Class Notes
Edited by Ruth Rowe Wilson '36



[Photo: a group of 49ers huddling]

Forty-niners Finer than Ever
These four 1949ers enjoyed a mini-reunion at the Sarasota, Florida, home of Sue McBride Schulze. Gathered around the dinner table are (left to right) Midge Harthan Fay, Helen Papaioanou, Schulze, and Helen "Topper" Odegaard Russell. "We're all looking forward to our 50th Reunion and decided that we will be the youngest-looking fifty-year class ever!" wrote Midge Fay.

Class Notes are compiled from reports by class secretaries or from newspapers, press releases, or letters to the Alumni Office or magazine.

To submit class notes, write to your class secretary (listed at the head of your class notes) or to Editor, Bates: The Alumni Magazine, 141 Nichols Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240. Send changes of address to: Alumni Office, Bates College, 2 Andrews Road, Lewiston, Maine 04240.

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Class Notes

The Twenties

The Thirties

The Forties

The Fifties

The Sixties

The Seventies

The Eighties

The Nineties

Alumni Profiles

John Kenney '42 Lives the Sacred Oath

Stories from the Heart Are John Schatz '64's Specialty

Cuisinart in Hand, Sculptor Carole Joy Spelic '78 Mixes the Medium

Lillian Buckley '81 Spreads the Word, by Song, Sermon, or Post

Off Scott Anderson '82 Goes, Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Sitting on the Job, Cathy Madison '88 Finds a Career

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