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Authority Record 008's: Innopac to OCLC

OCLC Labels to LC-MARC Positions
Innopac OCLC
REC STAT ( ) Record status: a=increase in encoding level; c=corrected or revised; n=new
REC TYPE ( ) Type of record: z=authority data
ENC LEVL ( ) Encoding level: n=complete authority record; o=incomplete authority record
Date Ent ( ) Date entered on file, year, month, day
Geo Subd ( ) Direct/indirect geographic subdivision code: blank=not subdivided; d=direct subdivision; i=indirect subdivision; n=N/A
Romanizn ( ) Romanization scheme
Kind Rec ( ) Kind of record: a=established heading; b=reference record (untraced); c=reference record (traced); d=subdivision record; e=node level record; f=established heading and subdivision record; g=reference and subdivision record
Desc Cat ( ) Descriptive cataloging rules code: a=earlier; b=AACR1; c=AACR2; d=AACR2 compatible heading; z=other; n=N/A
Sub Head ( ) Subject heading system/thesaurus code: a=LC; b=LC children's literature; c=Medical (MeSH); d=Nataional Agricultural Library; k=Canadian; r=Art and Architecture; v=Repetoire des vedettes-matiere; z=other; n=N/A
Type Ser ( ) Type of series: a=monographic; b=multipart item; c=series-like phrase; z=other; n=N/A
Num Sers ( ) Numbered/Unnumbered series code: a=numbered series; b=unnumbered series; c=numbering varies; n=N/A
Hdg-Main ( ) Heading use code--main or added entry (name/author aspect of the heading): a=appropriate for main or added entry; b=not appropriate for main or added entry
Hdg-Subj ( ) Heading use code--subject added entry: a=appropriate as subject added entry; b=not appropriate as subject added entry
Hdg-Sers ( ) Heading use code--series added entry: a=appropriate as series added entry; b=not appropriate as series added entry
Type Sub ( ) Type of subject subdivision: a=topical; b=form; c=chronological; d=geographic; e=language; n=N/A
Type Gov ( ) Type of government agency code: blank=not a government agency (LC uses this code only, no others)
Ref Eval ( ) Reference evaluation code: a=tracings are consistent with heading; b=tracings are not necessarilty consistent with heading; n=N/A
Rec Updt ( ) Record update in progress code: a=record can be used; b=record is being updated
Und PNam ( ) Undifferentiated personal name code: a=differentiated personal name; b=undifferentiated personal name; n=N/A
Levl Est ( ) Level of establishment code: a=fully established; b=memorandum (established but not yet used); c=provisional; d=preliminary n=N/A (not an established heading)
Mod Recd ( ) Modified record code: blank=record not modified; x=record is missing characters; s=record is shortened;
Cat Srce ( ) Cataloging source code: blank=LC; a=National Agricultural Library; b=National Library of Medicine; c=LC cooperative cataloging program; d=other sources; u=unknown

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