Bio 120 — GRADING
(subject to change)
First Exam | 25%
Exam #2 | 28%
Final Exam | 25%
Online video quizzes | 10%
Class participation | 12%
TOTAL | 100%
EXAM INFORMATION: Click here for details about the first exam.
Click here for information about the final exam.
There are nine online films that you should watch. For each film that you watch, you can take a quiz.
If you take all nine before the last week of the semester, you get a bonus credit that counts as a tenth quiz. All ten (nine plus the bonus)
account for a total of 10% of your final grade.
You can access these videos here .
Accommodations for students with disabilties are arranged on a case-by-case basis in
cooperation with the Disabilities Services Offices in the Administration Building (first floor).
If this may apply to you, it is your responsibility to send me email to make me aware
of your particular situation and the accommodations that may be necessary and appropriate.
Individual help is always available for those who need it.
To contact Dr. Minkoff: please e-mail me at
I am here to help.