The material on this page is from the 2001-02 catalog and may be out of date. Please check the current year's catalog for current information.
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Professors Kemper and Danforth, Chair; Associate Professors Eames and Carnegie; Mr. Bourque Anthropologists investigate culture and society, gender and ethnicity, human evolution and the concept of "race." Anthropology is a coherent and comprehensive discipline that offers students a broad, comparative, and essentially interdisciplinary approach to the study of human life in all its diversity. Anthropologists are concerned with understanding human universals, on the one hand, and the uniqueness of individual cultures, on the other. At Bates the program includes archeological, biological, and sociocultural perspectives. Anthropology attempts to make sense, in a non-ethnocentric manner, of everyday life in both familiar and "exotic" settings. In this way the discipline enables students to achieve cultural competence in the broadest sense of the termthe ability to function effectively in a multicultural environment, to analyze material from their own and other cultures, and to appreciate the value of the cultural diversity that exists in our world. Some recent graduates have pursued careers in public health, community organizing, environmental law, international development, teaching, and museum work; some have gone on to graduate work in anthropology and archeology. Anthropology 101 and 102 are designed as introductions to the discipline of anthropology and as preparation for more advanced courses. Other 100- and 200-level courses also admit first-year students, but more closely reflect a specific field within anthropology. The 300- and 400-level courses are open to all upperclass students, but the latter are especially designed for majors. Major Requirements. Students majoring in anthropology study the disciplines history and methodology by taking two types of courses: those that focus on a particular cultural area (such as Africa, the Caribbean, native North America, Europe, or South Asia) and courses that focus on a specific theoretical concern. They also conduct individual ethnographic or archeological fieldwork and are encouraged to complement their work in anthropology with participation in a study-abroad program. Major requirements may include course work in other related departments (such as art, biology, geology, languages and literatures, political science, religion, and sociology) and programs (such as African American studies, American cultural studies, Asian studies, environmental studies, and women's studies). Students majoring in anthropology must complete successfully Anthropology 101, 102, 333, 339, 441, and 458; a course or unit containing a fieldwork component (Anthropology 335, s25, or s32), which should be taken during the student's sophomore year; and at least four other courses in anthropology, not including 360. With departmental approval two of these elective courses in anthropology may be replaced by related courses from other departments or programs at Bates or from a Junior Semester or Junior Year Abroad program. Secondary Concentration. A secondary concentration in anthropology allows students to develop a basic foundation in the discipline while complementing the perspectives offered in their major area of study. The department has established the following requirements for a secondary concentration in anthropology: 1) Anthropology 101 and 102. 2) Anthropology 333, 339, or 347. 3) A course that involves ethnographic or archeology fieldwork: Anthropology 335, s21, s25, or s32. 4) Any two other anthropology courses. Pass/Fail Grading Option. Pass/fail grading may not be elected for courses applied toward the major or the secondary concentration. General Education. Any two anthropology courses may serve as a department-designated set. Short Term units may not serve as options for the third course. Courses 102. Archeology and Human Evolution. Introduction to archeological method and theory, together with an introductory survey of human evolution, from the appearance of the first primates to the present day. Enrollment limited to 32. B. Bourque. 103. Introduction to Archaeology. The course introduces students to the discipline of anthropological archaeology, including the history of the discipline and how it has affected our understanding of human culture and history. The course includes numerous laboratory and discussion exercises, some films and slide presentations, and at least one field trip. Not open to students who received credit for Anthropology 102. Enrollment limited to 32. B. Bourque. New course beginning 2002-2003. 104. Introduction to Human Evolution. The course introduces students to the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens, beginning with the emergence of the primates. An underlying theme of the course is an understanding of modern human variability and the nonexistence of human races. The course includes numerous laboratory and discussion exercises, some films and slide presentation, and at least one field trip. Not open to students who received credit for Anthropology 102. Enrollment limited to 32. B. Bourque. New course beginning 2002-2003. 155. Cinematic Portraits of Africa. Most Americans have "seen" Africa only through non-African eyes, coming to "know" about African society through such characters as Tarzan and such genres as the "jungle melodrama" or the "nature show." In this course, films from the North Atlantic are juxtaposed with ethnographic and art films made by Africans in order to examine how to "read" these cinematic texts. Related written texts help to answer central questions about the politics of representation: What are the differences in how African societies are depicted? Why are particular issues and points of view privileged? Recommended background: two or more courses from the following fields: anthropology, African studies, cultural studies, or film. Enrollment limited to 25. Not open to students who have received credit for First-Year Seminar 172. E. Eames. 225. Gods, Heroes, Magic, and Mysteries: Religion in Ancient Greece. An anthropological and historical approach to ancient Greek religion in which archeological, literary, and art historical sources are examined and compared with evidence from other cultures to gain an understanding of the role of religion in ancient Greek culture and of changing concepts of the relationship between human beings and the sacred. Topics explored include pre-Homeric and Homeric religion, cosmology, mystery cults, civil religion, and manifestations of the irrational, such as dreams, ecstasy, shamanism, and magic. This course is the same as Religion 225 and Classical and Medieval Studies 225. Open to first-year students. L. Danforth, R. Allison. 