Susann Pelletier


Susanne PelletierSusann Pelletier, a Lewiston, Maine native, began writing poems when she was 11 years old. Her work gives voice to her deep connections to family and place in Franco-America, as well as her vision of social justice and dignity at home and beyond our borders. Her articles and poems have been published here and abroad in anthologies, literary journals, chapbooks, and political and environmental magazines. Susann has worked as a journalist, editorial consultant, market gardener, college instructor, and co-editor of a progressive monthly. She finds great pleasure sharing with young people her love of poetry and offering creative writing workshops. A pacifist, Susann is committed to non-violent social change and has been an activist since her teens in the late 1960's. Susann is a board member and volunteer for Maine People's Alliance, and currently serves on the Androscoggin Valley Housing and Worker Justice Committee, Campaign Vote! Media Team, and the Racial Justice Strategy Committee. This year, Maine People's Alliance has taken a lead role among Maine organizations in bringing racial justice issues to the forefront of all of its work, and offering trainings to other groups. A long-time advocate of local and sustainable organic food systems, Susann and her family participate in a Maine-products food cooperative, community-supported agriculture (CSA) , and also grow and preserve their own organic vegetables, fruit and herbs. By year's end, Susann hopes to complete a book-length collection of her poems, What We Gather in November.