1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Agricultural Act of 1970: bill (H.R. 18546) to enact, 38127.
Agricultural Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 4492), 37889.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: amend bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5069.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5071.
Business franchises: require full and fair disclosure of nature of interests In (see bill S. 3844), 25738.
Chicken Plant's Plea Denied by High Court, J. Hanrahan, Washington Post, 18059.
Coast Guard Reserve: strength, 28744.
Corporate Responsibility and the Environment, Advanced Management Institute, by,20947.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: bill (HR. 17755) making appropriations, 39766-39768, 39770, 42700.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: amend bill (H.R. 17755) making appropriations for, 34708.
Department of Agriculture and related agencies: bill (H.R. 17923) making appropriations for, 23316.
Development of Supersonic Transport, Committee on Appropriations, by, 30510.
Environmental Renewal or Oblivion, J. Paul Austin, 12815-12818.
Everglades National Park: plans for jetport abandoned, 2210.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, by, 34749.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 4418) to enact, 34742, 34743.
Fish and wildlife and recreation development: authorize Federal assistance for (see bill S. 3598). 8823.
For Business, a Call to Commitment, G. A. Freeman, 807.
Full Employment Program, Gardiner C. Means, Washington Post, 40579
Letter: ICC transportation decisions, B. M. Stafford, by, 40025.
Nixon, Richard M.: discretionary power of big business and big labor, 40578.
Office of Disaster Relief: create (see bill S. 3619), 8296.
Pan Am, TWA Seeking Tests Before Buying Concorde Jets, R. J. Samuelson, 39770.
Prestile Stream, Easton, Maine: quality of water in, 12791.
Senate: privilege of the floor, 42700.
Supersonic transport: funds, 39766-39770, 42700.
Waste Discharges into Prestile Stream (Maine), by, 12791.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Commission on Fuels and Energy: establish (see bill S. 4092), 24671.
Dickey-Lincoln project: appropriations, 29770, 29771.
Dickey-Lincoln School hydroelectric facility, 33557.
Editorial: Crisis of a Power Shortage, Edward P. Morgan, 30098.
Electric power: environmental conflict, 9591.
Electric power: shortage, 33557.
Hot Weather and Dickey, Lewiston Journal, 27417.
New England's Oil Shortage Woes, Concord Monitor, 30103.
Nine Suggestions From Lee C. White, Electrical World, 9594.
Power and Environmental Problem, at American Bar Association, 29612
Problems of Electric Utilities, L. C. White Missouri Basin Systems Group, 9592.
Report: Summary of Hearings on S. 607, Utility Consumers' Council Act, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, 5013.
Social Security Amendments of 1970: amend bill (H.R. 17550) to enact, 22351, 42166, 42455.
Transcript: Dickey-Lincoln Project (excerpts), House Committee on Public Works, 29770.
Utilities Damned at Any Location, G. Smith, New York Times, 9591.
Utility Consumers' Council Act: summary of hearings on, 5013.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Administration Challenged To Support senate-passed Air Pollution Bill, by, 36032.
Advertisement: Mass Transportation, Mobil Oil Co., New York Times, 38492.
Air pollution legislation, 26854.
Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 4358) to enact, 33077, 33101.
Air pollution: health costs, 30198.
Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: bill (S. 4358) to enact, 32900-32907, 32920, 32922, 32926-32928, 33077, 33079-33080, 33087-33091, 33093-33099, 33101-33105, 33120.
Air Pollution and Human Health, Lester B. Lave and Eugene P. Seskin, 30198.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: amend bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5069.
Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 14465) to enact, 5071.
Analysis: S. 3687, National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970, 10484.
Analysis: Conference action on Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970 (H.R.4148) 8984.
Analysis: S. 3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970, 10401.
Answering Nader Task Force Report on Air Pollution, by, 15608
Atlantic Ocean: Navy dumps oil in, 39805
Baker, Howard H.: tribute, 2705.
Broadcast transcript, NBC White Paper: Pollution, NBC-TV, 13685-13688.
Chicken Plant's Plea Denied by High Court, J. Hanrahan, Washington Post, 18059.
