Things we are thankful for (1)

Submitted by Pam Baker on Wed, 2005-11-23 14:18.
Things we are thankful for (1)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the U.S. It is a holiday at Fulbright House here in Delhi, but otherwise it isn't. We will be at work. We will be missing you all very much. As many of you know, at Thanksgiving we like to go around the table and say some things we are thankful for. The blog will have to be our table, but it will feel a tiny bit like we are there sharing with you.

We are thankful for the chance to be here, and thankful to the many, many of you who have made and are making this possible. Having the opportunity to see places like this: the Jantar Mantar, an observatory built here in Delhi in 1710. The red triangle is the gnomon of a GIANT sundial, big enough that the shadow tells the time down to the second. The brandnew building in the background is part of the city government. The constant juxtaposition of the old and the new here is something we really enjoy seeing.

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