1959 1st Session, 86th Congress

Appointed conferee, 8931.

Committee on Banking and Currency, 13156.

Federal Reserve Act: amend relative to real estate loans (see bill S. 1173, 1174), 2977.

FNMA mortgage exchange policy: not in national interest (see S. Res. 130), 10088.

Housing improvements bill: veto message, 13469.

Urban renewal: amend laws relating to (see bill S. 193), 790.

1961 1st Session, 87th Congress

Why Urban Renewal? from Walterville Sentinel, A6533.

Cash, James B.: FHA appointment, 1638.

Semer, Milton P.: Kennedy appointment, 1638

Housing Act of 1961: bill (S. 1922), 9756.

Federal Limited-Profit Mortgage Corporation: establish, 9756.

1962 2nd Session, 87th Congress

Memorandum: Proposed Department of Urban Affairs, by Governor Rockefeller and Arthur S. Flemming, 1675.

Rockefeller on Department of Urban Affairs, from New York Times, 1675.

Department of Urban Affairs and Housing: views of Governor Rockefeller, 1675, 1677, 1678, 1967, 1968.

Rockefeller, Nelson A.: statement on Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 1675, 1677, 1678.

Rockefeller, Nelson A.: views on Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 1967, 1968.

Questions and answers on establishment of Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 2132.

Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, 2132.

Report: HHFA Programs for Small Communities, 2134.

Department of Urban Affairs and Housing, by, 3221.

Table: Housing data. 3230, 3231.

Table: Housing and Home Finance Agency, employment data, 3232.

Table: Department of Urban Affairs and Housing: employment data, 3233,

Table: Executive departments: establishment of, 3235.

Metropolitan area planning: grants for continuing support of (see bill S. 3362), 9448.

Municipalities: grants for metropolitan planning, 9449.

Text of S. 3362, relative to metropolitan planning programs, 9450.

1964 2nd Session, 88th Congress

Area Redevelopment Administration: tribute, 15076, 15078, 15079.

Federal urban land: promote cooperation with local authorities in development of (see bill S. 3037), 17082.

Letter: Real estate loans by national banks, by Douglas Dillon, 3952

List: ARA projects in Hazleton, Pa., 15079.

Local governments: impact of Federal development programs on planning by, 13676.

National banks: legislation to provide limitations on real estate loans, 3951.

National bank real estate loans: raise limitation on appraised value of property offered as security (see bill S. 2576), 3950.

Newsletter: support for ARA, by, 15079.

Reader's Digest: reply to article on urban renewal program, 10174.

Reply to Reader's Digest Article, Area Redevelopment Administration. 15076.

Report: Reply to Allegation made by Reader's Digest, W. L. Slayton, 10174.

Urban development programs: impact on local government planning, 13676.

Urban land use: legislation to establish policy for, 17082.

Urban renewal: criticism by Reader's Digest, 10174, 10177.

Urban research projects: review, 22075.

1965 1st Session, 89th Congress

Appropriations: bill (H.R.11588) making supplemental, 27541-27543, 27550.

Citizen's Role in Formulating Regional Goals, Conference for Transportation and Regional Development, by, 10683

Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of hearings, 3556, 9850, 10313, 18807.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: bill (S. 1599) to establish, 20019-20024.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: establish (see bill S. 1599), 5828.

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965: bill (S. 2213) to enact, 16919-16924, 16298-16302, 16926-16931, 16937-16940, 16948.

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965: amend bill (S. 2213) to enact, 16939, 16948.

Housing and Urban Development: rent supplement program of, 27334.

Report: Rent supplement program, 27335

Table: Proposed rent supplement program, 27335

Urban Crisis and Quest for Great Society, at Kent State University, by, 11595-11597.

1966 2nd Session, 89th Congress

Building codes, 3846, 23017.

College housing: programs, 19235, 19237-19240.

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act: bill (S. 3708) to enact, 19866-19870, 19884, 19885, 19887, 20026-20030, 20034, 20037-20039, 20043-20045, 20048, 20049, 20062, 20063, 20074, 27357

Downtown Progress and Future of Washington, by, 1907.

