Bio 111 -- Social Biology
Online course -- Spring, 2025
Instructor: Eli Minkoff
Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time at my email address:
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OUTLINES of each Chapter
Link to ZOOM
A. Course Description
This course is about biological science in a social context, including:
  • The nature of science, and the logic of scientific ideas
  • The origins of scientific ideas in their social and historical contexts
  • The uses of scientific theories in social contexts and decision-making

    Charles Darwin's 1859 book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, probably the most influential biology book ever written, was an epoch-making book that profoundly changed our way of thinking about nature as a whole and our own place in it. The Darwinian revolution continues to inform us and to shape our understanding of newly emerging diseases (like Covid-19), antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and the improvement of agricultural crops, among other topics.

    In addition to Darwin's twin theories of evolution and natural selection, we will also examine other influential scientific ideas in their social contexts, including:
  • Mendel's discovery of genes, and the nature of heredity
  • Watson, Crick, and Franklin's work on DNA and its role in heredity
  • Miller's theories on the origins of life and the history of our planet
  • The Alvarez theory of dinosaur extinction and the reshaping of global ecosystems
  • Modern research on the causes and consequences of climate change

    Scientific theories (and sometimes the resistance to these theories from within science and within society at large) continue to shape our modern world and the societies in which we live.
    Our medicine, politics, language, and religion have all been influenced by science and have influenced science in return.
    Science is a human endeavor, and biology is perhaps the most human science of them all.

  • B. Course Text
    Minkoff, Eli C., and Jennifer K. Hood-DeGrenier.   BIOLOGY TRENDING, A Contemprary Issues Approach.
          CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-032-48804-2

    C. General Class Procedures (and important advice)
    • WEEKLY CLASS MEETINGS:     Every Saturday from 9:30am - 12:00 noon (see Schedule below for more specifics).
      Each session will observe a 5-minute break (for bathroom visits, etc.) after about 10:30.
    • Before each meeting, please read the relevant chapters, listed in this shade of green on the syllabus.
    • Students are expected to read Class NOTICES several times each week, including Friday nights, especially in the week before any exam.
    • Online classes put more responsibility on YOU to keep up with the work.
    • Remember that all plans are subject to change, so you need to check Class Notices frequently.

      • Assigned chapter readings are essential homework assignments.     You should study them well in order to do well in the course.

    • KEEPING UP with class work:
      For an online course especially, keeping up with the class is most important!   (This includes reading all Class Notices, too!)
      In an online course, students who do not keep up with the class fall behind quickly and do poorly.

    • IF YOU MISS some or all of ANY CLASS:
    • 1. Please go over (carefully, repeatedly) everything in the textbook (the Syllabus will show which chapters).
    • 2. The visuals for each class are posted online at
            Please go over them slowly and carefully, preferably with the book nearby so that you can compare the visuals with the explanations in the book.
    • 3. The Publisher's WebSite (CLICK HERE) has a list of very helpful "Student resources" at the top of the page.
      The review questions in each chapter will help you identify what you should know and what to study.
      The open response study questions will help you prepare for exams on this material.
    • 4. All of the above is good advice if you miss any class, or if you simply wish to review for any exam.

    • Please email me at any time if you have a question or a problem.     SUGGESTIONS are always welcome.

    • Use of E-MAIL:
      Since this is an online course, most of our communication will take place by email.
      Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time at my email address:   < >
      Please make sure to include your name with all communication.
      Please include a proper salutation ("hey!" is not a proper salutation).

    • REMEMBER:   Individual help is available for those who need it, and exceptions can be arranged if circumstances warrant.

    • To contact Dr. Minkoff: please e-mail me at     I am here to help.

  • Because our class will be online, you will need to prepare for class by downloading and testing
    certain software BEFORE THE DAY OF OUR FIRST CLASS:
    1. Preparing and using ZOOM:     You need to follow THIS link and become familiar with ZOOM.
      You need to do this in advance, so that you are prepared to use Zoom on the first day of class.
    2. You will also need to download the Respondus Lockdown Browser that we will use for weekly quizzes,
      by going to this link and following instructions.
    3. You will also need to TEST your familiarity with this software.
    4. Once you have tested the software and are prepared to use it, please send an email message to me at
      with a note saying that you have downloaded and tested the necessary software, and are ready to use it in class.

