八課 2011年


…は…と/に 関係がある

1. Economics is strongly related to politics.
2. The books related to that topic are in this row.
3. Let’s try not to ask questions that are not related to the class.
4. I don’t know about that because it has nothing to do with me.



1. Because the highbred car has been increasing, the air in the town is getting cleaner.
2. Because of the global warming,it seems that the ice in the North Pole is melting.
3. We will be able to know what is happening in the world by checking the Internet.
4. One can learn a language by (listening,) speaking, reading, and writing.
5. The law of universal gravitation was discovered by Newton.



1. Mix blue and yellow painting colors. Then it becomes green.
2. The turtle proceeded to run very hard. Then the turtle saw the rabbit sleeping on the way.
3. Please click this icon. Then the characters on the computer screen will become larger.
4. A: I heard Mr. Tanaka cannot attend tomorrow’s meeting.
B: Then, someone else must attend.



1. I could make a delicious cake since I followed to my mother's instruction.
2. One is scolded if he/she doesn't follow to what the seniors say.
3. The workers in Japanese family restaurants are like a robot because they speak as the manual say.
4. Please write answers here as the instruction shows.


1. The more you use a foreign language, the more you can improve it. And the more you read,the more you increase vocabulary words.
2. The more you exercise, the more healthy you become as well as you can lose weight; therefore you kill two birds with one stone.
3. The closer the train station is to the apartment the higher the rent is. In other words, the farther the apartment is from a train station, the cheaper its rent is.
4. It seems that the more splendid the parent is, the more pressure there is on the child.
5. The better the college is, the harder it is to enter it.



1. From the video just we watched, we understood that Bunraku and Kabuki spread among common people during the Edo period. Well now, I will introduce the tea ceremony which was enjoyed by the common people in the same period as well.
2. One day a rabbit and a turtle had a race. Well, (do you think) which one won the race?
3. Well now, it is getting late, so I am going to leave today.


N + を中心 +{と/に}+ する
This phrase literally means “to make N the center” and indicates that something takes place around N or with N as the center or focus or that someone does something focusing on N.
It is usually used in two forms:
(a) N+を中心+{と/に}+(して) to modify verbs
(b) N1+を中心+{と/に}+(した) + N2 to modify nouns. Also (= N1中心のN2)
Centering around; focusing on; mainly; with N as the center/focus/leader/etc.

1. 古代(ancient times)のヨーロッパはロームを中心として発展した(to develop)。
2. 地球(the earth)や火星(Mars)、木星(Jupiter)、金星(Venus)などの惑星(planet)は、太陽(the Sun)を中心として回っている。        
3. 宗教に熱心な信者は、宗教活動を中心に生活をしている。
4. 台風が近づいているため、九州を中心に大雨が降っている。
5. 私は、最近、日本の若者言葉を中心とした言葉の研究をしています。
1. Ancient Europe developed with Rome as the center.
2. Planets such as Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all rotate around the Sun.
3. Within religion, zealous believers live focusing on religious activities.
4. Because the typhoon is getting closer, the heavy rain is falling mainly around Kyuushuu.
5. Nowadays, I research language, mainly the language of young people.


1. The morning and evening are opposite in Japan and where I live. Here it is 9PM but in Japan it is 10AM.
2. My parents and my thoughts are always different. Why should this opinion be different?
3. If you start to exercise as part of a diet, not only you won’t get fat but also you’ll feel full when you eat a lot.
4. Count down from 100 in Japanese please.
5. Without knowing that it’s a one-way street, I went the opposite direction and I got stopped (by the police).



1. That movie should be fun (or interesting) because my friend, who majors in Film, said s/he watched it (as many as) 3 times.
2. The book should be in the library at the college because I have borrowed it before.
3. Tanaka hasn't sent his response to my mail. It doesn't seem to have reached him/her although I believe that I sent it.
4. Although I believe I paid my apartment rent for this month, my apartment owner said he/she hasn't received it yet. It is strange.
5. The baseball player said that one should not break a bat and/or throw away a glove if he/she thinks about the people who make these materials.


1. Would you please explain about this point one more time?
2. The fact that you can have home-stay in this program is a sale's point.
3. The fact that one can do shopping without going to a shop makes internet shopping popular in that respect.
4. In terms of service, Japanese department stores are the best.
5. The fact that this car can run without gasoline makes it good for the environment, but the price is high.