Clean Air Amendments of 1970: bill (H.R. 17255) to enact, 42381-42383, 42386, 42387, 42391-42394.
Clean Air Act: extend (see bill S. 4319 ), 30568.
Clean Lakes Act of 1970: enact (see bill S.3697),10815.
Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970: introduction, 10486.
Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3688), 10480.
Clean Air Act and Solid Waste Disposal Act: temporary extensions (see. bill S. 4012),20928.
Clean Air Act: amend (see bill S. 4358). 32368.
Committee on Public Works: Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 4978.
Committee on the Environment: establish, 18286, 18287.
Committee on the Environment (Joint): resolution (S.J. Res. 207) to establish, 37918.
Committee on the Environment (Joint): establish (see S.J. Res. 207), 18281.
Corporate Responsibility and the Environment, Advanced Management Institute, by,20947.
Creating Environmental Protection Agency, by, 29296.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: amend bill (H.R. 17755) making appropriations for, 34708.
Department of Transportation and related agencies: bill (HR. 17755) making appropriations, 39766-39768, 39770, 42700.
Development of Supersonic Transport, Committee on Appropriations, by, 30510.
Earth Day, 12814.
Electric power: environmental conflict, 9591.
Environment: Ocean seabeds, 26289.
Environment: Can Man Prosper and Survive? Chicago, Ill., by, 3527.
Environment: crisis, 2705, 5987.
Environment: Growing Issue, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, Senator Symington, 4105.
Environmental Message, Maryland General Assembly, Gov. Marvin Mandel, 5987.
Environmental Protection Policy, West Side Community Conference, New York City, by,36145.
Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970: Introduction, 10399.
Environmental Policy Act: military compliance, 28658-28662, 28669-28671.
Environmental quality leadership, 15607
Environmental Budget Requests, by, 2863.
Environmental Crisis and Future of Man, American Association for the Advancement of Science, by, 2390.
Environmental Quality Report, Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, R. E. Train, 28662.
Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3677), 10398.
Environmental Renewal or Oblivion, J. Paul Austin, 12815-12818.
Establishment of Joint Committee on the Environment, Senator Magnuson, 18287
Everglades Park Birds Have Won, P. Wylie, New York Times, 2210.
Everglades National Park: plans for jetport abandoned, 2210.
Extension of time for report by Committee on Public Works, 32371.
Fact sheet: answering Nader Task Force Report on Air Pollution, by, 15608.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, by, 34749.
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 4418) to enact, 34742, 34743.
First victims of Pollution, C. Remsberg, Good Housekeeping, 32397.
Fish and wildlife and recreation development: authorize Federal assistance for (see bill S. 3598), 8823.
Harvard University Teach-In (excerpts), Cambridge, Mass., by, 15705.
Legislation Dealing With Environment, by, 934.
Letter: Antismog proposals, Ralph Nader, 22703
Letter: Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors (sundry), 10487.
Letter: Reduction of automobile pollution emissions, E. N. Cole, 33106.
Letter: Navy dumps oil off Florida, Senators Cooper and Randolph (sundry), 39805
Letter: Environmental impact of SST by, and Senator Proxmire, 39879.
List: Air quality control regions, 5966.
Managers on Part of House on H.R. 4148, 8985.
Memorandum: Response to comments of Senator Hruska relative to S. 4358, 33102.
Memorandum: Federal cost for grants for waste treatment plants, Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 29767.
National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: introduction. 5966.
National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3546), 5953.
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3687), 10479.
National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970: Introduction, 10484, 10486.
National Environmental Laboratory Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3410), 2700.
National League of Cities: pollution legislation, 10486.
National Association of Secondary Material Industries, Inc., Senator Eagleton, 22227.
Navy: oil sludge dumping by, 39805, 39806.
Navy Dumping Forms Oil Slick off Florida, Washington Post, 39806.
New Directions and New Philosophies in Environmental Protection, by, 36033.
New Oil Slick Threat, 39806.
Newsletter: population issue should not replace environmental action, G. Fishbein, Environmental Health Letter, 10407.
Oceans: environmental control, 26289.
