Naomi Otsubo Translations


翼をもった 花びらで
はるかな園(その)を 空に うかべる

思いをもった 花びらで
はるかな園を あなたに 映さん

“Flower-Petal Heart”

           The birds,
flower petals   fashioned from wings,
set a distant garden   afloat in the sky

flower petals   fashioned from thoughts,
want to make    a distant garden   shine in your hearts

Translated by Sarah Strong



あなたへの もろもろの思い
みな沈黙して 散りつもる

“Autumn Stroll”

As I make my way through the pure glass
we call light

my teeming thoughts about you
all grow silent, scatter and fall

Translated by Sarah Strong


あなたの名を 呼んでみる

小鳥の さえずりのように 呼んでみる

あっ! 空間が ひろがった

“A Small Bird on a Certain Day”

I try
calling your name

I try calling it
the way
a small bird sings

Ah!   space has expanded around me

Translated by Sarah Strong


パンの耳が すきだけど
半分ずつ わけあって
とても うれしい

すべての人に もてたなら

“The Lovers’ Breakfast”

For bread,
both of us like the heel

but as I share it half a piece each
it is pure joy I feel not loss

If only I could
have such emotions toward everyone in the world

Translated by Sarah Strong


教会の鐘が 十回続けてなりました

その後 ひとびとは 
思い思いに 歌いだしました

なんて 陽気な こころでしょう

鐘の音をおって みんな
空へと のぼっていきます

もう 雲のうえ

もう 雲のうえ

“The Pathway of Sound”

The church bell   tolled ten times in a row

Afterwards different people
began to sing each according to their own heart

What a joyful feeling

Pursuing the sound of the bell we all
mount up into the sky

You and I both
are already above the clouds

already above the clouds

Translated by Sarah Strong


みんな 花になる

そのまんま 消える

みんな みんな 消える

ただ 鼓動だけが

“The Different Dimension”

We laugh
and everyone turns into blossoms

The wind flows,
we all look up as one
and in that state we disappear

everyone   everyone   disappears

only our heartbeats
remain behind in spacetime
continuing to pulse

Translated by Sarah Strong


ふたりで いくつもの
「ありがとう」を 宇宙にかえす

  わたしたちの 言霊よ

  また いい旅をしておいで

“The Leonides”

Standing on the balcony in late autumn
together we send back
numerous “thank yous” to the universe

Oh, you, our word spirits,
flowing away through the darkness,

Good-bye. We’ll see you again. Have a good trip 

Translated by Sarah Strong


もっと もっと 輝きたい ……

この強い 思い

いったい どこからくるの?
だれのため? 自分のため?

いいえ 本当は

心から あふれる光の「ありがとう」
子供がいちばん それを知っている

だから よくお聞き わたしの自我
…… あんたの出番なんかじゃ ないの

“Reflected Light”

I want to shine
More and more brightly I want to shine…..

This strong desire

Just where does it come from?
For whose sake do I have it? My own?

No, in truth
it is for the sake of those who love me,

a radiant gratitude overflowing from the heart
Children are the ones who know this best

So listen up ego of mine
…..It’s definitely not your turn to take the stage

Translated by Sarah Strong


私を目がけて やってくる


  夏のあいだ あなたは 
  神からの贈り物を 手のひらいっぱいに受けとった

  かつて ぐずっては人に食ってかかっていった沈黙は


そして 今は ただ
ひとつの言霊に あふれている


寡黙なあなたが ほほえめば


懐かしいテンションが 呼びおこされていく

結び目のように あなたの沈黙にからんでいく

神が人間を このように創られたとは

かつて自分が受け取ったものを 人にまわし
私はまた あの時の幸福に満たされている

“The Knot”

Your happiness
approaches with me in its sights

Another person’s joy
has become my own pulse and is beating within me

You spent the summer
earnestly digging the soil
and you received god’s gift so that it filled your open hands

The old sulking silence with which you lashed out at people,
did it lose its sense of direction in the foreign land?

