はず Vs つもり +です/だ;  Vs  Vol.+と思う


Form 形   
      NOUN/PRONOUN       ーの/だった/じゃない/じゃなかった    +はず/つもり
       Na-Adj. i-Adj.      
       Verb-plain (short) Form  ーDic.-F /Nai -F/た-F /-

「はず」--EXPECTATION or BELIEF of a speaker
意味 translation into English
 1) I expect that . . . ; It is expected that . . .; is expected to . . .
 2) I am fairly certain that . . .
should; ought to . . .
It is natural that . . .
 5) No wonder . . .
 6) ...is supposed to ... 

2. Usage 使い方/規則

The speaker's expectation , not in the sense of hoping or looking forward to something, but in the sense that the proposition expressed by Subject should be true or come true. Thus, when the speaker uses はず, he is not merely guessing, but stating a proposition based on reliable information or knowledge. "S+はず" can also be used when the speaker has discovered the reason for an event or a state. In this case, means "It is natural that . . ." or "No wonder . . ." and can be paraphrased as "S+わけだ" as shown in the example (1 ).

3. Examples 例   

1)このネックレスは 金とダイヤで できているから、高いはずだ(→高いわけだ It is reasonable.)。
   This necklace is made from gold and diamond, so it should be expensive.
2)両親に出したはずの手紙が ゆかにおちていた。
   I found a letter, which should have mailed to my parents, on the floor.  
3)Y先生は 来年ベイツで教えないはずだ。(state) → Y先生は 来年ベイツで教えるはずが(は)ない。(strong denial)
   It is expected that Y won't teach at Bates next year.    
4)「田中さんは 来週日本へ行きますか。」「ええ、そのはずです。」
   Is Tanaka leaving for Japan next week? Yes, I think so.
5)あしたは あめがふるはずです。
   I expect that it is raining tomorrow.

INTENTION or CONVICTION of a speaker about his future or past actions or current state: intend to . . . ; be convinced that . . .; feel sure that . . . ; be going to. . . ; mean   

1. 意味 translation into English
 1) I expect that . . . ; It is expected that . . .; is expected to . . .
 2) I am fairly certain that . . .
should; ought to . . .
It is natural that . . .
 5) No wonder . . .
 6) ...is supposed to ...

2. Usage & Examples 使い方&例    

A) The subject of a statement cantering つもりだ must be the first person or someone with whom the speaker empathizes (knows very well). In a question, however, the subject must be the second person or someone with whom the hearer empathizes.  
1)ぼく/家内/友だち/xあの人/xあなた は 食べるつもりだ。      
2)xぼく/x家内/x友だち/あの人/あなた は 食べるつもりですか。
3)Mさんは日本語テーブルに行くつもりです。--When the speaker knows M very well.
4)W先生は日本語テーブルに毎週来るはず[xつもり]です。--When the speaker doesn't know the person well, use はず.
5)もうすぐ電車が来るはず[xつもり]です。--Usually the subject is a human for つもり.

B) TWO ways of Negative forms. The verb / adj. in front of つもり can be negated, as in the following example (1-a) or つもり can be negated as Ex. (1-b). The difference between these two negative versions is that the (1-b) version implies stronger negation than the (1-a).      

1a)あんな人には もう会わないつもりです。 I am not going to see that person. 
1b) あんな人には もう会うつもりは ない。  I never intend to see that person.--The speaker is angry.    
  Y「はい、Xつもり/そのつもりです。」--つもり cannot be used by itself.
  Z「まだよくわかりませんが、多分行かないつもりです/??行くつもりはありません。」 --The stress should be on "not going, " but not on "not intend."

C) different translations     

  I think I am still young, I easily forget things nowadays.     
  I thought I read it carefully, but I didn't understand it.
  This is a sort of my appreciation.
  Do you think you studied Japanese hard enough?
5)今日は 晩ごはんは 家で食べないつもりです。日本語テーブルで食べますから。
  I am not going to eat supper at home today because I eat it at JLT.  

Vol.+と思う Vs つもりだ

つもりだ is comparable but not identical to 「Vol.+と思う」.

1) Firstly, Vol.+と思う can replace つもりだ only when a verb precedes つもりだ.

2)Secondly, Vol.+と思う indicates a spur-of-the moment decision while つもりだ indicates a more stable conviction / intention. Thus, if you are shown a car by a car salesman, you can say Vol. +と思う, but not つもりだ.  
    a) この車はよさそうなので、買おうと思います [x買うつもりです]が、いくらですか。
      This car looks nice, so I think I will buy it. How much is it?
    b) 車の広告を見て、買おうと思ったら[x買うつもりだったら]、家内に反対された。
      I looked at an ad for cars and thought of buying one, but my wife didn't agree with me.