
New ethics policy at Maryland met with mixed reaction

The University Senate at U of Maryland recently passed a new policy stiffening punishments for academic dishonesty. The policy, which doesn't go into effect until next year, gives the Honor Board the ability to recommend suspension or expulsion from the university for any graduate student found violating the Code of Academic Integrity.

Newcastle revisited

Sydney Morning Herald reviews the plagiarism scandal that plagued Uni of Newcastle in 2003.

Academic dishonesty @ Notre Dame

The unpublished results of a recent survey on academic dishonesty at the University of Notre Dame results in recommendations for revisiting the university's honor code.

Anti-plagiarism measures at Nebraska

University of Nebraska, Lincoln, has instituted several measures to counter plagiarism among students: including courses on library research and on accidental plagiarism. They will also soon pilot SafeAssignment, the plagiarism detection tool now available through BlackBoard.

Faculty plagiarism on the rise?

The CS Monitor considers the recent spat of high profile plagiarism cases among faculty: In recent years, students have been heavily prepped on the perils of plagiarism. But it turns out their teachers, in some cases, have been more lax.

Leading US federal judges blog on plagiarism

Richard Posner, a leading American federal judge and legal thinker, recently blogged some considerations on plagiarism. Recent "scandals" involving charges of plagiarism by professors and other writers treat plagiarism as (1) a well-defined concept that (2) is unequivocally deserving of condemnation. It is neither.

Cheating @ Syracuse

Results of a recent survey of academic dishonesty at Syracuse University are "on par with national averages:" Seventy-four percent of undergraduates say they have committed at least one of the 20 forms of cheating listed on the survey, ranging from falsifying a bibliography to cheating over the shoulder of a classmate during a test. . . . One in three faculty members surveyed said they have ignored an instance of suspected cheating in their classes.

Plagiarism thread

A discussion of plagiarism appears at MetaFilter.

Plagiarism @ Sydney Uni

Sydney Uni site of recent plagiarism scandal.

Plagiarism in the UK provides an overview of plagiarism in the UK and provides links to useful resources.
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