]> Plagiarism Resource Site - Tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=taxonomy/term/18/0 en Richard Posner publishes The Little Book of Plagiarism http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/333 <p>Richard A. Posner's <em>The Little Book of Plagiarism</em> (<a href="http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375424755">Random House</a>, 2007) surveys the legal, ethical and practical issues involving "literary theft."</p> Tutorial Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:37:31 -0500 SJSU Plagiarism http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/329 <p><a href="http://tutorials.sjlibrary.org/tutorial/plagiarism/">San Jose State Uni</a> has produced a tutorial and quiz to discourage undergraduate plagiarism.</p> Quiz Tutorial Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:37:45 -0400 York University: Academic Integrity Tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/324 <p><a href="http://www.yorku.ca/tutorial/academic_integrity/">York University</a> has designed an academic integrity tutorial that helps students understand "plagiarism and related matters with case examples and positive strategies." </p> Tutorial Mon, 02 Oct 2006 15:22:57 -0400 Avoiding Plagiarism: A tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/273 This plagiarism tutorial developed by <a href="http://library.duke.edu/research/plagiarism/">Duke University's Libraries</a> includes sections on how and what to cite. Tutorial Tutorials Wed, 07 Sep 2005 13:40:55 -0400 "Bruin Success with Less Stress" http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/110 UCLA has launched an <a href="http://www.library.ucla.edu/bruinsuccess/">Online Information Literacy Tutorial</a> that provides students with guidance in such matters as intellectual property, file sharing, documenting sources, and academic honesty. Ethics Tutorial Tutorials Sun, 14 Mar 2004 12:47:00 -0500 Tutorial: Avoiding plagiarism http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/100 <a href="http://library.lclark.edu/reference/tutorial/plagiarism/tilt.htm">Lewis &amp; Clark College</a> has prepared a tutorial on "Avoiding Plagiarism." Ethics Tutorial Mon, 01 Mar 2004 13:14:00 -0500 MLA Style (4th ed) bibliography builder http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/99 <a href="http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/bib_builder/index.html">Dennis Jerz</a> has made freely available an MLA Style bibliography generator. Bibliography Builders Tutorial Wed, 25 Feb 2004 10:35:00 -0500 Bibliography builder http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/98 <a href="http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/bb.html">Bibliography Builder</a> generates bibliographical entries in either Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) or IEEE Style. Bibliography Builders Tutorial Wed, 25 Feb 2004 10:33:00 -0500 Interactive tutorials http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/97 The Engineering Communication Centre at the University of Toronto has produced a pair of single example interactive tutorials. <a href="http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/interactive-plagiarismtest.html">The Plagiarism Self-Test</a> tests your ability to recongize plagiarism, and <a href="http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/interactive-docum.html">Documentation: Why?</a> introduces students to the academic practice of documentation. Exercise Tutorial Wed, 25 Feb 2004 10:23:00 -0500 What is plagiarism? http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/60 <p><img src="http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/images/head500.jpg" /></p> <p>We've gathered together a number of resources to help faculty and students alike get their bearings on the subject in general and this resource site in particular. </p> <p><b><a href="./quiz/intro/integrity.html">Introduction</a></b></p> <p>We've produced a basic <a href="./quiz/intro/integrity.html">primer</a> on academic honesty and plagiarism. This is a good place to begin to understand what exactly is meant by plagiarism and what kinds of practices, intentional or inadvertent, constitute it.</p> <p><b><a href="http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/41">Bibliography</a></b></p> Exercise Tutorial Fri, 07 Nov 2003 10:58:26 -0500 Plagiarism Tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/39 North Carolina State University Libraries have produced a <a href="http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/scc/tutorial/plagiarism/">plagiarism tutorial</a> to help students navigate the rules, regulations and conventions governing plagiarism. Tutorial Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:58:00 -0400 Information Literacy Tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/34 UMass Boston has produced an introductory <a href="http://www.lib.umb.edu/webtutorial/module6/Module6-0.html ">"Information Literacy Tutorial"</a> that contains a module on plagiarism, quoting and paraphrasing, and citation styles. General Tutorial Fri, 26 Sep 2003 16:17:00 -0400 Copyright and Plagiarism Tutorial http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/33 Rochester Institute of Technology has produced <a href="http://wally.rit.edu/instruction/dl/cptutorial/">Copyright and Plagiarism Tutorials</a> for students and for faculty that contain a basic quiz, a powerpoint presentation, and a paraphrasing excercise. General Tutorial Fri, 26 Sep 2003 16:08:00 -0400 Recognizing Plagiarism http://leeds.bates.edu/cbb/?q=node/32 Indiana University has produced a <a href="http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/">tutorial</a> to help students recognize plagiarism. It contains both <a href="http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/practice.html">practice materials</a> as well as an <a href="http://www.indiana.edu/~istd/test.html">online test</a>. General Tutorial Fri, 26 Sep 2003 15:50:00 -0400