Daily, Weekly & Monthly Details

Turner, ME



Recent Updates:The summer has been slow with not a lot of wind, but as Fall approaches we are looking forward to seeing greater production. Electrical Usage site has been recently updated to reflect the summer months. More info to come later on a new addition to our home a home made solar heater.

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   I hope this site can be of assistance to others interested in wind power and an educational resource for both consumers and producers.
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This page is designed to share information about the production of energy from our Windstream Residential Wind Turbine. As we researched turbines prior to purchasing ours there was a lack of helpful actual results from existing turbines. Prior to installing ours I began daily electrical readings so that I would be able to see the impact that our turbine has.

Our turbine is grid tied and we have a net metering agreement in place with Central Maine Power (CMP). CMP installed a double meter at our box. One meter reads power purchased from the grid and the other reflects power generated from our turbine. What makes things hard to figure exactly is that the power generated from the turbine first goes into our house reducing or eliminating electricity purchased from the grid. When the turbine production exceeds the usage of the house the "In Meter" stops moving and the "Out Meter" begins to turn accruing electrical credits that can be used at a later time. Initially, we only have one meter and had the opportunity to watch the meter actually spin backwards. To see a video clip of the meter changing direction check out Installation Photo page..



Wind Turbine Installed
Our Installation began September 30th with the excavation, base pad concrete pour and ground work.. Electircians came in a few days later and wired the base of the tower to our elctircal box. It was completed on October 21st just in time for a couple of good windy days. At first report, day one yielded approximately 11K Watts! Not bad for starters.

Federal Incentives Passed
As part of H.R. 1424 the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act or 2008. Residential Wind Turbines installed from now until 2016 qualify for substantial tax credits.

Contact Us
If you have questions or suggestions about our turbine or suggestions for this site please contact us:

Al Fereshetian: afereshe@bates.edu

Spring photo