Produced by Robert W. Allison
Assoc. Prof of Religion, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine and
Research Fellow Ektaktikos of the Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies, Thessaloniki
© 1996 Robert W. Allison. All rights reserved.

Form for Submitting References to Books and Monographs to the Bibliographical Database

From: (your email address please):

Your full name or the form you use for professional purposes:

Please check the appropriate box(es) to indicate which division or divisions of the Bibliography this reference is to be entered under.

("Watermark Index" is not intended for watermark catalogs which are internally indexed; select this category only if facsimiles or tracings of watermarks are included in other kinds of publications.)

(1) Printed Bibliographies on Watermarks
(2) Watermark Catalogs
This division includes both traditional printed watermark catalogs & watermark catalogs included in such resources as descriptive manuscript catalogs.
(3) General and Theoretical Studies on Watermarks & Paper
This division includes in addition paleographical and codicological studies, prosopographical studies relating to scribes and patrons and centers of book production, etc.
(4) Watermark Index
This division in effect indexes articles and scattered publications of watermarks by watermark design.

If the publication includes facsimiles or tracings of watermarks, please list the watermarks and page numbers on which they occur in box 9 below ("Watermark Indexing").

  1. Author (last name first)::

  2. Title of Book:
  3. Vol. number (if appropriate):
  4. Series Title & no. (if appropriate) separated by a comma
    for example: Akademia Nauk, no. 22):

  5. Place of Publication:
  6. Publishing House:
  7. Date of Publication:
  8. edition (in parentheses, please)
  9. Watermark Indexing You may index up to 3 watermarks for this source here.
    If more than 3 are published in this source, return to this form after you submit your report without clicking on the "reset" button (use the "BACK ARROW" button on your browser to return to this form); enter new indexing information, leaving the rest of the boxes untouched, and resubmit the altered form.
    In the table below,
    • select appropriate watermark names to be indexed in the first column
    • in column 2 enter an alternate watermark name only if you selected "NEW WATERMARK" in the first column
    • in column 3 identify the page(s) on which the watermark occurs in the source

    Watermark Name Selection List (more columns-->) New watermark name (if not in selection list) Page reference in publication
    first watermark
    2nd watermark
    3rd watermark

  10. Notes:

You may when done, or if you want to start over.

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Created by Robert W. Allison
Dept. of Philosophy & Religion, Bates College
Lewiston, Maine 04240

© 1996 Robert W. Allison. All rights reserved.
