
Plagiarism of Open-Source Code

The developer of the JBoss open-source application server has accused the Apache open-source group of plagiarism. JBoss contends that portions of Apache's Geronimo program is identical to JBoss program source code.

NPR: How Not to Be a Radio Plagiarist

NPR's ombudsman, Jeffrey Dvorkin, has published a short article entitled "How Not to Be a Radio Plagiarist". He distinguishes the unique requirements of radio for integrity in authoring, and offers a set of practical guidelines.

Anti-Plagiarism Handbook

Wendy Austin has put together for her school, but for anyone else who wants to use it, an "Anti-Plagiarism Handbook" web site. It explains plagiarism, provides help, and quick reference charts to find out how to cite things.


Student Challenges Plagiarism Rules

The Vancouver Sun reports that a student at McGill has challenged the legality of a course requirement that he have his paper vetted by (Thanks to Chris Anson and Nick Carbone)

Plagiarism Links

Nick Carbone provided several links to plagiarism resources in his panel talk at "Information Ethics and Academic Honesty," Colby, 15 October 2003.

Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers

Robert Harris has published a set of strategies to help prevent and discourage the occurrence of plagiarism in student research papers.


A wealth of publications on the topic of plagiarism exists. To help you navigate or locate relevant resources, we have compiled a list of print and electronic resources.

Bibliography of Print Resources

Altman, Ellen and Peter Hernon, eds. Research Misconduct: Issues, Implications, and Strategies. London: Ablex, 1997.

Anderson, Judy. Plagiarism, Copyright Violation & Other Thefts of Intellectual
Property: An Annotated Bibliography
. Jefferson, NC: McFarland 1998.

Avoiding Plagiarism

The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University has produced a handout to help students avoid plagiarism.

"Pedagogy, Plagiarism or Pornography?"

"Pedagogy, Plagiarism or Pornography? Universities on the Net" surveys the use of computer usage at Australian Universities.
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