Class attendance is mandatory. More than two (2) unexcused
absences will result in the loss one full grade. More than four
(4) unexcused absences will result in the loss of two full
grades. More than six (6) unexcused absences will result in a
failing grade. An unexcused absence is an absence for which you
do not/cannot obtain a dean's excuse.
If you or a member of your immediately family has been
hospitalized, you do not need to come to class (a note from the
Dean of Students will suffice). I am not particularly
interested in any other reason why you choose not come to
class, and will regard your absence from class as a choice
which you have the right to make and for which you have the
ability to accept the consequences.
Attendance implies more than physical presence. Students
will be expected to have read all assigned materials, to have
considered study questions for the readings, to prepare and
submit written assignments in a timely fashion and to
participate actively in class discussions. Students who have a
perfect attendance record will receive bonus points in the
calculation of their final grade.
You will take a one-hour, in class, midterm on Thursday of
the sixth week of classes (02/15/01).
You will take a two-hour, in class, final on Wednesday of
finals week at 1:15 PM
You must take these exams on the dates set. No alternative
dates will be offered for the exams for any
reason (other than hospitalization of yourself or a member of
your immediate family).
Each exam will consist of essay questions and
identifications. I will post a list of terms, persons, concepts
and events from which I will draw the exam questions at least
one week before each exam. You may study for these exams in
groups (in fact, I strongly encourage you to do so).
For every class ten students will be "up." I will announce
the names of students who are "up" in the preceding class. You
can expect to be called on during the next class to answer
questions about the assigned readings. You will be graded on
the quality of your participation on days that you are
If you are not "up" for a particular class discussion but
choose to participate in class discussion, you will earn my
gratitude and extra participation points.
If you have an average of 90 or better on your class
participation and midterm, you may choose to write a paper
rather than take a final. You will find out on March 1, 2001
(Thursday after break) if you qualify. You may qualify and
choose to take the final rather than write a paper.
If you choose to write a paper, you must meet the
requirements and deadlines set forth on the paper