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Greek 202 / 302

Assigned Readings for Discussion Classes

Connor, W.R. 1971. "Towards Revolution." Pages 139-155; 158-159, 163-198. In The New Politicians of Fifth--Century Athens. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Hubbard, Thomas. 1991. "Women in the City." Pages 182-199.  In The Mask of Comedy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Loraux, Nicole. 1993. "The Comic Acropolis." Pages 147-183. In The Children of Athena. Translated by Caaroline Levine. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Taaffe, Lauren K. 1993. "Women as Women, Men as Men: LYSISTRATA." Pages 48-73. In Aristophanes and Women. New York: Routledge.

Bowie, A.M. 1993. "Thesmophoriazusae." In Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual and Comedy. Pages 204-227. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
McDowell, Douglas M. 1995. "Women at the Thesmophoria." Pages 251-273. Aristophanes and Athens. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parke, H.W. 1977. "Pyanepsion." Pages 82-88. In Festivals of the Athenians. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Simon, Erika. 1983. "Thesmophoria and Stenia." Pages 18-22. In Festivals of Attica. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Taaffe, Lauren K. 1993. "Men as Women: THESMOPHORIAZUSAE." Pages 74-102. In Aristophanes and Women. New York: Routledge.