1959 1st Session, 86th Congress
Des Plaines Refuge Area: land conveyance, 14595-15502, 15638, 15640, 15641, 15643, 15644,15649,15652.
Harpers Perry National Monument: additional land acquisition, 18876.
Interstate Highway System: extend time for approval of cost estimates (see bill S. 1826), 6959.
Public lands: amend act relating to withdrawals from (see bill S. 2587), 18108
1960 2nd Session, 86th Congress.
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission: establish (see S.J. Res. 152), 956.
Northeastern Water and Related Land Resources Compact: consent of Congress to (see bill S. 2842), 591.
National transportation system: strengthen and improve (see bills S. 2935, 3020). 1581, 2407.
Natural resources: accelerate development and utilization of (see S.Res. 311) 8995
Water resource and development program: continue study of United States and Russian (see S. Res. 325), 10750
Arlington National Cemetery: enlargement of (see bill S. 3717), 13704.
Arlington National Cemetery: enlargement, 13706.
Arlington National Cemetary: establish memorial area for medal winners, 13706.
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
Northeastern Water and Land Resources Compact: consent of Congress to (see bill S. 374), 553.
Udall, Stewart L.: Cabinet nomination, 1035.
Douglas, William 0.: speech on natural resources, 6943.
Natural Resources, by William 0. Douglas, 6944.
Tellico Plains, Tenn., by Senator Ellender, 9980.
Federal-aid highway bill (H.R. 6713), to amend, 10223.
Nursery tree planting: use certain soil bank funds for (see bill S. 2563), 19710.
Use of Certain Property for State Forestry Work, by, 19710.
State forestry work: permit certain property to be used for (see bill S. 2638), 21232.
Letter: Conservation in national forests, to the President, 21243.
Udall, Stewart L.: tribute, 21334.
Pleas for a Green Legacy, by Stewart L. Udall, 21334.
Letter: Maine conservation program, to Governor Baxter, from Secretary Udall, 21334.
1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress
Mass transportation systems: additional assistance to metropolitan areas for (see bill S. 3126), 7006.
Amend: Public works standby authority bill (S. 2965),9268.
Department of the Interior and related agencies: bill (H.R. 10802) making appropriations, 10265.
1963 1st Session, 88th Congress
10th Anniversary of Paderewski's Interment in Arlington National Cemetery, by Michael Kwapiszewski, 8200.
Air pollution: bills (S. 432; H.R. 6518) to improve existing program , 22322-22331, 22334, 24083-24085.
Air pollution control program: accelerate, extend, and strengthen (see bills S. 432, 444). 801, 20532.
Alaska Public Sale Act: bill (S. 535) to extend principles of equitable adjudication, 11364.
Amend: Income tax: bill (H.R. 8363) to reduce individual and corporate, 23084.
Amend: Mass transportation systems: bill (S. 6) to assist in development of, 5623.
Analysis of S. 649 to amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 1456.
Committee on Public Works: filing of minority views, 18730,
Committee on Public Works, 18753, 21268.
Dedication of Paderewski Memorial Tablet In Arlington National Cemetery, by President Kennedy and others. 8200.
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration: establish (see bill S. 649). 1430.
General Services Administration: bill (S. 1139), relative to air conditioning, 11368.
Interstate Highway System: bill (S. 1416) to provide for submission of certain cost estimates, 11366.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Center: rename National Cultural Center as (see S.J. Res. 136), 23755.
Letter: Air pollution legislation, by G.H. Decker, 22327.
Letter: Disposal of Ellis Island, to Senator Case of New Jersey, by, 3886
Letter: Water pollution bill (sundry), 18773, 19642,19643,19758.
Mass transportation systems: bill (S. 6) to assist in development of, 5623.
National Cultural Center Act: amend to authorize funds and designate as John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Center (see bill S. 2341), 23755.
Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 8199.
Patent Policies of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, by Manuel B. Hiller. 22324.
Patents Resulting From Publicly Financed Research, 22324.
Text of S. 649 to amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act,1455.
Water and air pollution treatment works: assist small business to obtain (see bill S. 737), 2089.
Water and air pollution treatment works: deduct from income tax expenditures for construction or acquisition of (see bill S. 736), 2089.
Water pollution: aid cities in building sewers and sewage treatment plants, 1454.
Water Pollution Control Act - proposed legislation, 18773.
Water Pollution Control Act: bill (S. 649) to amend. 19641-19651, 19664-19667, 19672, 19673, 19677, 19678, 19682, 19758, 19759.
Water Pollution Control Federation, 19647.
We Are Poisoning the Air by Senator Ribicoff, in Look magazine,19114
WHO Names Excesses that can Cause Cancer, from Washington Post, 24085.
1964 2nd Session, 88th Congress
Air pollution: automobile manufacturers efforts to combat, 19564.
Air Pollution Linked to Wide Range of Ills, Washington Post, H. Simons, 15076.
Air Pollution: problems of, 6261.
Air Pollution, Reporter Magazine, by C. W. Griffin, Jr., 22073.
Air Pollution, Washington Area Cleaner Air week Ceremony. by, 13112
Air pollution: work of R. R. Tucker against, 13604.
Appalachian Trail: facilitate management, use, and public benefits from (see bill S.2862), 12549.
Arnold's March to Quebec, C. P. Bradford, 7416.
Auto Firms Say Smog Unit Can Be Built on 1966 Cars, Wall Street Journal, 19564.
Automobiles: exhaust pollution, 6261.
Committee on Public Works: pollution hearings by, 6261.
Fish killed by water Pollution, 15192-15194.
Interstate Air Pollution Study Luncheon, R. R. Tucker, 13604
Letter: Fish kill investigation in Memphis, Tenn., correspondence with G. E. McCallum, 19736.
Letter: Roosevelt Campobello International Park, to President Kennedy and President Johnson, by, 1031, 1032.
National Rivers and Harbors Congress, K. Holum. 12931
Polluted Air We Breathe, Labor's Economic Review, 14730.
Proposes Campobello Park as Memorial to Roosevelt, by Donald C. Hansen, in Kennebec Journal, 1031.
Roosevelt Campobello International Park: bill (H.R. 9740) to establish, 1030, 14748-14751.
Roosevelt Campobello International Park: established (see bill.S. 2464), 1029.
Table: fish killed by water pollution: selected data, 15193.
United States and Canada Agree on Power and Campobello, by William M. Blair, in New York Times, 1032.
Water pollution, 15192-15194.
Water Quality and National Interest, Duke University, by, 8757.
1965 1st Session, 89th Congress
Air pollution: bill (S. 306) to control fumes from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles, 10782.
Air pollution: legislation to prevent, 374.
Allagash River: preserve, 11879.
Analysis: S. 306 to amend Clean Air Act, 376.
Analysis: S. 4, to control and abate water pollution, 189.
Analysis: S. 560, to control air and water pollution, 734.
Appalachian Trail: facilitate management, use, and public benefits from (see bill S.622), 883.
Article: Aging Lake Erie, Washington Post, J. M. White, 6545.
Atmospheric research: coordinate, 15773-15776.
Automobiles: control air pollution caused by diesel engines and, 10782
Committee on Public Works, 1350, 5473, 10500.
Conservation: funds for land and water, 11879.
Continental Shelf: program to develop resources of (see bill S. 1091), 3478.
Department of Marine and Atmospheric Affairs: establish (see bill S. 2251),15770.
Department of Marine and Atmospheric Affairs: establish, 15773-15776.
Federal Air Pollution Control Laboratory: establish (see bill S. 306), 370.
Federal-aid highways: assist States in purchase of lands and easements for scenic purposes along (see bill S. 362), 8406.
Federal buildings: control air and water pollution by, 5870.
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration: establish (see bill S. 4), 166.
Federal Air Pollution Control Laboratory: bill (S. 306) to establish, 25850.
Federal Air Pollution Control Laboratory: authorize, 10782.
Federal-aid highway systems: bill (S. 2084) to provide for scenic development and beautification of, 23872, 23875, 23876, 24116, 24117, 24127-24132, 24143.
Importance of Oceanography, J.H. Wakeline, 15773
Introduction of Captain Cousteau to Ocean Science and Engineering Conference, J. H. Wakelin, 19568.
Letter: Regulate exhaust fumes from motor vehicles, W.J. Cohen, 25850
Letter: Legislation to prevent water pollution, A.J. Celebrezze, 1504
Magnuson, Warren G.: tribute, 19567.
Marine research: coordinate, 15773-15776.
Motor vehicles: regulate exhaust fumes from, 25850.
National Wild Rivers System: amend bill (S. 1446) to reserve lands for, 11879.
National Humanities Foundation: establish (see bills S. 111, 316), 169, 1283.
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities: establish (see bill S. 1483), 11818.
National Wild Rivers System: add State designated areas 11879.
National Oceanographic Council: bill (S. 944) to establish, 19567.
Natural beauty- President's message, 2356.
Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering Conference, Jacques Cousteau, 19568
Oceanography: expand, 19567.
Patents: Private industry using Government grants to secure, 1532, 1535.
Pollution: legislation to control air and water, 732
Pollution: bill (S. 560) to control from Federal buildings air and water, 5870.
Randolph, Jennings, tribute to, 24143.
Resolution: Federal Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, 1505
Text of S. 4, to control and abate water pollution, 188
Text of S.306, to prevent air pollution, 375
Text of S.560, to control air and water pollution, 733
Text of S. 2251, to establish Department of Marine and Atmospheric Affairs, 15776.
Tribute in House, 26371.
Washington Navy Yard: preserve as historic interest certain structures and lands of (see bill S. 1927), 11192
Water Pollution: legislation to control and abate, 186.
Water and air Pollution abatement works: permit 36-month tax amortization of (see bill S. 1670), 6502.
Water pollution: bill (S. 4) to prevent, 1503-1508, 1509, 1511,1518, 1519, 1527-1533, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1541, 1543, 1545, 18537, 24560.
Water and air pollution: Improved cooperation by Federal agencies to control (see bill S. 560), 698.
Water pollution: problems, 6543, 6545.
What is Pollution -- to a Conservationist? Society of Civil Engineers, R. H. Stroud, 6543.
1966 2nd Session, 89th Congress
Air Pollution, L. Kavaler, Redbook, 17706.
Air pollution control: bill (S. 3112) to authorize grants for programs, 15249-15261, 15253, 15255, 15257, 15258, 26808.
Air pollution: authorize study of means of propelling vehicles so as not to contribute to (see bill S. 3911), 26735
Analysis: S. 2987, Clean Rivers Restoration Act, 4233.
Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (S. 3) : print additional copies of (see S. Res. 208), 950.
Architectural Advisory Board and Art Advisory Board: establish in General Services Administration (see bill S.3521), 13469.
Architecture: legislation to Improve Federal building, 13474.
Art: program for acquisition for Federal buildings work of, 13474.
Article: Air Pollution, from Conservation Foundation, A5899.
Automobiles: pollution control devices, 26736.
"Baby TVA" in Maine, Textile Workers Union of America, 24689
Clean Rivers Restoration Act: introduction, 4234.
Clean Air Act: amend to authorize grants to air pollution control agencies (see bill S. 3112), 6331.
Coastal Pollution Problems, Portland Telegram (series), 15587-15595
Committee on Public Works: additional staff and funds for (see S. Res. 206), 949, 950.
Committee on Public Works, 949, 15066, 15068, 27521.
Committee on Public Works: projects approved by, 26000.
Committee on Historic Preservation (Special): With Heritage So Rich, published by, 2629.
Committee on Public Works: resolution (S. Res. 206) to authorize studies by, 3413.
Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (Select) : create, 20542
Committee on Technology and Human Environment (Select) : establish (see S. Res. 298), 20527, 20543.
Developing Abatement Policies under the Clear Air Act, W. H. Megonnell, Journal of Air Pollution Control Association, 13197.
Diplomacy With a Difference, by Arnold D. P. Heeney, A5896.
