1959 1st Session, 86th Congress
Coolidge, Osvaldo R.: for relief (see bill S. 2164), 10591.
Electors of Federal officials: amend Constitution relative to qualifications of (se S.J. Res. 126), 16309.
Hawaiian statehood bill (see S. 50), 228.
President and Vice President: amend Constitution relative to election of (see S. J Res. 86), 7620.
1960 2nd Session, 86th Congress
Poll tax: eliminate as voting requirement in national elections (see bill S. 2868), 840.
House temporary vacancies, filling of (81. Res. 39) : to amend, 1503, 1749.
Electors of Federal officials: amend Constitution relative to qualifications of (see S.J. Res. 126), 1516.
Civil rights bill, 5103.
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
This Is My Country, before the Florida Civil Liberties Union by, 258.
Berryman, William L., for relief (see bill S. 591),1265.
Coolidge, Osvaldo R., for relief (see bill S.590),1265.
Simonian, Nishan Der, for relief (see bill S.592),1265.
Qualifications of electors: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res. 58), 3446.
Hegyi, Istvan and Paula, for relief (see bill S. 1531), 5447.
Kaszap, Terez: recommit bill for relief of, 9977.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Poll tax: resolution (S.J. Res. 29) to abolish, 4941.
Alexander Hamilton National Monument: resolution (S.J. Res. 29) to establish (use of, as vehicle for poll tax amendment), 4941.
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend relative to quotas (see bill S. 3043),5211.
Briganti, Salvatore: bill (S. 971) for relief of, 9486.
Attorney General's Opinion on Wiretaps, by Robert F. Kennedy, in New York Times, 9655.
Vote in Federal elections: protect rights of citizens to (see bill S. 3576), 14942.
Sui, Chin Wa, for relief (see bill S. 3740). 20283.
Mississippi: support efforts of President to enforce compliance with Federal court mandates in (see S. Con. Res. 96). 22119.
1963 1st Session, 88th Congress
Civil rights: voting right, public accommodations, employment opportunity, and for other purposes (see bill S. 1731), 11083,11173, 11541,
Columbus Day: make a legal holiday (see bill S. 108), 898.
Commission on Civil Rights: extend for 4 years (see bill S. 1117), 4528.
District of Columbia Home Rule Bill, 22654.
Foreword: Freedom of Speech and Press in America by E. G. Hudon; W.O. Douglas, A790.
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend to abolish national origins quota system (see bill S. 1932), 13751.
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend (see bill S. 747), 2012.
Law Observance and Individual Rights, by David L. Bazelon, before Federal Bar Association, 8410.
Our Nation of Immigrants, before American Immigration and Citizenship Conference, by, 7028.
Public accommodations: eliminate discrimination in (see bill S. 1732). 11083, 11173, 11541.
Registration and voting rights: protect constitutional (see bill S. 1283). 5951
Voting In Federal elections: further secure and protect rights of (see bill S. 666), 3142.
1964 2nd Session, 88th Congress
Bowdoin College: "Project '65" of, 18842
Bowdoin College Students Conducted Negro Talent Search, 18842.
Civil rights: educational talent search, 18842.
Civil Rights Act of 1964: bill (H.R. 7152) to enact, 6554, 6740-6742, 7199, 12613-12620, 13656, 13658. 14328.
Civil rights Act of 1964: review of titles, 12613-12620.
Civil Rights Act of 1964: title XII, amendment to establish, 13656, 13658.
Civil Rights: a Necessity for all Americans, Polish-American Veterans, by 14240.
Cloture petition, 12860, 12922.
Commission on Ethics in the Federal Government: amend resolution (S.J. Res. 187) to establish, 17203.
Der Simonian, Simon, his wife, and children: for relief (see bill S. 2908), 13580.
Fund raising: legislation to investigate partisan, 11894.
Humphrey, Hubert H . : tribute, 6554.