Our Environment: We Can Save It, Kansas City Press Club, Senator Eagleton, 6614.
Pan Am, TWA Seeking Tests Before Buying Concorde Jets, R. J. Samuelson, 39770.
Paper: National Association of Counties Environmental Quality, 17145.
Pesticides: set standards on all (see bill S.3784),13612
Pollution: legislation to control air, 5966.
Pollution: legislation to Combat Water, 10484, 10486.
Pollution: legislation to control, 8975, 8983-8985, 10399.
Pollution Showdown: Cooper and Company Versus Detroit, L. Pardue, Louisville Courier-Journal and Times, 33120.
Pollution: Navy dumps oil off Florida, 39805
Population: crisis, 10407.
Power and Environmental Problem, at American Bar Association, 29612.
Prestile Stream, Easton, Maine: quality of water in, 12791.
Public works: bill (H.R. 18127) making appropriations, 29766, 29770, 29771
Public works and Atomic Energy Commission: amend bill (H.R. 18127) making appropriations for, 29610.
Public Works Appropriation Bill, 1971, Senator Montoya, 29767.
Report: Clean Water in 1970's, National League of Cities, 10488.
Report: Citizen Suits, Clean Air Act, 32925.
Report: Water Pollution Controls for Next Six Years, National League of Cities and U.S. Conference of Mayors, 23330-23337.
Report: Clean Air Amendments of 1970, conference report, 42384.
Report: Committee on Public Works, 20928, 15517, 30568, 32368, 32371.
Report: Federal Procurement Relative to Pollution Control, Committee on Public Works, 33101.
Report: Vehicle compliance Testing, Committee on Public Works, 33094.
Representative Hechler Hits Unjustified Criticism of Dedicated Legislator, 16423.
Resource Recovery Act of 1970, by, 26698, 35514.
Rivers and harbors: amend bill (S.4572) authorizing flood control and construction, 40616.
Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3516), 4969.
Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970: introduction, 4970.
Seabed convention: importance, 26289.
Senate: privilege of the floor, 42700.
Solid waste programs: overlapping responsibilities, 10399.
Solid Waste Disposal Act: extend (see bill S. 4319), 30568.
Solid waste disposal facilities: amend bill (S.2005) to provide financial assistance for construction of, 16476.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution activities, 4978.
Supersonic transport: funds, 39766-39770, 42700.
Table: Status of exceptions to water quality standards, 10485.
Table: Pollution controls – by States, 23330-23337.
Table: NAPCA air quality control regions, 5960, 5970.
Table: New Mexico-public works projects, 29768.
Text: S.3546, National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970, 5967.
Text: S.3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act of 1970, 10399.
Text: S.3516, Santa Barbara Channel Preservation Act of 1970, 4971.
Text: S.3688, Clean Water Commitment Act of 1970, 10486.
Theology of the Earth, Smithsonian Institution, R. Dubos, 942.
Three Oil Companies Fined In Violations at Offshore Wells, 39806.
Total Environment, Western Michigan University, Senator Hart, 8838
Tribute, 16482.
University of Michigan Environmental Teach-In, by, 8677.
Waste Discharges into Prestile Stream (Maine), by, 12791.
Water pollution: appropriations, 29766.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970: bill (H.R. 4148) to enact, 8975, 8983-8985.
Who Should Police the Polluters? E. W. Kenworthy, New York Times, 2389.
Women and Polluted America, by Ladies Home Journal, 4949.
World Environmental Institute: create (see S. Res. 399), 13097.
1970 91st Congress, 2nd Session
Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles: bill (H.R. 17123) to authorize appropriations for procurement of, 26968, 28271-28276. 28658-28662, 28669-28671, 28744, 30452-30462, 30464, 30500, 30678, 30689, 30690-30701, 30703.
Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles: Bill H.R.17123) to authorize appropriations for: (McCarthy amendment), 29450.
Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked combat vehicles: amend bill (H.R. 17123) to authorize appropriations for procurement of, 14825, 27234, 27268, 28229, 28740, 30453, 30690.
Amalgamated Clothing Workers Convention, J. S. Potofsky, 19118.
