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Devin Dilts, Andrew Wortham, and Noah Graboys, shown here in the alumni race, finished 1-2-3 for Bates this weekend at Pineland, though not in the same order as pictured. (Photo by Alison Leonard '10)

Quad Meet at Pineland
Bates Takes First in Home Meet

The Bates men had a great day in their home meet at Pineland this weekend, defeating Bowdoin, Tufts, and Colby to win the meet. Bates was powered by a 1-2-3 finish, with Noah capturing the individual title in a time of 26:09, followed by Devin in 26:20 and Wortham in 26:21. Noah's time was the fastest run by a Bates athlete on the course to date. Bowdoin and Tufts put solid packs in behind Wortham, after which Tully, in his first race of the season coming off of injury, finished fourth for the team in a time of 27:10, with Sweetums nipping at his heels in 27:11.

While Bowdoin made up some ground with their four through eight runners, the fact that the meet was scored ten deep allowed Bates' depth to shine, with Grizz, Jag, Graham, and Mike Martin all finishing between 27:25 and 27:30, and James LePage not far off in 27:38. Kevin also had a good race, improving on last year's performance by 26 seconds, running 29:03.

Team Results

Individual Results



This website is the unofficial team run page for the Bates College Men's Cross Country team. It is maintained by Peter Gurney '11, if you have any questions or complaints, please e-mail them to pgurney@bates.edu.