Animal-like (non-photosynthetic)

Trypanosoma life cycle

Amoeboid locomotion (movie clip)
If needed, see (*) at bottom

Slime mold (J.T. Bonner film)

Plant-like (photosynthetic)

Possible family trees of Eucarya

    CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUPS in the preceding family trees:
  • Excavata: Energy-dependent parasites with degenerate or vestigial mitochondria; feeding groove "excavated" from one side.
  • Chromalveolata: A possibly heterogeneous group, possessing cellulose cell walls, and thought by some experts to have originated by a "secondary endosymbiosis" in which a red algal cell became a secondary chloroplast. (Many experts have questioned the validity of this group.)
  • Rhizaria: Mostly planktonic predators using needle-like pseudopods to capture prey; usually with hardened shells.
  • Archaeplastida: Photosynthetic organisms with plastids (but excluding those with chlorophyll c).
  • Unikonta: Organisms with a single flagellum (or none) and/or lobe-like pseudopods.
    • Amoebozoans: move principally by lobe-like pseudopods.
    • Opisthokonts: move principally by a posterior flagellum (lost in many advanced species)

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