Amendment To End the Shell Game, Washington Post, 30678.
Antiballistic missile system: deployment, 28271-28276.
Appointed to attend Canada-United States Interparliamentary Conference, 4318.
Armed Forces: create fair and equitable system for providing economic security to surviving dependents of career members (see bill S. 4015), 32837.
Atlantic Ocean: Navy dumps oil in, 39805
Baltic States: Independence, 21412.
Cambodia, U.S. involvement in, 18014, 18911.
Cambodia: military aid to, 41782.
Cambodia, President's action, 18291.
Cambodian Developments, by, 13690.
Ceylon Independence Day, 2400.
Challenge of the 1970's – A New Look at Foreign Assistance, International Development Conference, by, 5265.
Chemical warfare weapons: detoxification and destruction of (see S. Res. 313), 4266.
Coast Guard Reserve: strength, 28744.
Commencement: University of New Hampshire, W. Gardner, 36938.
Committee on Treatment of Prisoners of War (Joint) : establish (see S. Con. Res. 80),30303.
Congress: joint session to hear five students on war in Indochina (see S. Con. Res. 71), 17360.
Cost of War in Vietnam, Colby College, Maine, by, 15074.
Culebra Island: Navy's use of, 32405.
DD-963 Destroyer Program, W. J. McNeil, 30453.
DD-963 class destroyers: procurement, 26968.
DD-963 destroyer program, 30452-30462, 30464, 30690-30701.
Declaration in Support of Peace In the Middle East, by, 4856.
Environment: Ocean seabeds, 26289.
Environmental Policy Act: military compliance, 28658-28662, 28669-28671.
Era of Negotiations in Vietnam, by, 11247.
Events Proving Out Thesis of a Second Indochina War, Stanley Karnow, 10292
Events in Indochina, members of San Francisco Bar, 14840.
Export trade: amend bill (S. 4268) to facilitate greater expansion of, 36832.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1971 (Special) bill (H.R. 19911) to enact, 41782.
Foreign policy: Southeast Asia, 10291.
Foreign Military Sales Act: amend bill (H.R. 15628) to amend, 14823, 19453.
Foreign Military Sales Act: bill (H.R. 15628) to enact, 18014, 18911.
France: Indochina proposal, 10291.
Generals' Wish for Flexibility In Pullout, Max Frankel, New York Times, 12796
Griffin, Robert P.: colloquy, 9573.
Guidelines: Use of Force in Civil Disorders, Department of the Army, 29450.
Humane treatment for captured American servicemen: designate day for appeal for international Justice (see S. Con. Res. 62),13623.
Indochina: Resolution (S. Res. 405) declaring a policy for peace, 14864-14871.
Indochina: declaring policy for peace in (see S. Res. 405),14823.
Indochina: French proposal to parley, 10291.
Israel's 22d Anniversary, by, 15405.
Joint Meeting of Congress: resolution (S. Con. Res. 71) to provide opportunity to hear students on war and peace, 17360.
Land Reform Comes To Vietnam, by, 29723.
Laos, Cambodia Fighting To Continue for 2 Years, Washington Post, 18294
Lesson of Laos, Washington Post, 12795
Letter: Navy dumps oil off Florida, Senators Cooper and Randolph (sundry), 39805
Letter: Jets for Israel, Secretary William Rogers, by, 18044.
Letter: Peace in Vietnam, exchange of correspondence between President Nixon and Ho Chi Minh (1969), 14869.
Letter: Support for U.S. policy in Middle East, President Nixon, by, 27824, 27832.
List: Concern over Indochina, San Francisco lawyers, 14840.
Lithuanian Independence, 5993.
Lodge, Henry Cabot: Paris negotiations, 9572, 9573.
Military procurement: appropriations, 28271-28276, 28658-28662, 28669-28671, 28744.
Military procurement: DD-963 class destroyers, 26968.
MIRV: testing, 11031-11034.
National Guard: use of live ammunition, 29450.
Navy Target Practice on Culebra (sundry), 24142-24149.
Navy: oil sludge dumping by, 39805, 39806.
Nixon, Richard M.: Vietnam policy, 12795.
