■Link to other sitess:
Dictionary1 ●Dictionary2 ●JEDict: checking Kanji stroke, reaading, words, English meaning. (Mac Users only; can be used without wireless) ●漢字辞典ネット(Windows Users only?many information) ●げんきSite: verb-conjugation & kanji practice ●げんき1−Grammar & Kanji List  ●げんき2−Grammar & Kanji List Practice conjugation on site ●常用漢字リスト ●げんき漢字ポスター・注文 ●Kanji used as a Prefix and a Suffix 

とびら読みもの ●りかい ●ポップ辞書 ●「とびら」 漢字と単語の練習 (Duke site) ●Lyceum  ●文法例文ほんやく

■ 日本語302予定

 Community Hall 226 (except for 3/21 held in 221) in New Commons in Winter 2013
色々な直した課題の提出日は予定には書かないかもしれません。なおして必ず次の授業の日に出して下さい。Corrected assignments should be submitted in the next class meeting time if due date is not written. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of that. There is point reduction for late submission without a reasonable excuse.