1. The more you remember Kanji, and the more the number of your vocabulary increases, you will be able to understand Japanese more.
2. Because a typhoon approaches, the wind has become stronger.
3. After starting dating, I became fond of him more and more.
4. Following to songs, dancing began. And then, more and more people gathered.


1. Rewrite this composition on the computer and turn it in the Monday of next week.
2. When you don’t understand, it is better to try to re-read.
3. Because I didn’t understand the Japanese language on this videotape, I listenws to it again; and then I understood this time.
4. Because I am a little busy and cannot talk on the phone right now, would it be alright for me to call you back (again) later.



1. It is true that the movie, Seven Samurai, by Akira Kurosawa is interesting, but it is too long, I think.
2. Indeed I wrote a composition, but I have to rewrite it because there are still lots of mistakes.
3. It is true that I play tennis, but I am not skillful.
4. It is certain that this apartment is convenient because it is close to a station; however, the rent is very high.
5. It is true that that person is a good person, but he/she is stubborn a little.



1. 友達が手伝ってくれたおかげで、仕事が早く終わった。
Because my friend helped me, I quickly finished my job.
2. 大学院で勉強できるのは、授業料を払ってくれる兄のおかげだ。
I can study at graduate school due to my brother who pays the tuition.
3. 昨日、学校へ行く途中で交通事故にあったが、シートベルトのおかげで、命が助かった。
While going to school I encountered a traffic accident yesterday, but because of my seatbelt my life was saved.
4. ゆうべ飲み過ぎたせいで、朝から頭がガンガンする。
Because I drank too much last night, my head has been pounding from this morning.
5. 一日中コンピュータを使っているせいで、目が悪くなってしまった。
Due to the computer working all day long, my eyes unfortunately became bad.
6. A:チームが負けたのは、ピッチャーが弱かったせいだよ。
A: The team lost because the pitcher was weak.
B: That’s not it! It was not only because of the pitcher!


1. After students studied Japanese through Tobira, they rapidly became better.
2. Due to the global warming, it is reported that the ice in Greenland is rapidly melting.
3. While watching the solar eclipse, the sky was getting dark and finally it completely got dark.
4. If you don't understand, please ask questions and give your feedback without hesitation.

16. ネリッシュ


4. Because my mother is sick, whenever I have a break, I make an effort to return home. (ゼルフォード)

5. 彼は、デートのたびにおいしいレストランに連れて行ってくれる。
On every date my boyfriend takes me to a delicious/good restaurant. (エミリー)

1. I have already gone to Japan 5 times. Every time I go, I come back learning new things.
2. Before I entered college Pochi was still a puppy, however every time I return home for break Pochi is rapidly growing.
3. Every time my college’s team appears for a match they lose. I wish they would become stronger.
4. I try to return home on every break because my mother is sick.
5. Whenever we go out on a date my boyfriend takes me to restaurants with delicious food.

七課 2012年

1. では/それでは


S: I am sorry. I cannot attend class on Friday due to a job interview, so I cannot take the exam.
T: Is that so? Well then, you can come to my office on Thursday.
S: Yes, then I will visit you on Thursday during your office hour.

There are people who say that the Japanese O-taku culture spread all over the world and it became one of the most typical Japanese cultures. If so, what is the reason that O-taku culture spread all over the world like this?

A: Bさん、どっか、食べに行こ。
B:  食べに行きたいけどお金がちょっと。。。
A: では ⇒じゃ、レスロランより私の家に行って料理を一生 ⇒一緒に作って食べましょう ⇒食べようよ。 

2. その上/…た上、…<as a relational expression: moreover; besides>

1. 運動は体にいい。その上、心の健康にもいい。
Exercising is good for your body. What’s more, it is also good for the health of your mind.

2. 最近の携帯は写真が撮れるだけではなくて、メールも出来る。その上、インターネットやテレビも見られる。これは、もう電話じゃない。
Recent cellphones can not only take pictures but also send emails. On top of that, you can go on the internet and watch television. It’s not only a phone.

3. 日本語の漢字は音読みと訓読みがあって、覚えるのが大変だ。その上、「一人」とか「今日」のような特別な読み方の漢字もあるので、漢字の勉強に時間がかかる。
Japanese kanji has On-yomi and Kun-yomi so it is difficult to remember. In addition, because there also special kanji readings like "hitori" and "kyou," it takes a lot of time to study kanji.

