Greek 202 / 302

General  Information

 Introduction  Go to Requirements  Go to Books, Time-Table  Go to Grammar, Hours

The plays we shall be reading were produced by Aristophanes between 414 and 411. This was the period of the diastrous Athenian scheme to invade and conquer Sicily, and it ended with the overthrow of their democracy. Aristophanes is the voice of the disgruntled conservatives, and he presents us with their views on politics, religion, society, and sexuality.

On Fridays, we shall discuss works written by modern experts on these plays and their background. We shall look at the politicians of the period (Connor), and its religious festivals (Parke, Simon); the obscene language of the plays (Henderson); their themes (McDowell), public message (Hubbard), and religious element (Bowie); and their representation of women (Loraux, Taaffe).

During the first part of the semester before spring break (Weeks 1-6), we shall read all except the choruses of Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

In the second part of the semester (Weeks 7-13), we shall read all except the choruses of his Thesmophoriazusae.

 Go to Introduction Requirements  Go to Books, Time-Table  Go to Grammar, Hours

Weekly Assignment for Greek 202 Students

We meet three times a week.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, and in the first half-hour of class on Fridays, we shall read the assigned play of Aristophanes with the Greek 302 students.
During the second half-hour of class on Fridays, we shall hear a presentation on a particular topic and discuss it.
We shall also meet for an extra half-hour after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays to review Greek syntax.


Weekly Assignment for Greek 302 Students

We meet four times a week.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, and in the first half-hour of class on Fridays, we shall read the assigned play of Aristophanes (Lysistrata, or Thesmophoriazusae) with the Greek 202 students.
During the second half-hour of class on Fridays, we shall hear a presentation on a particular topic and discuss it.
In the fourth class on Thursdays, we shall read Aristophanes' Birds.

Requirements and Grading.

Come to class prepared to translate the assigned passages, and read the assigned article or chapter for the discussion class on Friday.
Choose which topics you would like to present during the Discussion Classes. The presentation should last about 15 minutes. Write one of your presentations up into a 6-7 page paper by the end of the semester.
 Attendance and Class Participation  20 %
 Presentation Paper  20 %
 Mid-Term Exam  30 %
 Final Exam  30%

 Go to Introduction  Go to Requirements  Books, Time-Table  Go to Grammar, Hours

Required Texts.

Click here for list of required texts.


Assigned Passages from Lysistrata

and Thesmophoriazusae.

Assigned Readings for Discussion Classes

Other information about Aristophanes.

Click here.

Time-Table for Greek 202 Students.

Click here for time-table giving assignments and dates of exams.

Time-Table for Greek 302 Students.

Click here for time-table giving assignments and dates of exams.

 Go to Introduction  Go to Requirements  Go to Books, Time-Table  Grammar, Hours

Review of Greek Grammar

Click here for review-sheets of Greek grammar.

Office Hours, Phone.

Click here for information.
 Go to Introduction  Go to Requirements  Go to Books, Time-Table  Go to Grammar, Hours