Animated Images of the Lorenz Attractor

Here is a sequence of some 25 views of the Lorenz attractor. Beginning with frame F-11, you can see a "tail" sticking out from the attractor towards the right; this is actually the begining of the particle's path. The particle is rapidly pulled into the near group of spirals, then goes up over the top once before twisting over to the far group. You can see the "twist over" in the first few frames: watch the top of the near spiral as it falls down to the left, then swoops in close to the middle of the second batch of spirals. There appear to be about five such cross-overs, before the particle's trajectory was halted. Can you see where it was stopped?

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© 2001 by Chip Ross
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Bates College
Lewiston, ME 04240