Editorial: Muskie Forcing Congress To Enact Antipollution Measures (sundry), 15595.
Editorial: Can Industry Afford Not To Be a Public Nuisance? Factory, L. R. Bittie, 3130.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Improve and make more effective certain programs under (see bill S. 2947), 3421.
Federal Pollution Agency is short on Men, Morale, and Momentum, Engineering News-Record, 11531.
Federal building: improve architecture and art acquisitions for, 13474.
Foreword: With Heritage So Rich, Mrs. Lyndon B Johnson, 2629.
Four New Water Pollution abatement Cases in the Works, G. W. Fishbein, Environmental Health Letter, 13195.
Funds Devoted to Training Grant Programs, Water Pollution Control Administration, 15597.
Health Letter, 13195
Hearings on Water Quality Act of 1966 (S. 4) : print additional copies of (see S. Res. 207), 950.
Heeney, Arnold D. P.: tribute, A5896.
Highway Safety Act: bill (S. 3052) to enact, 20037.
Highways: proposed guidelines for advertising on, 3127.
Historic sites: legislation to preserve, 6097
Historic properties: bill (S.3035) to establish program for preservation of additional, 15167.
Historic buildings: need to rescue, 11245
How Humble Combats Water and Air Pollution, Oil and Gas Journal, 18356.
Interview: Citizen Action Program, General Electric Forum, by, 317.
Let's Take the Panic Out of Pollution, A. Anable, Boating, 12421.
List: Members of Special Committee on Historic preservation, 2630.
Memorandum: Justification of cost estimate, conference of sanitary engineers survey, L. G. Billings, 27245.
Must We Pay the Piper? Utah State University, Senator Moss, 15613.
National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: establish (see bill S. 3097), 6088.
National register of historic sites, buildings, and objects: establish (see bill S. 3098), 6088.
National Water Commission: establish (see bill S. 3107), 6895.
North Platte River: clean up of, 8694.
Our Air and Water Can Be Made Clean, Life, 19494.
Outdoor advertising: proposed guidelines, 3127.
Plan Needed To Rescue Historic Buildings, A. M. Rains, Virginia Law Weekly, 11245.
Pollution: legislation to amend Clean Air Act, 6334.
Pollution: industrial air, 3130.
Pollution: program to control river, 4234.
Pollution: air, 13197.
Pollution: study means of propelling vehicles to reduce air, 26736.
Pollution: water, 2006, 8694.
Pollution: program to improve water, 3454.
Pollution: Humble Oil Co. combats, 18356.
Preface: "With Heritage So Rich," Representative Rains, 2629.
Public works: bill (H.R. 17787) making appropriations for, 25790.
Redwood National Park: preserve trees within boundaries of proposed (see S.J. Res. 192), 22157.
Report: Special Committee on Historic Preservation, 2630.
Ruhr River: Pollution control, 19495.
Science and technology: utilize, 20542.
Sick River Is Returned to Nature, R. Gannon, True, 8695.
Simpson, Milward L.: water pollution eforts of, 8695
Table: projects approved by Committee on Public Works, 26000, 26001.
Table: comparison of funds for Clean Waters Restoration Act, 27244.
Table: air-pollution agencies, by States, A5903, A5904.
Text of S. 2947, amendments to Water Pollution Control Act, 3455.
Text of S. 3097, to preserve historic stuctures as part of urban renewal projects, 6097.
Text of Senate Resolution 298, to create Select Committee on Technology a Human Environment, 20543.
Text of S. 3521, Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act, 13475.
Text of S. 3098, to promote and coordinate historic preservation activities, 6099
U.S. coastal and Great Lakes shorelines: authorize appraisal report of (see bill S. 3798), 23569.
Water Pollution Control, F. C. Di Luzio, 25447.
Water Pollution Control Act: amend. 3454.
Water Pollution Control Administration: transfer of, 13195.
Water pollution control and abatement: provide nationwide program of (see bill S. 2987), 4233.
Water Pollution Control Act: extension of time for cosponsors to S. 2947 to amend, 4241.
Water pollution control facilities: construction of, 19493.
Water Quality, American Water Works Association, by, 5984.
Water: steps toward clean, 2006.
Water Pollution Control Act: bill (S. 2947) to improve and make more effective programs for, 15585-15587. 15596-15599, 15602, 15603, 15611-15613, 15615, 15629, 27244-27237.
Williamson, Arthur E., 8694.
1967 1st Session, 90th Congress
"Strategy for a Living Environment": report, 23538-23540
Air Quality Act of 1967: bill (S. 780) to enact, 19164-19174, 26308, 32079, 32475-32477, 32479.
Air pollution: authorize study of means of propelling vehicles so as not to contribute to (see bill S. 451), 612.
Air pollution: authorize study of means of propelling vehicles so as not to contribute to, 612.
Air pollution: amend bill (S. 780) to establish regional commissions and standards for, 10564.
Air Pollution Control Bill Passed by Senate, M. Zeldin, Conservation Foundation, 22188
Air pollution: establish regional commissions and standards for (see bill S. 780), 1978.
Air Pollution Control, Citizens for Clean Air in New York, Senator R. F. Kennedy, 17658.
Air pollution: proposals to reduce automobile emissions, 30069.
Analysis: S. 1646, funds for construction of solid waste disposal facilities, 10979.
Article: Air Pollution, V. G. MacKenzie, National Engineers Week, 4475.
Automobiles: air pollution, 30069.
Automobiles: pollution control devices, 612.
Clean Air Act: amend to improve and expand, 1996.
Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (select) : establish, 1508.
Committee on Public Works, 18918, 28085, 35669.
Committee on Technology and Human Environment (Select) : establish (see 8 Res. 68), 1492, 1509.
Conservationists take a hand in Sanitary Waste Disposal, Soil Conservation, 16069
Editorial: Time to Fish or Cut Bait, American Forest, 4472.
Editorial: Battle for Clean Air, New York Times, 26308.
Editorial: False Economy in Water Pollution Control Budget, Washington Star, 23865.
Edmund S. Muskie -- Clearing the Air, Forbes, 18141
Electrically powered vehicles: authorize program of research and development for (see bill S. 453), 583.
Elizabeth, Queen Mother: Canada's Visitors' Center opened by, 23043.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: bill(S. 2760) to authorize research programs, 35670.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act: bill (S. 1582) to foster high standards of architectural excellence, 10124.
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration: funds for, 23035.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act enact (see bill S. 1582), 10119.
Fog, Mist didn't Dampen Welcome Given Queen Mother, A. Hellmuth, St. John Telegraph-Journal, 23044.
Gregg, Frank: appointment to New England River Basin Commission, 27427.
Harmful fluids carried in vessels: Coast Guard to conduct research dealing with release of (see bill S. 1585), 10119
Johnson, Lyndon B.: message on protecting our natural heritage, 1938.
Lake pollution: authorize research and demonstration programs for control of (see bill S. 2760), 35669.
Letter: creation of Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (sundry), 24312-24320.
Letter: control water pollution from vessels, S. L. Udall. 28544.
Letter: battle for clean air, New York Times, by, 26308.
Letter: opening Roosevelt Campobello International Park, Queen Mother Elizabeth, by President Johnson, 23044.
Letter: financing clean water, Julia D. Stuart, Washington Post, 23036.
Modification of the Clean Air Act, National League of Cities, Senator Boggs, 7113.
Muskie Delivers Johnson Message to Queen Mother, Portland Press Herald, 23045.
National tidal and Great Lakes shoreline: authorize appraisal report of (see bill S.1262), 6384
National Wildlife Federation Award to, 4473.
National Electric Car Day: designate (see S.J.Res. 48), 5481.
National Water Commission: establish (see bill S.20), 190.
Oceangoing vessels: authorize President to remove threat to navigation, safety, marine resources, or coastal economy of certain (see bill S. 15860), 10119
Oil Pollution Act of 1924: amend (see bill 1591), 10229.
Oil Pollution Act of 1924: bill (S. 1591) to amend, 10235.
One Pollution Act Hinders Another, Fred P. Graham, New York Times, 10235.
Plan on Electrically Powered Vehicles: report, 30070.
Pollution: attack on air, 1938, 1941, 1942. 1938, 1941, 1942.
Pollution: control vessels on navigable waters, 28542.
Pollution: water, 23035, 23865.
Pollution: legislation to control air, 1996, 8573, 8574, 17658, 19164-19174, 32079, 32475-32477.
Provisions of Vessel Pollution Proposed Legislation, S. L. Udall, 28544.
Public works: sewage treatment facilities, 28349-28351.
Queen Mother Returns to Campobello, J. Fenton, New York Times, 23045.
Queen Mother Dedicates Center at Campobello, K. Buckley, Bangor News, 23045.
Queen Mother Elizabeth Visit to Roosevelt Campobello International Park, Senator Muskie and others, 23044.
Radiation emissions from electronic products: provide protection from (see bill S.2067), 18076
Remarks in House: proposed amendment to Solid Waste Disposal Act, 11346.
Report: Automobile and Air Pollution Panel on Electrically Powered Vehicles (summary), 30069.
Roosevelt Campobello International Park: Queen Mother Elizabeth's visit to, 23043.
Scientific and technological knowledge: more effective utilization of, 1508.
Sermon: Air and Water Pollution, Washington Cathedral, M. Hamilton, 17419.
Setting Goals for Clean Air, National Conference on Air Pollution, by, 1939.
Socio-technological Revolution, Association for Computing Machinery, Senator Baker, 28095
Solid Waste Disposal Act: legislation to amend relative to construction of facilities, 10979.
Solid waste disposal facilities: authorize grants for construction of (see bill S 1646), 10979.
Table: needs of municipal waste treatment facilities, 1609.
Table: funds requested by Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, 28350, 28351.
Table: per capita distribution of public works authorizations, 31601.
Task Force on Environmental Health and Related Problems: report by, 23538-23541.
Text of S. 1646, funds for construction at solid waste disposal facilities, 10979.
Text of S. 1582 to foster high standards of architectural excellence, 10124.
Text of S. 2525, control pollution from vessels, 28543.
Text of S. 451, study means of propelling vehicles to reduce air pollution, 612.
Text of S. Res. 68, to establish Select Committee on Technology and the Human Environment, 1509.
Text of S. 780. Air Quality Act, 1996.
Vessels on U.S. navigable waters: control pollution from (see bill S. 2525), 28535.
Water pollution: sewage treatment facilities, 28349-28351.
Water pollution: funds for control needs, 1609, 1610.
Water: funds for clean, 23035.
Water and air pollution abatement works: permit 36-month amortization of cost of (see bill S. 950), 4240.
Water: abate industrial pollution, 4472.
Water pollution: vessels, 28542.
1968 2nd Session, 90th Congress
Appropriations: bill (H,R. 17734) supplemental (second), 18842, 18843.
Automotive standards: control of air pollution, 284.
Committee on Public Works, 20126, 22528.
Committee on Public Works: notice of hearings, 7221, 7222.
Conservation: President's message, 5975
Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service, 18244.
Dedication of St. Croix National Monument, E. A. Connally and others, 22857-22859.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: establishing Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Service, 18244.
Editorial: To Save Nation, New York Times, 8212.
Essay: History of St. Croix Island, 22856.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: conservation message, 5975, 7098.
Ocean Eagle Disaster, by, 6089.
Oxides of sulfur: research in effects on health of, 18842.
Pollution: legislation to control water, 20463-20471, 20474.
Pollution: water, 7221, 7222.
Pollution: Federal program to control air, 283.
Pollution: air, 18842, 18843.
Press release: designation of air quality control regions, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 284.
Press release: standards to control air pollution from motor vehicles, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 284.
Re-refined lubricating oil: limit application of trade regulation rule with respect to (see bill S. 3890), 23490.
Report: Provisions of S. 2525, Pollution From Vessels, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 20467.
Sewage treatment works: construction grants for, 7221.
Solid waste disposal program: extend (see bill S. 3201), 3098.
Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965: legislation to extend, 7098.
St. Croix Island: dedication, 22856.
Vessels: pollution from. 20466, 20467.
Water Pollution Control, Engineer News Record, 18245.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968: introduction, 7221.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968: amend bill (S. 3206) to enact, 20466, 20468.
Water pollution, 18245.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968: enact (see bill S. 3206), 7221.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968: bill (S. 3206) to enact, 20463-20471, 20474.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968, 30617.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
$1 Billion for Clean Water, Washington Post, 29100.
1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment, Senator Yarborough, 33564.
Air Quality Improvement Act: introduction, 38210, 38211.
Air Quality Improvement Act: enact (see bill S. 3229), 38198.
Air We Breathe, Water We Drink, Carpenter, by, 11308.
Air Quality Act of 1967: legislation to extend, 14031.
Air and water pollution: study effect of underground uses of nuclear energy on, 30334.
Analysis: S. 3229, Air Quality Improvement Act, 38213.
Analysis: S. 2005, Resource Recovery Act of 1969, 10608.
Analysis: S. 2391 Environmental Quality Improvement Act, 15545.
Analysis: Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969, 15568.
Analysis: S. 2752, Intergovernmental Coordination of Power Development and Environmental Protection Act, 21605.
Appalachian Regional Development Act: extend, 3695.
Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1969: bill (S. 1072) to enact, 18556, 33031.
Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965: extend (see bill S. 1072), 3611.
Billion Dollars To Clean Up Water, R. Hornig, Washington Star, 18425.
Billion Dollars for Clean Water Urged, Washington Post, 18425.
By Land, Sea, and Sea, New York Times, 11708.
Cahn,Robert: Pulitzer Prize, 13937.
California Marine Sanctuary Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 3093), 32142.
Citizen Action for Clean Air, University of Massachusetts, H. Henderson, 19403.
Citizen crusade for clean water, 18424.
Clean Air Act: bill (S. 2276) to extend, 35805.
Clean Air Act: extend authorization for research relating to fuels and vehicles under provisions of (see bill S. 2276), 18241.
Coalition Promotes Clean Water, R. Cahn, Christian Science Monitor, 18425.
Colloquy between Walter J. Hickel and, 1523-1526.
Committee on Technology and Human Environment: establish, 2151, 2152, 11708, 38222.
Committee on Public Works: defense of members of, 14031.
Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (Select) : establish ( see S. Res. 78), 2151.
Committee on Public Works, 22908.
Council on Environmental Quality: establish, 40424.
Dubos, Rene: Pulitzer Prize, 13937.
Economic development assistance: 33051.
Environment and natural resource Pulitzer Prize writings, 13937.
Environmental quality, 3643.
Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2391), 15525.
Environmental Quality Improvements of 1969: 29050-29054, 29060-29062, 29087.
Environmental Quality Improvements of 1969: introduction, 15544, 15545.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969: introduction, 5688.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (see bill S. 544), 1382.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 1457), 5684.
Federal Low-Emission Vehicle Procurement Act: enact (see bill S. 3072), 31472.
Fifth International Conference on Water Pollution Research (see S.J. Res. 162), 30651.
Fish resources of United States: protection (see bill S. 1151), 4297.
Fish and wildlife: prevent imports of endangered species (see bill S. 335), 6415.
Hickel, Walter J.: nomination, 1503-1505, 1523, 1524, 1526.
Historical and archaeological data: amend bill (S.2893) to preserve, 39627
Historical and archeological data: preserve (see bill S. 2893), 25241.
Income tax: amortization of cost of air and water pollution abatement equipment (see bill S. 1795), 8775.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act: enact (see bill S. 2752) , 21587.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act, 21594, 21604, 21885.
International biological program: support, 8605.
International biological program: support of Congress for (see S.J. Res. 89), 8598
Keeping Promises, Washington Star, 29100.
Lake Superior Conference, Senator Nelson, 15092.
Lake Superior: program to protect, 15091.
Letter: require AEC to review nuclear powerplant licenses, Representative Holifield, 5955.
Letter: funds for provision of Clean Air Act, by, 35806.
Letter: reply to opposition of Sierra Club to proposed refinery at Machiasport, Maine, Kenneth M. Curtis, 33600
Letter: program of air quality enhancement, Senator Magnuson, by seven Senators, 39319.
Letter: liability provisions of S. 7, A.I. Mendelsohn, 29049.
Letter: draft of proposed bill to amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act, M.N. Edwards, 1409.
Letter: amortization for air and water pollution control facilities investment, Senator Long, by, 37886.
List: citizens crusade for clean water, 18424, 18425.
Mankind's Fouled Nest: Oil on the Waters, E. Cowan, Nation, 5722.
Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2393), 15525.
Marine Resources; Preservation Act of 1969: introduction, 15567.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969: bill (S. 1075) to enact, 40423-40426
New England: extend Appalachian region program to, 3695.
Nuclear energy: study and evaluation of air and water pollution and other effects of underground uses of (see bill s. 3042), 30331.
Oil Spill Study, Arthur D. Little, Inc. (sundry), 33590.
Oil spills: combating pollution created by, 33590.
Oil-Pollution Dilemma, Washington Post, 15113.
Payment of Torrey Canyon's Oil Damage, Washington Post, 33855.
Pollution: powerplants, 2674.
Pollution: legislation to control, 15544, 15545.
Pollution and Power in small mill Town, Shelby Coffey III, Potomac Magazine, 2756.
Pollution: oil, 5722.
Pollution: nuclear, 30334.
Pollution: air, 33839, 38210.
Pollution: water, 8645.
Pollution: tribute to work of Subcommittee on Air and Water, 14031, 14032.
Pollution: payment of Torrey Canyon oil claims, 33854.
Pollution: funds for research of fuel combustion to prevent air, 39319, 39320.
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: funds to carry out purposes of title V (see bill S. 1090), 3886.
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: funds for title V of the, 3894.
Public works: bill (H.R. 14159) making appropriations for, 33913, 33914, 33925, 36950,36961.
Question of Convening U.N. Conference on Human Environment, S. Astron, 8611.
Randolph, Jennings: reply to accusation made against, 14031.
Regional Development Act of 1969: introduction, 3894.
Report: Resolution To Establish a Committee on Technology and the Human Environment, 2153.
Report: Proposed Appropriations of $45 Million for Section 104, NAPCA, 39320
Reports Tie Air Pollution to Deaths, S. Auerbach, Washington Post, 33839
Resource Recovery Act of 1969: introduction, 10608, 12104.
Santa Barbara oil leak: solution, 15113.
Save the Cigarette Bill, Washington Post, 39105.
Senate Hearings Environmental Control, Gershon Fishbein's Health Letter, 38223
Senators Feud Over Environmental Bills, Spencer Rich, Washington Post, 27547.
Small Thoughts, S. Alsop, Newsweek, 23009.
Solid waste disposal facilities: amend bill (S. 2005) to provide financial assistance for construction of, 24784.
Solid waste disposal facilities: financial assistance for construction of (see bill S.2005),10599.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, A. C. Daley, 10610.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, J. F. Collins, 10610.
Telegram: funds for water pollution control (sundry), 33914-33918.
Text of S. 2393, Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969, 15567.
Text of S. 3229, Air Quality Improvement Act, 38211.
Text of S. 544, Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 1404.
Text of S. 1075, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 29051, 29060.
Text of amendment, Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 29050
Text of S. 1090, Regional Development Act of 1969, 3894.
Text of S. 1457, Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969, 5689.
Text of S.J. Res. 89, support international, biological program, 8605.
Text of U.N. resolution on human environment, 8608.
Text of S. 2391, Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 15545.
Text of S. 2005, Resource Recovery Act of 1969, 10608, 12104.
Text of S. 7 the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 788.
Thermal Powerplant Sitting, New England River Basins Commission, 12051.
Thermal Pollution, Frank Coffin (sundry), 3643.
Torrey Canyon: settlement of claims, 33854.
U.S. Joins In Proposing 1972 U.N. Conference on Human Environment, J. R. Wiggins, 8609.
United Nations Conference on Human Environment: provide for U.S. participation in, 8608.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment: support and participation in (see S. Res. 179), 8608.
Wanted: A unified Strategy for Environmental Protection, E. A. Locke, American Forest Institute, 34547.
Waste disposal facilities: provide financial assistance for construction of solid, 10608.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: Introduction, 1409.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: oil spills, 33590.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: proposed, 788.
Water Pollution, Soap and Detergent Association, D. S. Black, 7256.
Water Quality Improvement A ct of 1969: amend bill (S. 7) to enact. 28984, 28987, 29050
Water pollution, 759.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: bill (S. 7) to enact, 28954-28959, 28966, 28968, 28983-28987, 28997, 28998, 29008, 29048, 29051-29054, 29060-29064, 29089, 29090, 29092, 29093, 29098-29100.
Water pollution, 7101.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 7), 768.
Will Success Spoil the National Parks? R. Cahn, Christian Science Monitor (series), 13937-13958
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Administration Challenged To Support senate-passed Air Pollution Bill, by, 36032.
Advertisement: Mass Transportation, Mobil Oil Co., New York Times, 38492.
Air pollution legislation, 26854.
Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 4358) to enact, 33077, 33101.
Air pollution: health costs, 30198.
Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: bill (S. 4358) to enact, 32900-32907, 32920, 32922, 32926-32928, 33077, 33079-33080, 33087-33091, 33093-33099, 33101-33105, 33120.
Air Pollution and Human Health, Lester B. Lave and Eugene P. Seskin, 30198.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: amend bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5069.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5071.
Analysis: S. 3687, National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970, 10484.
Analysis: Conference action on Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970 (H.R.4148) 8984.
Analysis: S. 3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970, 10401.
Answering Nader Task Force Report on Air Pollution, by, 15608
Atlantic Ocean: Navy dumps oil in, 39805
Baker, Howard H.: tribute, 2705.
Broadcast transcript, NBC White Paper: Pollution, NBC-TV, 13685-13688.
Chicken Plant's Plea Denied by High Court, J. Hanrahan, Washington Post, 18059.
Clean Air Amendments of 1970: bill (H.R. 17255) to enact, 42381-42383, 42386, 42387, 42391-42394.
Clean Air Act: extend (see bill S. 4319 ), 30568.
Clean Lakes Act of 1970: enact (see bill S.3697),10815.
Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970: introduction, 10486.
Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3688), 10480.
Clean Air Act and Solid Waste Disposal Act: temporary extensions (see. bill S. 4012),20928.
Clean Air Act: amend (see bill S. 4358). 32368.
Committee on Public Works: Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 4978.
Committee on the Environment: establish, 18286, 18287.
Committee on the Environment (Joint): resolution (S.J. Res. 207) to establish, 37918.
Committee on the Environment (Joint): establish (see S.J. Res. 207), 18281.
Corporate Responsibility and the Environment, Advanced Management Institute, by,20947.
Creating Environmental Protection Agency, by, 29296.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: amend bill (H.R. 17755) making appropriations for, 34708.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: bill (HR. 17755) making appropriations, 39766-39768, 39770, 42700.
Development of Supersonic Transport, Committee on Appropriations, by, 30510.
Earth Day, 12814.
Electric power: environmental conflict, 9591.
Environment: Ocean seabeds, 26289.
Environment: Can Man Prosper and Survive? Chicago, Ill., by, 3527.
Environment: crisis, 2705, 5987.
Environment: Growing Issue, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Senator Symington, 4105.
Environmental Message, Maryland General Assembly, Gov. Marvin Mandel, 5987.
Environmental Protection Policy, West Side Community Conference, New York City, by,36145.
Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970: Introduction, 10399.
Environmental Policy Act: military compliance, 28658-28662, 28669-28671.
Environmental quality leadership, 15607
Environmental Budget Requests, by, 2863.
Environmental Crisis and Future of Man, American Association for the Advancement of Science, by, 2390.
Environmental Quality Report, Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, R. E. Train, 28662.
Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3677), 10398.