Nixon, Richard M.: Paris negotiation, 9572, 9573.
Nixon, Richard M.: Cambodian claims, 18291.
Out of Indochina in 18 Months, New York Times, by, 22946.
Petition: stop the ABM system, 28275-28280.
Polish Armed Forces Day in France, 19111
Pollution: Navy dumps oil off Florida, 39805
President and the Generals, James Reston, 12796.
Prisoners of war: attempt rescue of American, 38633, 38634.
Prisoners of war: treatment by North Vietnam of American, 32993.
Prisoners of war: treatment, 13630.
Real Land Reform Comes to Vietnam, Roy L. Prosterman, Baltimore Sun, 29724.
Russia: resolution (S. Res. 211) favoring prompt arms negotiations with, 11031-11034.
SALT: negotiations, 11031-11034.
Seabed convention: importance, 26289.
Security or Confrontation, Foreign Policy (publication), 40583.
Set a Date in Vietnam, Clark Clifford, Life magazine, 16049.
Southeast Asia: situation report, 10291, 12795.
Soviet Union: Injustices suffered by Jewish citizens of (see S. Res. 501), 43925.
Standing Up for Peace, Michael Kernan, Washington Post, 17143.
State of Israel Bond Association, Kansas City, Mo., 41921.
Text: Article XXVI from Litton contract, 30456.
Text: Senate Concurrent Resolution 74, treatment of political prisoners In South Vietnam, 24116.
U.S. Lack of Scholarly Competence on Vietnam Is Called a Scandal, W.H. Jones, Chronicle of Higher Education, 10410.
U.S. Aides in Saigon Question Policy, T. Smith, New York Times, 18293.
Vietnam: sending of draftees to (Proxmire-Nelson-Hughes amendment), 30689
Vietnam: affect treatment of prisoners in (see S. Con. Res. 74), 24116.
Vietnam: attempt rescue of American prisoners of war in North, 38633, 38634.
Vietnam policy, 22946.
Vietnam: legislation relative to treatment of political prisoners in South, 24116.
Vietnam: American prisoners in North, 13630, 32993.
Vietnam: era of negotiations, 12795.
Vietnam: U.S. policy, 10291.
Vietnam: Paris negotiation sessions, 9572, 9573.
Vietnam: withdrawal of troops from (McGovern-Hatfield amendment), 30500, 30678
Vietnam proposal, 6879, 11784.
Vietnam Debate, National Press Club, by, 6147.
Vietnam.-Tran Ngoc Chan Case (sundry), 10292-10295.
View From Saigon, R. G. Kaiser, Washington Post, 18292.
World Environmental Institute: create (see S. Res. 399), 13097.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Academic Renewal, J. Mayer, Harvard Bulletin, 43976.
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970: enact (see bills S. 3723, 3035), 16474, 21371.
Amalgamated Clothing Workers Convention, J. S. Potofsky, 19118.
American Printing House for the Blind Act: legislation to amend, 2756.
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 17399) making supplemental (second), 20819.
Appropriations: bill – (second), 20810, 20818, 20819.
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 17399) making supplemental, 19449, 19594, 19930.
Armed Forces: create fair and equitable system for providing economic security to surviving dependents of career members (see bill S. 4015), 32837.
Cancer research activities: authorize study of (see S. Res. 376), 9260, 9269.
Checkbook for the Student, Washington Post, 17136.
Children: Senator Mondale's address on, 40519.
Commencement: University of New Hampshire, W. Gardner, 36938.
Consumer goods: establish national standards for warranties (see bill S. 3565), 7808.
Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies: amend bill (H.R. 18515) making appropriations, 38074, 38096, 38325, 38326.
Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies: bills (H.R. 13111, 15931, 18515) making appropriations, 368, 5233-5236, 38319.
Drug abuse: legislation to combat, 38648.
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1969: amend bill (H.R. 514) to enact, 2756.
Employment and Training Opportunities Act of 1970: bill (S. 3867) to enact, President's veto, 42166.
Family planning services and population research: expand and improve (see bill S.2108), 23006.
