1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937: bill (S. 2214) to amend, 30379.
Agriculture: potato promotion, 30375.
Air traffic controllers: establish certain requirements for (see bill S. 1026), 4328.
Bank interest rates: regulate maximum (see bill S. 2499), 19508.
Barbara Ann (vessel) : documentation (see bill S. 2282), 13996.
Cap'n Frank (vessel): documentation (see bill S. 753), 2137.
Construction contracts: exempt certain from bonding requirements (see bill S. 2611), 24779.
Cowseagan Narrows: construct high-level bridge over (see bill S. 758), 2137.
Department of Agriculture: require separate accounting of funds requested for certain programs (see bill S. 811), 2340.
Disasters: additional assistance for areas suffering (see bill S. 1685), 7641.
Dow Air Force Base, Maine: adjust legislative jurisdiction over certain lands within (see bill S. 2949), 26684.
Eugenie II (vessel) : documentation (see bill S. 754), 2137.
Freight rates: establish advisory commission to study and report on (see bill S.2355), 16367.
Hurricane Camille: aftermath, 35468.
Letter: thanking SBA for loan to start a motel, Victor and Mary Nielsen, 13035.
Letter: inadequacy of Federal disaster relief in wake of Hurricane Camille, exchange of correspondence between Senator Randolph and, 35468, 35469.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 1481.
Potato Research and Promotion Act: bill (S. 1181) to enact, 30375.
Potatoes: promotion program (see bill 1181), 4829.
Potatoes: exempt from marketing orders certain, 30379.
Railroad safety: Federal regulation (see bill S. 1933). 9831.
Report: In the Wake of Hurricane Camille: An Analysis of the Federal Response. American
Report: Friends Service Committee and Southern Regional Council, 35469.
Resolution: importance of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth Chapter of the Navy League, 1481.
Small Business Capital Bank (see bill S. 1213), 4830.
Small Business Investment Act: amend (see bill S. 1212), 4830.
Small Business Administration: tribute, 13035.
Small business concerns in construction industry: Federal guarantees of certain construction bonds (see bill S. 2609), 24779.
Volunteer fire companies: second- and third-class mail rates (see bill S. 20), 769.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Colloquy between Walter J. Hickel and, 1523-1526.
Dickey-Lincoln School hydroelectric project, 33925.
Electric power: legislation, 21604.
Electric power: prevention of failures, 21885.
Electrical Failures: White Warns of Rationing, R. J. Samuelson, Washington Post, 21885.
Hart, Philip H,: study of oil import quotas by, 11760.
Hickel, Walter J.: nomination, 1503-1505, 1523, 1524, 1526.
Kennedy, Edward M.: Alaska visit, 9163.
Letter: require AEC to review nuclear power plant licenses, Representative Holifield, 5955.
Letter: reply to opposition of Sierra Club to proposed refinery at Machiasport, Maine, Kenneth M. Curtis, 33600
Long, Russell B.: reply to, 6183, 9161-9163.
Machiasport, Maine: proposal to establish oil refinery in, 6183-6185, 38667.
Machiasport, Maine: proposed foreign trade zone at, 7255, 9161-9163, 12059, 13031.
Machiasport Deal and Taxpayers Shake Up an Industry, National Observer 12060.
Must We Choose Brownouts or Pollution? Washington Post, 21885.
New England: oil problem, 38667.
New England: nuclear power in, 12051.
New England: cost of heating oil in, 6183, 9161-9163.
New England: fuel oil, 1503.
Oil depletion allowance: deny use to foreign wells, 11814.
Oil Import program, 1503, 1505, 1523, 6183-6185, 9161-9163, 38667.
Oil industry: import quotas, 11760.
Oil depletion allowance, 6185, 9162.
Oil Import Policy and Proposed Foreign Trade Zone at Machiasport, Maine, New England Senators, 9164.
Oil and gas wells outside United States: deny use of percentage depletion for, (see bill S. 2103), 11799.
Oil Letter to Secretary Laird, 34521.
Oil imports: controls, 34519.
Power blackouts, 21594.
Powerplants: site selection, 2674.
Probe of Oil Price Behavior Promises To Be Illuminating, L. Stern, Washington Post, 6185.
Report: Electric Power Interruptions, Federal Power Commission (sundry), 21597-21603.
Report: Special Panel on Future of Union Oil Lease, J. C. Calhoun, 15114.
Report: Physical Requirements of Sites for Powerplants, 2674.
Resolution: free trade zone for Machiasport, Maine, Past Pomonas Association, 2670.
Response to Natural Resources Council of Maine Concerning the Machiasport Project, K. M. Curtis, 13031.
Table: electric power Interruptions (sundry), 21595-21598, 21600-21603.
Thermal Pollution, Frank Coffin (sundry), 3643.
Thermal Powerplant Sitting, New England River Basins Commission, 12051.
Utility Consumers' Counsel Act of 1969: print additional copies of hearings on (see S. Res. 215), 19887.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
$1 Billion for Clean Water, Washington Post, 29100.
1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment, Senator Yarborough, 33564.
Air Quality Improvement Act: introduction, 38210, 38211.
Air Quality Improvement Act: enact (see bill S. 3229), 38198.
Air We Breathe, Water We Drink, Carpenter, by, 11308.
Air Quality Act of 1967: legislation to extend, 14031.
