1959 1st Session, 86th Congress
Admiral Peary memorial ceremony, by Robert E. Peary, Jr., 5424.
Admiral Peary, Pole Discoverer: Glory That Led But to the Grave; Tribute to the Late Commodore Samuel Tucker, by Earle W. Gage in the National Republic publication, A5780.
Admiral Peary, Pole Discoverer, by Steve Riley In the Portland Telegram, 5425
Commodore Samuel Tucker: Peary's Arctic Trip, by Daniel Rapoport in the Portland Telegram, 5425
Frost, Robert: extend birthday greetings to (see S. Res. 95), 5162.
North Pole discovery: 50th anniversary, 5424
Peary, Adm. Robert U.: North Pole discoverer, 5424
1960 2nd Session, 86th Congress
Clauson, Clinton A.: eulogy, 384.
Resolution: Clinton Clauson eulogy, by the Maine congressional delegation, 385
Sermon: Clinton Clauson Funeral Service, remarks by Rev. Kenneth Garrison, 385
Prayer: Clinton Clauson Funeral, by Rev. John Daniel, 386.
Clinton Clauson Dies (sundry), from Maine newspapers, 386-388.
Editorial: Clauson Was Man of True Honesty, in the Waterville (Maine) Sentinel, 979.
New Senator From Maine, by Olga Arnold and Laura Winslow in Ameryka magazine, 5149.
Craig, May: tribute, 10114.
Eye of the Hurricane, by C. C. Furnas at commencement exercises, University of Buffalo , N.Y., A5049.
Julius B. Levine, at Class Day exercises, Harvard University, A5694.
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
Hennings, Thomas C.: eulogy, 2696.
Hope, Bob: present gold medal to (see S.J. Res. 88), 7925.
Baker, Robert G.: awarded degree, 9958.
Cormier, Lucia M.: tribute to, 12621.
Rayburn, Sam: present gold medal to (see S.J. Res. 133), 18869.
Russell, Harold: tribute, A7086.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Bridges, Styles: eulogy, 393.
Much Ado, by Walter Lippmann, in Washington Post, 1442.
Hayden, Carl: 50th anniversary of congressional service, 2413.
Smith, Margaret Chase: commendation of, 4958.
Douglas, Paul: 70th birthday, 4997.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: 25th anniversary of election to House of Representatives, 6213.
Bush, Prescott: retirement, 8496.
Tribute to Sister Miriam Theresa by Senator Morse, 8630.
Long, Oren E.: tribute, 22240.
Staith. Benjamin A., 11: tribute, 22253.
G. E. Bowe Winners, Bates College, F. M. Coffin, A2265.
G. E. Bowl Team Brings Fame to Bates College, Bates Bulletin, A2266.
May Craig: TV Star, Look magazine, Eleanor Harris. A2747.
1963 1st Session, 88th Congress
Assassination of President Kennedy, by, 24120.
Chavez, Dennis: eulogy, 3329.
Citations: May Craig and Don Larrabee, by American Legion, Department of Maine, 5088.
Cooper, Maj. L. Gordon: congratulations on orbital flight (see S. Res. 143), 8864.
Death of President Kennedy by Cumberland County Women's Democratic Club, 24125
Dworshak, Henry C.: eulogy, 3317.
Editorial: John F. Kennedy Eulogies (sundry) 24119-24125.
Kennedy, John F.: eulogy, 24119.
Kerr, Robert S.: eulogy, 3351.
Maine Basketball Finals, Boston Globe, J. Nason, A1841.
Memorials of legislature Maine. 6352, 7169, 9413, 9945, 10926.
Newsletter: Death of John F. Kennedy, by, 24119
1964 2nd Session, 88th Congress
Book review: The Burden and the Glory, John K. Galbraith, 12303
Caleb Lewis, by Gene Letourneau. from Portland (Maine) Telegram, A3917.
Editorial: Public Service Newspapers, Lewiston (Maine) Sun, A4402.