A:  私はにんじんが好きじゃないんだよ。
B: へー、そうか。でも、にんじんは目にいいらしいよ。その上、体の血を作るのだそうだ。サラダに入れるとおいしくて食べやすいと思うよ。

3. N(+P)+さえ: emphatic particle; means “even”; particle ga, o doesn’t occur; he and ni are optional; ni, de, to, kara are mandatory


先生:ああ、そうか。(漢字を見た後)一年生の漢字さえ読めませんか? 漢字をがんばって 勉強しましょう。

4. 〜向け(=〜用)


子ども: お母さん、この飲み物、買ってもいい?
母:  その飲み物は子供向けじゃないよ。それはビールだよ。
子ども: でもかわいい絵がビンの周りに書いている⇒あるのに。。。
母 : 違う飲み物、探しなさい。

Nであること(status; situation)


1. 哲学者である(⇒の)パスカルは、「人間は考える葦である(⇒だ)」と言った。
A philosopher, Pascal, said that human beings are “thinking reeds.”

5. 新型ではない(⇒じゃないmodification)携帯(けいたい)を使っているので、電子メイルができない。
Because I am using an older cell phone model, I am unable to spend email from my phone.

I often hear that when you become an adult you tend to like the foods you didn’t like when you were a child

3. あの話は本当ではない(⇒じゃない copula)と言われていたが、最近本当である(⇒だ)ということがわかった。
We were told that this story was not true, but recently we came to understand that it was.

2. こんなにたくさんの人が読んでいるのだから、面白い本である(⇒"0" copula)にちがいない。
Because so many people are reading this book, it must be a very interesting book.

Nであること(status; situation; state "being X")
When I see the Japanese people who makes so much efforts in spite of the fact that the earthquake was devastating, I am proud that I am a Japanese.

I am proud of the Japanese people who makes so much efforts in spite of the fact that the earthquake was devastating.

I heard that Tanaka decided to giving up being a Japanese citizen after he worked at the American office, married an American partner, and was Americanized.

6. Vmasu+出す
1) someone makes something available/accessible which hasn't existed or hasn’t been available or accessible; ex: create, find out, dig up/out
2) someone begins something or something beings; ex: to start laughing, to begin to move
Differs from hajime in that it is used for abrupt and non-volitional actions
Eng def: V out; being to V; start to V; being V-ing; start V-ing


A:  聞いた?
B:  何?
A:  昨日新聞で見たけど、だれかが先週海の中で宝を見つけ出したそうだ。(1の例)
B:  その人はラッキーだね。



1. このクラスには、宿題をしない学生はいない。休む時は、先生に連絡しない 学生もいない。
In this class, there are no students who don’t do homework. Also, there are no students who don't tell the teacher when they miss a class.

2. アニメが好きな若者で、みやざきはやおのアニメを見たことがない人はいない。
There are no young people who like anime that have not seen Hayao Miyazaki anime.

3. さんそや水を必要としない生物は にはいない。
There is no living thing that does not require oxygen and water.

4. やまない雨はないんですよ。おちこんでいないで元気を出しましょう。
There is no rain that last forever. So don’t feel down because the good weather will come out.

A:  Bさん、日本では皆さんははしで食事をするらしいですね。
B: そうですよ。はしで食べられない日本人はいないかもしれませんよ。



1.日本の環境省はアメリカのEnvironmental Protection Agencyに当たる。
"kankyoo-sho"in Japan is the equivalent to Environmental Protection Agency in America.

2. 日本語の「いただきます」や「ごちそうさま」に当たる言葉は英語にはない。
There is no English expressions which are equivalent to "itadakimasu" and "gochisosama."

3. 彼女は私の母の姉の娘ですから、私のいとこに当たります。
She is my mother's sister's daughter, so she is my cousin.

The English word, president is, in Japanese language, equivalent to "shachoo" at a company, to "gakuchoo" at a university, "daitoryoo" at the American government. Because how to call them is different, you should be careful. (Please pay attention.)

学生:  先生、ちょっと作文のために聞きたいことがありますが、今いいですか。
先生 : はい。いいですよ。
学生:  日本には「ラクーン」という動物がいますか。
先生:  いいえ。でもアメリカのラクーンに当たる動物は、日本ではたぬきだと思います。

preceded by a topic phrase, a conditional clause, or a reason clause; indicates that the action, event or situation stated in the preceding phrase/clause leads to a logical conclusion or a certain situation; eng def: end up (with), mean that, cause; type 1, 2c, or 3



1. メールが戻ってきたということは、このアドレスはもう使われていないということになる。
The fact that the email was returned, means that the address is no longer in use (preceded by topic phrase)

2. 家賃が上がったので、引っ越さなければならないことになってしまった。Because the rent went up, I ended up having to move (reason clause).

