Francisca López

Francisca López is Professor of Spanish at Bates College (USA). She specializes in contemporary Spanish literary and cultural studies, paying particular attention to politics of representation in narrative fiction, film and television. She has published: the monograph Mito y discurso en la novela femenina de posguerra en España (Pliegos, 1995); the co-edited book Historias de la pequeña pantalla: Representaciones históricas en la televisión de la España democrática (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2009); and numerous articles in edited volumes and such journals as The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Letras Peninsulares, and Dissedences/Disidencias: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism. As a creative writer, she has co-authored a novel, Posdata, and a collection of short stories, La séptima mujer; and published poetry in such journals as Letras Femeninas, Letralia, and Letras Salvajes.