Computer CIS 210

Summer, 2001

Instructor: Eli Minkoff


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Computer Programming
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CIS 210 deals with conceptual problem solving and algorithms in the context of computer programming.
Examples will be developed using the Java programming language.

For the latest version of this syllabus (in full
COLOR ), go to any of these locations:

UNET HELP (Teleservice): 1-800-868-7000
UMA Bookstore: 1-800-621-0083


May 23
General concepts
Problem solving: Understand and define the problem. Algorithmic solutions. Heuristic solutions. Data types

SPRANKLE: Chapters 1-2
JAVA: Chapters 1-2
Obtain what you need:    PC, browser, CAPS account #, books w/CD-ROMs;
Write your first Java program using instructions in book
May 30
Review first assignment
Programming concepts
Java basics; debugging simple programs
SPRANKLE: Chapter 3
JAVA: Chapter 3
E-mail me to say hello. (If you can't succeed, then phone me!) Continue Java programming on your own.

June 6
Program development cycle. Programming environments. Structured programming: logical structures; sequences; decisions (branches)
SPRANKLE: Chapters 4-5
JAVA: Chapters 4-5
JAVA p. 112 problem 8 (LCM).
E-mail me your ASCII code.

June 13
More decisions; loops. REVIEW SESSION
SPRANKLE: Chapter 6 Selected JAVA programming exercises in book
June 20
QUIZ #1.
More loops; case logic
SPRANKLE: Chapters 7-8
JAVA: Chapter 6

Continue JAVA programming exercises in book
June 27
More operators & math functions
Control statements
JAVA: Chapters 6-7 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT: For any number specified by the user, test whether or not it is prime. Details in class.
July 4
NO CLASS this week
Continue working on your Prime number program.
Help on this assignment is available by e-mail.
July 11
Object-oriented programming concepts:
objects, methods, etc.
SPRANKLE: Chapters 11-12
JAVA: Chapters 8, 10

July 18
Arrays; strings
SPRANKLE: Chapter 9 JAVA: Chapter 9
Selected JAVA programming exercises in book
July 25
Recursion; graphics; complexity analysis; program testing & documentation
JAVA: Chapters 11-12

Aug. 1
Data structures, incl. vectors, tables, & lists
JAVA: Chapters 14-15

Continue JAVA program-
ming exercises in book
Aug. 8
Files and file processing
SPRANKLE: Chapters 13-15
JAVA: Chapter 13

Aug. 15
HTML and applets
JAVA: Chapters 16-17
Implement a Java applet of your choice on your web page. When it's finished, send me e-mail giving me the URL. (Applets will be graded, in part, on the basis of their sophistication and complexity. Applets that do not work will receive grades of zero.)
Aug. 22
Work on your applets. Final versions must be posted to your web site before midnight Friday, August 24.

Eli Minkoff's Photo Hi, I'm Eli Minkoff, course instructor. I teach full-time at Bates College during the school year, and also summers at Lewiston-Auburn College.   I wrote my first computer program as a college student in 1963 and have been writing programs professionally ever since. I also very much enjoy teaching. Over the years, I have taught courses in computer science, math (including statistics), chemistry, and biology. I hold a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

I can always be reached by e-mail.

Required books for this course are:
  • Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, 5th ed.   by Maureen SPRANKLE, published by Prentice Hall.
  • JAVA: A Framework for Programming and Problem Solving   by Kenneth A. Lambert and Martin Osborne, published by PWS Publishing Comany.
HTML references:

Class exercises in this course are of several types:
  1. Two in-class quizzes.
  2. Important practice work for you to do on your own without passing anything in.
  3. Programming assignments to be passed in either via e-mail or by posting something o a web site. These programming assignments are of a practical nature, conducted with open book, open web, and days or weeks allowed to complete each assignment.
Deadlines for each of these assignments will be posted on-line.

Assignments are assumed to be a student's individual work; however, students are encouraged to work together and to seek help when necessary.

Students are encouraged to check the course web site several times each week, for late notices. When major due dates loom near, students should check for late postings at least daily, if not more often.


One of the requirements of this course is to set up and maintain your own web site. This is becoming easier to do all the time.
  • University-hosted web sites: If you intend to continue taking U.M.A. courses for some time, we recommend setting up a University-hosted web site. To set one up, you first need to request a CMS account, which will allow you to post your files to the UMA web server. See instructions about computer access that came with your registration materials.
  • Commercially hosted web sites: If you would like a web site that you can keep after you finish taking courses, we recommend that you set up a commercially hosted web site. For example, will host your web site free of charge (and give you 20MB of storage space for your web files) as long as you let them insert an advertising banner at the top of your page. Their site also offers many web-related resources for both novices and experts, including people to contact when you need extra help.
Click here for further details about setting up your web site.

Grading, Deadlines, and Make-ups
Your grade will be based on a series of assignments, many of which will result in a document or page that you should post to your own web site. Assignments are expected to be completed on time, and most can be submitted over the Web even if you cannot come to class. Normally, projects or assignments turned in late will automatically be reduced by one letter grade, unless there is a very compelling reason for the tardiness. If you miss any assignments or scheduled deadlines, be sure to talk to me (or E-mail me) as soon as possible.

Attendance is not required but is highly recommended. In addition to class attendance, this course requires considerable student work outside of class. Students who put in little effort are almost assured of a poor (possibly failing) grade in the course.

Cheating and Plagiarism
Although working collaboratively is encouraged, any work that you turn in should be yours and yours alone. Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a failing grade.


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