Air and water pollution: study effect of underground uses of nuclear energy on, 30334.
Analysis: S. 3229, Air Quality Improvement Act, 38213.
Analysis: S. 2005, Resource Recovery Act of 1969, 10608.
Analysis: S. 2391 Environmental Quality Improvement Act, 15545.
Analysis: Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969, 15568.
Analysis: S. 2752, Intergovernmental Coordination of Power Development and Environmental Protection Act, 21605.
Appalachian Regional Development Act: extend, 3695.
Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1969: bill (S. 1072) to enact, 18556, 33031.
Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965: extend (see bill S. 1072), 3611.
Billion Dollars To Clean Up Water, R. Hornig, Washington Star, 18425.
Billion Dollars for Clean Water Urged, Washington Post, 18425.
By Land, Sea, and Sea, New York Times, 11708.
Cahn,Robert: Pulitzer Prize, 13937.
California Marine Sanctuary Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 3093), 32142.
Citizen Action for Clean Air, University of Massachusetts, H. Henderson, 19403.
Citizen crusade for clean water, 18424.
Clean Air Act: bill (S. 2276) to extend, 35805.
Clean Air Act: extend authorization for research relating to fuels and vehicles under provisions of (see bill S. 2276), 18241.
Coalition Promotes Clean Water, R. Cahn, Christian Science Monitor, 18425.
Colloquy between Walter J. Hickel and, 1523-1526.
Committee on Technology and Human Environment: establish, 2151, 2152, 11708, 38222.
Committee on Public Works: defense of members of, 14031.
Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (Select) : establish ( see S. Res. 78), 2151.
Committee on Public Works, 22908.
Council on Environmental Quality: establish, 40424.
Dubos, Rene: Pulitzer Prize, 13937.
Economic development assistance: 33051.
Environment and natural resource Pulitzer Prize writings, 13937.
Environmental quality, 3643.
Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2391), 15525.
Environmental Quality Improvements of 1969: 29050-29054, 29060-29062, 29087.
Environmental Quality Improvements of 1969: introduction, 15544, 15545.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969: introduction, 5688.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act: amend (see bill S. 544), 1382.
Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 1457), 5684.
Federal Low-Emission Vehicle Procurement Act: enact (see bill S. 3072), 31472.
Fifth International Conference on Water Pollution Research (see S.J. Res. 162), 30651.
Fish resources of United States: protection (see bill S. 1151), 4297.
Fish and wildlife: prevent imports of endangered species (see bill S. 335), 6415.
Hickel, Walter J.: nomination, 1503-1505, 1523, 1524, 1526.
Historical and archaeological data: amend bill (S.2893) to preserve, 39627
Historical and archeological data: preserve (see bill S. 2893), 25241.
Income tax: amortization of cost of air and water pollution abatement equipment (see bill S. 1795), 8775.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act: enact (see bill S. 2752) , 21587.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act, 21594, 21604, 21885.
International biological program: support, 8605.
International biological program: support of Congress for (see S.J. Res. 89), 8598
Keeping Promises, Washington Star, 29100.
Lake Superior Conference, Senator Nelson, 15092.
Lake Superior: program to protect, 15091.
Letter: require AEC to review nuclear powerplant licenses, Representative Holifield, 5955.
Letter: funds for provision of Clean Air Act, by, 35806.
Letter: reply to opposition of Sierra Club to proposed refinery at Machiasport, Maine, Kenneth M. Curtis, 33600
Letter: program of air quality enhancement, Senator Magnuson, by seven Senators, 39319.
Letter: liability provisions of S. 7, A.I. Mendelsohn, 29049.
Letter: draft of proposed bill to amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act, M.N. Edwards, 1409.
Letter: amortization for air and water pollution control facilities investment, Senator Long, by, 37886.
List: citizens crusade for clean water, 18424, 18425.
Mankind's Fouled Nest: Oil on the Waters, E. Cowan, Nation, 5722.
Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2393), 15525.
Marine Resources; Preservation Act of 1969: introduction, 15567.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969: bill (S. 1075) to enact, 40423-40426
New England: extend Appalachian region program to, 3695.
Nuclear energy: study and evaluation of air and water pollution and other effects of underground uses of (see bill s. 3042), 30331.
Oil Spill Study, Arthur D. Little, Inc. (sundry), 33590.
Oil spills: combating pollution created by, 33590.
Oil-Pollution Dilemma, Washington Post, 15113.
Payment of Torrey Canyon's Oil Damage, Washington Post, 33855.
Pollution: powerplants, 2674.
Pollution: legislation to control, 15544, 15545.
Pollution and Power in small mill Town, Shelby Coffey III, Potomac Magazine, 2756.
Pollution: oil, 5722.
Pollution: nuclear, 30334.
Pollution: air, 33839, 38210.
Pollution: water, 8645.
Pollution: tribute to work of Subcommittee on Air and Water, 14031, 14032.
Pollution: payment of Torrey Canyon oil claims, 33854.
Pollution: funds for research of fuel combustion to prevent air, 39319, 39320.
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: funds to carry out purposes of title V (see bill S. 1090), 3886.
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965: funds for title V of the, 3894.
Public works: bill (H.R. 14159) making appropriations for, 33913, 33914, 33925, 36950,36961.
