The Girl Galoot's Web Page

I'm a college professor who seeks to widen her normite perspective. I like to garden, cook and read. I'm active in my church and volunteer on my town's planning board. I'm very interested in politics, gay, slightly obsessive compulsive and take piano lessons. What I lack in woodworking talent I make up for in enthusiasm and glue. My norman shop is located in the barn, which is rigorously unheated in the winter, which is most of the year in Central Maine. I take a class once a week at the local highschool, to work on a project in the snowy months. The barn is attached to a rather large old and beautiful New England farmhouse. How large? So large that we have three rooms that we don't use. I look at one room (12 x 15), convienently located next to my study and imagine it empty of the boxes stored there now. Then I imagine a bench that I've made myself (unless I win the lottery, in which case I imagine an Ulmia). Then I imagine tool cabinets, saw and plane tills, tool cabinets and bookshelves (that I've made myself) on the wall and an assembly table (ditto) in the corner. Then I imagine an hour or two in the evening, after papers are graded and lectures finished, during which I work on a hand tool project while listening to classical music - and I think, why the heck not? So I hope to document the transformation of this room into my shop and the development of something that a fair minded person might call woodworking skills at this site.

The Girl Galoot's homepage