MLA Style (4th ed) bibliography builder

Dennis Jerz has made freely available an MLA Style bibliography generator.

Bibliography builder

Bibliography Builder generates bibliographical entries in either Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) or IEEE Style.

Interactive tutorials

The Engineering Communication Centre at the University of Toronto has produced a pair of single example interactive tutorials. The Plagiarism Self-Test tests your ability to recongize plagiarism, and Documentation: Why? introduces students to the academic practice of documentation.

Plagiarism & the Internet: Call for Papers

The MLA Committee on Academic Freedom and Professional Rights and Responsibilities (CAFPRR) invites papers on plagiarism and the internet for MLA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, December 2004.

Plagiarism plagues Norwegian universities

Cases of plagiarism have increased significantly at Norwegian universities. University officials consider using detection services.

Ethical challenges of a new century

The President of Western Michigan University, Judith Bailey, identified academic honesty, diversity and access as the greatest ethical challenges facing higher education.

Plagiarism threatens integrity of Australian HE

A plagiarism scandal jeopardizes Newcastle University's reputation and threatens Australia's higher education industry.

MP3s, plagiarism, and the future of knowledge

Len Ellis considers the phenomenon of plagiarism as an inevitable practice nurtured by the "new knowledge environment."

Auburn rewrites its academic honesty oath

An Auburn undergraduate wrote the university's new academic honor oath. Faculty may put the oath on their syllabi, but students are not required at this point to sign it.

Tufts considers an honor code

Faculty and students at Tufts University discuss instituting an honor code.