Question of Convening U.N. Conference on Human Environment, S. Astron, 8611.
Randolph, Jennings: reply to accusation made against, 14031.
Regional Development Act of 1969: introduction, 3894.
Report: Resolution To Establish a Committee on Technology and the Human Environment, 2153.
Report: Proposed Appropriations of $45 Million for Section 104, NAPCA, 39320
Reports Tie Air Pollution to Deaths, S. Auerbach, Washington Post, 33839
Resource Recovery Act of 1969: introduction, 10608, 12104.
Santa Barbara oil leak: solution, 15113.
Save the Cigarette Bill, Washington Post, 39105.
Senate Hearings Environmental Control, Gershon Fishbein's Health Letter, 38223
Senators Feud Over Environmental Bills, Spencer Rich, Washington Post, 27547.
Small Thoughts, S. Alsop, Newsweek, 23009.
Solid waste disposal facilities: amend bill (S. 2005) to provide financial assistance for construction of, 24784.
Solid waste disposal facilities: financial assistance for construction of (see bill S.2005),10599.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, A. C. Daley, 10610.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, J. F. Collins, 10610.
Telegram: funds for water pollution control (sundry), 33914-33918.
Text of S. 2393, Marine Resources Preservation Act of 1969, 15567.
Text of S. 3229, Air Quality Improvement Act, 38211.
Text of S. 544, Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 1404.
Text of S. 1075, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 29051, 29060.
Text of amendment, Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 29050
Text of S. 1090, Regional Development Act of 1969, 3894.
Text of S. 1457, Federal Fine Arts and Architecture Act of 1969, 5689.
Text of S.J. Res. 89, support international, biological program, 8605.
Text of U.N. resolution on human environment, 8608.
Text of S. 2391, Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 15545.
Text of S. 2005, Resource Recovery Act of 1969, 10608, 12104.
Text of S. 7 the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969, 788.
Thermal Powerplant Sitting, New England River Basins Commission, 12051.
Thermal Pollution, Frank Coffin (sundry), 3643.
Torrey Canyon: settlement of claims, 33854.
U.S. Joins In Proposing 1972 U.N. Conference on Human Environment, J. R. Wiggins, 8609.
United Nations Conference on Human Environment: provide for U.S. participation in, 8608.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment: support and participation in (see S. Res. 179), 8608.
Wanted: A unified Strategy for Environmental Protection, E. A. Locke, American Forest Institute, 34547.
Waste disposal facilities: provide financial assistance for construction of solid, 10608.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: Introduction, 1409.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: oil spills, 33590.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: proposed, 788.
Water Pollution, Soap and Detergent Association, D. S. Black, 7256.
Water Quality Improvement A ct of 1969: amend bill (S. 7) to enact. 28984, 28987, 29050
Water pollution, 759.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: bill (S. 7) to enact, 28954-28959, 28966, 28968, 28983-28987, 28997, 28998, 29008, 29048, 29051-29054, 29060-29064, 29089, 29090, 29092, 29093, 29098-29100.
Water pollution, 7101.
Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 7), 768.
Will Success Spoil the National Parks? R. Cahn, Christian Science Monitor (series), 13937-13958
1969 91st Congress, 1st Session
1972 United Nations Conference on Human Environment, Senator Yarborough, 33564.
ABM, Brown University, by, 10357.
Agnew, Spiro: criticism, 31267, 31268
Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, and research: bill (S. 2546) to authorize appropriations for procurement of, 21894-21902, 22369, 23224, 24833, 25322, 25324, 25326, 25327, 26185-26188.
Aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, and research: amend bill (S. 2546) to authorize appropriations for procurement of, 20464.
Antiballistic missile system: deployment, 20950, 21894-21901, 22369.
Antiballistic missile system: unanswered questions relative to, 8631-8633.
Armed Forces: exempt certain members from service in combat zone (see bill S. 1635), 7180.
Armed Forces permanently stationed in Europe: substantial reduction (see S. Res. 292), 40754.
Arms control, MIRV, and national security: sense of Senate relative to (see S. Res. 211), 16069, 16148.
Article: After Vietnam – What Happens When Peace Breaks Out, 15214.
Atomic energy: evaluate effects of underground uses of, 30334.
Atomic energy: nuclear tests, 11846.
C-5A Cargo aircraff: funds for, 24833.
Ceylon Independence Day, 2662.
Channel to Hanoi, Joseph Kraft, Washington Post, 33594.
Chemical and biological agents: provide guidelines and controls over, 23224
Committee on Mexican-American Affairs: establish (see bill S. 740), 2603.
Defense spending, 26185.
Department of Defense: bill (H.R. 15090) making appropriations for, 39169, 39170.
Earthquakes: nuclear tests, 11846.
East-West Trade Relations Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2283), 13996.
East-West trade: update regulations, 9860.
Economic development: amend bill (H.R. 14580) to assist peoples of the world to achieve, 38401.
Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 1872), 11082.
Excess War Profits Tax Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2277), 13996.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 14580) to enact, 38464, 38684.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1969: bill (H.R.14580) to enact, 38464, 38467-38470, 38684, 38686, 38687, 38689.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1969: amend bill (S. 2347) to enact, 28601.
Geneva Protocol of 1925: resubmit to Senate for ratification (see S. Res. 228), 21374.
Importance of Arms Limitation Negotiations, by, 31826.