Kennedy, John F.: bill (S. 2603) to designate birthday a national holiday, 4662
Kennedy, John F.: designate birthday as legal holiday (see bill S. 2603), 4661.
Letter: John F. Kennedy, by Wolfgang Thuer, 3406.
Letter: John F. Kennedy: designate birthday a national holiday, 4662.
Memorials of legislature: Maine, 807, 16407.
Poem: for John Kennedy, of Harvard, E. Pole, 21220.
Poem: Who Was This Man? by Kathleen D. Wilson, 645.
Responsibility of the American Press, by Peter Thompson, 13675.
Thuer, Wolfgang, 3405, 3406.
Tribute to President Kennedy, by Norman cousins, 4392.
White, E. B.: presentation of Presidential Medal of Freedom to, 12303.
1965 1st Session, 89th Congress
Birthday of John F. Kennedy: designate a legal holiday (see bill S. 1629), 5827.
Children's Day in Sports: designate (see S.J. Res. 54), 3475.
Columbus Day: make a legal holiday (see bill S. 108), 169.
Engle, Clair: eulogy, 3837.
Hart, Philip A.: tribute, 11756.
Johnston, Olin D.: eulogy, 14375.
Memorial of legislature: Maine, 3723, 4493, 8396, 13327.
Office of the National Boxing Commissioner: establish (see bill S. 2124), 13194.
Smith, Margaret Chase: resolution (S. Res. 16) commending, 13520
Stevenson, Adlai S.: Print as Senate document all floor tributes to (see S. Con. Res. 43),19383.
Unsung Heroes, by Will Muller, in Detroit (Mich.) News, 6445.
Vacation In Maine, John McKelway, Washington Star (series), A4739, A4740
"Years of Lightning, Day of Drums" make film available for distribution (S. Con. Res. 4), 177.
1966 2nd Session, 89th Congress
Bane, Frank: tribute, 11251.
Commendation to Senator Robertson, by, 27360.
Craig, May: tribute, 3370.
Green, Theodore F.: eulogy, 11495.
McNamara, Pat: eulogy, 9545, 9546.
McNamara, Pat: retirement, 3880.
Memorials of legislature: Maine, 2622, 3102, 3514.
President Johnson's Tribute to May Craig, D. E. Hanson, Portland Telegram, 3370.
Retirement tribute to Walter L. Reynolds, by, 1277.
Reynolds, Walter L.: tribute, 1278.
Robertson, A. Willis: birthday tribute, 11595.
Salute to Senator McNamara 9545.
Tributes to May Craig (sundry), 3370-3373.
Truman, Harry S.: extend Nation's birthday greetings to (see S. Res. 252), 9546, 10064.
1967 1st Session, 90th Congress
Bean, L. L.: tribute, 3269.
Citation: Congressional Distinguished Service Award, 25666.
Currier, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R.: eulogy, 2958.
Disney, Walt: issue gold medal to widow of the late (see S.J. Res. 93), 21597.
Douglas, Paul H.: birthday tribute, 7964
Editorial: Bean Recommends, Washington Post, 3269.
Festival Singers of Toronto, 37099
Fogarty, John E.: eulogy, 9.
Gardner, John W.: tribute, 619.
Hayden, Carl: birthday tribute, 27406.
Herter, Christian A.: eulogy, 2958.
Moran, Edward C.: eulogy, 23524.
National Grange Commemorative Stamp Ceremony, 0. L. Freeman, 10918.
Obituaries: Edward C. Moran (sundry), 23524.
Thomas, Woodlief, 5335.
Tribute to John W. Gardner, Time, 619.
1968 2nd Session, 90th Congress
Article: Backstage in Crisis News, D. Larrabee, Portland Telegram, 3231.
Brotherhood and Conciliation, Maine State Society, E.M. Curran, 17395
Gardner, John W.: tribute, 5464.
Kennedy, Robert F.: memorial tribute, 24118.
Kennedy, Robert F.: eulogy, 16161.
Letter: tribute to Lewis 0. Odom, by, 29991.