Editorial: Progress in Building Codes, B. F. Hillenbrand, American County Government, 3846.

Education: college housing, 19235, 19237-19240.

Housing and urban development: bill (S. 3711) to amend and extend laws relating to, 19058, 19060-19064, 19068-19071, 19235, 19237-19242.

Housing: rent supplement program, 9092.

Humanizing the American City, Urban America Conference, R. C. Weaver, 25457.

Independent offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R.14921) making appropriations for, 18909.

List: Organizations in favor of demonstration cities program, 20026.

Modest Proposal, S. Alsop, Washington Post (series), 20027.

Our People and Their Cities, Urban America Conference, S. R. Currier, 25460

Our People and Their Cities. Urban America Conference, J.K. Galbraith, 25458.

Resolution: building code reform, National Association of Counties, 23018.

Resolution: building code reform, Conference of Mayors, 23018.

Riots: Aid for innocent victims of, l9058.

Slums and blighted areas: assist city demonstration programs for rebuilding (see bill S. 3708), 18634.

Table: sources of funds for city demonstration program, 20049, 20050.

Table: 49 Federal grant-in-aid programs likely to form core of city demonstration program activities, 19871-19883.

Urban Problems, Kent State University, by, 24759.

Urban America Conference, Vice President Humphrey, 25456.

Urge Unconditional Funding of Rent Supplement Program, by, 9095.

Weaver, Robert C., housing statement of, 19240.

1967 1st Session, 90th Congress

36th Annual Convention of National Housing Conference, by Senator Sparkman, 10919.

Cities: programs to improve, 22852.

Cities: problems, 1259.

Civil rights: fair housing, 22847.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: meritorious awards by, 23037.

Editorial: Rent Supplement Program (sundry), 20118-20123.

Fair Housing Act of 1967, 22847.

Farmers Home Administration: poverty in Maine combated by, 33687.

Housing: Turnkey project, 22974.

Intergovernmental cooperation: tribute to HUD and HEW, 23037.

Johnson, Lyndon B.: "Turnkey" housing project, 22974.

Johnson, Lyndon B.: tribute to efforts to improve cities, 26680-26683.

Lawyers and America's Urban Crisis, by Vice President Humphrey, 35012.

Letter: list of programs dealing with urban problems which Congress has not yet acted. President Johnson, 26833.

List: rent supplements program by President Johnson (sundry), 26682, 26833.

Maine: FHA combats poverty in, 33687.

National Home Ownership Act, 10290.

Older persons: rent supplement program to aid, 22379.

Rediscovery of the American City, MIT Alumni Seminar, R. C. Wood, 27899.

Rent supplement program, 20118-22379.

Rent Supplement Program (sundry), 20118-20123.

Report: Study of Balanced Urbanization and New Community Development, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 27429.

Ribicoff, Abraham A.: tribute, 1258.

Rural areas: halt migration from, 27428.

"Turnkey": public housing project, 22974.

Urban Crisis -- America's Domestic Challenge. Virginia State AFL-CIO Convention, by, 22380.

1968 2nd Session, 90th Congress

Civil rights: extend fair housing, 3252, 3253.

Community self-determination program: establish (see bill S. 3875), 22981.

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Act of 1966, 15226.

Housing: extend fair, 3252, 3253.

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968: bill (S. 3497) to enact, 15226, 15228, 15260, 15263, 15264, 20971, 20972, 23288.

List: board of trustees for Urban Institute, 15103.

Metroplan: success of Arkansas, 22846.

Model cities, University of Maine, R. F. Hawkins, 15229.

Municipal Finance Forum, Charles J. Zwick, 8197-8199.

New Factor in Community Planning and Development, J. Rouby, AIA, 22846.

Report: Section 204 of Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, National Association of Counties and the National League of Cities, 20971.

Resolution: equal opportunity, U.S. Conference of Mayors, 4063.

Section 204, Demonstration Cities Act, Bureau of the Budget, 15226.

State and the City – A Partnership for the Future, Jesse M. Unruh, League of California Cities, San Francisco, Calif., 314.