International conflict: promote peaceful resolution (see bill S. 953), 3111.
International biological program: support of Congress for (see S.J. Res. 89), 8598
International biological program: support, 8605.
Israel: authorize participation in development of desalting plant in (see bill S. 2847), 25245.
Land Reform in Vietnam, R. L. Prosterman, Southeast Asia, 38465.
Laos or Thailand: combat troops in, 39169, 39170.
Little-Noticed Speech Wisely Urges Draft Retention, Joseph Alsop, Washington Post, 4682.
Military Draft, Miami University, by, 4683.
Military procurement: amend bill (S. 2546) to authorize appropriations for ASW year 1970, 9271.
Military courts-martial: improve judicial machinery of (see bill S. 3117), 33010.
MIRV: testing program, 33998.
National Commission on Nuclear and Seismic Safety: create, 11846.
National Economic Conversion Commission: establish (see bill S. 1285), 5108.
Navy League, U Thant, 34541.
Nigerian Civil War: relief assistance to persons affected by (see S, Con. Res. 3). 1420.
Nixon, Richard M.: ABM decision, 8631.
Nixon, Richard M.: Vietnam address by, 33544, 33550.
Nuclear detonations and seismic disturbances: study relationship between underground (see S.J. Res. l08), 11799.
Nuclear aircraft carrier (CVAN--69) : funds for, 25322, 25324, 25326, 25327.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 5751-5753.
Petition: end to Vietnam war, Lewiston-Auburn Citizens for Peace, 30362.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 1481.
Prisoners of war: treatment of, by North Vietnam (see S. Res. 243), 25437.
Program: Vietnam Moratorium Day, Bates College, 30361.
Protest Against South African Government Denying Visas to Members of U.S. House of Representatives, by 28 Members of Congress, 23379.
Question of Convening U.N. Conference on Human Environment, S. Astron, 8611.
Remarks in Senate: draft reform, 4946.
Remarks in House: Ho Chi Minh's letter to President Nixon, 36506.
Report: Briefing Paper on Land Reform in Vietnam, R. L. Prosterman, 38684.
Resolution: Vietnam policy, Bates College, 30361.
Resolution: importance of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth Chapter of the Navy League, 1481.
Role of Congress in Defense Spending, Senator Eagleton, 16084.
Senator's Speech on Isolationism, Associated Press, 14978.
Space exploration: authorize Committee on Foreign Relations to study possibilities of international cooperation and cost sharing in (see S. Res. 285), 34518.
Speech on isolationism, 14977.
Statement: Alternative to Safeguard System, Senator McIntyre, 15122.
Strategic arms limitation talks, 33998.
Support for Efforts To Establish Peace in Middle East, by, 10339.
Text of amendment (No. 422), Vietnamese land reform, 38464.
Text of S.J. Res. 89, support international, biological program, 8605.
Text of U.N. resolution on human environment, 8608.
U.S. Joins In Proposing 1972 U.N. Conference on Human Environment, J. R. Wiggins, 8609.
Underground weapons testing: study international and other foreign policy aspects of (see S.J. Res. 155), 27870.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment: support and participation in (see S. Res. 179), 8608.
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment: establish interagency commission to make plans for (see S.J. Res. 156), 41049.
United Nations Conference on Human Environment: provide for U.S. participation in, 8608.
Vietnam: President's address on, 33544-33550.
Vietnam: review of situation relative to endIng war in, 33544-33550.
Vietnam: land reform in South (see S. Res. 290), 35447.
Vietnam moratorium, 34532.
Vietnam Moratorium Day: Bates College observance, 30361.
Vietnam: land reform, 38684, 38685, 38690.
Vietnam: U.S. policy, 20450, 33594.
Vietnam Moratorium, Bates College, by, 30343.
Washington Peace Demonstration, by, 34282.
Why Stop ABM Deployment? New Republic, by, 16384.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Agriculture Industry: extend National Labor Relations Act to (see bill S. 8), 768.
Alcoholism., more effective prevention and treatment of (see bill S. 1997), 10598.
All-University Convocation, Oxford, Ohio, by, 4946.
American Goals, Jefferson, Indiana, by, 21749
American Library Association, H. H. Humphrey, 19396.
Artificial Organs, Transplantation, and Technological Development Act of 1969: proposed (see bill S. 88), 5839.
Bank interest rates: regulate maximum (see bill S. 2499), 19508.
Bilingual Culture, G. Wilcox, Maine Teacher, 19401.
Blind persons: strengthen and improve program of operating vending facilities (see bill S. 2461). 24284.
Children's diseases: research, 25012.
Cigarette: advertising, 39105.
Commission on Afro-American History and Culture: establish (see bill S. 14), 1327.
Committee on Aging (Special) : notice of hearings, 16369.
Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (Select) : resolution (S. Res. 68) authorizing investigations, 3690.
Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (Select) : authorize funding of (see S. Res. 68), 1964 Social Security Act: coverage of certain drugs under health insurance benefits (see bill S. 763), 2137.
Community colleges: assist States in development and construction of comprehensive (see bill S. 1033), 3423.
Creed for those who believe in the handicapped, Leonard W. Mayo, 3800.
Department of Consumer Affairs: establish (see bill S. 860), 7661.