McNamara, Robert S.: tribute, 5464.
Memorial Service for Martin Luther King, F. M. Coffin, 10500.
O'Brien, Lawrence F.: tribute, 9716.
Odom, Lewis G,: tribute, 24633.
Pierre Monteux Memorial Foundation, 8234.
State of Maine (sundry), 8219, 8220.
Tribute to Senator Hayden, by, 30433.
Violence: problem, 16161.
Watson, Marvin: nomination, 9716.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Anthony, Susan B., 4900.
Bartlett, E. L. "Bob": eulogy, 3928.
Baxter, Percival P.: eulogy, 18439.
Carl Hayden Project: rename Central Arizona Project (see S.J. Res. 28). 1649.
Cranston, Alan: tribute, 8645.
Death of Hughes Spalding, Senator Talmadge, 8650.
Degree awarded: honorarium, 24498.
Dirksen, Everett M.: eulogy, 32140.
Eisenhower, Dwight David: print eulogies on (see S. Con. Res. 16), 8607.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: eulogy, 8089
Fulbright, J. William: tribute, 8631.
Humphrey, Hubert H.: tribute, 19396.
Issuance of Dartmouth College Case Commemorative Stamps, Senator McIntyre, 27883.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: tribute, 1216.
King, Martin L.: anniversary of death of, 8618.
Libby, Winthrop C., 21137.
MacNaughton, Alan (Senator, Canadian Parliament): visit, 37476.
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 14), 8229
Percival Baxter Dies (sundry), 18439-18441.
Presidential Prayer Breakfast, by, 4487.
Tribute to Earl Warren, by, 17987.
Utah, U.S.S.: fly American flag over remains of (see bill S. 583), 1648.
Veterans Day, 33660.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Apollo 13 astronauts: prayer for safety (see S. Res. 388),11521, 11552.
Edgerton, Henry W.: eulogy, 4980.
Gore, Albert: tribute, 44795.
Green, James E.: killing, 19958.
Henry W. Edgerton Dies, Washington Post (sundry). 4980, 4981.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.: issue gold medal to widow of, and certain other medals (see bill S. 3643), 9574.
Maine Needs More Summer Residents like Gardiner Means, M. A. Nault, Maine Telegram, 37549.
Mansfield, Mike: tribute as Majority Leader, 21454.
McCarthy, Eugene J.: tribute, 42901.
Means, Gardiner C., 37549.
Proclamation: Queen Isabella Day, State of Maine, 12752.
Reuther, Walter: eulogy, 14845.
Stevens, John F.: tribute, 6611.
Text: Compromise proposal of H.R. 19333, 43236.
Tribute to John F. Stevens, Representative Flood, Explorers Journal, 6611.
Tydings, Joseph D.: tribute, 43835.
Yarborough, Ralph: tribute, 43165.
Young, Stephen M.. tribute, 44799.
1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress
Boy Scouts of America: National Explorers Presidents' Congress, 7679, 7680.
District of Columbia: designate "Benito Juarez Circle" in (see bill S. 2230), 23652.
Exploring – A New Path to a Better America, J. G. Hubbell, Reader's Digest, 7679.
The Heritage of Maine, Narraguagus Regional High School Commencement, by, 25970.
National Explorers Presidents' Congress of the Boy Scouts of America: commemorating (see S. Con. Res. 10), 7680.
National Hunting and Fishing Day: declare (see S.J. Res. 117), 30922.
National Engineering Technicians Week: designate (see S. J. Res. 145), 31911.
Poem: I Am Democracy -- Friend of Man, Sol Mann, 9740.
San Juan, Puerto Rico: anniversary (S. Con. Res. 11), 7680.
San Juan, Puerto Rico: commemorate anniversary of, 7680.
Sinatra, Frank: tribute, 22895.
Text: S. Con. Res. 10, commemorating the first annual National Explorers Presidents' Congress of the Boy Scouts of America, 7680.
Text: S. Con. Res. 11, commemorate the anniversary of San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7680.