LaMountain, Bernard L.: for relief (see bill S.3195), 22215.
Poll tax: ratification of 24th amendment, 1078.
This Above All, by Sherry Lee Buxton, Strong (Maine) High School, A3911
Wallace, George: Wisconsin primary results, 7198.
1965 1st Session, 89th Congress
Cloture petition, 11188.
Coffin, Frank M.: nomination, 24092.
Equal rights for men and women: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res. 85),11336.
Immigration and Nationality Act: bill (H. R. 2580) to amend, 24780
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend (see bill S. 500), 696.
Internal Revenue Service: prohibit opening of mail by (see bill S. 1886), 10974.
Letter: Providing information on facilities to traveling public, by J. Connor, 24116, 24117
Litto, Ines M. F.: for relief (see bill S. 1127), 2609.
Presidency and Vice Presidency: amend Constitution relative to succession to (see S.J. Res. 1), 172.
Simone, Ellanore E.: for relief (see bill S. 2257), 15857.
Simonian, Simon D., et al.: for relief (see bill S. 1128). 2609.
Tentunian, Perouze: for relief (see bill S. 1533), 5152.
Voting rights: enforce Constitution relative to (see bill S. 1564), 5411.
Voting rights: amend bill (S. 1564) to enforce Constitution relative to, 9508
Voting rights: bill (S. 1564) to enforce Constitution relative to, 11756.
Wang, Lee K.: for relief (see bill S. 1274), 3474.
1966 2nd Session, 89th Congress
Death penalty: abolish under all U.S. laws (see bill S. 3646), 16958.
Federal employees: protect those of executive branch in enjoyment of their Constitutional rights (see bills S. 3703, 3779), 20544, 20839.
Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H.: bill (S. 1520) for the relief of, 4118.
Ines, Cita R. L,: for relief (see bill S. 3761), 20526.
La Mountain, Bernard L.: bill (S. 851) for relief of, 4118.
Morse, Mary F.: bill (S. 577) for relief of, 4118.
Persons living within Federal areas: require States to provide full rights and privileges to (see bill S. 3721), 19176.
Poddar, Dinesh K.: bill (S. 2663) for relief of, 19866.
President and Vice President: provide for direct election of (see S.J. Res. 163), 12343.
1967 1st Session, 90th Congress
Capital punishment: abolition of, 31589
Civil Rights Act of 1967: enact (see bill 8, 1026),3922.
Civil rights: fair housing, 22847.
Columbus Day: make a legal holiday (see bill S. 794), 2195.
Committee To Investigate Crime (Joint): create (see S.J. Res. 94), 17075.
Davis, Yvonne: for relief (see bill S. 2026) 17399.
Equal rights for men and women: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res 54), 31627.
Fair Housing Act of 1967, 22847.
Federal employees: protect those in executive branch in enjoyment of constitutional rights (see bill S. 1035) 4038.
Immigration and Nationality Act: amend (see bill S. 2524), 28535.
Ines, Cita Rita Leola: for relief (see bill S.107), 192.
Lindner, Teresa: for relief (see bill S. 1820), 13276.
Lindner, Teresa: adjudicate claim of (see S. Res. 127), 13276.
1968 2nd Session, 90th Congress
Civil rights: extend fair housing, 3252, 3253.
Civil rights: amend bill (H.R. 2516) to prescribe penalties for interference with, 2272, 3082.
Civil rights: bill (H.R. 2516) to prescribe penalties for interference with 3252, 3253, 4063.
Civil rights: President's message, 1140.
Cloture petition, 3236, 3807. 4064, 4576, 4844,4847,4860.
Convention of the Polish American Congress, by, 31443.
Firearms: require registration (see 3634), 17368.
Firearms: control interstate traffic in (see bill S. 3633), 16914.
Housing: extend fair, 3252, 3253.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: civil rights message, 1140.
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1967: bill (S. 917) to enact, 14754-14756, 14769.