Departments of Labor, Health, Education and Welfare, and related agencies: bill (H.R. 13111) making appropriations, 39319-39321.
Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, the judiciary, and related agencies (H.R. 12964) making appropriations, 33051.
Departments of Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies: amend bill (H.R. 13111) making appropriations, 39293, 39316, 39321.
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964: continue programs authorized under (see bill S. 2367), 15524.
Economics of Aging, Senator H. A. Williams, AFL-CIO Federationist, 28921.
Education: full funding of programs, 15131, 15133.
Education: supplement joint resolution making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 1970 (see bill S.J. Res. 163), 32813.
Education: bilingual, 19400.
Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 1872), 11082.
Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act: enact (see bill S. 2453), 16526.
Federal aid to education: administration proposals to reduce, 15129-15131, 15133.
Federally impacted areas: school aid to (see S. J. Res. 148), 25004.
Food Stamp Reform Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2014), 10599.
Full Opportunity Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 5), 768.
General clinical research centers: opposed to closing of 19, 25012.
Head Start child development program: provide for expanded (see S. 2060), 11387
Health and Manpower Act of 1968: concern over administration's proposals for funding, 22930-22933.
Health Field's Money Famine, Medical World News, 22933.
Hyde School, 40070.
Indian tribes: make benefits available to certain (see bill S. 3135), 33835.
Indians of all tribes: extend special additional Federal matching funds to (see bill S. 2265), 13995.
Indians: legislation to extend certain federal aid to State established reservations, 33836.
Institute on Retirement Income: establish (see bill S. 869), 2548.
Job Corps program: resolution (S. Res. 194) expressing sense of Senate in regard to changes in, 12121.
Job Corps camps: defer shut down (see S. Res. 194), 11267.
Job Corps: opposition to shutdown of installations (see S. Res. 183), 10477.
Juries: improve judicial machinery for selection of (see bill S. 2454), 16526.
Letter: smoking and health programs, R. Finch, 39105.
Letter: opposition to proposed closing of certain Job Corps camps (sundry), 12121-12131.
Library Services and Construction Act, 12053.
Maine's Rehabilitation Needs, Bennett D. Katz, 3801.
Medical schools and teaching hospitals: financial condition, 22930.
Medical research: need to continue, 25012.
Mental health manpower, 22933.
Narcotic addiction and drug abuse: comprehensive control of (see bill S. 2608), 20968.
National Kidney Disease Act of 1969; enact (see bill S. 2482) 17192.
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science: establish (see bill S. 1519), 12280.
National Foundation for the Social Sciences: establish (see bill S. 508), 1382.
National Library Week, 12053.
National Adult-Youth Communications Week: proclaim (see S.J. Res. 134), 19022.
National Employ the Older Worker Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 74), 5685.
Nineteen Clinical Units Facing Shutdown, H. M. Schmeck, 25012.
Nurses: training, 22930.
Office of Economic Opportunity: expanded legal services program (see bill S. 1291) 7661.
Older persons: economics, 28921.
Opportunities Industrialization Centers: provide Federal financial assistance to (see bill S. 1362), 24779.
Opportunity in education, College Admissions Counselors Association, by, 34480.
Physically Handicapped, Governor Curtis, 3800.
Presentation of AAHA Award to Senator Moss, W. T. Eggers, 39113.
PTA: help support special education, 11153.
Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 6543) to enact, 39105.
Public health schools: grants, 22930.
Report: Maine Library Services and Construction Act, American Library Association, 15130.
Report: Library Services and Construction Act, American Library Association, 15130.
Research in Aging Act: enact (see bill S. 870), 2548.
Senior aides program: Aroostook County, 11753.
Social Security Act: repeal provisions limiting number of children to whom payments can be made under certain program (see bill S. 1959), 10415
Social Security Act: eligibility of blind persons to receive benefits under (see bill S. 2518), 18242, 20253.
Social Security Act: definition of disability (see bill S. 1132), 4297.
Social Security Act: revise provisions relating to aid to families with dependent children (see bill S. 1960), 10415
Social Security Act: increase benefits under old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program (see bill S. 3100), 32657
St. John Valley, Maine: bilingual education, 19400.
Student Insured loan program: authorize flexible interest rates for (see bill S. 2422), 23001.
Student Assistance Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 1788), 13691.
Table: 1970 budget of Office of Education, 15131-15133.
Table: Federal awards for dental student loans and scholarships, 22931, 22932.
Table: difference in funds for Health Manpower Act, 22930.
Telegram: Job Corps closures, to President Nixon, by 26 Members, 10466.
Text of S. 3135, extend Federal aid to State established Indian reservations, 33836.
To Close the Opportunity Gap, Senator H. A. Williams, Junior College Journal, 27904.
Valedictory, Foxcraft School, L. Thomen, 23522.
Volunteer firemen: make provisions of Vocational Education Act of 1963 applicable to persons preparing to be (see bill S. 2636), 19807.
Your Local Library, E. Y. Blewett, Portland Telegram, 12053.
Youth camp safety standards: Federal leadership in developing State programs (see bill S. 809), 2339.
Youth Conservation Corps: establish in Departments of Interior and Agriculture (see bill S. 1076), 12281.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 5247, 17192.
Analysis: S. 2752, Intergovernmental Coordination of Power Development and Environmental Protection Act, 21605.