1972 2nd Session, 92nd Congress
Dolloff, Maynard C.: NASDA president, 9458.
Lattimer Massacre Memorial, 30224.
Maurice M. Stein (sundry), 23105.
Proclamation, Lattimer Massacre Memorial year, 30224.
Stein Maurice M.: eulogy, 23104.
1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress
Afro-American History Week: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 56), 6517.
Cayer, Robert H.: tribute, 20868.
Constitution Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 117), 19969.
Coughlin, James B.: death in Rabat, Morocco, 20868.
Crank Call Saved by Bell, Washington Star-News, 30514.
Essay: My Responsibility to Freedom, Ruth E. Comber, 6556.
Harry S. Truman Institute, by, 365.
Hughes Harold: tribute, 35387.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: eulogy, 1846, 2097.
Johnson, Nicholas: retirement tribute, 40176.
Letter: Recent activities of Margaret Chase Smith, W. C. Lewis, 22588.
Letter: Termination of status as a Senator, Margaret Chase Smith, 22588.
Letter: Tribute to Robert H. Cayer, by E. C. Coughlin, 20868.
Marcy, Carl M.: retirement, 38610.
Margaret Chase Smith 9181.
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 20), 1138.
Memorial Service for President Truman. D. Berent, 4403.
National Hunting and Fishing Day: establish (see S.J. Res. 24), 8712.
Relative to sympathy on death of mother of, 17566.
Remarks in House relative to: Muskie, Josephine Czarnecka, eulogy, 18410.
Senator Hughes Wants to Work for God, L. Shearer, Parade, 35387.
Sermon, Forgotten Values, W.J. Robbins, 11910.
Smith, Margaret Chase: tribute, 9181.
Smith, Margaret Chase, recent activities, 22588.
Stennis, John C.: return to Senate tribute, 28474.
Town Meeting: Alive and Well In Maine, Day Thorpe, Washington Star-News, 9175.
Truman, Harry S: eulogy, 364, 365, 3507, 4403.
What's Margaret Smith Doing? B. Caldwell, Maine Telegram, 12674.
1974 2nd Session, 93rd Congress
Aiken, George D.: tribute, 41748
Bible, Alan: tribute, 41724
Biographical sketch, Marriner, Ernest C., 5824
Cotton. Norris: tribute, 41727
Dominick. Peter: tribute, 41111
Ervin, Sam J.: tribute, 7943, 41741
Farley. James A.: tribute, 25441
Ford. Gerald R.: resolution (S. Con 108) extending best wishes to, 27619.
Fulbright, J. William: tribute, 41097
Gruening, Ernest: eulogy, 25435
Hughes. Harold E.: tribute, 41086
Jim Farley Honored (sundry), 25441, 25442
Laetare Award to James A. Farley, University of Notre Dame, 25441, 25442
Little Talks on Common Things, E.C. Marriner, WTVL-Radio (sundry), 5821- 5824
Maine Made Sense, S. Garson, New York Times, 8705
Mansfield, Mike: record of service as majority leader, 28465
Marriner Presents 1,000th Broadcast, I. Faunce, Maine Telegram, U.S. Radio (sundry), 5824, 5825
Marriner, Ernest C.: 1000th radio broadcast, 5821
McIntire, Clifford G.: eulogy, 33188
Morse, Wayne: eulogy, 25414
Mundt, Karl: eulogy, 29878
Riddick. Floyd M.: tribute, 41730
Senate's Loss, New York Times, 25414
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Constitution Day: designating (see S.J. Res. 4), 5490
Craig, May: eulogy, 25412
Douglas, William O.:resignation from Supreme Court, 36713
Ethnic groups: strike medals commemorating contributions of (see S. 371), 17297
Keating, Kenneth B.: eulogy, 17036
