People we met at the Red Fort

Submitted by Pam Baker on Sun, 2005-11-20 12:30.
People we met at the Red Fort

While we were being tourists at the Red Fort, so were lots and lots of Indians, mostly in large family groups. More than once we were asked "What country you from?" and then, people asked if they could take a picture of themselves with us. We said yes. This time, we said, sure, you can take our picture, if we can take a picture of you as well. So, on the left is me joking with the young girl who the rest of the family appointed as their spokesperson. Those are her sisters, father and brother with us. Then the other photo were the rest of the family who tried to stay out of the photo.

This happened to us many times back in 1998, so I guess its good to know we still have the "look". Is it Dave's Boston Red Sox hat? My swell sunglasses?

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