There are many forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, or the representation of another person's words, ideas, or information as if they were your own. You may use another person's words, ideas, or information, but to do so without acknowledgment is plagiarism. Perhaps the most serious form of plagiarism is failure to acknowledge the source of a direct quotation or paraphrase. Whether accidental or deliberate, failure to acknowledge that you have borrowed another's language, ideas, or information constitutes plagiarism.
Understanding the most common forms of plagiarism will help you avoid them. Follow the links below to learn more about each type and how to avoid committing them.
Example 1. Direct Plagiarism
Word for word borrowing from an unacknowledged source, whether intentional or not.
Example 2. Mosaic Plagiarism
Mosaic plagiarism occurs when a writer reuses a mix of word, phrases, and ideas from a source without indicating which words and ideas have been borrowed and/or without properly citing the source.