Letter: Battle at Little Round Top at Gettysburg. J. Ben Rubin, 24102
Letter: Paying tribute to May Craig (sundry), 25412
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res.2), 215
May Craig Eulogies (sundry), 25413
Mrs. Smith Calls on Young People for Regeneration of American Will, Richard A. Plummer. Waterville (Maine) Sentinel, 35856
Retirement of Justice Douglas, St. Louis Post Dispatch (sundry), 36713-36718
Tribute to May Craig, Lawrence Spivak, Meet the Press, 25412
1976 2nd Session, 94th Congress
Bicentennial celebration, 22245
Douglas, Paul H. : eulogy, 32320
How the Lady Fights, Elizabeth Starratt, Yankee magazine, 3564
Kosciuszko-Hero of Two Worlds, Thomas Fleming, Reader's Digest, 8777
Kosciuszko, Tadcusz: tribute, 8778
Legion Elects Kennebunk Man Commander, Portland (Maine) Press-Herald, 28116
Maine Profiles: Some Recollections of Life in Rural 19th Century Maine, Lynn Franklin, Maine Telegram, 3548
Mansfield, Senator Mike: tribute, 5311, 30733
Mansfield, Senator Mike: tribute (see S. Res. 553), 30979
Mitchell, Nettie: tribute, 3548
Mitchell, Clarence M.: expressing gratitude for contributions (see S. Res. 353), 993
National Beta Sigma Phi Week; designate (see S.J. Res. 76), 7547
New York City to Vanceboro by Train, Douglas McVicar, Yankee magazine, 1291
Pike, Sumner T.: eulogy, 4381
So You're Coming to Bicentennial Washington, Changing Times. (publication), 10348-10350
Sumner T. Pike Dies (sundry), 4381-4384
Symington, Senator Stuart: tribute, 33789
Worthley, Mary Ginn: tribute, 3564
1977 1st Session, 95th Congress
Clark, Tom C.: eulogy, 19573
Eulogies: Lennartson, Nils A., by, 19915
Eulogies: Philip A. Hart (sundry), at Detroit Symphony memorial concert for late Senator, 10153-10155
Former Justice Clark Dies (sundry), 19573, 19574
Full Marriage Act of 1977, Herbert Stein, Wall Street Journal, 39345
Hale, Robert: eulogy, 709
Hart, Philip A.: memorial concert, 10153
Hart, Philip A.: eulogy, 4485
Humphrey, Senator: tribute, 26075
King, Martin L., Jr.: statue placed in Capitol (see S. Con. Res. 6), 12191
Kudos for Humphrey, Marquis Childs, Washington Post, 26076
Lennartson, Nils A.: eulogy, 19914
Lisagor, Peter: eulogy, 719
List: J. W. Middendorf, II's certificates of accomplishments, 4492
McClellan, Senator: eulogy, 39331
Middendorf, J. W., II: tribute, 4492
Mr. Justice, Bill Caldwell, Maine Telegram, 3046
National Ski Patrol System, Inc.: incorporate (see S. 1571), 15616
Nomination of Tyrone Brown, by, 37212
Obituary: Robert Hale Dies, Washington Post, 709
Paul Douglas: Gallant Warrior, G. Calvin Mackenzie, Bowdoin Alumnus (publication), 6737-6739
Phillip A. Hart, by, 4486
Randolph, Senator: tribute, 39423
Senator Randolph Will Go Again, Wheeling (W.Va.) News-Register, 39423
State of the State, James B. Longley, Maine State Legislature, 5738-5740
Tribute: To Edmund Urbanski, J. David Suarez-Torres, 4323
Urbanski, Edmund: tribute, 4323
Williamson, Robert B.: eulogy, 3046
Woodworth, Laurence N.: eulogy, 39327
1978 2nd Session, 95th Congress
Abourezk, Senator: tribute, 37693
Abruzzo, Ben: transatlantic balloon crossing, tribute, 26700
Allen, James B.: eulogy, 17108
Anderson, Maxie: transatlantic balloon crossing, tribute, 26700
Bartlett, Senator: extending best wishes (see S. Res. 593), 36847
