, five Senators, 34519.

Letter: oil import quota system, G.P. Shulty, by, 38668.

Machiasport, Maine: proposed foreign trade zone at, 7255, 9161-9163, 12059, 13031.

Memorandum: submission to Cabinet task force on oil import control, 27083.

Memorandum: national security and oil imports, five members of Committee on Armed Services, to Secretary of Defense, 34519.

Motion picture films: free importation of certain (see bill S. 755), 2137.

Oil Import Policy and Proposed Foreign Trade Zone at Machiasport, Maine, New England Senators, 9164.

Oil industry: import quotas, 11760.

Oil and gas wells outside United States: deny use of percentage depletion for, (see bill S. 2103), 11799.

Oil imports: controls, 34519.

Oil Import program, 1503, 1505, 1523, 6183-6185, 9161-9163, 38667.

Orderly Marketing Act of 1969: introduction, 5690.

Problem of Foreign Imports, by, 17771.

Problem of Extraterritoriality in Foreign Trade, Secretary Ball, 31007.

Resolution: free trade zone for Machiasport, Maine, Past Pomonas Association, 2670.

Text of S. 1462, Orderly Marketing Act of 1969, 5691.

1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress

East-West Trade, Senator Mondale, 19991.

Export trade: amend bill (S. 4268) to facilitate greater expansion of, 36832.

Imports: bill (S. 3723) to provide orderly trade In textile articles and articles of leather footwear, 21356.

Shultz and Senator Muskie Seek Foreign Trade Answers, Milton Jacques, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9171.

Social Security Amendments of 1970: amend bill (H.R. 17550) to enact, 22351, 42166, 42455.

1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

East-West Trade Relations Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 2620), 39575.

Motion picture films: temporary free importation of certain (see bill S. 1004), 4086.

1972 2nd Session, 92nd Congress

East West Trade Relations Act: amend bill (S. 2620) to enact human rights for Russian Jews. 33659.

Economic conditions: shoe Industry, 18962, 18963.

Export Control Administration Extension Act: bill (S. 3726) to enact, 26256.

Hides: control exports, 18962, 18963.

Letter: Shortage of hides in shoe industry, President Nixon, by, 26263.

Shoe industry: hide exports, 26256.

Shoe industry: economic problems, 18962, 18963.

Upholstery supplies: amend bill (H.R. 640) relating to duty free entry of certain, 33594.

1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

Agriculture: Sale of grain to Russia, 28928.

Cattlehides: permit President to reinstitute export controls on, 3763.

Cattlehides: reinstitute export controls on (see bill S. 791), 3762.

China's grain purchase: calling for a report on (see S.J. Res. 147), 29429.

Export controls: cattle hides, 3763.

Russia: grain deal, 28928.

Trade Reform Act of 1973: amend bill (H.6767) to enact, 11550.

United States-Soviet Trade Conference, by, 6540.

1974 2nd Session, 93rd Congress

Customs services: relative to certain responsibilities (see S. Res. 92), 21430

Income tax: terminate DISC benefits, 20739

Shoe Industry Needs Aid, R. S. Lockridge, Committee on Finance, 10891

Shoe industry: foreign imports hurt, 10891

Trade Reform Act: amend bill (H.R. 10710) to enact, 39812, 41170

Trade Reform Act: bill (H.R. 10710) to enact, 39766, 39812, 39815, 39816

1975 1st Session, 94th Congress

Dairy and Meat Import Inspection and Identification Act of 1975: enact (see S. 2598) bill, 34354

International Trade Commission: hearings on tariff concessions, 14933

Letter: Impact of tariff Concessions on Maine (sundry), 14934

Maine: impact of tariff concessions on, 14933

Tariff Concessions and Maine, International Trade Commission, by, 14934

Wool: Change Customs treatment Of Certain woven fabrics of (see S.1904), 18073

1976 2nd Session, 94th Congress

Fish netting: Provide lower rate of duty (see S.3270),10024

1977 1st Session, 95th Congress

Customs: reduce paperwork involved in entry process for travelers and goods (see S. 1405), 19162

Trade Negotiations on Shoes, William Scanlon, Leather & Shoes, 39340

1978 2nd Session, 95th Congress

Canada: indirect subsidies of fishing industry, 17472

Canadian fish: decision to waive the imposition of countervailing duties (see S. Res. 483), 17472

Export-Import Bank Act: amend and extend (S. 3077), 32578, 32600, 32855, 33002

Export Licenses and National Environmental Policy Act, President Carter (excerpts), 33031

Export-Import Bank Act: amend and extend (S.3077), 32581, 32835, 32836, 33007, 33030-33037, 33054-33057

Fishing industry: Canadian imports, 17474

Foreign trade: application of National Environmental Policy Act, 320039-33037, 33054, 33055

Hazardous Exporters, Jack Anderson, 33033

Letter: Canadian subsidies on fishing industry: by, 17472

Nuclear Plant Loan Challenged, Thomas O'Toole, Washington Post (sundry), 33034

Public Assistance Amendments of 1978: enact (H.R.7200, 13750), 35975, 36235

Sugar stabilization act: proposed, 35975

Table: Eximbank gross authorizations, 1975-78, 33036

Table: Estimated environmental impact statement preparation, review, and costs, 33036

Textile imports: amend duties or restrictions (H.R. 9937), 35962

Textiles and textile industry: protecting domestic industry, 32581

1979; 96th Congress, 1st Session

Animal hides: limit exports, 19969

Countervailing duties: extend temporary authority to waive imposition (H.R. 1147), 6542

Exports: minimize interference and improve efficiency of regulation (S. 737), 19969-19972, 19981, 19982

Exports: minimize interference and improve efficiency of regulation (S. 737), 19248, 19969

Foreign trade: authority to waive imposition of countervailing duties (H.R. 1147), 6542

Hides: threat to tanning industry, 19248

Leather industry: supply of hides, 19248

On the Trail for Cattlehides, Retailweek (publication), 19249

Trade agreements: approve and implement Tokyo's MTN (H.R. 4537), 20181