Osculating Circles

On curved tracks, there are additional forces on a coaster to keep the coaster on the track. This additional force is proportional to the curvature, which is the recriprocal of the tangent circle's radius. The following GIFs help to visualize these tangent circles.
The first three GIFs show how the tangent circle is formed, using three points and a limit.
Loop 'de Loop
Sine curve
The next two GIFs show the tangent circles moving around a track.
Loop 'de Loop

Mathematica files:   Three Points   Family of Circles  

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All content above relates to Math s45K, Roller Coasters: Theory, Design, and Properties, offered during Short Term 2005 at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.
Please send comments or questions to Meredith Greer at mgreer@bates.edu.
Page last updated 6/29/2005.