  • E. Course expectations
    • You will need a COMPUTER (not just a tablet or a cell phone) and a reliable Internet connection for this course.
    • Students are expected to read Class Notices and other online postings several times each week because they are subject to change, especially just before exams.
    • Regular class attendance is expected.  Students who repeatedly miss classes always do poorly.
    • Students are expected to read chapter assignments before class, then again after class.
    • Tests are listed on the syllabus (and any changes are posted on Class Notices).
      Please DO NOT USE GOOGLE DOCS (or any link to a cloud-based service) to submit your tests or any other assignments; just use regular email.
    • Remember that all plans are subject to change, so you need to check Class Notices frequently.

    • Please email me at any time if you have a question or a problem.     Suggestions are always welcome.
    1. To view class materials frequently, at least a few times each week.
    2. To be prepared for studying each day both mentally and intellectually.
    3. To pay attention, work hard and do their best.
    4. To read the textbook and other course materials carefully and thoroughly, with the aim of learning the material.
      • RECOMMENDATION: Before class, read the assignment, paying attention to boldface words and to the illustrations (and their captions). After class, reread everything thoroughly for full detail.
    5. To ask for assistance when they need it. (Extra help can be arranged.)
    6. To enjoy learning new skills.
    7. To develop new and increased understanding of the scientific inquiry process.
    8. To develop new and increased understanding of living systems.
    9. To develop new and increased understanding of the world around them.
    10. To become familiar with the web pages posted for this class.
    11. To keep an alert mind, focused on learning, not sleep-deprived or impaired in any other way.
    12. To e-mail me with any questions, concerns, or special needs.
    13. To cooperate with other students in an environment of mutual learning and mutual respect.
    14. To treat their fellow students and teachers with respect.
    15. To be familiar with and to abide by the University's policies on academic honesty, as explained here.
    • Meeting the above expectations is your responsibility.
      "A teacher can open the door to learning, but you must enter on your own."   —Confucian proverb
    WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM ME, the teacher:
    1. Love of learning (a life-long passion)
    2. Love of teaching (another life-long passion)
    3. Willingness to help every student, as much as they need
    4. Fairness to all
    5. A commitment, which I take seriously, to make sure that every student who takes seriously their commitment to live up to the expectations listed above will:
            (a) learn a lot and acquire knowledge,     (b) acquire many useful skills, and     (c) earn a high grade.

    Individual help is available for those who need it.
    If you have any special needs, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor, preferably by email.
    If the information that you seek can be found online, please look there first. I will try to respond to emails as soon as I can.
        As a student, you might experience any of a range of issues that can be barriers to learning. These include strained relationships, anxiety, high levels of stress, alcohol/drug problems, financial challenges, feeling down, or loss of motivation. If you feel yourself struggling with an issue, such as mental or physical health, please feel free to approach me. I will try to be flexible and accommodating as well as to assist you in getting the help you might want. You may also wish to contact Counseling Services (508-929-8072) or Health Services (508-929-8875) directly if you need them.

    From any educational experience, you will get two kinds of outcomes. They are both important, but very different:
  • CREDENTIALS, like a degree, a certificate, or a grade in a course: These will help you get your first job or college (or graduate or professional school) placement.
          For more about grading in this course, see section G, below.
  • KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS:  These will help you do well in your first job or in further schooling, or your second or third job as well, so the importance
          is more lasting.     If you work seriously to fulfill the expectations listed above, you will gain both subject knowledge, including an understanding of
          science, biology and biological systems at all levels, and also important learning skills, such as:
    • How to plan your work
    • How to read, carefully and critically
    • How to evaluate what you read  (especially
      when different sources say different things)
    • How to look up useful information
    • How to work cooperatively and collaborate with others
    • How to organize knowledge that you have learned
    • How to write up and communicate your knowledge to others
      Additional skills gained in lab courses:
    • How to use lab equipment (safely)
    • How to mix and pour lab chemicals (safely)
    • How to examine things carefully & compare them
    • How to measure things and record data
    Now go back and look at the above list of skills, and think about why an employer would value an employee who has those skills (and can teach them to others), but would be more inclined to get rid of an employee who displays a lack of one or more of these skills. Your knowledge and skills, not your credentials, will help you to keep your job, or get a promotion, or get a good letter of recommendation for your next job.

