The Watermark Initiative

Produced by Robert W. Allison
Assoc. Prof of Religion, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine

© 1997 Robert W. Allison. All rights reserved.

List of IPH Categories for Comparison with WWW Database Fields

This page is a table listing all the data fields established by the IPH Standard as essential to a universal, relational database for the registration of papers and watermarks. It also serves as a table of contents for our Commentary, Interpretation and Critique of the IPH Standard, each IPH data field number being linked to the pertinent section in the Commentary.

The first two columns give the IPH field number and the type of data included in that field. (The IPH field name -- a 4-letter code for that class of data-- is usually not reproduced here.) The location of each of these fields in our WWW-based database is identified in the third column of the table, which includes a link to the cited model page(s) of our WWW database where that data occurs.

For purposes of comparison of the two systems, you can move either from the IPH Standard fields listed on this page to the appropriate page of our WWW Standard, or from the model pages for the sections of our WWW Standard to the IPH standard outlined here.

Table Comparing IPH Data Fields and the Experimental WWW-Based Watermark Archive

IPH Field:
Data Category:
WWW Archive Page, field:
3.0 Data Concerning the Sheet Most data in Paper file
3.0.0 database or card index entry no.
Not in WWW database
3.0.1 Date of entry/revision
Not in WWW database. The model we envisage is a system of WWW-based archives independently maintained by participating institutions and individuals, in which individual archives will periodically issue (put on line) revised "editions" of their archives. The date of the edition will replace the "date of entry/revision" and will appear in the headers, footers and logos of the participating web-based archives. Each participating archive will bear responsibility for maintaining a history of its editions and revisions, and may do so in its own way.
3.0.2 Inst. operating the watermark database
Not a field in the WWW database (occurs in page header and/or footer created by individual institutions or persons maintaining WWW archives)
3.0.3 inv. or accession no. of original sheet (1) Physical Content File; (2) Watermarks File. Because the combination of accession number and subunit (IPH 3.0.4) combined with city, institution, and collection comprise the key linking related database files, this identification will occur in presentations of data related to the particular piece of paper.
3.0.4 no./subunit of original sheet Paper. See comment above, IPH 3.0.3.
3.0.5 Bibliography Abbreviations Not in WWW Archive.
3.0.6 References in full bibliographical entries Bibliography Page
3.0.7 Paper Kind (security paper, marbled, drawing, etc.) Paper
3.0.8 End use of paper Paper
3.0.9 State of sheet (trimmed, fragment, untrimmed) Paper. Field renamed: "Sheet_Integrity".
3.0.10 Height of sheet occurs in both Paper and Mould Files
3.0.11 Width of sheet occurs in both Paper and Mould Files
3.0.12 Local standard occurs in both Paper and in Mould files
3.0.13 Color of Sheet Paper file. Field renamed: "Coloration"
3.0.14 Intensity of color of sheet Paper
3.0.15 Tone Paper
3.0.16 Pattern Paper
3.0.17 Position of wire side (up or down) Facsimile
3.0.18 Pulp Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.19 Fillers Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.20 Sizing Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.21 Degree of sizing Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.22 Coating Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.23 Mode of coating Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.24 Dyestuffs Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.25 Ash content Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.26 Smoothness Paper, (field is called "Texture")
3.0.27 Weight Paper, located in "data from analysis" section
3.0.28 Thickness Paper
3.0.29 Grade of paper Not in WWW Archive
3.0.30 Brand name Not in WWW Archive
3.0.31 Machine type Not in WWW Archive
3.0.32 Mechanical watermark applic. technique Not in WWW Archive
3.1 Watermark data Data Located in Watermark File
3.1.0 Kind [of watermark] Watermark File
3.1.1 Structure [of watermark] Watermark File
3.1.2 Position of Watermark on Sheet Watermark File
3.1.3 Motif [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.4 Class [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.5 Full description [of watermark] Watermark File
3.1.6 Height [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.7 Width [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.8 Posl = Distance to chain on left [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.9 Posr = distance to chain on right [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.10 Posb = distance to bottom of sheet [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.11 Posh = distance to top of sheet [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.12 Posc = no. of contiguous chain compartment on left [of Watermark] Watermark File
3.1.13 Additional info [of Watermark] to be written in by submitter Watermark File
3.2 Mould data Data Located in Mould File
3.2.1 Paper production mode (hand or machine made) Mould File and Paper File
3.2.2 Paper type (laid or wove) Mould File and Paper File
3.2.3 Laid lines per 20 mm. Mould File and Paper File
3.2.4 sequence of chain compartment dimensions Mould File and Paper File
3.2.5 Shadow zones Mould File and Paper File
3.2.6 Special characteristics (written out) Mould File and Paper File
3.2.7 Access no. of mould Mould File (==> place, inst, collection & access no.). The Institution ("Holder") data (country, city, inst. name) are located in the (A HREF="Organization/parbibnat">Organization File linked from the Mould File
3.2.8 Pair (info on pair of moulds) Mould File (==> hot link to second file like for the paired mould)
3.3 Bibliographical/codicological data Data mostly in Person and Organization Files
3.3.1 Author (or editor, if no author) Person File linked from Paper Bearing Source File
3.3.2 Artist, engravers Person File linked from Paper Bearing Source File if conceived of as intellectual/artistic creator, and/or from the Paper File (in the case of illuminators conceived of as copyists and reproducers of traditional materials)
3.3.3 Writer (scribe) of a manuscript Person File (linked from Physical Content File)
3.3.4 Title of a work of art, book, or manuscript Source File (part of the description of the paper-bearing source)
3.3.5 Country of use of paper Person File
3.3.6 Place (city) of use of paper Person File
3.3.7 Publisher or editor (in full) who used the paper Person File (linked from Physical Content File)
3.3.8 Printer (in full) who used the paper Person File (linked from Physical Content File)
3.3.9 Earliest possible date of use of paper Paper File
3.3.10 Latest possible date of use of paper Paper
3.4 Papermill Data Located in Organization File with other organizations (libraries, museums. monasteries, etc.)
3.4.1 Country of papermill Organization File
3.4.2 Place (city) of papermill Organization File
3.4.3 Name of papermill Organization File
3.4.4 Access no. of papermill in papermill database Not in WWW Archive; the function of this field has been replaced by the "key" in the relational database system.
3.5 Papermaker Data Located in Person File with other Prosopographical records
3.5.1 Papermaker first name Person File
3.5.2 Papermaker last name Papermaker File
[- IPH] Papermaker middle name Person File
3.5.3 Papermaker rank Person File
4.0 The Original Watermark & its Reproduction Located in Facsimile File
4.1 Origin [of watermark description data and paper description data] (selection from 2 checkboxes on input form: original or facsimile) Paper, Watermark File
4.2-9 Type of Watermark Facsimile (selection from the 8 options listed in IPH) Facsimile File
4.10 ID number. Not in WWW archive; replaced by a relational database "key" derived from 4.10.1 [collection ID] and 4.10.2 [facsimile ID (i.e., Access no.)]. Cf. 3.0.3 for a similar replacement. Facsimile File

The Watermark Archive © was created by Robert W. Allison
Dept. of Philosophy & Religion, Bates College

Technical support and functionality by James Hart
Information Services, Bates College Lewiston, Maine, 04240

Last updated: May 13, 1997