Recent Exhibitions & Events Listing


Selected Current and Recent Exhibitions

Dan Mills, George Billis Gallery, New York, NY. October 28 – November 22.
Expo Chicago, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, IL. September 18 – 21. 
Making a new Whole: The Art of Collage, Art Gallery, University of New England, Portland, ME. June 26 - September 28. 
Collage X 10, Lewis Gallery, Portland Public Library, sponsored by the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Portland, ME. March 7-29.
Studio Pedagogies: Curatorial Project for College Art Association, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, IL. Febuary. 

2013 - 2014
Dissident FuturesYerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA. October 18 – February 2. 

Open Studio, Mills, Provenzano, Skudera, Lewiston, ME. December 14.
This Land,  Salisbury University Art Galleries, Salisbury, MD. July 19 – September 20. 
OBJECTIVE / SUBJECTIVE: Mapping as Visual Language, NIU Art Museum, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. March 19 – May 24.

Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center(Traveling nationally)

Talks, Panels, &tc.

Juror, 2015 Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT.

Visiting Critic, MFA candidates, Department of Art & Art HistoryStanford University, Palo Alto, CA. October 22.
Artists in Conversation, in conjunction with Dissident Futures, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA. October 19.
Conference Co-Chair, 
Building Partner Relationships for the Academic Museum and Gallery, Association of Academic Museums and Galleries Annual Conference, Johns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore, MD. May 18.
Juror, MD Art @ College Park, The Art Gallery, , College Park, MD. May.
Moderator, Fransje Killaars: Color at the Center Panel discussion with the artist, Nicholas Chambers, Curator, The Andy Warhol Museum, and Rachel Desgrosseilliers, Director, Museum L-A, Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, ME. March 21.
Panelist, CLICK! ConferenceUniversity of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.  March 1 – 3.
Visual Arts Fellowships, Wyoming Arts Council. February.Discussion Moderator, Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry, L/A Film Forum Screening, Lewiston Public Library, Lewiston, ME. January 3.