A Bead on a Wire

One simple way to model the motion of a roller coaster is to assume there is no friction, and that nothing rolls. This is analogous to thinking of a bead moving down a wire fixed in space.
We start with something simple: a straight line.
A parabola: note the axes are not to scale.
Getting a little more fancy, here's a cycloid.
Joining two curves together, we have a Loop 'de Loop.
Next we show a negative sine curve, computed two ways:
1.) with position as a function of time
2.) using the Hamiltonian method
The following graphic shows both sine approximations simultaneously
As a finale, here's a 3-D track.

Mathematica files:   Line   Parabola   Cycloid   Loop   Sine   3-D track

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All content above relates to Math s45K, Roller Coasters: Theory, Design, and Properties, offered during Short Term 2005 at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.
Please send comments or questions to Meredith Greer at mgreer@bates.edu.
Page last updated 6/29/2005.