Paper: Participation in ad hoc committee to confer with SCLC, 14835.
Problems of Crime, by, 26027.
Resolution: equal opportunity, U.S. Conference of Mayors, 4063.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Award: Anti-Defamation League Human Rights, B'nai Brith, to, 12440.
Black Panther Party: defuse situation between police and, 39648.
Chan, Yu: for relief (see bill S. 2587), 19022.
Chan, Shut Choy: for relief (see bill S. 2589), 19022.
Civil Rights Commission: authorize appropriations for (see bill S. 2455), 16526.
Committee to Investigate Crime (Joint): create (see S.J. Res. 5), 771.
Courts of the United States: Improvements in administration of (see bill S. 1506), 6216.
Davis, Yvonne: for relief (see bill S. 757), 2137.
Del Toro, Teresina: for relief (see bill S. 1777), 8598.
District of Columbia: grant representation in Congress (see S.J. Res. 56), 4298.
Electoral Vote Challenge, Washington Post, 160.
Electoral Challenge, New York Times, 686.
Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 1872), 11082.
Equal rights for men and women: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res. 61),4831.
Ezeszotarski, Waclaw Janusz: for relief (see bill S. 3040), 30331.
Federal employees: protect constitutional rights and prevent invasions of privacy (see bill S. 782), 2339.
Freedom of Speech and Assembly, Washington Post, 34532.
Fung, Yuen: for relief (see bill S. 2588). 19022.
Haynsworth, Clement F.: nomination, 35368.
Immigration and Nationality Act: revise (see bill S. 3802), 36964.
Immigration Act Amendments of 1969: enact (see bill S. 1694), 7641.
Kasmala, Jerzy: for relief (see bill S. 3250), 39629.
Lindner, Teresa: adjudicate claim (see S. Res. 77), 2151.
Lindner, Teresa: for relief (see bill S. 756), 2137.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, by, 11501.
Mok, Gun Wa: for relief (see bill S. 2586), 19022.
Moore, Dorothy G.: for relief (see bill S. 1113), 4297.
National Conference on Citizenship, by, 30560.
Office of Economic Opportunity: expanded legal services program (see bill S. 1291) 7661.
Omnibus Civil Rights Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2029), 10599.
President and Vice President: direct popular election (see S.J. Res. 1), 771.
President: amend Constitution relative to House of Representatives choosing of (see S.J. Res. 18), 7203.
Presidential elections: enable citizens who change residence to vote in (see bill 2165),12532.
Public education: permit Attorney General to institute certain actions for desegregation of (see bill S. 2375), 19271.
Resolution: Supreme Court prayer decision, South Parish Congregational Fellowship. 8645.
Right to vote: extend to 18-year-olds (see S.J. Res. 7), 7964.
Voting rights: extend to 18-year-olds (see S.J, Res. 147), 23526.
Voting Rights Act of 1965: extend relative to use of tests and devices (see bill S. 2456),16526.
Women: prohibit discrimination against, 4900.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 17399) making supplemental, 19449, 19594, 19930.
Carswell, G. Harrold: nomination, 10357.
Civil rights: school integration, 3779, 3780.
Cloture petition, 33811.
Commuter aliens: employment of, 5954, 5955.
District of Columbia Court Reform and Criminal Procedure Act of 1970: bill (S. 2601) to enact, 25187-25190.
District of Columbia: reorganize courts of and revise certain laws of (see bills S. 4080, 4081), 24115.
Education: Integration, 3779, 3780.
Elections: direct popular, 32356.
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1969: bill H.R. 514) to enact, 2756, 3779, 3780.
Hood County, Oreg.:amend bill (H.R. 914) for relief of, 24118.
Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1970: Introduction, 5954, 5955.
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3545), 5953.
Is Freedom Dying In America? H.S. Commager, Look, 25551.
Jackson State College: student killings at, 19958.
Jackson State, Washington Post, 16123
Kent State University: demonstrators killed, 14179.