3. 今のうちに勉強しておかないと、後で卒業できないということになるかもしれない。
If I don’t study at my house today, I assume that I will end up not graduating afterwards (conditional clause).

A:  Bさん、大丈夫?
B:  ウウン。。。心配がある。
A:  何?
B:  来学期の授業料が払えないので、休まなければいけないことになるかもしれない。

10. …という傾向がある/見られる


A: 昨日 私はCさんと 一緒に映画を見に行くつもりだったけど、Cさんが来なかったんだ。
B: そうか。Cさんはよく約束を忘れるという傾向があるから、(Cさんは)忘れてしまったかもしれないね。



A: もうショートタームの授業リストが出ているよ。
A: もし好きな授業がないとしたら、どうする。?
でも、好きな授業が本当にないとしたら家に帰ることもできるよ。ショートタームはオプショナル(not necessarily take)だから。

12. Nが〜する(オノマトペ


1. 机がガタガタして、書きにくい。
This desk is not stable, so it is hard to write.

2. お星さまがキラキラして、きれいだなあ。
How pretty the shinning stars are!

3. 面接の前は緊張して心臓がドキドキした。
My heart was beating because I was nervous before the interview.

4. 歯がシクシクする。歯医者に行かなきゃいけないけど、いやだなあ。
I feel dull pain on my tooth. I have to go to see a dentist, but I don't want to ....

I become cheery (buoyant) when I think that the summer vacation starts tomorrow.
13. …くせに、…
when something commonly expected from information in the subordinate clause does not happen or is not the case; expresses speaker’s anger, frustration or disagreement; not directed toward the speaker, but toward hearer or a third person; the subject of the main clause and that of the subordinate clause must be the same;

type 2b;
eng def: although, in spite of the fact that, and yet

Although my other brother doesn’t cook by himself, he always complains about the food I make.

Although my sister is not able to sleep at night because she is scared, she only watches horror movies.

In spite of the fact that Tom is poor, he rides an expensive sports car that uses lot of gas.

Although people said,“it’s not good to cry, despite being a boy” and “too strong, despite being a girl” in the olden days, those thoughts have become less and less believed in the present days.


14. 話し言葉と短縮形


1. レポート、今、書いて(い)るとこ(ろ)だから、書き終わったら見てくれる?
I am writing a report now, so can you look at it when I finished it?
2. この部屋じゃ(⇒では)小さすぎて、30人も集まるパーティなんて(⇒は)できないなあ。
I think we cannot have a party with 30 people in this room because this is too small.
3. 友達を空港まで送ったげなきゃ(⇒送ってあげなければ)いけないから、明日は、早く起きなくちゃ(⇒起きなくては)…。I have to give a ride for my friend to the airport, so I have to get up early.
4. 先生の言ったこと、ノートに書いとかない(⇒書いておかない)と、忘れちゃう(⇒忘れてしまう)よ。If I don't write down what the teacher said, I will forget completely.
5. 飲み物、買っといた(⇒買っておいた)から、何も持ってこなくて(も)いいよ。
I already bought some drinks, so you don't have to bring anything.
6. 私も宿題を出しに行かなくちゃ(⇒ては)いけないから、マイクの宿題も出しといたげる(⇒出しておいてあげる)。I need to go to a teacher's office to submit my homework, so I will take Mike's homework also.

15. …(という)わけではない


1. 漢字が苦手だと言っても、全然書けないわけではない。
Even I say I am bad at Kanji, it doesn't mean I cannot write Kanji.

2. 試験の点がよければいいせいせきが取れるというわけではない。宿題やプロジェクトも大切だ。
It’s not true that you will get a good grade if you get a good score on the exam .Homework and project are also important
3. お金のためだけに働いているわ
けではないけれど、きゅうりょうは高い方が いい。
Although it’s not the case that I’m working for money only, It's better that the salary is high.
(As for the salaray, I wish it would be high.)

4. この料理はまずいわけてはないけと、あぶらが多いから、あまり食べられない。
Although I don't mean this is not delicious, I can’t not really eat it because there is a lot of oil.