Analysis: S. 2483, Intergovernmental Revenue Act, 17196.
Analysis: S. 2479 Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1969, 16974.
Appointed to Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 3195.
Commission on Afro-American History and Culture: establish (see bill S. 14), 1327.
Committee on Government Operations, 1249, 26688, 30650.
Committee on Government Operations: authorizing investigations (see S. Res. 27), 1249.
Committee on Government operations: resolution (S. Res. 27) authorizing investigations, 3503, 3505-3508.
Committee on Government operations: notice of hearings, 4893, 8618, 24285, 24286.
Equitable land acquisition policies: establish (see bill S. 1), 768.
Federal assistance programs: authorize consolidation (see bill S. 2035), 11060.
Federal grants-in-aid: strengthen operation of, 16970, 16971.
Federal assistance programs: authorize consolidation (see bill S. 2035), 11060.
Grant Consolidation Act of 1969: introduction, 11063, 11064.
Intergovernmental relations between United States and the States: authorize funds for study of (see S. Res. 264), 26688
Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1969: hearings on, 24285.
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1969: proposed, 795.
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1969: bill (S. 11) to enact, 31544.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act, 21594, 21604, 21885.
Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 11), 768.
Intergovernmental Power Coordination and Environmental Protection Act: enact (see bill S. 2752) , 21587.
Intergovernmental Revenue Act of 1969: introduction, 17192.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2479), 16966.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1969: introduction, 16970, 16971.
Letter: activities of Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, by, 3503-3505.
Maine: conveyance of certain land to (see bill S. 752), 2187.
National Commission on Federal Tax Sharing: establish (see bill S. 1693), 9116.
National Conference on Public Administration, 15114.
Personnel administration: strengthen State and local governments through Improved, 31544.
Property located in Federal areas: liability for payment of property taxes on certain (see bill S. 2048), 11061.
Property located in Federal areas: permit States to subject persons to liability for payment of taxes on, 11082.
Report: Vignette for NCOA Biennial Conferences, A. Dyer, 11754.
State and local governments: establish system of general support grants to (see bill S. 2483), 17192.
State and local finances: ACIR report on, 5247.
State and local governments: Improve, 31544.
States: improve revenue to, 17192.
States and the Urban Crisis, American society for Public Administration, P. H. Hoff, 15114.
Table: new programs or major expansions of existing Federal civilian programs, 21897.
Table: gap between funds authorized and funds made for domestic purposes, 21897.
Text of S. 2483, Intergovernmental Revenue Act. 17193.
Text of S. 11 the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1969, 796.
Text of S. I the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Act of 1969, 772.
Text of title VI, consolidation of grant-in-aid programs, 11064.
Text of S. 2479, Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1969, 16971.
Text of S. 2752, Intergovernmental Coordination of Power Development and Environmental Protection Act, 22921.
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act of 1969: bill (S. 1) to enact, 31533.
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act of 1969: proposed, 772.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Award: Anti-Defamation League Human Rights, B'nai Brith, to, 12440.
Black Panther Party: defuse situation between police and, 39648.
Chan, Yu: for relief (see bill S. 2587), 19022.
Chan, Shut Choy: for relief (see bill S. 2589), 19022.
Civil Rights Commission: authorize appropriations for (see bill S. 2455), 16526.
Committee to Investigate Crime (Joint): create (see S.J. Res. 5), 771.
Courts of the United States: Improvements in administration of (see bill S. 1506), 6216.
Davis, Yvonne: for relief (see bill S. 757), 2137.
Del Toro, Teresina: for relief (see bill S. 1777), 8598.
District of Columbia: grant representation in Congress (see S.J. Res. 56), 4298.
Electoral Vote Challenge, Washington Post, 160.
Electoral Challenge, New York Times, 686.
Emergency Detention Act of 1950: repeal (see bill S. 1872), 11082.
Equal rights for men and women: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res. 61),4831.
Ezeszotarski, Waclaw Janusz: for relief (see bill S. 3040), 30331.
Federal employees: protect constitutional rights and prevent invasions of privacy (see bill S. 782), 2339.
Freedom of Speech and Assembly, Washington Post, 34532.
Fung, Yuen: for relief (see bill S. 2588). 19022.
Haynsworth, Clement F.: nomination, 35368.
Immigration and Nationality Act: revise (see bill S. 3802), 36964.
Immigration Act Amendments of 1969: enact (see bill S. 1694), 7641.
Kasmala, Jerzy: for relief (see bill S. 3250), 39629.
Lindner, Teresa: adjudicate claim (see S. Res. 77), 2151.
Lindner, Teresa: for relief (see bill S. 756), 2137.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, by, 11501.
Mok, Gun Wa: for relief (see bill S. 2586), 19022.
Moore, Dorothy G.: for relief (see bill S. 1113), 4297.
National Conference on Citizenship, by, 30560.
Office of Economic Opportunity: expanded legal services program (see bill S. 1291) 7661.
Omnibus Civil Rights Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2029), 10599.
President and Vice President: direct popular election (see S.J. Res. 1), 771.
President: amend Constitution relative to House of Representatives choosing of (see S.J. Res. 18), 7203.
Presidential elections: enable citizens who change residence to vote in (see bill 2165),12532.
Public education: permit Attorney General to institute certain actions for desegregation of (see bill S. 2375), 19271.