228. Person and Community in Contemporary Africa. What processes have led to the present conditions on the African continent? The course examines the changing patterns of life in rural and urban Africa. Subjects range from detailed accounts of life in particular communities to the place of Africa in the modern world system. Open to first-year students. E. Eames. 234. Myth, Folklore, and Popular Culture. A variety of "texts," including ancient Greek myths, Grimms' folktales, Apache jokes, African proverbs, Barbie dolls, Walt Disney movies, and modern Greek folk dance, are examined in light of important theoretical approaches employed by anthropologists interested in understanding the role of such expressive forms in cultures throughout the world. Major emphasis is placed on psychoanalytic, feminist, Marxist, structuralist, and cultural studies approaches. This course is the same as Religion 261. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 80. L. Danforth. 240. Peoples and Societies of South Asia. A broad survey of the societies of South Asia, focusing especially on India and Sri Lanka. The course weighs out the genealogical descent of Hindu thinking about society, gender, and the body, as well as external forces on these social realities. Open to first-year students. S. Kemper. 241. Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion. As human societies change, so do the religious beliefs and practices these societies follow. The course examines the symbolic forms and acts that relate human beings to the ultimate conditions of their existence, against the background of the rise of science. Emphasis is upon both Western and non-Western religions. This course is the same as Religion 262 and Sociology 241. Open to first-year students. S. Kemper. 244. Buddhism and the Social Order. The West looks upon Buddhism as an otherworldly religion with little interest in activity in this world. Such has not been the case historically. The Dhamma (Buddhist doctrine) has two wheels, one of righteousness and one of power, one for the other world, and one for this world. Lectures and discussions use this paradigm to consider the several accommodations Buddhism has struck with the realities of power in various Theravada Buddhist societies in ancient India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. This course is the same as Religion 263. Open to first-year students. S. Kemper. 250. Caribbean Societies. One anthropologist writing of the Caribbean asserts: "Nowhere else in the universe can one look with such certainty into the past and discern the outlines of an undisclosed future." Caribbean social systems bore the full impact of Western imperial expansion yet have adjusted to it in resilient and creative ways. The course surveys and interprets aspects of Caribbean life, drawing on a variety of sourceshistorical, ethnographic, literary, and visualto present a "post-nationalist" reading of these societies. Open to first-year students. C. Carnegie. 252. The Anthropology of Modernity. Where anthropologists have traditionally focused on small-scale, self-sufficient societies, this course considers modernity a cultural system, part of present-day capitalist enterprise, and a global phenomenon. It does so by considering three practices central to modern social life: consumption, nationalism and transnationalism, and postmodernism. Open to first-year students. S. Kemper. 262. Ethnomusicology: African Diaspora. This introductory course is a survey of key concepts, problems, and perspectives in ethnomusicological theory drawing upon the African diaspora as a cross-cultural framework. This course focuses on the social, political, and intellectual forces of African culture that contributed to the growth of ethnomusicology from the late nineteenth century to the present. This course is the same as Music 262 and African American Studies 262. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 25. L. Williams. 275. Gender Relations in Comparative Perspective. A comparative analysis, utilizing new feminist approaches in anthropology and womens studies, of the social construction of gender in contemporary societies, with a focus on West African, East Asian, and North American notions of gender identity and gender relations. This course is the same as Women and Gender Studies 275. Open to first-year students. E. Eames. 322. First Encounters: European "Discovery" and North American Indians. Columbus's "discovery" of America was a major event in human history because it put Old and New World populations in contact after millennia of isolation. This course examines factors leading up to the "discovery" and the calamitous impact of early colonization upon Native Americans. Prerequisite: Anthropology 101. B. Bourque. 325. Ethnicity, Nation, and World Community. The course explores the means by which social identities are constructed as ethnicity and nations. It focuses on how representations taken from categories of everyday lifesuch as "race," religion, gender, and sexualityare deployed to give these group loyalties the aura of a natural, timeless authority. This inquiry into ethnicity and nation as cultural fabrications allows for exploration of the possibility of global community not simply in its institutional dimensions, but as a condition of consciousness. Prerequisite(s): any course in anthropology, political science, or sociology. This course is the same as Sociology 325. C. Carnegie. 333. Culture and Interpretation. Beginning with a consideration of symbolic anthropology as it developed in the 1960s and 1970s, this course surveys critiques of the anthropological turn to the study of social life from the actor's point of view. Emphasis is placed on feminism, reflexive ethnography, and postmodernism. S. Kemper. 335. The Ethnographer's Craft. Much of contemporary theoretical discussion in anthropology derives from self-conscious reflection on what its practitioners dofieldworkand how they write about it. By reading a selection of classic and contemporary ethnographies along with critical discourse on their formulation, and by conducting individual ethnographic research, participants examine questions of representation, audience, power, and ethical responsibility entailed by ethnography. The concern is with both craft and craftiness, skill and artifice. Prerequisite(s): any course in anthropology, political science, sociology, women and gender studies, African American studies, or American cultural studies. C. Carnegie. 