Note Taking
Taking accurate notes is the first step in avoiding accidental plagiarism.
Good note-taking skills allow you to identify exactly
what information
from what source, and will help prevent any last minute misunderstandings,
lapses in memory, or confusion over the origin of a given point, quotation,
or idea. Good notes can also save a lot of time because
they provide a reliable record for double checking sources.
To take better notes, it is important to:
- Record all bibliographic information in your notes to avoid having to go
back and search for the source when you're in the process of writing your essay/assignment.
- Make it clear when you are using your own words and when you are citing a
source directly (you may want to color code your notes to indicate this important
- Keep track of what ideas and quotations go with what source and where (even
when paraphrasing a source, be sure to keep an accurate record of page numbers!).