Around the time of the Quincentennial of…insert euphemism here…The First Encounter, The Discovery of the New World, Columbus’s Discovery of America, I began incorporating collage into my work, and quickly found that this process of adding a new and potentially more specific vocabulary of found material into my work worked well with my interests. So at a time when I was thinking a great deal about the meaning of this anniversary, and so much of the discussion around it—which often omitted history in favor of political positions. I began to read a lot about this, and began to make work that was my way of investigating these ideas.
—Christina Ely. Views on Art “Interview with Dan Mills". August 22, 2012
![ReView 1492](../../../_Media/review-1492_med.jpeg)
(Re) View (1492), 1992-93, collage on wood, 20 1/2 x 52 x 2 1/4 inches