Urban Institute: establishment, 15103.

Urban Future, interview with Senator Muskie, Nation's Cities, 6681.

1969 1st Session, 91st Congress

Analysis: S. 1090, Regional Development Act of 1969, 3894.

Analysis: S. 3228, Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act, 38208.

Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act: enact (see bill S. 3228), 38198.

Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act: introduction, 38198, 38199.

Can Anyone Run a City? G. Tyler, Saturday Review, 34534.

Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of hearing, 418, 8617, 13692.

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968: amend section 3 (see bill S. 2610), 24779.

Housing and Urban Development Amendments of 1969: amend bill (S. 28G4) to enact, 26709, 20710.

Independent Offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R. 12307) making appropriations for, 33512, 33585, 33637, 33700.

Independent offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: (H.R. 12307) making appropriations for, 33641, 33642, 33644, 33645.

Letter: funds for urban renewal program (sundry), 33644.

Role of States in Urban Crisis -American Society for Public Administration, J. J. Gunther, 15114.

Romney George W.: nomination to Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development, 418.

States and the Urban Crisis, American society for Public Administration, P. H. Hoff, 15114.

Text of S. 3228, Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act, 38199.

Urban public transportation programs: long-term financing for expanded (see bill S. 3154), 34797.

Urban development, 38198, 38199.

Urban renewal programs: funds, 33641, 33642, 33644, 33645.

1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress

Concentration of Industry and population in metropolitan areas: urging adoption of national policy to discourage (see S. Res. 463), 38073.

Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R. 17548) making appropriations for, 22389.

Housing construction: Insure adequate supplies of timber for (see bill S. 4515), 38070.

Housing for Elderly Act: enact (see bill S.4154), 30180.

Independent offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: bill (H.R. 17548) making appropriations for, 22828.

Redevelopment areas: provide moratorium relative to designation of (see S.J. Res. 210),20087.

Urban Growth and New Community DeveIopment Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3640), 9263.

Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1969: amend bill (S. 3154) to enact, 1981, 2147.

What Is This Thing Called Urban Growth Policy? D. Canty, City, 31530.

1971 1st Session, 92nd Congress

Beyond Urban Survival, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Philadelphia, Pa., by, 25959.

Cities of Hope-A Chance for the new South, LQC Lamar Society of Emory University, by, 18151.

Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961: amend (see bill S. 2223), 27434.

Rebuilding Urban Government, American Jewish Committee, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, by, 25956.

Unemployment: use model cities program to combat (see S. Con. Res. 4), 10501, 25304.

1972 2nd Session, 92nd Congress

International City Management Association, Graham W. Watt, 32384.

International City Management Association, by, 31710-31712.

1973 1st Session, 93rd Congress

But Budget Cuts Stall City Housing, Roman S. Gibbs, Washington Post, 6600.

Disappearing Crisis, New York Times, 6593.

Emergency Rural Housing Act of 1973: enact (see bill S. 2190), 24030.

Federal Housing Administration: extend insured housing loan authority, 25125.

Gary: Epitaph for a Model City, G. Hodgson and G. Crile, Washington Post, 7846.

Gary, Indiana: governmental structure problem in, 7846.

HUD Offers Cities New Urban Plan, Floyd H. Hyde, Washington Post, 6599.

Insured housing loans: resolution (H.J. Res. 512) to extend authority of FHA, 25125.

Urban Parks and Recreation Under the New Federalism, D. R. Dunn and L. X. Lee, Parks and Recreation, 25162.

1974 2nd Session, 93rd Congress

Appropriations: amend bill (H.R. 16900) making supplemental, 36220

Economic conditions: credit crunch in housing industry, 35323

Economic Opportunity and Community Partnership Act of 1974: enact, (see bill S. 3798), 24683

Home Purchase Assistance Act: support, 35323

Housing: buyers and builders suffer, 35323

Letter: Housing problems (sundry), 35323, 35324

1975 1st Session, 94th Congress

Department of HUD and sundry independent agencies: bill (H.R. 8070) making appropriations, conference report, 31715, 31716, 31719