Resolution: Supreme Court prayer decision, South Parish Congregational Fellowship. 8645.
Right to vote: extend to 18-year-olds (see S.J. Res. 7), 7964.
Voting rights: extend to 18-year-olds (see S.J, Res. 147), 23526.
Voting Rights Act of 1965: extend relative to use of tests and devices (see bill S. 2456),16526.
Women: prohibit discrimination against, 4900.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Anthony, Susan B., 4900.
Bartlett, E. L. "Bob": eulogy, 3928.
Baxter, Percival P.: eulogy, 18439.
Carl Hayden Project: rename Central Arizona Project (see S.J. Res. 28). 1649.
Cranston, Alan: tribute, 8645.
Death of Hughes Spalding, Senator Talmadge, 8650.
Degree awarded: honorarium, 24498.
Dirksen, Everett M.: eulogy, 32140.
Eisenhower, Dwight David: print eulogies on (see S. Con. Res. 16), 8607.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: eulogy, 8089
Fulbright, J. William: tribute, 8631.
Humphrey, Hubert H.: tribute, 19396.
Issuance of Dartmouth College Case Commemorative Stamps, Senator McIntyre, 27883.
Johnson, Lyndon B.: tribute, 1216.
King, Martin L.: anniversary of death of, 8618.
Libby, Winthrop C., 21137.
MacNaughton, Alan (Senator, Canadian Parliament): visit, 37476.
Martin Luther King Day: designate (see S.J. Res. 14), 8229
Percival Baxter Dies (sundry), 18439-18441.
Presidential Prayer Breakfast, by, 4487.
Tribute to Earl Warren, by, 17987.
Utah, U.S.S.: fly American flag over remains of (see bill S. 583), 1648.
Veterans Day, 33660.
1969 91st Congress, 1st Session
Bailey, Lloyd W. challenge to the electoral vote of, 9, 199, 200.
Black Panther Party: defuse situation between police and, 39648.
Can a Poor Man Get To Be President? Stewart Alsop, Newsweek magazine, 5995.
Democratic Vistas, Women's National Democratic Club, H. McPherson, 34526.
Electoral vote: counting, 197-205, 207, 208, 210-214, 219, 220, 222, 244.
Electoral college: challenge to the less vote in, 9.
Electoral system: reform of, 5231.
Federal Editors Association, by, 13922.
Leader of the Opposition: An American Lucuna, D. Fromkin, Interplay, 5231.
Libby is Appointed President, B. Caldwell, Maine Alumnus, 21137.
Memorandum: support of an objection to counting the vote of a North Carolina elector, 11.
Much Admired Man, Roscoe Drummond, Christian Science Monitor, 386.
New Theater of the Absurd, New York Times, 11760.
Objection: electoral vote, 146.
Party Honoring Government and Mrs. Hearnes, by, 23004.
President: direct election of, 9160.
Spirit of Moderation, Philadelphia Bulletin, 12441.
Spirit of Moderation, Anti-Defamation League, by, 12440.
State Elector To Back Wallace, Raleigh (N.C.) News-Observer, 10.
State Electors Give Nixon 12, Wallace One, R. Clay, Raleigh (N.C.) Observer, 10.
Text of objection to electoral vote of Lloyd W. Bailey, by Representative O'Hara and, 210.
U.S. Election Procedures, Machinist, by, 4418.
1969 91st Congress, 1st Session
Appointed conferee, 19876, 29100, 29898, 32870, 33886, 39205
Appropriations: bill (H. R, 11400) making second supplemental, 16447-16449.
Appropriations: amend bill (H.R. 11400) making second supplemental, 16070, 16457.
Cloture petition, 1802.
Committee to Investigate Crime (Joint): create (see S.J. Res. 5), 771.
Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (Select) : authorize funding of (see S. Res. 68), 1964 Committee on Mexican-American Affairs: establish (see bill S. 740), 2603.
Committee on Banking and Currency, 17191.
Conflict of interest: eliminate in Government procurement (see bill S. 2691), 20702.
Congressional Employee Support, Congressional Secretaries Dinner, by, 9773.
Congressional candidates : provide certain opportunities to purchase broadcast time from television stations (see bill S.2876), 25004.
Elected to committee, 591.
Members of Congress and officials of executive branch: require financial statements from (see bill S. 1993), 13909, 18242.
Members of Congress and officials of executive branch: amend bill (S. 1993) to require financial statements from, 13909, 14026.
Memorials of legislature: Maine, 3609, 16715, 17191.
Motion for cloture: consideration of S. Res. 11 to amend Senate rule XXII (cloture), 592.
Nominations: consideration of certain, 8595.
Senate: resolution (S. Res. 11) to amend rule XXII (cloture), 421.
Senate: amend rule XXII (cloture) (see S. Res. 11), 419.
Tribute in Senate, 26187, 31267
Tribute in House, 5995.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Bank interest rates: regulate maximum (see bill S. 2499), 19508.
Congress: separate session each year for consideration of appropriation bills (see bill S. 3113), 41049.
Excess War Profits Tax Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2277), 13996.
Federal Broker-Dealer Insurance Corporation Act: Introduction, 15165.
Federal Broker-Dealer Insurance Corporation: establish (see bill S. 2348), 15155.
Fiscal year: establish calendar year as (see bill S. 3113), 41049.