Environmental Renewal or Oblivion, J. Paul Austin, 12815-12818.
Establishment of Joint Committee on the Environment, Senator Magnuson, 18287
Everglades Park Birds Have Won, P. Wylie, New York Times, 2210.
Everglades National Park: plans for jetport abandoned, 2210.
Extension of time for report by Committee on Public Works, 32371.
Fact sheet: answering Nader Task Force Report on Air Pollution, by, 15608.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, by, 34749.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 4418) to enact, 34742, 34743.
First victims of Pollution, C. Remsberg, Good Housekeeping, 32397.
Fish and wildlife and recreation development: authorize Federal assistance for (see bill S. 3598), 8823.
Harvard University Teach-In (excerpts), Cambridge, Mass., by, 15705.
Legislation Dealing With Environment, by, 934.
Letter: Antismog proposals, Ralph Nader, 22703
Letter: Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors (sundry), 10487.
Letter: Reduction of automobile pollution emissions, E. N. Cole, 33106.
Letter: Navy dumps oil off Florida, Senators Cooper and Randolph (sundry), 39805
Letter: Environmental impact of SST by, and Senator Proxmire, 39879.
List: Air quality control regions, 5966.
Managers on Part of House on H.R. 4148, 8985.
Memorandum: Response to comments of Senator Hruska relative to S. 4358, 33102.
Memorandum: Federal cost for grants for waste treatment plants, Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 29767.
National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: introduction. 5966.
National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3546), 5953.
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3687), 10479.
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970: Introduction, 10484, 10486.
National Environmental Laboratory Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3410), 2700.
National League of Cities: pollution legislation, 10486.
National Association of Secondary Material Industries, Inc., Senator Eagleton, 22227.
Navy: oil sludge dumping by, 39805, 39806.
Navy Dumping Forms Oil Slick off Florida, Washington Post, 39806.
New Directions and New Philosophies in Environmental Protection, by, 36033.
New Oil Slick Threat, 39806.
Newsletter: population issue should not replace environmental action, G. Fishbein, Environmental Health Letter, 10407.
Oceans: environmental control, 26289.
Our Environment: We Can Save It, Kansas City Press Club, Senator Eagleton, 6614.
Pan Am, TWA Seeking Tests Before Buying Concorde Jets, R. J. Samuelson, 39770.
Paper: National Association of Counties Environmental Quality, 17145.
Pesticides: set standards on all (see bill S.3784),13612
Pollution: legislation to control air, 5966.
Pollution: legislation to Combat Water, 10484, 10486.
Pollution: legislation to control, 8975, 8983-8985, 10399.
Pollution Showdown: Cooper and Company Versus Detroit, L. Pardue, Louisville Courier-Journal and Times, 33120.
Pollution: Navy dumps oil off Florida, 39805
Population: crisis, 10407.
Power and Environmental Problem, at American Bar Association, 29612.
Prestile Stream, Easton, Maine: quality of water in, 12791.
Public works: bill (H.R. 18127) making appropriations, 29766, 29770, 29771
Public works and Atomic Energy Commission: amend bill (H.R. 18127) making appropriations for, 29610.
Public Works Appropriation Bill, 1971, Senator Montoya, 29767.
Report: Clean Water in 1970's, National League of Cities, 10488.
Report: Citizen Suits, Clean Air Act, 32925.
Report: Water Pollution Controls for Next Six Years, National League of Cities and U.S. Conference of Mayors, 23330-23337.
Report: Clean Air Amendments of 1970, conference report, 42384.
Report: Committee on Public Works, 20928, 15517, 30568, 32368, 32371.
Report: Federal Procurement Relative to Pollution Control, Committee on Public Works, 33101.
Report: Vehicle compliance Testing, Committee on Public Works, 33094.
Representative Hechler Hits Unjustified Criticism of Dedicated Legislator, 16423.
Resource Recovery Act of 1970, by, 26698, 35514.
Rivers and harbors: amend bill (S.4572) authorizing flood control and construction, 40616.
Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3516), 4969.
Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970: introduction, 4970.
Seabed convention: importance, 26289.
Senate: privilege of the floor, 42700.
Solid waste programs: overlapping responsibilities, 10399.
Solid Waste Disposal Act: extend (see bill S. 4319), 30568.
Solid waste disposal facilities: amend bill (S.2005) to provide financial assistance for construction of, 16476.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution activities, 4978.
Supersonic transport: funds, 39766-39770, 42700.
Table: Status of exceptions to water quality standards, 10485.
Table: Pollution controls – by States, 23330-23337.
Table: NAPCA air quality control regions, 5960, 5970.
Table: New Mexico-public works projects, 29768.
Text: S.3546, National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970, 5967.
Text: S.3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970, 10399.
Text: S.3516, Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970, 4971.
Text: S.3688, Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970, 10486.
Theology of the Earth, Smithsonian Institution, R. Dubos, 942.
Three Oil Companies Fined In Violations at Offshore Wells, 39806.
Total Environment, Western Michigan University, Senator Hart, 8838
Tribute, 16482.
University of Michigan Environmental Teach-In, by, 8677.
Waste Discharges into Prestile Stream (Maine), by, 12791.
Water pollution: appropriations, 29766.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970: bill (H.R. 4148) to enact, 8975, 8983-8985.
Who Should Police the Polluters? E. W. Kenworthy, New York Times, 2389.
Women and Polluted America, by Ladies Home Journal, 4949.
World Environmental Institute: create (see S. Res. 399), 13097.
1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress
Air and water pollution: prevent false and deceptive advertising with respect to products and services to prevent and control (see bill S. 927), 3565.
Air and navigable waters: standards for manufacture of certain products to protect quality of (see bill S. 573), 1539.
Air and water pollution: establish structure to provide knowledge of ecological and technical problems associated with (see bill S. 1113), 5020.
Alaska: opposition to pipeline across, 11307.
Analysis: S. 523, National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971, 1347.
Analysis: S. 573, standards for manufacture of products to protect the environment, 1552.
Atomic Energy Commission: bill (H.R. 9388) authorizing appropriations for, 26059.
California: create marine sanctuaries off coast of (see bill S. 1446), 9088.
Clean Air Act: proposed amendment, 1552.
Clean Up America Day: declare (see S.J. Res. 158), 32463.
Cleaning the Ugly Costly Face of Pollution, Senator Randolph, 1602.
Committee on Public Works: tribute to members and staff of, 38802, 38822.
Congressional Record: require use of recycled material in printing of (see bill S. 2267), 24966.
Conservation of Oil, G. Hill, New York Times, 11311.
Department of Transportation: resolution (H.J. Res. 468) making continuing appropriations for, 7784-7786.
Department of Agriculture – Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations Act of 1972: amend bill (H.R. 9270) to enact, 25413.
Dredged spoil: discharge permits, 38854-38856.
Earth Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 15), 3941.
Environment Boom, 0. Fanning, Saturday Review, 26375.
Environmental Health Letter: anniversary, 40709.
Environmental Financing Authority: establish (see bill S. 1015), 4087.
Environmental careers: opportunities, 26375.
Environmental Impact of the Trans Alaska Pipeline, R.R. Curry, 11312.
Environmental Health: Does It Have a Future? G. W. Fishbein, American Public Health Association, 40709.
Environmental Impact of the Trans Alaska Pipeline, F. S. Chapin, 11309.
Establish Joint Committee on the Environment, by, 6684
Everglades-Big Cypress National Recreation Area, Florida: establish (see bill S.2465), 41212.
Everglades--Big Cypress Recreation Area: create, 42729.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: bill (S. 2770) to enact, 38797-38804, 38807, 38816, 38822, 38823, 38825, 38826, 38828-38840, 38844-38849, 38852-38858, 38860-38862, 38864, 38888.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (see bills S. 1012, 1143, 2133, 2770), 4087, 5467, 21539, 37902, 38198.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: proposed amendment, 1552.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: amend bill (S. 2770) to enact, 38856.
Historical and archeological data: preservation of (see bill S. 1245), 6565.
International Conference on Ocean Dumping: convene (see S.J. Res. 80), 9505.
Joint Committee on the Environment, by, 635.
Joint Committee on the Environment: establish (see S.J. Res. 17), 544.
Letter: Opposition to pipeline across Alaska, President Nixon, by, 11307.
Marine preserves: study means of protecting certain areas as (see bill S. 1458), 9088.
Mass transportation: use SST employees to improve, 8025.
Mineral exploration in Atlantic Ocean: study environmental Impact (see bill S.2892),46081.
National Coastal and Estuarine Zone Management Act of 1971: enact (see bill S.582),5328.
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971: enact (see bill S. 523), 1346
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1971: Introduction, 1346, 1347.
Noise pollution: control (see bill S. 1016) 4087.
Oceans and other waters: regulate dumping of material in (see bill S. 1238), 6564
Oil pollution: control off the State o California (see bill S. 1459), 9088.
Pamphlet: College of the Atlantic, 26376.
Pollution: legislation to control, 1552.
Pollution: indifference of scientific and engineering community, 4111.
Pollution: control water, 1346, 1347.
Problems in Underground Pipe Corrosion Control, B. Woodman, 11314.
Prohibit Oil Development in Santa Barbara Channel, Los Padres Chapter of Sierra Club, 9164.
Proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline, by, 11307.
Recreation areas: exempt persons over 65 years of age from paying entrance or admission fees (see bill S. 1172), 11275.
Remarks in Senate: Resolution: salute to environment campaign, Board of Commissioners, Allegheny County, Pa., 5004.
Report: Committee on Public Works, 21539.
Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1971: introduction, 9163.
Senate and House of Representatives: Require Public Printer to furnish recycled material for official use of (see bill S. 2266), 24966.
Shoreline erosion: authorize program to develop and demonstrate low-cost means of preventing (see bill S. 1053), 4379
SST: development, 7784-7786.
SST employees: solve transportation problems with, 8024.
Territorial and international waters: regulate discharge of wastes in (see bill S.1082),4507.
Text: S. 573, provide standards for manufacture of products to protect the environment, 1552.
Thaddeus Kosciusko Home: establish, 17764.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko Home National Historic Site. Pennsylvania: establish bill S. 1973), 17335.
Thermal Effects of Heated Pipeline in Permafrost, A. H. Lachenbruch, Geological Survey, 11310.
Timber resources: establish commission to investigate practice of clear-cutting (see bill S. 1592), 10889.
Transportation problems: use SST employees to solve, 8025.
Transportation research and development utilize SST employees (see bill S. 1382), 8023.
Waste treatment facilities: construction authority, 38846, 38849, 38852, 38853.
What Technology Has Done to the Earth, Technology Can Cure, R. Bendiner, New York Times, 4112.
1972 2nd Session, 92nd Congress
Aircraft noise levels: minimum (see S. Res. 285, 288), 9445, 10428.
Atomic Energy Act of 1954: amend relative to temporary licenses for nuclear power reactors, 17735.
Cooper, John S.: tribute, 37287.
Court Judgment, Township of Hanover v. Town of Morristown, 35392.
Court complaint, United States v. Morristown, N.J., 35391.
Environment: Stockholm conference on the human, 18954-18956.
Environmental Noise Control Act of 1972: amend bill (S. 3342) to enact, 35388, 35869, 35417.
Environmental Noise Control Act of 1972: bill (S. 3342) to enact, 35389-35399, 35410, 35417-35419.
Environmental Noise Control Act: proposed amendment, 34465.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972: bill (S.2770) to enact, President's game, 36774.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972: President's veto, 36871-36875, 36877.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971: bill (S.2770) to enact, 33692-33694, 33702, 33706-33708, 33711.
Federal-Aid Highway Legislation, 36350.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, by, 33751.
Federal-aid Highway Act of 1972: amend bill (S.3939) to enact, 30215, 31250.
Federal-aid Highway Act of 1972: bill (S.3939) to enact, 31250-31253, 31258, 31261, 31284, 37310.
Grant Authority contained in S. 2770, Mr. Ruckelshaus, 36871.