5. あの人がきらいなわけではないんですが、デートしたいとは思いません。
It doesn’t mean that I don’t like that person, but I don't think I want to go on a date.

B:じゃ、どうして Aさんに「話しかけないでくれ」って言わないの?

六課 2012年

1. 〜に気がつく



1. After I finished the exam, I noticed that I had answered incorrectly.
2. Until I returned home, I did not notice that my wallet was not in my bag.
3. Before I moved into the new apartment, I did not notice that the street in front of it was so noisy.
4. Until a person fails, he does not realize that he has been doing something incorrectly.

先生: Yさんは、まだ作文を出していないことに気がついたんだけど・・・?
学生: はい、すみません。まだ出していません。明日出してもいいですか。

2.・・・ようにと願う・祈る {I hope/pray that...; I hope that someone <can do/become> ...


I hope that children live a happy life.
2. 多くの人々が早く世界が平和になるように願っている。
Many people hope that the world will become peaceful sooner.
3. 弟が大学の入学試験に合格できるようにと毎日祈っています。
I pray every day that my younger brother passes his college entrance exam.
I go to a Shinto shrine at new years every year and pray to a god that I don’t get a serious sickness this year as usual.

道子: メアリ、なんか、元気がないわねえ?
メアリ: うん、ちょっと風邪(かぜ)をひいたみたい。
道子: そう、早くよくなるように、願ってるわ。

3. Noun1もVerbば、Noun2もVerb
used to present some members in a group, things in a category, action someone takes, characteristics of something/someone, etc; although in conditional form, the meaning isn't;


Some people like sushi and some don’t.
In this textbook, you can practice conversations and also study grammar.
3. このリゾートはきれいな海で泳ぐことも出来れば、山にハイキングに行くことも出来る。
At this resort, you can swim at the beautiful sea as well as hike in the mountains.
4. 田中先生の研究室には、百年以上前の辞書もあれば、最近の映画のDVDもある。
At Professor Tanaka’s office, there is a dictionary that is 100 years old as well as DVDs of recent movies.

A: 日本語は難しいと思う。。。
B: 何が?
A:  アメリカ人には発音と文法が一番難しいと思う。
B: ああ、そう。でも皆は新しい言語を習う時、難しいこともあれば、易しいこともあると思うよ。くよくよしないでがんばろうよ!

4. ・・・のだろうか・のでしょうか・のかなあ・のかしら


1) 漢字を練習する時いつも、どうしてこんなにたくさん漢字があるのだろうかと思う
Whenever I study Kanji, I wonder why there are this many Kanji.
2) なぜ彼は私のことをあいしてくれないのだろうか。私は彼がこんなに好きなのに。
I wonder why he (my boyfriend) does not love me. Even though (although) I love him (so much).
3) 田中さんは一日中せきをしている。ねつもあるようだ。病院に行かなくて大丈夫なのだろうか。
All day long Tanaka-san coughs. It also seems he has a fever. I wonder if he is all right without going to the hospital.

会話の例 (友達):

5. こんな・そんな・あんな・どんな[話言葉

VS.こういう・そういう・ああいう・どういう[書き言葉&話し言葉 4課]


1. A: I heard that it is a dream of Mr./Mrs. Smith to work for a Japanese company in the future.
B: I never knew Mr./Mrs. Smith had that kind of dream.
2. I wonder if there is a person that absolutely does not get angry. I think that a person like that absolutely does not exist.
3. I want that kind of shirt that Mr. Tanaka was wearing yesterday.
4. Just listen a short while. I heard nowadays this kind of music is popular.

X: ねえ、ねえ、昨日の映画、どうだった? (*Xはもうその映画を見た。そしてYがその映画を見に行くことを知っている。)
Y: ああ、あの映画ね。ああいう映画は私は本当はあまり好きじゃないんだ。

先生: Xさん、レポートを出すのがいつも遅いですね。しめ切りまでに出せませんか。
学生: すみません、先生。実はいろいろ問題があるんです。
先生: 問題って?
学生: よく夜遅くまで友だちが来てビデオゲームをしているし、他の授業のレポートを書くのが忙しいし・・・。
先生: Xさん、そういう理由は理由になりませんよ。

6. それぞれ {predicate} or のN => each, one’s own, in one’s own way


1. 学校が終わって、子供たち自分それそれの家に帰って行った。
School finished and/so the children each returned their own home.