Letter: Commuter alien problem, R. Clark, by W. Wirtz, 2963.
Mansfield, Mike: tribute, 20144.
Memorandum: Jackson State College disturbances, A. 0. Chambliss, 19959.
Pereira, Hedy Theresa: for relief (see bill S.3926),18281.
President Nixon, by, 19961.
President and Vice President: resolution (S.J. Res. 1) to provide direct popular election, 32356.
Relatively Silent Student Majority, American Newspaper Publishers Association, K. Brewster, 13140.
Report: Alien Commuter Problems, joint Labor-Justice group, 5963.
Report: "Commuter" Problem and Unemployment In American Cities on Mexican Border, Department of Labor, 5956.
Right to speedy trial: give effect to sixth amendment (see bill S. 3936), 26283.
Student disorders: aftermath, 16123.
Telegram: Jackson State College Killings, J. Mitchell, by, 19961.
Text: S.3545, Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1970, 5955.
To Seek a New Direction: Howard University in the 1970's, J. E. Cheek, 13140.
Tydings of No Joy, A. Campbell, New Republic, 23393.
Voting age: lower to 18, 20144.
Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970: authorize representation of Senate by counsel in judicial proceedings concerning constitutional validity of (See S. Res. 422), 23204.
1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress
Chicago South Side Chapter of the NAACP, by, 20146.
Civil rights: school segregation outside the South, 11329, 1133O.
Civil rights: equal employment opportunities, 40714, 40715.
Commission on Civil Rights: funds, 25918.
Demonstrations: expected April 24th, 9637.
Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and related agencies: bill (H.R. 9272) making appropriations for, 25918.
District of Columbia: grant congressional representative (see S.J. Res. 6), 271.
Downing, Kenneth W.: for relief (see bill S.1006), 4086.
Earth Day: FBI surveillance of, 10313-10315.
Earth Day Scare, Omaha World-Herald, 12701.
Education: Integration picture other than In the South, 11329, 11330.
Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 592), 1649.
Emergency School Aid and Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: bill (S. 1557) to enact, 11329, 11330.
Equal rights amendment: importance, 37495.
Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.2515), 31702.
Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement Act: need to enact, 40714, 40715.
FBI: intelligence surveillance by, 10313-10315.
Federal employees: protect constitutional rights and prevent invasion of their privacy (see bill S. 1438), 9087.
Federal courts: change a minimum age qualifications for jurors (see bill S. 1975), S11920.
Government of the United states: Promote public confidence in (see bill S. 343), 1369.
Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971: enact (see bill S. 1488), 9523.
Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971: introduction, 9553, 9554
Intelligence surveillance: invasion of privacy, 10313-10315.
Invasion of privacy: FBI, 10313-10315.
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Rehabilitation Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.2148),21979.
Law and Order: Beyond the Code Word, by, 25961.
Letter: Mexican commuter problems, R. Clark, by W. Wirtz, 9562.
Majority Who Are Women, Schenectady, N.Y., by, 47608.
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 5), 4099.
Muskie Dislikes Busing But Says It's Needed. J. M. Naughton, Washington Star, 31224.
Muskie Declassification Proposal Would Bury "Credibility Gap" (sundry), 45154-45156.
National Governor's Conference, San Juan, P.R., by, 32140.
Naturalization: amend Immigration and Nationality Act relative to certain tests for (see bill S. 2711), 36640.
Offenses against the United States: amend bill (S. 895) to provide for speedy trial for persons charged with, 38995.
Offenses against the United States: speedy trial for persons charged with (see bill S.895), 3405, 22749.
President: eligibility of naturalized citizens to hold office of (see S.J. Res. 161), 33582.
President and Vice President: direct popular election (see S.J. Res. 1), 4530.
President and Vice President: quadrennial enrollment of persons to vote in election of (see bill S. 1191), 6083.
Quality Integrated Education Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 683), 2168.
Rehnquist, William H.: nomination, 44644-44647.
