Introduction to the DOS program, "Orbits"

Where to put "orbits"

orbits.exe intro screen Once you've downloaded it, we recommend putting the "orbits" program in a directory with a short name, eg: C:\temp. Avoid pathnames where any part of the path has more than 8 characters, otherwise, "orbits" will experience a runtime error! When you click on "orbits.exe" from Windows Explorer, it should open in a DOS window and run. You should see the opening screen, shown to the right:

(Note the actual "current version" is: Wednesday, February 2, 2000)

Orbits: Main Screen

orbits.exe main screen After pressing a key, the "MAIN SCREEN", shown here, appears. We discuss the different commands below; they appear in white on the main screen. For example, "C", F1, and "S" (the first letter of Sounds) are all commands. (In this document, we surround command letters with double-quotes ("), but you will NOT use the double-quotes when actually running the program; you just press the indicated letter.

One ESSENTIAL thing to remember about "orbits" is that ALL commands are case-sensitive. "X" and "x" mean different things, for example.

Also, you can stop orbits from whatever it's doing at any time, by pressing "q" (for "quit")

Orbits: Current Function

The "Current Function" is X*X+C. This can be changed (see F5, described below). It is the function the program will use in computing iterations, bifurcation diagrams, etc. Just leave it alone for now, since our examples below will use X*X+C.

Orbits: Constants List

A list of constants used by "orbits": A, B, C, D and E are constants that can be built into the Current Function. Since C is set to -1.2, "orbits" is computing values for the function X*X-1.2.

To change the value of one of these constants, type the letter of the constant. You will be prompted for its new value. Try changing C to, say, -1.55. (Press "C", then -1.55 (Enter)) You can enter numbers from formulas by prefacing them with a "#" sign: For example, #(sqrt(5)-pi)/exp(1) (Enter) sets C to -0.3331239118.

Orbits: Graphics Windows Ranges

Parts of the program draw a graph in the plane. Here, x and X represent the values at the left and right edges of the graphs, and y and Y represent the values at the bottom and top. NOTE WELL: (a source of confusion) these values are just for setting up the windows. When orbit/bifurcation diagrams are actually plotted, the horizontal axis will REPRESENT a range of C values, and the vertical axis, a range of x values. (But these ranges are still SET by the values shown here: [x,X]=horizontal range; [y,Y]=vertical range... When the program opens, both ranges are set to [-2.5, 2.5].

Orbits: Primary Commands

To the left are shown the primary commands of the "orbits" program. We will describe them in detail below.

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© 2001 by Chip Ross
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Bates College
Lewiston, ME 04240