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1972: bill (S. 632) to enact, 31072, 31074, 31076, 31079-31081, 31083, 31086, 31087, 31089, 31091, 31188-31191, 31196, 31208, 28515-28517.
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1972: amend bill (S.632) to enact, 31085, 31195, 31201, 31205, 31208.
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act, by, 31072.
Land and Resources Planning Act of 1972: amend bill (S.632) to enact, 30398.
Land and Resources Planning Act of 1972: bill (S. 632) to enact, 30398.
Letter: Noise Pollution Control Act, by Senator Tunney, 35398.
Letter: Aircraft noise pollution, R. L. Hurlburt, 35395.
Letter: Water pollution control bill, President Nixon, by, 36774.
Letter: Recommending Presidential approval of S. 2770, W. Ruckelshaus, 36775.
Letter: EPA certification of 1973 motor vehicles, E. B. Staats, by, 20799.
Letter: Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act, A. E. Pritchard, and W. R. MacDougall (sundry), 31196, 31197.
Letter: Tribute to service on Committee on Public Works, by members of staff, to Senator Cooper, 37288.
List: Programs which will be affected by S. 632., 31080.
List: Department of the Interior programs, 31198.
National Land Use Policy Act of 1971: amend bill (S.632) to e enact, 28180.
Nixon, Richard M.: games with water bill, 36774.
Nixon, Richard M.: veto of water pollution bill, 36871-36875, 36877.
Noise Pollution Control Act of 1972: amend bill (S. 3342) to enact, 34465.
Noise Pollution Control Act of 1972: enact (see bill S. 3342), 8224.
Nuclear Power reactors: bill (S. 3543) authorize temporary operating licenses for certain, 17736.
Offshore facilities: require prior approval of adjacent coastal States before construction (see bill S. 3844), 25166.
Press release: water pollution control program, Environmental Protection Agency, 36871.
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1972: bill (H.R. 16071) to enact, 35361-35363.
Public Works, and Economic Development Act of 1972: amend bill (H.R. 16071) to enact, 35350.
Randolph, Jennings: tribute, 31283.
Report: Use of Trust Fund for Mass Transportation, by, 31252.
Report: Environmental Quality, Congressional Action Fund, 31175.
Report: Committee of conference, 32658.
Report: Analysis of Federal Water Pollution Control Act, by, 33694.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution: activity in 92d Congress, 37733-37738.
Supersonic aircraft: landing rights and noise and boom limitations, (see S. Res. 284), 9444.
Supersonic aircraft: relating to sonic booms (see S. Res. 289), 10428.
Table: Federal programs by States, 31196.
Table: Rate of expenditures under S. 2770 by year, 36871.
Text: FAA regulation of 1958, aircraft noise standards, 35395.
Text: Amendments (Nos. 1521-1525) to S. 632, 30398, 30399.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 18954-18956.
Wisconsin Resources Conservation Council, by, 10322.
1973 1st Congress, 93rd Session
Air pollution: legislation to curb auto, 2977.
Air pollution; use of highway funds for transportation improvements to avoid (see bill S, 739), 2911.
Air Pollution Alert Continues in Washington Area, Washington Post (sundry), 28929-28933.
Air pollution: emission standards for trucks, 39600.
Air pollution: EPA research, 28681.
Air pollution: increased, 28928, 28929, 28933.
Air pollution: use of high-sulfur coal, 36495.
Air Pollution Research – EPA commitment (sundry), 28682-28685.
Analysis: Clean Air Act amendments, Committee on Public Works, 37358.
Analysis: Proposed Highway Act amendments (sundry), 1529, 1530.
Analysis: S. 792, Environmental Protection Permit Act, 3766, 20405.
Appointed National Study Commission on Water Pollution Control, 2383.
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 11576) making supplemental, 41049, 41052.
Appropriations: amend bill (H.R. 11576) supplemental, 41049.
Auto industry: efforts to change requirements of Clean Air Act, 22296, 22297, 22299.
Auto emission control systems: State Inspection programs (see bill S. 738), 2911.
Auto emission control systems: State Inspection programs, 2977.
Automobile emissions: National Academy on Sciences report, 5830.
Automobile Standards, Environmental Writers Association, by, 10268.
Automobiles: emission control systems, 29028.
Automobiles: Emission standards, 40405, 41917, 41918, 41922, 41923, 41924.
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Affairs: establish (see bill S. 1430), 10193.
Campaign Clean Watch, Inc. v. William D. Ruckelshaus, 19174, 19177.
Car Pool Incentives Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2598), 34597.
Catalysts: EPA regulation of auto, 29028.
City of New York v. Ruckelshaus, 14855.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: energy crisis, 37356-37360, 37362.
Clean Air Act: amend (see bills S. 2680, 2772), 36484, 39436.
Clean Air Rules Must Be Eased, Nixon Declares, T. O'Toole, Washington Post, 29032.
Clean Air Act Amendments, Committee on Public Works, 37358.
Clean Air Act of 1970: Implementation, 23526.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: bill (S. 2772) to enact, 41917, 41918, 41922, 41923, 41936, 41939.
Clean Air Act of 1970: auto industry standards, 22296, 22297, 22299.
Clean Air Act of 1970: introduction of legislation amend, 36495.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1973: nondegradation provision, 19183.
Closed Loop System for Air Pollution Control (sundry), 19183, 19184.
Coal: industry will use to conserve oil, 36495.
Coming Up for Air, New York Times, 2977.
Congress: court decision on waterway funds favors, 14854.
Coordinating Research Council cut off by EPA, 39600.
Deepwater development: regulate and control (see bill S. 1316), 9086.
Department of Agriculture and Environmental and consumer agencies: amend bill (H.R. 8619) making appropriations for, 22031, 22032.
Department of Agriculture and environmental and consumer agencies: bill (H.R. 8619) making appropriations for, 22030-22032, 33540, 33541.
Earth Week of 1973: designate (see S.J. Res.2), 10731.
Ecological Effects of Growth, Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, G.M. Woodwell, 10773.
Energy Emergency Act of 1973: conference report, 43163, 43164, 43197.
Energy Policy: President's, 29030.
Environment: impact of growth on the, 10773.
Environmental Protection, by, before National Academy of Sciences symposium, 32881.
Environmental Protection Agency: regulation on catalysts, 29028.
Environmental Protection Agency: funds for program to regulate parking facilities, 41049, 41052 Report: California Transportation Control Plan, 41050.
Environmental Protection Agency: air pollution research, 28681.
Environmental Impact, Washington State Air Quality Implementation Plan, 7920.
Environmental Protection Permits Legislation, by, 20403.
Environmental Protection Agency: withdraws support of Coordinating Research Council, 39600.
Environmental Protection Agency: standards for Los Angeles Basin, 1233.
Environmental Protection Agency: manpower, 39602.
Environmental protection permits: legislation to provide, 3763.
Environmental Quality Laboratory: California Institute of Technology's, 20870.
Environmental quality: impact of energy crisis, 43163, 43164.
Environmental Protection Permit Act: enact (see bill S. 792), 3762.
EPA Funds and Activities, Representatives Leggett, Rogers, and Whitten, 43120.
Everglades Big Cypress National Recreation Area, Florida: establish (see bill S.783), 7327.
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973: bill (S. 502) to enact, 7914-7916, 7937, 7940, 7944, 7946, 7950, 27207.
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973: Muskie amendments to, 1527-1529.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973: amend bill (S.502) to enact, 2710, 2977, 7914.
Fuels and Energy Conservation Act of 1973: bill (S. 2176) to enact, 40405.
Funds for Environmental Programs, 22031.
Highway Safety Act of 1973.: enact (see bill S. 893), 4351.
Highway trust fund: use for urban mass transit, 7914-7916, 7946.
Highway legislation: proposed, 1527-1529.
Highway funds: use to prevent air pollution, 2977.
Highway Legislation, Senate Roads Subcommittee, Representative G.M. Anderson, 5162.
Highway trust fund: mass transit use of, 5162.
Historical and archeological data: preservation (see bill S. 514), 1866.
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1973: amend bill (S. 268) to enact, 20407, 20409, 20475, 20626.
Land development: environmental protection permits, 3763.
Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act: bill (S. 268) to enact, 20402, 20403, 20406-20413.
Letter: Pollution, standards for trucks, D. A. Jensen, 39601.
Letter: Energy shortages and the Clean Air Act, by, 36496.
Letter: Emission standards for automobiles, P. Handier, by, 22297.
Letter: Air pollution research – EPA commitment (sundry), 28682-28685.
Letter: Request for opinion on EPA regulation of catalysts, E. B. Staats, by, 29028.
Letter: Clean air backfire, R. E. Train, 41922.
Letter: EPA and Coordinating Research Council, R. G. Ryan, R. Train (sundry), 39600.
Letter: Water pollution control programs. R. Train, 39602.
Letter: Motor vehicle emissions report, P. Handler and E. L. Ginzton (sundry), 5830, 5831.
Letter: Relaxation of State air Pollution regulations, J. Love, by, 29031.
Letter: Permit use of highway trust funds for urban mass transit (sundry), 7916, 7921.
Limits to Growth, Senator C. Pell, University of Rhode Island, 33530.
Los Angeles: air quality standards, 1233.
Mass transportation: needs, 5162.
Memorandum: Implementation of section of 110 of the Clean Air Act, EPA, 19184.
Memorandum: Environmental Protection Agency severe ties with CRC/APRAC, EPA, 39601.
Memorandum: Health effects of air pollution, Library of Congress, 11003.
More Than Doodads Needed, J. J. Kilpatrick, Washington Star, 23526.
National Academy on Sciences: auto emission report, 5830.
National ocean policy study: authorize (see S. Res. 222), 42391.
National System of Interstate and Defense Highways: apportion funds for (see S. Con. Res. 6), 1932.
National Study Commission, Senator Randolph, 22032.
New World Frontier, Colby College, P. A. Gorman, 14772.
Nixon, Richard M.: need to explain energy policy, 29030.
Oil: proposed pipeline, 23611.
Olson Home, Cushing, Maine: establish as national historic site (see bill S. 1399), 9634.
Opinion, EPA regulation on catalysts, E.B. Staats, 29029.
Planning for National Growth, Planning and Conservation League, by, 37763.
Pollution: approach to reduce smog day in California, 20870.
Pollution Chokes Birmingham, S. Auerbach, Washington Post, 29031.
Pollution: air quality standards, 1233.
Pollution: air, 11002.
Pollution: waste treatment construction grants, 41636, 41638.
Pollution: authorize suspension of emission limitations during energy crisis, 37356-37360, 37362.
Pollution: increased air, 28928, 28929, 28933.
President's Environmental Message, New York Times, 4852.
Public works: bill (H.PL 8947) making appropriations for, 25360.
Report: Motor Vehicle Emissions, National Academy on Sciences, 5830, 5831.
Report: of cars – Carbon Monoxide and Human Health, Clean Air Now Information Bureau, 11012.
Report: Parking Restrictions and the Clean Air Act, 41050.
Report: Cost of Emission Control Program, TVA, 19202.
Report: Air Pollution Control in California, Environmental Quality Laboratory, 20870.
Report: Intermittent Control Systems, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 19189.
Report: Air Pollution, Environmental Protection Agency, 11003.
Report: Effect of Freeway Travel on Angina Pectoris, W. S. Aronow and others, Annals of
Report: Internal Medicine, 11008.
Report: Lethal Gas Linked to Accident Toll, California State Department of Public Health, 11003.
Report: Committee on Public Works, 39436, 41363.
Sewage treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize, 43130.
Sewage treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize, concur with House amendments, 43130.
Sewage treatment construction grants: authorize the allocation of funds for fiscal year (see bill S. 2812), 41364.
Smog In Los Angeles Basin, to Environmental Protection Agency, by L. Lees, 20870.
States: land planning process, 20402, 20403, 20406-20413.