Reflections on Death of Joetha Collier, Rivier College Commencement, Nashua, N.H. by, 25951.
Remarks in House: Charges against FBI activities, 10650, 11565, 15762-15765.
Report: Earth Day Rallies on April 22, 1970, FBI, 10315.
Report: "Commuter" Problem and Low Wages and Unemployment in American Cities on the Report: Mexican Border, Department of Labor, 9555.
Report: Alien Commuter Problems, Department of Labor, 9562.
The Right to Know and the Right to be Left Alone, 25962.
Rzeszotarski, Waclaw Janusz: for (see bill S. 1005), 4086.
Sakanishi, Noriko: for the relief (see b 2916), 43748.
Sellier, Victor Frederick: for relief (see bill S. 1409), 8513.
Spanish-speaking Americans: publication of economic and social statistics for (S.J..Res. 177), 41662.
Supreme Court: Rehnquist nomination, 44644-44647.
Text: S. 1488, Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1971, 9554.
To Restore America's Trust: Comments on the Pentagon Papers, Eugene Nickerson Testimonial Dinner, Garden City, N.Y. by, 25946.
To Stand in the Brandeis Tradition, by, 45770.
1972 2nd Session, 92nd Congress
Civil Rights Commission Act of 1972: enact (see bill S. 3121), 2460.
Death Penalty Suspension Act of 1971: act (see bill S. 1969), 17969.
Education Amendments of 1971: amend bill (S. 659) to enact, 4444.
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1972: bill (H.R. 13915) to enact, 34538-34547.
ITT Corp.: settlement of anti-trust case, 20257, 20258.
Kleindienst, Richard G.: nomination, 20257, 20258.
Minority businesses, 18950.
School busing: legislation, 34538-34547.
Space Age Industries' Challenge to Minority Businesses, Chicago Economic Development Corporation Conference, C. Delores Tucker, 18950.
1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress
An Anti-secrecy Plan, Montclair State College, by, 14155.
Ash, Roy L.: refusal to testify, 10984.
Bitsakou, Penelope C.: for relief (see bill S. 2306), 27114.
Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (Select): Watergate Investigation, 27146.
Congress: erosion of powers, 434.
Congressional Right to Information Act bill (S. 2432) to enact, 42104.
Congressional Right to Information enact (see bill S. 2432), 30066.
District of Columbia: representation In Congress (see S.J. Res. 76), 7714.
Electoral college: reform, 414.
Electronic surveillance: committee hearings on, 41564, 41565.
Essay: Secrecy and the Presidency, R. Berger, 25651.
Executive Privilege: R. Berger, 12174.
Executive Privilege: Senator Stevenson, 12172.
Executive Privilege and Government Secrecy, Committee on Government Operations, Senator Hughes, 15161.
Executive Privilege: R. G. Kleindienst, Senator Fulbright, and C. M. Clifford (sundry) 11621-11627.
Executive privilege: claim overruled, 27146.
Executive Privilege, by, 18793.
Federal officers and employees: procedure assuring Congress of access to information from, 42104.
Free press: public right to know, 3021.
Frostburg State College, by, 10471.
Government secrecy, 11592.
Introduction of Congressional Right to Information Act, by, 30072.
Judicial disqualification bill: enact (see bill S. 1064), 16708.
Law Day: pay tribute to law enforcement officers (see S.J. Res. 11), 4038.
McBridge, Roger: faithless elector, 414.
News media: freedom of the press, 3021.
Nixon, Richard M.: separation of powers, 433.
No Exit for Congress, New York Times, 434.
Parole Commission Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 1463), 10964.
Representative Mink, 15163.
Resolving the Constitutional Crisis, University of Toledo, by, 36143.
Special Prosecutor: establish Independent (see bill S. 2611), 35076.
Tyranny of Silence, New York Times, 434.
United States Versus the People, New York Times, 11592.
