A Loosely Bound Particle

One more level of complication is to allow there to be some variation from the predefined track. To do this, Nate defines a second potential to put a lower potential where the track is, then plots the behavior with a very strong bond, i.e. the potential is much larger as soon as you move a little off the track, and also with a weaker bond. Another physical application of this is a zip-line. The following animations show the effect of the bond strength.
Strongest bond
Strong bond
Moderate bond
Weak bond
Weakest bond

Mathematica file:   Loosely Bound  

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All content above relates to Math s45K, Roller Coasters: Theory, Design, and Properties, offered during Short Term 2005 at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.
Please send comments or questions to Meredith Greer at mgreer@bates.edu.
Page last updated 6/29/2005.