It clung tightly to you,
       gradually learned to be comforted   
       by those hands accustomed to grasses and flowers

Now  just
a single spirit-word overflowing,

When, in the garden beginning to be tinted with fallen leaves,
you, always so taciturn, smile

inside me
a familiar exhilaration is summoned up

Tinged with the sweetness of ten years’ time
it goes on entwining with your silence as though to form a knot.


What a wonderful thing,
that god made human beings like this

Something I myself received in the past is passed on to another
I am once again filled with the happiness of that time.

Translated by Sarah Strong

( 10 )
「明治神宮の人形感謝祭 in1995」

なんども なんども
抱きしめた人形を 見送る日


神のもとへ ともに帰る という「儀式」になる

「……してくれて どうもありがとう」
なんて 小さなものじゃなかった

一体感が 目覚めたときにおきる
心の波の こだま だった

ずっといっしょのような そんな気持が 
胸のどこかで 湧いてくるのだから‥


人形とともに放たれて 空の高みに自らをみる

“Doll Thanksgiving Festival at the Meiji Shrine, 1995”

A day for sending off dolls that have been hugged tightly
many, many times over

When one discovers the feeling of thanksgiving
in the action of “releasing”

it becomes the “rite” of returning together to god

What is called gratitude
is not at all a small thing like saying,
“Hey, thanks for helping me out.”

It is the echo of the beating of the heart
that arises when the sense of oneness awakens

Because, when you think of returning someone to god,
somewhere in your heart a sense 
that you have been and will always be together comes welling up

At the moment when “sayonara” changes to “arigatô”
I myself am released,
released together with my doll
I see myself high up in the sky

Translated by Sarah Strong

( 11 )


家族連れが 学生が 子供が 恋人たちが 
歩いてはとまり 歩いてはとまり
まるで 稚児のようだ

段ボールの家からでてきて 頭をつきあわせ 

鳥の声が 犬の吠える声が
カラオケの音が 手拍子の音がする

赤ん坊に 花を指さす母親がいて



この人たちは どこからきたのだろう?

それは 桜の花にはじまり おわる

鳥が 惜しげもなくついばむ花びらが 
ひざを並べ 鮮やかな弁当に
箸をのばす人々に 落ちていく
あー 日本人よ のぼっていこう


すわっても なおすわりきれない玉座が そこにある

さあ 日本人よ のぼっていこう

この世の ものも 
あの世の ものも
夜桜の下で 星をながめよう

かなたの輝きも またなんて 親しいものに見えるだろう

“For the People Born from Cherry Blossoms”

Beneath the cherry blossoms

family groups   students   children   lovers
take a few steps and pause   take a few steps and pause
exactly like toddlers

Homeless people
have emerged from their cardboard houses and are all head to head
playing Japanese chess

Birds call dogs bark
there is the noise of karaoke and of hands clapping time

There is a mother pointing her finger at the blossoms to show her baby
and a middle aged man taking a nap in their shade

With convenience-store box lunches in one hand, middle school students
have gathered and sit on the bare ground convulsed with laughter

A group from a nursing home
managing their wheelchairs like horses
are having a barbeque

What kind of place is this I wonder?
Where did these people come from?

sets a strange space afloat
one that begins and ends with cherry blossoms

The blossoms, pecked at liberally by the birds,
go on falling like sand in an hourglass
upon people  sitting knee to knee
who stretch their chopsticks towards gaily colorful boxed lunches

Ah   people of Japan   let us ascend

Let us smoothly climb to the top
of the spiral of DNA
and gather beneath the cherry blossoms

There, for the people who know what it is like to share even a small sitting cushion,
are thrones, so many that   even if everyone sits   there will still be empty ones to spare

Ah   people of Japan   let us ascend

Both those of this world
and those of the other world
let us gaze at the stars from beneath the night cherries

For the people with full stomachs, who surrender everything to their love of blossoms
even those far-away stars   must also somehow seem like something close and dear

Translated by Sarah Strong