Wiretapping: committee hearings on, 41564, 41565.
1974 2nd Session, 93rd Congress
Brown Decision 20 Years Later, R. C. Maynard, Washington Post, 14914
Busing of students: legislation, 14913
Busing of students: value, 17292
Capital punishment: bill (S. 1401) establish mandatory imposition of, 6749
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 3355) to amend. 21133.
Congressional Response to President Nixon's message on Privacy, Senator Hart, radio, 5829
Court That Dared the Unknown, J. P. McKenzie, Washington Post, 14916
Crime: death sentence, 6749
Criminal code: relative to public officials, 223
Education Amendments of 1974: (S. 1539) to enact, 14913
Education: busing of students, 14913 17292
Equal Educational Opportunity, U.S. Senate, 1972, by, 14914
Freedom From Surveillance Act of 1974: introduction, 32841
Freedom from Surveillance Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 4062), 32831
Keep Pine Tree Legal Alive, Portland Express, 1401
Legal Services Corporation: bill (S.2686) to establish, 1400, 1401
Maine: legal services, 1401
Make It All Perfectly Legal, R. R. Korn and G. B. Craig, Washington Post, 223
National Institutions Reform Act: enact (see bill S. 3877), 26573
National Emergencies Act: enact (see bill S. 3957), 32287
Nixon, Richard M.: message on privacy legislation, 5829
Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc.: Marshall Cohen directs, 1401
Pine Tree Legal Is Worth Supporting, Biddeford-Saco Journal, 1401
Press release: Wiretap Hearings by Judiciary Committee, by, 8682
Privacy: President's message on, 5829
Public officials: criminal liability for actions, 223
Questions and answers, handling of classified materials, Department of Defense, 41699
Race, Schools and the Senate, Washington Post, 14914
Report: Additional Views on S. 1401, Senator Hart, 6749
Support Lawyers for the Poor, Brunswick Times Record, 1401
Topeka Treadmill: Linda Brown's City Faces a New Battle, A. Scott, Washington Post. 14917
Warren Court Reshaped Nation, Washington Post, 22804
Warren, Earl: eulogy, 22804
Where Has "Brown" Led in 20 Years? C. B. Motley, New York Law Journal, 14918
Wiretapping: legislation to prevent abuses, 32841
Without Busing, Would Anyone Care? W. Raspberry, Washington Post, 17292
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: proposed rules relative to discrimination (see S. Res. 235), 26777
Eijenshtein, Shalom Arye: relief (see S. 1412), 9882
Resolutions by organizations: Extension of voting rights. Maine Legislature, 12497
Voting Rights Act of 1965: bill (H,R. 6219) to extend, 24225
1976 2nd Session, 94th Congress
Civil Rights Attorneys' Fees Awards Act (S.2278) to enact, 32184
Conference on the Powers of the Presidency and Watergate Reform: participation of Maine citizens, 26571
Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and related agencies: bill (H.R. 14239) making appropriations, 20201
Hart, Senator Philip A.: tribute, 1278, 1882, 33809
Letter: Portland (Maine) Committee of Correspondence project, 19634,10136
Letter: Civil rights attorneys fees, Representative Rodino and IRS Commissioner Alexander, 32184
Melting Pot United States, Family Weekly (magazine), 2709
Philip Hart: Gentle Way as the Effective Way, Colman McCarthy, Washington Post, 1882
Portland ( Maine) committee or Correspondence: tribute, 19634
Portland (Maine) Committee Of Correspondence, 19635
Presidency Powers, Roscoe Pounds – American Trial Lawyers Foundation, 26571
Senator Phil Hart, Senator Kennedy, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1278
Table: Distribution of budget authority in H.R. 14239, 20201
Text: Declaration of Aspirations, Portland (.Maine) Committee of Correspondence, 19634
1977 1st Session, 95th Congress
Civil Rights Commission: resolution (S. Res. 178) for consideration of S. 1231, raise limitation on appropriations, 18741, 18742