2. ここはセルサービスですから、それぞれ自分の好きな食べ物を取って食べて下さい。
Since it is self-service here, please take and eat the food that you like for yourself [that each one likes].

3. それぞれの国には、それぞれの文化や習慣がある。
Each country has its own culture and its own traditions [among other things].

先生: 例文の翻訳と説明の宿題はそれぞれ二つずつでいいですか。
学生: はい、大丈夫です。三つずつでもできます。

7. ・・・らしい 

speaker’s conjecture based on what he/she has learned through an information source or his/her own observation; i-adjective;
Type3: V/A-plain
ANa/ N: じゃない、だった、じゃなかった


1. Apparently, Yamada Sensei is getting married next month.
2. It seems that there was a big earthquake in Japan yesterday. I wonder if Tanaka’s family is OK.
3. It seems that Smith’s Japanese home stay family was very good.
4. I heard from a senior that that teacher’s class is difficult.
5. Even though Michiko appears to be a little cold, she truly seems like a very nice person.

A: 聞いた?
B:  何を?
A:  昨日韓国の選手が金メダルをもらったらしいよ。

8.Verb-ます+続ける=> to continue doing something

VS この一週間、雨がふり続いています。<iintransitive verb 続く>


1. 外国語が上手になりたかったら、あきらめないで毎日勉強し続けることが大切です。
If you want to be good at a foreign language, it is important not to give up [to stop] studying everyday.

2. 朝から晩までコンピュータのスクリーンを見続けているので、目が悪くなってしまった。
Because I continuously looked at the computer screen from morning until night, my eyes went completely bad.

3. 赤ちゃんが朝まで泣き続けたので、お母さんは全然寝らなかった。
Because the baby continued to cry until morning, the mother could not go to sleep.

9. Nばかり・・・
 Vstem + する/している

*Vたばかり(4課の#18)[have just done ~ (focus on time]

Vstem + すれば


1) たけしさんはコンピュータゲームばかりして全然勉強しないそうです。
I heard that all Takeshi does is to play computer games and never studies at all.
2) 弟は肉ばっかり食べて、野菜や果物は全然食べようとしません。
All my brother eats is meat and he does not even try to eat fruit and vegetables at al.
3) 勉強ばかりして運動しないというのは健康によくありませんよ。
It is not good for your health that you do no (physical) exercises but doing study only. /To do no(nothing) exercise but study is not good for your health.
4) ルームメイトは、毎日寝てばっかりいる。授業に行かなくてもいいのかなあ。
All that my roommate does every day is sleep. I wonder if it is all right that he also skips class. 
5) 赤ちゃんが泣いてばかりいるので、母親になったばかりの洋子さんはとても困っている。
Because her baby is crying all the time (does nothing but crying), Yoko-san, who has just become a mother, is very troubled.


10. 真っ/真

**真っ昼間 is often used in negative connotation as shown in #4.


1. The pure red evening sun is going down into the ocean.
2. If, from the top of the bridge, I look at the very bottom of a river, I am very scared.
3. Because the neighbor had a party until midnight yesterday, I could not sleep at all.
4.妻「真っ昼間(まっぴるま)からお酒なんか飲んで、はずかしいと思わないの?」Don't you feel embarrassed to drink alcohols during daytime?
  夫「うるさい! 文句を言うな!」Shut up! Don't complain.

5.近所で真昼(まひる)に火事があったらしい。It appears that there was a fire in my neighborhood in the middle of a day (just after noon).

大藤: 船田さん、顔が真っ青よ。気分が悪いの?
船田: いいえ、大丈夫です。
大藤: いえ、帰って休んだ方がいいわよ。帰りなさいよ。

when speaker provides reason for previous statement; when the speaker reaches a logical conclusion from what he/she has learned from the hearer or has discovered; when the speaker understands the reason for what he/she has learned from the hearer or what he/she has discovered