  • MORE SPECIFIC SUBJECT MATTER: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Explain the logical structure of science and of scientific reasoning
  • Explain and apply scientific methods to problems within science and in society at large
  • Summarize the general history of biological revolutions in their social and historical contexts, including those outlined above
  • Recognize the influences of scientific theories in politics, literature, and other social contexts
  • Explain Kuhn's concept of scientific revolutions
  • Explain the principles of branching evolution, natural selection, genetics, DNA structure, and the structure of biological communities
  • Recognize the implications of the cladistic groupings of organic species
  • Recognize faulty reasoning and faulty logic in various contexts

  • To contact Dr. Minkoff: please e-mail me at
    I am here to help.

  • F. How to study online

    1. Online learning generally puts more responsibility on each student to follow along.
      (I have taught online classes before, so I know this from experience.)
    2. For online work, the burden is greater upon you to take responsibility for your own work!
      A Confucian proverb says,    
      "A teacher can open the door to learning, but you must enter on your own."
      This is especially true for online courses.
    3. Remember that in most courses the majority of your grade rests on the exams, so study seriously and don't leave anything for the last minute. Study early, and study often!
    4. Do the assigned readings in the text before class, then repeatedly, paying special attention to the boldface terms (you can look them up online or in the book's glossary) and the illustrations (and their captions).   You can pay better attention in class (and learn better) if the terms listed in boldface are already familiar to you.   Remember that boldface terms are likely to show up on exams.
    5. Reread each chapter thoroughly for the details. Pay close attention to the illustrations and captions.
      Also familiarize yourself IN ADVANCE with the boldface glossary terms and their meanings.
    6. When you read through the text, stop at the end of each sentence or each paragraph and ask yourself, "What did I just read?" "Can I summarize it?" "How could an exam question on this information be worded?" Once you get into the habit of anticipating exam questions, most of the questions that do show up will be among the questions that you anticipated and planned for.
    7. Go over the outlines (and illustrations), repeatedly. When reviewing for exams, also go over the study guides (carefully, repeatedly).
    8. Take advantage of all other information posted online, including advice about exams, samples of questions from prior exams, etc.
    9. Email me if anything is unclear, or if you need additional help.
    • Please be aware of the class schedule (as shown below) and the expectation that you will attend all class meetings.
    • Please check Class Notices each week. You are responsible for being aware of any changes.
    • A major  advantage   of any online course is that you are free to plan your work on a schedule of your own choosing.
    • A major disadvantage of any online course is that you are free to plan your work on a schedule of your own choosing
          or to neglect your work. Don't let yourself fall behind! Procrastination is NOT your friend!
    • Yes, that's right: Your freedom to plan your own work schedule can be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on how you use it!   Therefore, USE IT WISELY!
    1. For an online course like this one, a lot more responsibility falls to the student. You can set your own pace, but the online format also makes it easier for a lazy student to slack off and fall way behind and not get noticed until a failing grade appears on an exam. Always keep up with the work, including the textbook readings and online aids.
    2. Attend class regularly, and pay attention in class. Students who repeatedly miss classes always do poorly.
    3. After class, reread the book thoroughly for the details. Much of biology is visual, so pay close attention to illustrations and captions.
    4. Many students find it helpful to print out the lecture outlines in advance and take their notes right on the same page; it helps to organize things and it saves time by not having to write down what is already there. Use the outlines at the start of each chapter; they are also posted online at
    5. I consider it my responsibility to make sure that students who keep up with the work learn a lot, get good grades, and have fun along the way. Don't hesitate to ask for help or advice if you need it, or if anything is unclear.

    G. Grading and Exams