Courts: additional appointment of district judges, amend bill (S.11), 6352
Federal judges: appoint additional (S. 11), 16092, 16094
Federal judges: additional appointment for district courts, amend bill (S. 11), 6352, 16092
Letter: Additional Federal district judges for Maine: by, 16092
Letter: Additional Federal district judges for Maine, Edward T. Guignoux, 16093
Maine: land claims for Indian tribes (see S. 842), 5642
Maine's Indian tribes: land claims (S. 842), 5698
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 9), 1156
Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe, Maine: land claims (see S. 842), 5642
Passamaquoddy-Penobscot Indian Tribes, Maine: land claims (S. 842), 5698
Penobscot Indian Tribe, Maine: land claims (see S. 842), 5642
What Are the Limits of the Law? George J. Mitchell, Jr., Bowdoin Alumnus (publication), 31975
1978 2nd Session, 95th Congress
Budget: constitutional amendment on it balanced, 26603-26605, 26607-26609
Degenhardt, Douglas J.: relief (see S. 3124), 14814
District of Columbia: cloture of debate on H. J. Res. 554, 26344
District of Columbia: congressional representation (H. J. Res. 554), 26603-26605, 26607-26609
ERA: cloture of debate on motion to proceed with extension of time for ratification by States (H. J. Res. 638), 31873, 32172
ERA: ratification extension (H. J. Res. 638), 27905
Government spending: automatic surtax to recoup previous year's deficit, 26603-26605, 26607-26609
Hyperlexis: Our National Disease, Bayless Manning, 7280-7284
Indian Land Claims Proposed Settlement, Maine House of Representatives, by, 4802
LaFlamme, Janice B.: relief (see S. 3123), 14814
Letter: Indian land claims, to Governor Longley, by, 14817
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, Joseph E. Brennan for State of Maine, 15015
Maine Indian Land Claims — Facing Up To It, John S. Day, Bangor (Maine) News, 14817
Maine: resolution of Passamaquoddy and Penobscot Indians land claims, 7513, 11475
Maine Land Claims Deal Means Heads We Win, Tails You Lose, Peter Slocum, Associated Press, 14817
Maine; settle Indian land claims (see S. 3130), 15014
Memorandum: Joint Agreement of Understanding on Resolution Of Indian Land Claims in Maine, 7518
Murray, Paul F.: nomination, 18713
Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe: resolution of Maine land claims, 7513, 11475
Penobscot Indian Tribe: resolution of Maine land claims, 7513, 11475
Report: Resolution of Indian Land Claims in Maine — Recommendations, William B. Gunter, 7518
Resolution of Indian land claims in Maine, White House task force, 7513-7518
States: ERA ratification extension (H. J. Res.638), 27905
Table: Budget receipts and outlays, 1789-1979, 26608
Text: S. 3130, Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, 15014
White House Efforts To Resolve Maine Indians Land Claims, Eliot R. Cutler, 114754-11477
1979; 96th Congress, 1st Session
Budget: constitutional amendment on a balanced, 17532-17534
Constitutional Amendment to Require a Balanced Budget, Senator Culver, 4227
Constitutional Restraints on Federal Spending: Alan Greenspan, 4445
Constitutional Amendments to Balance the Budget, National Press Club, by, 2587-2589
Constitutional Restraints on Federal Spending: Walter W. Heller, 4443-4445
Dept. of Justice: appropriations (S. 1157), 13233
LEAA: improving assistance to State and local governments (S. 241), 11846
Memorandum: Constitutional Restraints on Federal Spending: Library of Congress, 4454- 4460
Memorandum: Constitutional Restraints on Federal Spending: Committee on Budget (Senate), 4452, 4460
President: constitutional amendment on direct popular election (S.J. Res. 28), 17532-17534, 17764, 17765
Table: Postwar growth of major forms of debt (selected data), 4444
Vote for the Federal President, New York Times, 17765