FYS 251

Spectacles of Blood

Reserve Readings

C. Barton, "Savage Miracles: Redemption of Lost Honor in Roman Society and the Sacrament of the Gladiator and the Martyr,' Represntations 45 (1994) 41-71

K. R. Bradley, 'The Significance of the Spectacula in Suetonius' Caesares', RSA 11 (1981) 129-37

Brown, S., 'Explaining the Arena: Did the Romans "Need" Gladiators?', JRA 8 (1995), 376-84

K. M. Coleman, 'Fatal Charades: Roman Executions Stages as Mythological Enactments', JRS 80 (1990) 44-73

Kathleen M. Coleman, 'Informers on Parade,' in B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon, The Art of Ancient Spectacle (Yale: 1999) [Studies in the History of Art 56: Cent

Erik Gunderson, "The Ideology of the Arena," Cl. Ant. 15 (1996) 113-51

Kyle, D.G. (1997), "Rethinking the Roman Arena: Gladiators, Sorrows, and Games", AHB 11, pp.94-7 [review article on Barton, Wiedemann & Plass]

R. Lim, "'In the Temple of Laughter': Visual and Literary Represtations of Spectators at Roman Games," in B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon, The Art of Ancient Spectacle (Yale: 1999) [Studies in the History of Art 56: Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts: Symposium Papers XXXIV], 343-365

A. McGowan, 'Eating People: Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century', JECS 2 (1994) 412-42

R. F. Newbold, 'Cassius Dio and the Games', Ant. Class. 44 (1975) 589-604

E. Rawson, 'Discrimina Ordinum: The Lex Julia Theatralis', PSBR 55 (1987) 83-114

J. Rives, 'The Piety of a Persecutor,' Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.1 (1996) 1-25

J. Rives, 'Human Sacrifice among Pagans and Christians', JRS 85 (1995) 65-85

Scobie, 'Spectator Security and Comfort at Gladiatorial Games', Nikephoros 1 (1988) 191-243

Brent D. Shaw, "The Passion of Perpetua." Past and Present 139 (1993) 3-45.

G.E.M. de st. Croix, "Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted?" Past and Present 26 (1963): 6-38.

Gabriele Thome,' 'Crime and Punishment, Guilt and Expiation: Roman Thought and Vocabulary', A. Class. 35 (1992) 73-98

Magnus Wistrand, 'Violence and Entertainment in Seneca the Younger', Eranos 88 (1990) 31-46

Keith Hopkins, "Murderous Games," in Death and Renewal: Sociological Studies in Roman History, v. 2, p. 1-30 (Cambridge: 1983).

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars

Tacitus, Annals

Donald G. Kyle, Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome (Routledge: 1998)

Paul Plass, The Game of Death in Ancient Rome: Arena Sport and Political Suicide (Wisconsin: 1995)

Alison Futrell, Blood in the Arena: The Spectacle of Roman Power (Texas: 1997)

Ramsey McMullen, Paganism in the Roman Empire (Yale: 1981)

Arnaldo Momigliano, Pagans, Christians and Jews (Wesleyan: 1987)

Zeph Stewart, "Greek Crowns and Christian Martyrs," in Mémorial André-Jean Festugière: Antiquité Païenne et Chrétienne (Geneva: 1984) 119-124

Everett Ferguson, "Spiritual Sacrifice in Early Christianity and its Environment," in Aufstieg und Niedergang: Der Römischen Welt, II.23.2 (de Gruyter: 1980), 1151-1189

C. A. Conteras, "Christian Views of Paganism" in Aufstieg und Niedergang: Der Römischen Welt, II.23.2 (de Gruyter: 1980), 974-1022

S. Benko, "Pagan Criticism of Christianity During the First Two Centuries A. D., " in Aufstieg und Niedergang: Der Römischen Welt, II.23.2 (de Gruyter: 1980), 1055-1118  

Brent D. Shaw, "The Passion of Perpetua." Past and Present 139 (1993) 3-45.

J. B. Perkins, "The Passion of Perpetua: A Narrative of Empowerment," Latomus 53.4 (1994) 837-847.

E. R. Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (Cambridge: 1965) 46-53.

Francine Cardmine, "Acts of the Women Martyrs," in Women in Early Christianity, David M. Scholer, ed. (Garland: 1993) 98-104.

Robert Rousselle, "The Dreams of Vibia Perpetua: Analysis of a Female Christian Martyr," 14.3 Journal of Psychohistory (Winter 1987) 193-206.

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