Family medicine: grants to medical schools and hospitals for establishing programs in field of (see bill S. 3418), 10065.
Federal Drug Abuse and Drug Dependence Prevention. Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3562), 9579.
Federal Drug Abuse and Drug Dependence Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970: bill (S. 3562) to enact, 38648.
Health Security Act: enact (see bill S. 4297), 30174.
Increasing Numbers of Physicians, George James, 43987.
Judges: payment of annuities to widows of (see bill S. 3705), 10981.
Judges' widows: amend certain act relating to payment of annuities to (see bill S. 3515), 4969.
Leadership in the Health Field, Joseph T. English, 43988.
Letter: Environmental action (sundry), 37627.
Low-income families: amend bill (H.R.16311) to authorize family assistance plan providing basic benefits to certain, 11221
Maine's Senior Service Corps Nutrition Aide Program, Committee on Aging, R. S. Leach and, 19108, 19110
Manpower development program: amend bill (S.2838) to establish comprehensive, 512, 17806.
Medicaid: mentally ill, 27421, 27422.
Medical exposure to ionizing radiation: protect from unnecessary (see bill S. 3973),19919.
Mentally ill: medicaid for, 27421, 27422.
Narcotic addiction: prevent, 38648.
National Council on American Minority History and Culture: establish (see bill S.3566),6583.
National Kidney Foundation, Washington, D.C., by, 39040.
National Catastrophic Illness Protection Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 4031), 21642.
Nixon, Richard M.: veto of Employment and Training Opportunities Act, 42166.
Nixon, Richard M.: proposed action on HEW appropriation bill, 368.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970: bill (S. 2193) to enact, 37626
Older persons: medicaid cutbacks on mentally ill, 27421, 27422.
Older worker community service program: establish (see bill S. 3604), 7805.
Older persons: provide reduced fares on airlines (see bill S. 4246), 30180.
Problems of White Ethnic Americans, C. McCarthy, Washington Post, 24126.
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission: coverage under Social Security Act for employees of (see bill S.3704), 10981.
Social Security Amendments of 1970: amend bill (H.R. 17550) to enact, 22351, 42166, 42455.
Support of Appropriations for Community Mental Health Centers, by, 22233.
Table: Comparison of HEW-Labor appropriation bill, 5234.
VA: funds, 22828.
White House Conference on Children, 40519.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Committee on Government Operations: authorize additional expenditures to study intergovernmental relationships between United States and the States and municipalities (see S. Res. 310), 393.
Hurricane protection projects: amend cost-sharing formula (see bill S. 3774), 19926.
Independent executive agencies: amend bill (H.R.17548) making appropriations for, 22389.
Independent Offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R. 17548) making appropriations for, 22976.
Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1969: print additional copies of hearings on (see S. Res. 393), 12707.
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: bill (S. 11) to enact, 43224, 43230, 43231.
Property Tax Reform, George Washington University, by, 41683.
Report: Committee on Government Operations, 393.
Rising Property Taxes Threaten Elderly, Senator H. A. Williams, 31133.
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Property Acquisition Policies Act 1970: bill (S. 1) to enact, 42132, 42136-42139.
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970: amend bill (S. 1) to enact, 42137
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Appropriations: bill (H.R. 17399) making supplemental, 19449, 19594, 19930.
Carswell, G. Harrold: nomination, 10357.
Civil rights: school integration, 3779, 3780.
Cloture petition, 33811.
Commuter aliens: employment of, 5954, 5955.
District of Columbia Court Reform and Criminal Procedure Act of 1970: bill (S. 2601) to enact, 25187-25190.
District of Columbia: reorganize courts of and revise certain laws of (see bills S. 4080, 4081), 24115.
Education: Integration, 3779, 3780.
Elections: direct popular, 32356.
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1969: bill H.R. 514) to enact, 2756, 3779, 3780.
Hood County, Oreg.:amend bill (H.R. 914) for relief of, 24118.
Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1970: Introduction, 5954, 5955.
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3545), 5953.
Is Freedom Dying In America? H.S. Commager, Look, 25551.
Jackson State College: student killings at, 19958.