Supplemental appropriations: bill (H.R. 11576) making, conference report, 43119.
Supreme Court: decision on nondegradation provision of Clean Air Amendments of 1970, 19183.
Table: Oxidant levels in major cities, 28929.
Text: Proposed Federal Register Notice recognizing that tall stacks and variable control may be used to protect against violations of S02 NAAQS, 19185.
Text: Proposed highway act amendments (sundry), 1529, 1530.
Text: S. 738, support state inspection programs for auto emission control systems, 2978.
Text: S. 792, Environmental Protection Permit Act, 3764, 20404.
Text: S. 2680, to amend the Clean Air Act because of energy shortages, 36497.
Text: S. 739, allow use of highway funds for prevention of air pollution, 2979.
Text: Amendment (No. 4), use of highway system funds for public transportation, 2978.
Urban Parkland Heritage Act: enact (see bill S. 12), 1930.
Use Highway Trust Funds for Urban Transit, M. Carballo, 7916.
Waste treatment construction grants: bill (S. 2812) to authorize a formula for allocation of funds for, 41636, 41638.
Water pollution control: EPA administration of, 39602.
Water pollution: construct sewage treatment plants, 43130.
Water pollution funds: impoundment of, 19174.
Waterways: court decision on impounded funds, 14854.
We Should Open Up the Highway Trust Fund Now, A. Dear, Reader's Digest, 10987.
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: bill (S. 921) to amend, 43197.
1974 2nd Session, 93rd Congress
Agriculture, environmental. and consumer protection programs: bill (H.R. 15472) making appropriations for, 24385-24387
Agriculture, environmental, and consumer protection programs: bill (H.R. 16901), making appropriations for, 37220-37222. 40371, 40372
Air quality: proposed lowering of EPA standards, 8428, 8429
Analysis: S. 3549. Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974, 16951
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 14013), making second supplemental, 13516-13520, 13527
Atlantic Wetlands Research Center establish (see bill S. 3493), 24259
Automobile Emission Standards, by, 1128
Automobile industry, fuel economy and pollution standards, 37497
Clean Air Act: bill (H.R. 14368) to amend, 14523, 14526-14529, 14536, 14542-14546, 18956- 18959
Clean Air Act: extension of deadline for compliance, 1127, 1128
Clean Air Act: amendments proposed by Administration, 8428, 8429
Committee on Public Works (Senate): automobile fuel economy and pollution standards, 37497 37498
Deepwater Port Act of 1974: amend bills (S. 4076; H.R. 10701) to enact, 34659, 34661
Deepwater Port Act of 1974: bills (S. 4076; H.R. 10701) to enact, 34630, 34660, 34661
Earth Day, 1974: observance, 11324
Ecology Act Waiver Splits White House, G. C. Wilson, Washington Post, 5525
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974: bills (S. 2744; H.R. 11510) to enact, 28660
Energy Emergency Act of 1973: bill (S. 2589) to enact. 1127-1129, 1148-1151, 1172. 2695. 2696, 2725, 2727-2729, 3431, 3432.3435-3437
Energy research and development: question of germaneness of amendment, 18948-18950
Energy research and development: Parliamentary inquiry, 18381, 18382 18385-18388
Energy Emergency Act of 1973: President's veto, 5525-5527
Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974: introduction, 16951
Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: bill (H.R. 14368 to enact), 14523, 14526-14529, 14536, 14542-14546, 18956-18959
Energy or Environment, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, by, 38338
Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: amend bill (H.R. 14368) to enact, 14235, 14523
Energy crisis: Proposed lessening of EPA standards, 8428, 8429
Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974: introduction of amendment, 14235
Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974: enact (see bill S.3549), 16948
Energy and Resources Recovery Act of 1974: enact (see bill S. 3277), 8839
Environment: proposed changes to Clean Air Act, 8428, 8429
Environment: energy crisis, 1127, 1128 3431, 3432, 3435-3437
Environment: water cleanup funds, 13516-13518
Environmental concerns; effects of energy crisis on, 5525-5527
Environmental Law, E.R. Cutler. ABA Conference, 22554
Environmental law: role of the courts, 22554
Environmental Protection Agency: funds, 24385-24387
Environmental Protection Agency: question of transferring funds, 18381, 18382 18385-18388
Environmental education, 32725
Environmental Protection Agency: R. & D. functions, 28660
Environmental Threats Shown, Bangor News, 29885
Environmental Protection Agency: use of funds to tax, limit, or regulate parking facilities by, 37220-37222
Enviropolitics is a Pollutant, Too, P. D. Schaumberg, National Observer, 24886
Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974: bill (S. 3934) to enact, 30859
Fishermen Need Facts for Long-Range Programs, T. Welles, Tuesday Weekly, 29884
Kissinger, Henry A.: oil negotiations, 2728
Legislative History of the Environmental Impact Problem, by, 14529
Legislative program, 18384, 19385
Less Talk. More Action, R. Nader, Washington Star,1173
Letter: Issues regarding NEPA-EPA, L. G. Billings, 14530
Letter: Automobile fuel economy and pollution standards, R. E. Train, with Senators Randolph, Baker, and Buckley, 37497
Letter: Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, J. C Sawhill, 18961
Letter: Proposed transfer of EPA energy research functions, Senator Jackson, 18382
Letter: Securing information on energy industry management, W. E. Simon, by R. Nader, 1173
Letter: Pollution control facilities approved by EPA for accelerated amortization under Internal Revenue Code, R. E. Train, D. C. Alexander, and, 36441
Letter: Offshore oil and gas development, President Ford, by, 34681
Letter: Pollution control construction grants, R. E. Train, by, 13517
Letter: EPA's use of funds to tax. limit, or regulate parking facilities (sundry), 37222
Letter: Industrial waste cleanup funds, R. G. Ryan, 13518
Letter: Energy research and development programs of EPA, sundry, by, 18381, 18382
List: Rulemaking actions possibly affected by EIS provision, 14543
List: Pollution control projects submitted for step III grant, EPA, 13518
McGee, Gale W.: tribute, 24385-24387
Memorandum: Intermittent control systems for air quality, W. H. Megonnell, 18959
Memorandum: Use of supplementary control standards and strategies (sundry), 18963, 18964
NEPA-EPA question, 14530
Nixon Officials Appear Divided on Energy Plan, B. Schorr, Wall Street Journal, 5526
Oceans: pollution threat, 29884
Oil consuming nations: Washington meeting, 2727
Parking facilities: EPA regulation of, 40371-40373
Pollution: energy crisis effect on regulations, 3431, 3432, 3435-3437
Pollution Control in South Coast Air Basin, Los Angeles, Mayor Bradley, 8429
Pollution control equipment: TVA, 36440, 36441
Press release: Senate Committee on Public Works to examine car engine development, 37497
Pull the Oil Tax Lever, Boston Globe, 1174
Report: Energy Emergency Legislation, Comparison of House-Passed Bill with Conference Report, 1129
Report: Control Systems for Air Quality Standards, EPA, 18960
Report: Use of Supplementary Control Systems, 18968
Report: Levels of Air Pollution With Effects to Health Risks. J. F. Finklea, D. I. Hammer, and G. I. Love, 18972
Report: Legislative History of NEPA, 14530
Report: Effects of Enacting Section 511 of H.R. 16901. Role of Parking Controls in Clean Air Programs, 37223
Report: State Air Pollution Implementation Plan Progress Report, EPA, 18965
Response to an Enviro-Elitist, R. Kudikis, National Observer, 24887
Solid waste: recover energy and resources, 16951
Tax Bribes Do Not Work, J. A. Rowe, Nation. 1173
Tennessee Valley Authority Pollution Control Financing Act: bills (S. 3057; H.R. 11929) to enact, 36440, 36441
Text: S. 3549, Energy Recovery and Resource Conservation Act of 1974, 16953
Text: Amendment (No. 1303) to Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, 14235
The Whole Society, Earth Week 1970, by, 11324
The Environmental Agenda, Earth Day, 1974, by, 11325
1975 1st Session, 94th Congress
Air pollution: impact on public health, 28652
American Folklife Center: establish in Library of Congress (see S. 1618), 12698
American Revolution Bicentennial Advisory Council: appoint New Englanders to (see S.J. Res. 77), 12485
Auto Emissions: EPA Decision Due on Another Cleanup Delay, C. Holden, Science Magazine, 6063
Automobile Fuel Economy and Research and Development Act of 1975: bill (S 1883) to enact, 22879
Automobile emission standards: Proposed 5-year delay, 28652
Budget deferral: disapproving relative to water program operations construction grants (see S. Res. 70), 2806
Campobello: FDR's Beloved Island Is a Joy Today, D. R. Larrabee (sundry), 18116
Coastal Zone Management Act Amendments of 1975: bill (S. 586) to enact, 23080, 23081
Committee on Public Works: notice of hearings, 8720, 12881
Court Decision: Natural Resources Defense Council vs. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 18583
Courts: environmental law, 5750
Ecology: Flush Times, Newsweek (publication), 36431
Emission controls: to achieve air quality, 28652
Environment: U.S. courts of appeals decisions, 5750
Environment: water pollution control, 17346, 17347
Environmental Objectives, International Conference on Biological Water Quality Alternatives, by, 5765
Environmental Protection Agency: regulating parking, 31715, 31716
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972: court decision concerning the implementation of, 18583
Federal Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act of 1975: enact (see S. 2666), 36405
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1975: bill (S. 2711) to enact, 40006-40008, 40279, 40280
Hathaway, Stanley K.: nomination, 18355-18357
Hathaway, Stanley K. nomination, recommit, 18355
Historic Preservation Fund: bill (S. 327), to establish, 34246-34253
History: Development of "Needs" Formula, 25692
Letter: Water pollution control (sundry), 17347, 17348
Letter: Public Works Employment Act of 1975, (sundry), by, 25689
Letter: Public Works Employment Act of 1975, R. E Train, 25689
Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1975: bill (H.R. 5247) to enact, conference report, 41134
Marine Pollution Control Zone: legislation to establish a 200-mile, 8694
Marine Pollution Control Zone: establish 200-mile (see S. 1341), 8681
National Trust for the Preservation of Historic Ships: establish (see S. 228), 16600
Outer Continental Shelf Management Act of 1975: bill (S. 521) to enact. 26036, 26040
Outer Continental Shelf: provide relief for damages from discharge of oil from (see S. 1954), 21497
Public Works Employment Act of 1975: bill (S. 1587; H.R. 5247) to enact, to table Talmadge amendment, 25701
Public Works Employment Act of 1975; bill (S.1587; H.R. 5247) to enact, 25687-25686, 25693-25695, 25702. 25705, 25708, 25712, 25722-25724, 25728, 25730, 25732-25736
Schedule: Clean Air Act hearings. Committee on Public Works, 8721
Setting Environmental Standards. G. Fishbein, Washington Post, 5750
Sewage: methods for disposal, 36427
Sewerless Society, Harold H. Leich, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 36428-36431
Strip Mining Shift Could Hit Hathaway, L. Larsen. Denver Post, 18355
Table: Automobile, emisson standards, 28653
Text: S.1341, to establish 200-mile Marine Pollution Control Zone, 8695
Water pollution: control, 17346, 17347
Water Program Operations Construction Grants: deferral of budget authority, 2806
Wetlands and the Corps of Engineers, Washington Post, 17347
Where F.D.R. Sunned, L. Lowry, New York Times, 20065
1976 2nd Session, 94th Congress
Adjournment: amend resolution (S. Con. Res. 211) providing for sine die, 34417
Adjournment: sine die, 34413, 34417, 34418
Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline Authorization Act of 1976: enact (see S. 2950), 2740
Allegations, Facts, and Reactions, Clean Air Act Amendments, with Senator Moss, 16998
Analysis: Committee Amendment to S. 2710 (amending Federal Water Pollution Act), 28772
Analysis: Adequacies of House Version of Clean Air Act Amendments (auto emission), 34386
Bar Association, Symposium on Environmental Law, by, 5139-5141
Beverage containers: requiring deposit, 21411