339. Production and Reproduction. Economic anthropology challenges the assumptions of conventional economics by analyzing economic behavior from a cross-cultural perspective. Designed for upper-level economics and/or anthropology majors, this course looks at the relation between economy and society through a critical examination of neoclassical, substantivist, Marxist, feminist, and ecological approaches in anthropology. The relative merits of these explanatory paradigms are assessed as students engage ethnographic case material. Such "economic facts" as production, exchange, land tenure, marriage transactions, state formation, and social change in the modern world system are addressed, always in comparative perspective. Economics majors may select this course for major credit and are encouraged to enroll in it. Prerequisite(s): two courses in economics and/or anthropology. E. Eames. 347. New World Archeology. A topical survey of New World archeology emphasizing the entry of humans into North and South America as well as the later prehistoric cultures of North America, Mesoamerica, and the Andes. Prerequisite(s): Anthropology 102. B. Bourque. 360. Independent Study. Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, individually design and plan a course of study or research not offered in the curriculum. Course work includes a reflective component, evaluation, and completion of an agreed-upon product. Sponsorship by a faculty member in the program/department, a course prospectus, and permission of the chair is required. Students may register for no more than one independent study per semester. Staff. 365. Special Topics. A course or seminar offered from time to time and reserved for a special topic selected by the department. Staff. 441. History of Anthropological Theory. A consideration of some of the major theories in the development of the field of anthropology, with an emphasis on the fundamental issues of orientation and definition that have shaped and continue to influence anthropological thought. Topics include cultural evolution, the relationship between the individual and culture, the nature-nurture debate, British social anthropology, feminist anthropology, and anthropology as cultural critique. L. Danforth. 457, 458. Senior Thesis. Students participate in individual and group conferences in connection with the writing of the senior thesis. Majors writing a one-semester thesis normally register for Anthropology 458. Majors writing an honors thesis register for Anthropology 457 in the fall semester and 458 in the winter semester. Prerequisite(s): approval by the department of a thesis prospectus prior to registration. Staff. Short Term Units s21. Cultural Production and Social Context, Jamaica. Although Jamaicas artistic and popular culture enjoys an internationally acclaimed reputation, it is at the same time often misunderstood. This unit affords students an opportunity to investigate a range of Jamaican cultural practices within the context of the specific social, historical, and political matrices in which they are generated and received. This unit begins with a preliminary introduction/orientation in Lewiston. In Jamaica, regular seminar meetings are supplemented by guest speakers and visits with writers and artists. In addition, each student carries out an individual research project using both textual and ethnographic methods of inquiry. Recommended background: previous course on the Caribbean or in African American studies. Enrollment limited to 18. Written permission of the instructor is required. Not open to students who have received credit for English s21. C. Carnegie. s22. The Politics of Cultural Production: African Films and Filmmaking. As self-representation African films challenge the stereotypical images of the continent presented in Hollywood movies. They are part of the effort to create new images in the post-independence era, helping to forge national identities through a reinvention of a shared past. Using feature films produced by Africans for an African audience, this unit explores the challenges faced in contemporary African society, as seen through African eyes. Recommended background: one course in African studies and/or film studies. This unit is the same as Political Science s22. Enrollment limited to 35. E. Eames, L. Hill. s24. Service Learning in the Local Community. This unit provides students with a structured opportunity to explore American culture and various United States subcultures as expressed within the local community. The structure of the unit varies from year to year, depending on its theme, but always involves service-learning internship placements within local institutions. Participants meet regularly with the instructor to work on some theoretical implications of their internship experiences. In 2002, the topic of the unit is Somali refugees in the Lewiston/Auburn community. Enrollment is limited to 12. E. Eames. New unit beginning Short Term 2002. s25. Ethnicity, Bilingualism, Religion, and Gender: Topics in Ethnographic Fieldwork. After reading selected works on the nature of ethnographic fieldwork, on the political and ethical implications of such fieldwork, and on the different genres of ethnographic writing, students conduct individual research projects in the LewistonAuburn area. Possible topics include ethnic identity, bilingualism, religious conversion, and gender roles. Enrollment limited to 12. L. Danforth. s27. Religion and Society in Contemporary Bali. This unit exposes students firsthand to a society that is the exuberant example of a Hindu-Buddhist civilization that once spread over great parts of Southeast Asia. It attempts to understand the interaction of religion and society in Balifrom ordinary peoples involvement in an elaborate ritual calendar to the way traditional practice has responded to the presence of touristsby way of readings, interviews, lectures, demonstrations, and fieldwork. Recommended background: course work in Hinduism, Buddhism, South Asia, Southeast Asia. Open to first-year students. Enrollment limited to 8. Written permission of the instructor is required. S. Kemper. s32. Introduction to Archeological Fieldwork. This field course offers basic training in archeological survey, excavation, and analysis through work on prehistoric sites in the area. This unit requires a fee to cover transportation costs. Enrollment limited to 15. B. Bourque. s50. Independent Study. Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, individually design and plan a course of study or research not offered in the curriculum. Course work includes a reflective component, evaluation, and completion of an agreed-upon product. Sponsorship by a faculty member in the program/department, a course prospectus, and permission of the chair is required. Students may register for no more than one independent study during a Short Term. Staff. |
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