Jackson State, Washington Post, 16123
Kent State University: demonstrators killed, 14179.
Letter: Commuter alien problem, R. Clark, by W. Wirtz, 2963.
Mansfield, Mike: tribute, 20144.
Memorandum: Jackson State College disturbances, A. 0. Chambliss, 19959.
Pereira, Hedy Theresa: for relief (see bill S.3926),18281.
President Nixon, by, 19961.
President and Vice President: resolution (S.J. Res. 1) to provide direct popular election, 32356.
Relatively Silent Student Majority, American Newspaper Publishers Association, K. Brewster, 13140.
Report: Alien Commuter Problems, joint Labor-Justice group, 5963.
Report: "Commuter" Problem and Unemployment In American Cities on Mexican Border, Department of Labor, 5956.
Right to speedy trial: give effect to sixth amendment (see bill S. 3936), 26283.
Student disorders: aftermath, 16123.
Telegram: Jackson State College Killings, J. Mitchell, by, 19961.
Text: S.3545, Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1970, 5955.
To Seek a New Direction: Howard University in the 1970's, J. E. Cheek, 13140.
Tydings of No Joy, A. Campbell, New Republic, 23393.
Voting age: lower to 18, 20144.
Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970: authorize representation of Senate by counsel in judicial proceedings concerning constitutional validity of (See S. Res. 422), 23204.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Apollo 13 astronauts: prayer for safety (see S. Res. 388),11521, 11552.
Edgerton, Henry W.: eulogy, 4980.
Gore, Albert: tribute, 44795.
Green, James E.: killing, 19958.
Henry W. Edgerton Dies, Washington Post (sundry). 4980, 4981.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.: issue gold medal to widow of, and certain other medals (see bill S. 3643), 9574.
Maine Needs More Summer Residents like Gardiner Means, M. A. Nault, Maine Telegram, 37549.
Mansfield, Mike: tribute as Majority Leader, 21454.
McCarthy, Eugene J.: tribute, 42901.
Means, Gardiner C., 37549.
Proclamation: Queen Isabella Day, State of Maine, 12752.
Reuther, Walter: eulogy, 14845.
Stevens, John F.: tribute, 6611.
Text: Compromise proposal of H.R. 19333, 43236.
Tribute to John F. Stevens, Representative Flood, Explorers Journal, 6611.
Tydings, Joseph D.: tribute, 43835.
Yarborough, Ralph: tribute, 43165.
Young, Stephen M.. tribute, 44799.
1970 91st Congress, 2nd Session
Brief, Democratic National Committee: FCC fairness doctrine, 21382.
Campaigns: equal-time requirements, 38533, 38534.
Committee on National Priorities of Democratic Policy Committee, by, 6367.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Dinner, Washington, D.C., Senator Mansfield, 17373.
Division Between Men and Ideas, by, 37753.
Election days: designate as legal public. holidays (see bill S. 4236), 30951.
Farley Way in Politics, Edward H. Dickson, Sacramento (Calif.) Bee, 17139
Farley Foresees Victory, Walter Trohan, Chicago Tribune, 43515.
Fulbright, J. W.: tribute, 17837.
If Humphrey Had Not Been Defeated, H. DeCourcy, Argus Champion, 19944
Is Freedom Dying In America? H.S. Commager, Look, 25551.
Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Lewiston, Maine, by, 38052.
Milk Producers Association, Chicago, Ill., by, 37271.
Mrs. Smith Warns of Repression, 18043
New England Press Association, by, 32997
News media: cabinet editors, 1722
One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers Workmen, 23391.
Patriotism, by (sundry), 21926.
Plea for Civility, S. Rich, 18043
Policy Positions, National Governors' Conference (sundry), 31539-31550.
Political broadcasting: bill (S. 3637) relative to equal-time requirements, President's veto, 38533, 38534.
President: Congress should have equal TV time as, 17837.
President Truman – 25 Years After, by, 14307.
Report: America in the 1970's, Democratic Policy Council, 3055-3059.
Representative Hechler Hits Unjustified Criticism of Dedicated Legislator, 16423.