Book Review :Fragile Structures: Oil Refineries, National Security, and the Coast of Maine, Newton W. Lamson, New York Times, 4387
Cities Need More Federal Help, Chicago Sun-Times, 23088
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976: performance warranty to protect consumers, 15940
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976: amend bill (S. 3219) to enact, 14562, 25577
Clean Air Act of 1970 Amendments, University of Detroit Student Bar Association, Symposium on Environmental Law, by, 5139-5141
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976: bill (S. 3219), 23849-23853, 23864, 23948-23953, 23959, 23963-23968, 23980, 23985, 24287-24290, 24293, 24294, 24296-24298, 24301, 24303, 24308, 24310, 24311, 24515, 24551, 25179, 25180, 25191, 25543-25548, 25551, 25568-25572, 25576-25579, 25843-25845, 25848, 25870, 25872, 25873, 25877, 25882-25884, 25888
Clean Air Act: nondegradation Policy, 15572-15576
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976: proposed amendment, 14562
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976: bill (S.3219) to enact, conference report, 33897-33899, 34375-34386, 34389- 34391, 34400, 34401, 34415
Clean Air Act: amend (see S. 3219), 8336
Clean Air Act: nondegradation Policies, 11761-11763
Clean Air Act amendments,11761-11763
Clean Air Week: proclaim, 11295
Clean Air Week: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 190), 11295
Community Health Environmental Surveillance System Study, Russell E. Train. Committees on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and Science and Technology, 10713
Corps of Engineers: role, 28353-28355
Court decisions: Friends of the Earth versus Carey (U.S. Court of Appeals, 2d circuit), 20867-20872
Department of the Interior and related agencies: bill(H.R. 14231) making appropriations, 20831, 20832, 20834
Department of Housing and Urban Development independent agencies: bill (H.R. 14233) making appropriations, 20844, 20845, 20848, 20857, 20863, 20865
Description: Water pollution committee amendment, 28670-28673
EDA Regulations on Public Works Jobs, Federal Register, 28100-28108
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend bill (S. 2710) extend certain authorizations, 28096
Federal Water Pollution Act: bill (S. 2710) to amend, 28771, 28772, 28776, 28786, 28790-28792, 28795-28799
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend bill (S. 2710) to amend, 28776
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: legislation to extend, 4333
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: extend (see S. 3037), 4330
Jobs Bill, Washington Post, 23087
Letter: Amendment to the Clean Air Act to limit auto emissions performance warranty (sundry). 15941-15943
Letter: Maine pollution abatement projects, Dennis A. Purington, 20864
Letter: Maine's industrial and municipal pollution abatement, William R. Adams, Jr., 4376
Letter: Modify provisions of the Clean Air Act of 1970, President Ford, 16703
Letter: Clean Air Act amendments, Jay S. Hammond, 11765
Letter: Federal secondary ambient air quality, Russell E. Train, 23963
List: State water pollution control programs runout date, 34809
Memorandum: Nondegradation concept of increments, 25546
Memorandum: Differences between new countercyclical amendment and title II of H.R. 5247, 10724
Memorandum: Subject growth allowed within EPA's nondegradation scheme, Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution, 23963
Memorandum: Issues and answers on the aftermarket industry and the performance warranty, Committee on Public Works, 15943
Memorandum: EPA regulations in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976, Leon Billings, 25543
National clean air policy: relax standards, 16700
National pollutant discharge elimination system, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 20866
No-Growth Bill, Wall Street Journal, 30473
Nondegradation fact sheet, 15572-15576
Papermills and clean air, 18587
Public works employment appropriations (H.R. 15194 ) to enact, 29691
Public Works Employment Act of 1976: bill (S. 3201) to enact, veto message, 23086, 23087
Public health: alleged threat of sulfates, 10712
Public works: bill (H.R. 14236) making appropriations for water and power development energy research, 19826, 19827, 19836
Public Works Employment Act of 1975: bill (H.R.5247) to enact, veto message, 3865
Public Works Employment Act of 1976: amend bill (S.3201) to enact, 10717
Public Works Employment Act of 1976: bill (S. 3201 ) to enact, 10720-10727, 10731-10733
Report: Pollution Control and Employment, Council on Environmental Quality, 23865
Report: Impact of Proposals on the Kraft Pulp and Paper Industry, Environmental Protection Agency, 18587-18597
Report: Committee on Public Works, 8336
Report: Water Resources Development Act: bill (S. 3823) cost estimate, Congressional Budget Office, 32908
Report: Sewage Collection Systems Grants, 28775
Report: Amendment 1608 to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976, 25837
Report: Biomedical and Environmental Research Program, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (excerpt), 20688
Report: Health and Welfare Effects of Pollutants Below National Air Quality Standards, Sierra Club (summary), 16703
Role of the Corps of Engineers, 28353-28355
Senate: radical environmentalist groups, 34376
Solid Waste Utilization Act of 1976: bill (S.2150) enact. 21411, 21417, 21426
Study: EPA Analysis of the Impact of the Senate Significant Deterioration Proposal, 11763-11765
Sulfates: alleged threat to public health, 10712
Supreme Court: landmark clean air decision, 22249
Table: Estimated fuel economy of new car fleet (selected data), 34385
Table: Total annual auto emissions (sundry), 25843
Table: Department of the Interior supplemental appropriations, 20832
Table: Auto emission standards, 34384
Table: Automobile emissions and air pollution (sundry), 23864
Table: Total annual auto emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, 23864
Table: Effects of possible supplementals on HUD-Independent agencies, 20844
Text: S.J. Res. 190 to proclaim Clean Air Week, 11295
Union Electric Co. versus Energy Environmental Protection Agency et al. (U.S. Supreme Court), 22249-22253
Unwise Veto, New York Times, 23087
Water Resources Development Act: bill (S.3823) enact, 32907
Water pollution construction grants: 1977 funds, 34809
Water pollution, 4375
1977 1st Session, 95th Congress
Air quality nondegradation provision, by, 18155
American Motor Corp.: compliance in meeting emission standards, 18126
Analysis: 200-mile marine pollution control zone (S. 885, 886), 6078
Analysis: Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (S. 1952), 26699-26700
Analysis: Riegle-Griffin Rebuttal to Senator Muskie's Auto Emission Factsheet, 17774
Announcement: Maine Architecture Featured in Octagon Exhibit, 722
Appropriations: making supplemental for 1977 (H.R. conference report, 11868
Auto industry: rebuttal of Griffin/Riegle amendments on emission standards, 18029-18032
Auto emissions: presale testing proposal, 18502, 18503
Auto industry: emission standards, 16541, 18026-18038, 18126, 18185
Chemical Plants Leave Unexpected Legacy for Virginia Rivers, Luther J. Carter, Science magazine, 39172-39174
Clean Air Act: amend (S. 252; H.R. 6161), 18039, 18183, 18500
Clean Water Act Conference Report: Senator Gravel, 39212
Clean Air Act: amend (H.R. 6161), correction in enrollment, 26856
Clean Air Act's compliance penalty provision, with Senator Stafford, 26843, 26844
Clean Air Act: amend (H.R. 6161), conference report, 26824, 26841-26854, 26856
Clean Air Act Amendments, by, 36252
Clean Water Act: enact (H.R. 3199), conference report, 39170-39172, 39174-39191, 39195
Clean Water Act: enact (H.R. 3199), conference report, reconsider vote, 39219
Clean Water Act: dredge and fill permit program, 26697
Clean Air Act: amend (S. 252; H.R. 6161), 18014-18039, 18043, 18047, 18053-18056, 18059, 18061-18064, 18068, 18070, 18076, 18077, 18125-18134, 18146, 18146-18150, 18152-18154. 18157, 18159-18161, 18165, 18168, 18182, 18185, 18460-18465. 18468, 18472-18475, 18476-18480, 18495, 18496, 18498-18500, 18502, 18503, 18506-18509, 18513, 18514
Clean Water Act: industrial program, 26694
Clean Water Act (sundry excerpts), 26691, 26696
Clean Air Act: amend (S. 251-253), 1192
Clean Water Act: municipal program, 26690
Clean Air Act: amend (S.252; H.R. 6161), debate procedure, 18465
Clean Air Act: amend (see S. 251-253), 1155
Clean Water Act Conference Report: Senator Anderson, 39213
Clean Air Act: amend (S. 252; H.R. 6161), 18514
Clean Air Act: nondegradation provision (allegations and facts), 17590-17594
Clean Water Act: (H. Con. Res. 444) correct enrollment of H.R. 3199, 39221, 39222
Clean Air Act, Carl Bagge for National Coal Association (excerpt), 18020
Colloquies:Clean Air Act, with Senator Cannon, 18046
Committee on Public Works: notice of hearings, 3547
Conferee on S.1316, 36090
Conferee on H.R. 3199, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, 26785
Conferee on H.R. 6161, Clean Air Act Amendment, 18627
Conferee on H.R. 5101, EPA appropriations, 31754
Court decision: E. I. Du Pont de Nemours vs. Train (EPA), 8274
Department of the Interior and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 7636), 19672, 19673
Factsheets: Rebuttal to Senator Garn's Statement on Clean Air Act-No Good for Energy, 18165
Factsheets: Auto Emission Standards, 16542
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (S. 1952; H.R. 3199), 26690-26698, 26701, 26711, 26712, 26720, 26721, 26728, 26756, 26763, 26765-26768, 26770-26772, 26785
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (S. 1952; H.R. 3199), to table Bentsen amendment, 26729
Federal Water Pollution Control: construction grant funds (S. 57), 594
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (S. 1952; H.R. 3199), debate procedure, 26729
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (see S. 57, 1952), 477, 25397
Hubert H. Humphrey Federal Building: designate (see S. 2169), 32941
Japan: development of auto emission standards, 18028
Keep on Tracking, Doris Laber, Soil Conservation, 4333
Letter: Significant deterioration of air quality: Secretary Andrus, 18164
Letter: Clean Water Act enforcement strategy, Environmental Protection Agency, 39190
Letter: Auto emission standards: Secretary Adams and Administrators Costle and O'Leary, 18164
Letter: Auto emission standards: Tornio Kubo, for Mitsubishi Motors Corp., 18028
Letter: Clean Water Act Federal projects exemption, Senator Bumpers, 39188
Letter: Law of the Sea negotiations (sundry), by, 39186
Letter: Significant deterioration of air quality: Roger Strelow for EPA, 18153
Letter: Clean Water Act secondary treatment modification provision, Thomas C. Jorling for Letter: Environmental Protection Agency, 39179
Letter: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, exchange with Senator Chafee, 39583
Letter: Significant deterioration of air quality: EPA Administrator Costle, 18162
Letter: Auto emission standards: President Carter, 18161
Letter: Homestake Mining Co.'s Pitch project: William M. Auberle for State of Colorado, 36257
Letter: Homestake Mining Co.'s Pitch project: Environmental Defense Fund, 36256
Letter: Clean Air Act, by, 1192
Letter: Clean Air Act nondegradation policy, by, 36253
Letter: Water pollution control program funds, 13 Senators, 7731
List: Issues considered in mark-up of Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (S. 1952), 26698
List: Witness on Clear Air Act Amendment hearings, 3547
List: Proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act, 36252
List: Water pollution: States which may run out of funds, 595
List: Ocean outfalls to territorial seas (California), 39180
List: Mandatory class I areas under 1973 Clean Air Act Amendments, 36255
Maine: tribute to Medomak Valley Students, Waldoboro, 4333
Maine: architectural heritage, 722
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act: amend (H.R. 4297), 34585
Marine pollution control: 200-mile zone (S. 885, 886), 6077
Marine pollution control: 200-mile zone (see S. 885, 886), 6065
Memorandum: Changes to PSD and Emission Offset Requirements, EPA, 36254
Memorandum: Water Pollution Control Act Enforcement, Environmental Protection Agency, 39191
