Yet another wedding

Submitted by Pam Baker on Sat, 2005-12-03 12:27.
Yet another wedding

The day we arrived in Chandigarh there were two big weddings going on at our hotel, one inside and one out on the lawn. Our room on the fourth floor had an excellent bird's eye view of the outdoor wedding, so we got some great photos. This was the wedding of the son of some important Punjabi government official. We estimate 300 people, but people came and went so it's very hard to say for sure. The photos are pretty self-explanatory, and we have just loaded them in chronological order. So this first one is the dancing which went on for hours, but we never saw any women dance, only the men. Very expressive, but most of it with only with shoulders and arms. The footwork seemed to be mostly what looked like jumping up and down. It was great music, lots of drums.

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