Department of HUD and sundry independent agencies: effect on budget of appropriations for, 25155, 25156

Housing Program Advances, Charles A. Krause, Washington Post, 36691

Maine: inauguration of new housing program, 36691

South Paris, Maine: new housing program, 36691

1976 2nd Session, 94th Congress

Department of Housing and Urban Development independent agencies: bill (H.R. 14233) making appropriations, 20844, 20845, 20848, 20857, 20863, 20865

Housing Act of 1949: amend (see S. 3679), 22720

Housing Authorization Act of 1976: bill (S. 3295) to enact, conference report, 22813

Letter: Waterville development plan, President Ford, 1285

Letter: Waterville development plan, Creeley S. Buchanan, 1286

Letter: Waterville development plan, Joseph Ezhaya, 1286, 1287

List: Waterville properties acquired under community development, 1287

List: Waterville Advisory Committee Community Development, 1287

Memorandum: Waterville community development, Boys'/Girls' club, 12878

Memorandum: Waterville community development plan, City Council, 1286

Report: Waterville Housing Authority, 1288

Report: Waterville (Maine) Community Development Plan, Kennebec Valley Girls Club, 1288

Report: Federal Budget and the Cities, National League of Cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1883-1906

Report: Waterville (Maine) Community Development Plan, Mayor Richard Carey, 1285

Table: Effects of possible supplementals on HUD-Independent agencies, 20844

1977 1st Session, 95th Congress

Agriculture: rural housing loans (see S. 605), 3506

Allotment of funds for FmHA program, Maine Legislature, 14717

Department of Housing and Urban Development, and independent agencies: appropriations (H.R. 7554), 20826

Department of Housing and Urban Development: reorganization (see S. Res. 302), 34950

Federal riot reinsurance and crime insurance programs: extend (S. 1070), 10178

Housing and Community Development Act: amend (S. 1523; H.R. 6655), 17833-17837, 17839-17943

Housing and community development: funding, 13558

Housing: supplemental authorization for low income families (S. 1070), 10178

Housing and Community Development Act: amend (S. 1523; H.R. 6655), 17572, 17623, 17833

Housing and Community Development Act: true budget impact of long-term Federal obligations, 17572

Housing: rural loans (see S. 605), 3506

Letter: HUD's subsidized housing programs-budget process: Secretary Harris, 17573

Letter: HUD's subsidized housing programs-budget process: OMB Director Lance, 17573

Rent-a-Ship Concept, Shipyard Weekly, 17834

Table: Department of Housing and Urban Development appropriations (H.R. 7554), 20827

Table: Federal programs-schedule of accounts that appear to record full extent of commitment, GAO, 17839, 17840

1978 2nd Session, 95th Congress

Dept. of HUD: implementation of urban development action grant program, 21158

Dept. of HUD: congressional disapproval of rules and regulations, 21935

Dept. of HUD and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 12936), 24642, 24643

Housing and Community Development Amendments: amend bill to enact (S. 3084), 21615

Housing and Community Development Amendments: enact (S. 3084), 21617, 21618, 21623 - 21625, 21627, 21629, 21935, 21936

Letter: Contributions for assisted housing, Sec. of HUD Harris, 21617

Lewiston/Auburn, Maine: application of Dept. of HUD's urban development action grant program, 21158

Maine: application of Dept. of HUD's urban development action grant program, 21158

Report: Actions to Stabilize Availability of Housing Credit, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 24643

1979; 96th Congress, 1st Session

Agriculture, rural development and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 4387), 19190

Agriculture, rural development and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 4387), 19191, 19210

Dept. of HUD and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 4394), 21097

Dept. of HUD and related agencies: appropriations (H.R. 4394),21066, 21067, 21093, 21097, 21110

Dept. of HUD and related agencies: appropriations conference report on H.R. 4394, 26697

Home ownership assistance program: appropriations, 19191

Letter: Home ownership assistance program, by, 19192

Neighborhood development: amend and extend certain laws relative to (S. 1149), 18519, 18520, 18546

Table: Low-income housing funds, 18519, 18546

Table: Dept. of HUD appropriations, 21067