Bartlett, Senator: tribute, 37447
Eastland, Senator: tribute, 37692
Eulogy: Senator Humphrey, Vice President Mondale, 586
Finney, Thomas D., Jr.: eulogy, 4200, 4201
Former Senator Payne Dies, Portland (Maine) Press Herald (excerpts), 18402
Hansen, Senator: tribute, 37692
Hatfield, Senator Paul: tribute, 37693
Hodges, Senator: tribute, 37692
Humphrey, Senator Muriel; tribute, 37691
Humphrey, Senator Hubert: eulogy, 585, 586
I Cannot Resist One More Happy Hubert Humphrey Memory, Malcolm Forbes, Forbes (magazine), 586
Metcalf, Senator: eulogy, 586, 588
Montoya, Joseph M.: eulogy, 19171
Newman, Larry: transatlantic balloon crossing, tribute, 26700
Payne, Frederick G.: eulogy, 18401
Payne, Frederick G,: eulogy (see S. Res. 486), 18401
Pearson, Senator: tribute, 37692
Pope Paul VI: expressing sorrow on death of (see S. Res. 535), 24622
Reflections on Hubert H. Humphrey, Anthony Hyde, American Church, London, England, 8308
Senator Metcalf Approaches His Final Session in Congress, Thomas Kotynski, Great Falls (Mont.) Tribune, 587
Sparkman, Senator: tribute, 37692
Thomas D. Finney, Jr., Eulogy: Clark Clifford, 4201
Thomas D. Finney, Jr. Senator Stevenson, 4201
Thomas D. Finney, Jr. W. DeVier Pierson, 4201
Transatlantic balloon crossing: tribute to participants, 26700
Tribute, 37688
1979 96th Congress, 1st Session
Bartlett, Dewey F.: eulogy, 4221
Bayh, Marvella: eulogy, 8549
Christmas spirit, 37566
Church, Senator: tribute, 27863
Colby College, Waterville, Maine: Robert E. Lee Strider contribution, 14618
Cundy's Harbor, Maine: D.C. memorial erected by Camp Fire Girls (S.J. Res. 83), 12849
Cundys Harbor, Maine: D.C. memorial erected by Camp Fire Girls (see S.J. Res. 83), 12825
Death of a Mainer, Portland (Maine) Press Herald, 1470
Five Faces of Maine, Peter Anderson, Boston Globe, 27625-27631
Historical facts: Harpswell's statue of Maine Lobsterman, 12849-12851
Intimate Side of a Senator, Teddy Roe, Living Wilderness (publication), 27866
Islanders Remember Rocky's Generosity, Portland (Maine) Press Herald, 1470
Jim Hannah Doesn't Like Santa Claus, Alice T. Larkin, Maine Times, 37566
Kennebunkport, Maine: tribute, 11320
King, Martin L., Jr.: designate birthday as legal holiday (see S. 25), 1321
Kreps, Juanita: tribute, 30141
Lee Metcalf Stood for Stewardship, Senator Church, Living Wilderness (publication), 27865
Legacy of Lee Metcalf, Dale A. Burk, Living Wilderness (publication), 27863-27865
Maine: problems and possibilities, 27625
Maine fishermen: D.C. memorial erected by Cundys Harbor (Maine) Camp Fire Girls (S.J. Res. 83), 12849
Maine Lobsterman: copy of statue placed in District of Columbia by Camp Fire Girls, 28314
Memorial service for Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1690
Metcalf Role in Forest Reform, Arnold W. Bolle, Living Wilderness (publication), 27865
Metcalf, Lee: tribute, 27863
Mitchell, Clarence M., Jr.: tribute (see S. Res. 104), 4996
Poem: Impressions of Kennebunkport, Maine, Dagny Hess, Brooklyn (N.Y.) Star, 11320
Robert E. Lee Strider, Lloyd Ferris, Portland (Maine) Telegram, 14619
Rockefeller, Nelson A.: eulogy, 1469
Rockefeller Loss Affects Maine Town, John Halvorsen, Portland (Maine) Press Herald, 1469
Sec. of Commerce: tribute, 30141
Strider, Robert E.: tribute, 14618