Memorandum: Clean Air Act Amendments Immediate Regulatory Changes, EPA, 36255
Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT); controversial use with gasoline, 18035
Muddying the Clean-Water Law, New York Times, 11868
National Environmental Policy Conference, by 20783-20785
National Mass Transportation Assistance Act: enact (S. 208), 20549
National Commission on Water Quality Report: How Will Congress Cope? Soil and Water Conservation (journal), 5752
National Commission on Water Quality: study, 5751
Oil pollution: establish legal regime governing liability for damages (see S. 121), 478
Pollution Control Act Amendments (S. 1952), 26700
Report: Committee on Environment and Public Works, 14149, 25397
Safe Drinking Water Act: requesting the House to return to the Senate the official papers on S. 1528 (see S. Res. 310), 35604
Sewage treatment: construction grants, 10123
Study: Clean Air Act-Implication of 18-Day (5%) PSD Variance Provision, EPA, 18162
Table: Water treatment facilities in operation (selected data), 26694
Table: Emission standards impact on price of automobiles, 18031
Table: Automobile fuel consumption (selected data), 18030
Table: Significant air quality deterioration (selected data), 18154
Table: Auto emission standards, from conference on Clean Air Act (H.R. 6161), 26847
Table: Department of the Interior appropriations (selected data on H.R. 7636), 19672
Table: Auto emission standards (selected data), 18035-18038
Text: S. 57, Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, 594
Water pollution: reduction of EPA construction grants, 11868
Water pollution control: Supreme Court decision in Du Pont de Nemours vs. Train, 8274
Water Pollution, Senator Culver, Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies. Washington, D.C.,12011
1978 2nd Session, 95th Congress
Analysis: Oil Spill Liability Fund and Compensation Act (S. 2900), 9809
Analysis: Oil Spill Liability Fund-Impact of House-Enacted H.R. 6803 on Clean Water Act, EPA, 37878
Appropriations: making second supplemental (H.R. 13467), 24356-24358, 24360
Area May Get Stiffer Rules on Air Pollution, Stephen J. Lynton, Washington Post, 22452
Chronological Order of Events Surrounding a Major Oil Spill, 34037
Clean Water Act Amendments: EPA regulations on municipal waste, 15591
Conferee on S. 2899, Endangered Species Act Amendments, 37519
Conferee, S. 2701, Water Resources Planning Act, 24923
Conferee on H.R. 11302, Environmental Research and Development Administration appropriations, 18706
Confusion Shrouds Los Angeles Smog Alert, Sandra Blakeslee, Los Angeles Times, 22450
Dept. of HUD and related agencies: conference report on H.R. 12936, appropriations. 30339-30341
Dept. of Interior and related agencies: appropriation (H.R. 12932), 24850-24855, 24866, 24882 25066, 25090, 25091
Endangered Species Act: conference report on S. 2899, amending, 37592
Environmental impact statements: con, intent, 24850-24855
EPA: conference report on H.R. 11302, and development appropriations, 31547-31549
EPA: proposed regulations on municipal waste, 15591
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (H.R. 12140), 37502
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (H.R. 12140), 37503
Frederick G. Payne Building: designate in Portland, Maine (see S. 3334), 22427
Frederick G. Payne Building: designate in Portland, Maine (S. 3334), 22427
Hazardous Substance Spills, 34038
Health effects of Organic Contaminants, EPA (excerpts), 30341 Report: Safe Drinking Water, 30341
Letter: Oil pollution liability fund and compensation: Representatives John M. Murphy, Biaggi, Ruppe, and Treen, 37879
Letter: Pollution control research and development, sundry exchanges with OMB Director McIntyre, 31549-31551
Letter: Oil pollution liability fund and compensation:sundry State officials, 34038- 34041
Letter: Oil pollution liability fund and compensation: by, 37880
Letter: Notice of action approving EPA plan of data collection, Roye L. Lowry for OMB, 30344
Letter: Clean Water Act Amendments clarification on hazardous substance spills, exchange with Dept. of State, 5491, 5492
Letter: Return of Atlantic salmon to clean water areas, American Forest Institute, 26711
Letter: Colorado River Basin environmental impact statement, Sec. of Interior Andrus, 24850
Letter: EPA information-gathering process, Thomas C. Jorling, 30343
Memorandum: Clean Water Act Amendments Intent Regarding Oil/Hazardous Substance Discharges, 5492
Memorandum: Dept. of Energy/EPA Research and Development Programs, OMB Director McIntyre, 31549
Oceans: EPA regulations on municipal waste discharging, 15591
Oil spill: establish liability fund (S. 2900), 9805
Oil shale technologies: test commercial, environmental, and Social viability (S. 419), 19146
Oil pollution: preemption of State laws regarding cleanup costs and liability fund, 37877-37880
Oil spill liability fund: differences of House- and Senate-enacted H.R. 6803, 37877-37880
Oil spill liability fund: eliminating hazardous substances provisions from enacted H.R. 6803, 37877-37880
Oil pollution: legal regime governing liability and compensation for damages and cleanup costs (S. 2093: H.R. 6803), 34040, 34043
Oil spill: establish liability fund (see S. 2900), 9790
Paul G. Rogers Federal Building: West Palm Beach (Fla.) facility named after (H.R. 14295), 37621
Portland, Maine: Frederick G. Payne Building (S.3334), 22427
Press release: Salmon returning to Bangor, Maine, American Forest Institute, 26711
Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978: (H.R. 10587), 32804
Report: Com. on Environment and Public Works, 27850
Resolutions by Organization : Oil Spill Liability and Compensation Act (sundry), 34040, 34043
Senate: time limitation on coming debates, 30871, 30872
Table: Research and development efforts of major Federal agencies, 31548, 31549
Table: Oil spills in 1976, 34037
Table: Dept. of Interior: comparison of allocations of H.R. 12932, 25066
Text: Amendment to H.R. 6803, oil pollution liability and compensation legislation, 37980-37984
Text: S. 2900, Oil Spill Liability Fund and Compensation Act, 9806
Text: Clean Water Act of 1977 (excerpt), 15592
When Smog Moves In, Affluent Leave, Joel Kotkin and Katherine Macdonald, Washington Post, 22453
Will Sun Still Rise Over Lovely Campobello? Dalton Camp, Toronto (Canada) Star, 29418
1979, 96th Congress, 1st Session
"Earth Revisited": CBS environmental series, 1483
$6 Million Hassle Over Spilled Poison, Joanne Omang, New York Times, 1327
Air pollutants: relaxation of standards, 971, 972
Analysis: EPA (1978), 1728
Analysis: Liability for Discharge of Oil and Hazardous Substances-impact of House-Passed H.R. 6803, EPA, 1728
Broadcast: "Earth Revisited", Walter Cronkite on CBS (series), 1483-1485
Canada: Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission, 28599 4751
Canada: Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission, 28599 4751
Catfish Hunter — A Candidate for the People, John N. Cole, New York Times, 34300
CBS: environmental series "Earth Revisited", 1483
Christmas Garland — Taking the Tree, John N.Cole, National Wildlife, 34303
Clean Air Act: industrial cost recovery provisions (S. 901), 14815, 34272
Clean Air Act: industrial cost recovery provisions (S. 901), 34272
Cole, John N.: tribute to Outdoor Life Conservation Award recipient, 34299
Comments: EPA proposed revisions to the standards of performance, 15637
Conferee on S. 1143, Endangered Species Act appropriations, 31300
Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act: provisions of enacted S. 493, 36076
Dept. of Interior: conference report on H.R. 4930, 31933
Dumps and Drinking Water, Bob Cummings, Portland Maine Telegram, 1328
Emphasis Now on Old Roots, Howell Raines, New York Times, 15639
Environment: CBS's "Earth Revisited" series, 1483
Environment: effect on by toxic chemicals, 35287
Environmental programs: integrated financial assistance to States (S. 1136), 11296
Environmental Time Bomb (sundry), 19897-19901
EPA: drinking water program implementation, 22609
EPA: pollutant standards, 971, 972
EPA Set To Ease Smog Standards for Urban Areas, Margot Hornblower, Washington Post, 972
Faked Case Against Regulation, Mark Green, Washington Post, 973
Hazardous substances: liability, compensation, cleanup, and emergency response (S. 1480), 17994
Hazardous wastes: disposal, 19895
Hazardous substances: system of response, liability, and compensation for inactive waste disposal sites (see S. 1341), 14855
Hazardous substances: liability, compensation, cleanup, and emergency response (see S. 1480), 17988
Hazardous substances: system of response, liability, and compensation for releases from waste disposal sites (S. 1341), 14880
Health: abandoned chemical dumpsites, 1327
Heating units: require efficiency improvements (S. 1335), 33870
History: Outdoor Life Annual Conservation Award, 34300
House Rejects Senate Offer on Oil Spill Liability Fund, by (1978), 1727
Interviews: TVA's new look, with S. David Freeman, 15640-15643
Letter: Oil pollution liability and compensation: by, 1730
Letter: EPA's new source performance standards, S. David Freeman, 15637
Letter: EPA's construction grant program, Barbara Blum, 21097
Letter: Oil pollution liability and compensation: Representatives John Murphy, Biaggi, Ruppe and Treen, 1729
Liability for Oil Pollution-U.S. Law, Allan Mendelsohn and Eugene R. Fidel, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 27854-27859
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act: reauthorize title I (see S. 1148), 11292
Memorandum: Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Fund, Sally Walker and Karl Braithwaite, 1729
Mendelsohn, Allan: tribute, 27853
Mood of the Anti-Regulators Regarding Costs of Pollution Control, by, 3889
Oil pollution: liability and compensation fund, 1727
Oilspills: liability for cleanup, 27853
Outdoor Life Conservation Award: John N. Cole recipient,34299
Oxidant level: EPA relaxation of standards, 971, 972
Pollution: flexible environmental program of integrated financial assistance to States (see S. 1136), 11292
Pollution: flexible environmental program of integrated financial assistance to States (S. 1136), 11296
Pollution: EPA relaxation of oxidant standards, 971, 972
Public Buildings Services: establish within GSA (see S. 2080), 34677
Public Health Service Act: extend appropriations (see S. 1146), 11292
Public Health Service Act: extend appropriations (S. 1146), 22609
Report: Improving Water Quality in the Tennessee Valley (summary), 15639
Report: Committee on Environment and Public Works, 11289,13479
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission: cooperative work, 28599
Solid Waste Disposal Act: amend and reauthorize (S. 1156), 13252
Striped Bass Is the Cadillac of Sport Fish, John N. Cole, 34300
Table: Comparable State oil spill liability provisions, 27859
Those Deadly Dumps, Washington Post, 1328
Toxic waste: cleanup, 1327
Toxic Waste Disposal a Growing Problem, Science, 19895-19897
Toxic Toxic Chemicals — Everyday Risks, Washington Post, 35287
Toxic Substances Control Act: extend certain provisions (see S. 1147), 11292
Toxic chemicals: controlling, 28601
Toxic Chemical Spills — Living on the Margin, Washington Post, 28600
Toxic chemicals: disposal, 35287
TVA: increase amount of debt which may be incurred by (S. 436), 15636
Waste disposal sites: hazardous and toxic chemicals from inactive or abandoned, 14880
Water: treatment systems for small communities, 22609
1980; 96th Congress, 2nd Session
Conferee on S. 1156, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Amendments, 4658
Disabled children: SSI benefits (H.R. 4612), 4569
Guam Power Authority: application of Clean Air Act, 2453, 2454
Letter: Guam Power Authority and EPA, exchange with Delegate Won Pat, 2454
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission: unemployment insurance for U.S. employees, 4569
Social security: preventive services, referral, and disabled children receiving SSI benefits (H.R.4612), 4569
Social security, preventive services, referral, and disabled children receiving SSI benefits (H.R. 4612), 4569
U.S. insular areas: application of Clean Air Act, 2453, 2454
U.S. insular areas: appropriations (H.R. 3756), 2453, 2454