Income tax: amortization of cost of air and water pollution abatement equipment (see bill S. 1795), 8775.
Income tax: allow partial credit for State and local payments (see bill S. 2483), 17192.
Income tax: same exemption for servicemen in and around Korea as for those in Vietnam (see bill S. 2689), 20701.
Income tax laws: amend bill (H.R. 13270) to reform, 36315.
Income tax: limit deduction attributable to farming (see bill S. 500), 1382.
Income tax: extension of surtax, 19367, 19368.
Income tax: amend bill (H.R. 12290) to extend surcharge, 20069.
Internal Revenue Code of 1954:amend to deny foreign wells to use oil depletion allowance, 11814
Investors: protection, 15165.
Letter: amortization for air and water pollution control facilities investment, Senator Long, by, 37886.
Oil depletion allowance: deny use to foreign wells, 11814.
Oil depletion allowance, 6185, 9162.
Tax Reform Act of 1969: oil depletion allowance on foreign oil, 37031.
Tax Reform Act of 1969: personal exemption, 36662, 36670.
Tax Reform Act of 1969: bill (H.R. 13270) to enact, 36663, 36670, 37031, 37885, 37886, 37888, 38258, 38259, 38387, 38289.
Text of S. 2103 to deny foreign wells to use oil depletion allowance, 11814
Text of S. 2348, Federal Broker-Dealer Insurance Corporation Act, 15166.
1969 1st Session 91st Congress
Agricultural commodities: orderly marketing by producers (see bill S. 812), 2340.
Analysis: Orderly Marketing Act of 1969, 5691.
East-West Trade Relations Act of 1969: enact (see bill S. 2283), 13996.
East-West trade: update regulations, 9860.
Excise tax: amend bill (H.R. 12290) to continue on automobiles and communications services, 20069.
Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: print supplemental views on, 20711
Export Control Act of 1949: res( (H.J. Res. 864) to provide temporary extension for, 22887.
Export Administration Act of 1969 (H.R. 4293) to enact, 39205, 41136-41138.
Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: bill (S. 2696; H.R. 4293) to enact, 31004-31008.
Export Expansion and Regulation 1969: introduction, 9860.
Export Control Act of 1949: temporary extension of authority conferred by (see S.J. Res. 122), 15526.
Exports: continue authority for expansion and regulations of (see bills S. 1940,S.2696), 9831, 20702.
Fish and wildlife: prevent imports of endangered species (see bill S. 335), 6415.
Foreign trade: regulations, 9860.
Foreign Trade Zones Spark Lively Controversy S. M. Aug, Washington Star, 7255.
Hart, Philip H,: study of oil import quotas by, 11760.
Imported articles: orderly marketing of (see bill S, 1462), 5684.
Imports: recommendations on oil program, 34519.
Letter: oil import controls, M. R. Laird, five Senators, 34519.
Letter: oil import quota system, G.P. Shulty, by, 38668.
Machiasport, Maine: proposed foreign trade zone at, 7255, 9161-9163, 12059, 13031.
Memorandum: submission to Cabinet task force on oil import control, 27083.
Memorandum: national security and oil imports, five members of Committee on Armed Services, to Secretary of Defense, 34519.
Motion picture films: free importation of certain (see bill S. 755), 2137.
Oil Import Policy and Proposed Foreign Trade Zone at Machiasport, Maine, New England Senators, 9164.
Oil industry: import quotas, 11760.
Oil and gas wells outside United States: deny use of percentage depletion for, (see bill S. 2103), 11799.
Oil imports: controls, 34519.
Oil Import program, 1503, 1505, 1523, 6183-6185, 9161-9163, 38667.
Orderly Marketing Act of 1969: introduction, 5690.
Problem of Foreign Imports, by, 17771.
Problem of Extraterritoriality in Foreign Trade, Secretary Ball, 31007.
Resolution: free trade zone for Machiasport, Maine, Past Pomonas Association, 2670.
Text of S. 1462, Orderly Marketing Act of 1969, 5691.
1969 1st Session, 91st Congress
Analysis: S. 1090, Regional Development Act of 1969, 3894.
Analysis: S. 3228, Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act, 38208.
Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act: enact (see bill S. 3228), 38198.
Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act: introduction, 38198, 38199.
Can Anyone Run a City? G. Tyler, Saturday Review, 34534.
Committee on Banking and Currency: notice of hearing, 418, 8617, 13692.
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968: amend section 3 (see bill S. 2610), 24779.
Housing and Urban Development Amendments of 1969: amend bill (S. 28G4) to enact, 26709, 20710.
Independent Offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: amend bill (H.R. 12307) making appropriations for, 33512, 33585, 33637, 33700.
Independent offices and Department of Housing and Urban Development: (H.R. 12307) making appropriations for, 33641, 33642, 33644, 33645.
Letter: funds for urban renewal program (sundry), 33644.
Role of States in Urban Crisis -American Society for Public Administration, J. J. Gunther, 15114.
Romney George W.: nomination to Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development, 418.
States and the Urban Crisis, American society for Public Administration, P. H. Hoff, 15114.
Text of S. 3228, Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act, 38199.
Urban public transportation programs: long-term financing for expanded (see bill S. 3154), 34797.
Urban development, 38198, 38199.
Urban renewal programs: funds, 33641, 33642, 33644, 33645.