Salute for Senator Smith, D. McCardle, 18043
Smith, Margaret Chase: tribute, 18042.
Television as a Political Force Before Commerce Committee, 29191.
Time to Seek a Truce, William and Mary College, by, 18094.
Tribute to Senator Muskie, Ellsworth American, 35114.
Truth in Politics, Jackson Day, Springfield, Mo., by, 10106.
TV Rebuttal Is Help to Public, San Francisco Examiner, 22910.
Tydings of No Joy, A. Campbell, New Republic, 23393.
University of Kansas, by, 17997.
University of Georgia, Senator Hollings, 35599.
Vietnam Speech Putting Him in Lead for Presidential Nomination, Joseph Kraft, Washington Post, 7019.
1970 91st Congress, 2nd Session
Appointed conferee, 27299, 31582, 32644, 34042, 40620, 40907, 41339, 41671.
Senate officers: authority during adjournment, 43243.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Corporate Participation Act: proposed, 20928.
Corporate Participation Act: enact (see bill S. 4003), 20928.
Customers of certain stockbrokers: provide greater protection for (see bills S. 1988. 8989), 20332.
Customers of certain stock brokers: amend bill (S. 2348) to establish an insurance program to protect, 20339.
Customers of certain stockbrokers: prov1de greater protection for, 20334.
Economic conditions: broker failures, 11435, 11436.
Federal Broker-Dealer Insurance Corporation: amend bill (S. 2348) to establish, 10987.
Federal Broker-Dealer insurance Corporation: establish, 11435, 11436, 20339.
Full Employment Program, Gardiner C. Means, Washington Post, 40579
Inflation: administration "alerts", 30602.
Letter: Establishment of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (sundry), 40870.
Looking for More Money, Time, 11437
More Failures Portended as Wall Street Woes Rise, T. Robards, New York Times, 11437.
Nixon, Richard M.: discretionary power of big business and big labor, 40578.
Property Tax Reform, George Washington University, by, 41683.
Proposed Federal Broker-Dealer Insurance Corporation, 13544.
Report: Committee on Banking and Currency, 32834.
Rising Property Taxes Threaten Elderly, Senator H. A. Williams, 31133.
Securities industry: failures in, 11435, 11436.
Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, managers on the Part of the House, 43236.
Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, bills (S. 2348; H.R. 19333) to enact, 40867-40869, 40872-40877, 40890, 40891, 40901, 40903-40907, 43231-43237, 43242
Stockbrokers: customer protection, 19974.
Stockbrokers: protect investors from failures 11435, 11436.
Text: Proposed bill to protect customers of registered brokers, 19974.
Text: S. 4003, the Corporate Participation Act, 20929.
Text: Amendment (No. 709) Securities Investor Insurance Act, 20339.
Tribute in Senate, 40907.
Wall Street Tremors, 11438.
When Brokers Go Broke, C. Margello, Newsweek, 11436.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
East-West Trade, Senator Mondale, 19991.
Export trade: amend bill (S. 4268) to facilitate greater expansion of, 36832.
Imports: bill (S. 3723) to provide orderly trade In textile articles and articles of leather footwear, 21356.
Shultz and Senator Muskie Seek Foreign Trade Answers, Milton Jacques, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9171.
Social Security Amendments of 1970: amend bill (H.R. 17550) to enact, 22351, 42166, 42455.
1970 2nd Session, 91st Congress
Concentration of Industry and population in metropolitan areas: urging adoption of national policy to discourage (see S. Res. 463), 38073.
Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R. 17548) making appropriations for, 22389.
Housing construction: Insure adequate supplies of timber for (see bill S. 4515), 38070.
Housing for Elderly Act: enact (see bill S.4154), 30180.
Independent offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: bill (H.R. 17548) making appropriations for, 22828.
Redevelopment areas: provide moratorium relative to designation of (see S.J. Res. 210),20087.
Urban Growth and New Community DeveIopment Act of 1970: enact (see bill S. 3640), 9263.
Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1969: amend bill (S. 3154) to enact, 1981, 2147.
What Is This Thing Called Urban Growth Policy? D. Canty, City, 31530.