Type3: V/A-plain
ANa/ N: な、じゃない、だった、じゃなかった


1. 東京は電車や地下鉄やバスが便利な町なので、車がなくても生活できるというわけだ。
(Because) Tokyo is a town with convenient transportation (train and subway), they say that you can live even without a car.
2. A: 1月から6月までの半年間、日本に留学することになりました。
B: じゃあ、夏休みはアメリカに戻って来るわけだ。
A: From January to June, I am going to study abroad in Japan.
B: It means that you will be returning to America during summer break.
3. あつ、ヒーターが止まっている。寒いわけだ。
Oh, the heater has stopped working. No wonder it’s cold.
4. A: スミスさんは、日本に20年も住んでいたんですよ。
B: なるほど、それで日本語がとても上手なわけだ。
A: Smith lived in Japan for 20 years.
B: I see. No wonder he’s so good at Japanese.
5. A: ロボートが作った商品を、ここで私達がチェックするんです。
B: あー、最後にチェックするのは、やっぱり人間な(or 人間という)わけですね。
A: At this point, we check the product that Robert has made.
B: Oh, it should be a person who has to check it at last, (as I thought).

会話の例 (先生と学生):
A: 先生、私のイマイルイーメイルを受け取りましたか?
A: きのうofuji@gmail.comに送りましたけど。。。
B: ああ、サンヂイさん、私のメールはkofuji@bates.eduですよ。受け取らなかったわけです。

12. Nでよければ、・・・



1. If this dictionary is acceptable, here you go.
2. I am bust at the moment but if Sunday next week is good for you, we can go together.
3. I don’t have anything, however, if coffee is all right I can make it immediately. Would you like to drink?

学生: 船田先生、読めない漢字がたくさんあるので、助けてくださいませんか。
船田: ええ、明日の午後でよければ、助けてあげますよ。私のオフィスに来て下さい。

学生1: 読めない漢字がたくさんあるんだけど、だれか助けてくれない?
学生2: 私でよければ、手伝ってあげるよ。

13. …結構 (quite: "more general")


1. この辞書のサイトは結構便利なので、よく使う。
Because this dictionary site is quite useful, I use it often.
2. 先週から始まったドラマは結構おもしろい。
The drama that started last week is quite interesting.
3. 子どもは5歳ぐらいになれば、一人で結構何でもできるようになる。
When children turn around the age of 5, they are able to do pretty much anything by themselves.

会話の例 (友達):
A:  この作文はとてもいいんじゃないかな。
B: ああ、そう? この作文は結構複雑だと思う。

14. なかなか(quit; "impressive")

not usually used with adjectives and adverbs with negative meaning; indicates that the speaker is impressed by the way something/someone is or the way someone does something


1. この携帯電話のコマーシャルはなかなか面白い。犬が話すのがとてもかわいい。
This cellphone commercial is pretty interesting. It’s very cute how (/that) the dog talks.
2. この間の旅行はなかなか楽しかった。泊まったホテルもなかなかよかったし、料理も結構(けっこう)おいしかった。
The trip I went recently was pretty fun. The hotel I stayed at was pretty good, and the food was reasonably tasty.
3. 私は絵を描くのは得意じゃないけれど、これはなかなか上手に描けたと思う。
Although I’m not very skilled at drawing pictures, I think that this one is fairly well drawn.

会話の例 (先輩と後輩):
A:  先輩 質問があるんですけど、時間は大丈夫ですか?
B:  うん、何?
A:  日本語を勉強をするつもりですけど、教科書はどんな教科書がいいかわかりません。先輩が使った教科書の中に推薦する教科書がありますか?
B:  そう? 私は一年生の時「げんき」という教科書を使ったけど、なかなかよかった。
A:  はい、わかりました。ありがとございました。



1. A: today Tanaka was not in the class, right?
B: That reminds me, Tanaka told me yesterday that his stomach was hurting. He is probably sick huh.
2. A: I went to my friend's birthday party yesterday.
B: Oh, that reminds me, tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I forgot!
3. A: hey, don't you feel like we've seen that person over there before?
B: Indeed, I feel like I have met him/her somewhere in the past.

船田: 雪がたくさん降りましたね?
大藤: このぐらいは少ない方よ。多い時はこのぐらい降るのよ。
船田: そう言えば(雪と言えば)、日本でも最近たくさん降ったそうですよ。



Whenever I read this book I understand well that, like in Japan, in ancient Greece there were also various gods.
2. 日本語の授業で、日本には宗教的習慣や行事はたくさんあるが、宗教に熱心な信者はあまりいないということを学んだ。
In Japanese class, I’ve learned that although in Japan there are a lot of religious traditions and events, there are not that many devoted religious believers.
3. この大学はレベルが高いということで知られている。
I know that in the college the level is high.  ⇒It is known that the level of this college is high.
4. ファーストフードの特徴は色々あるが、まず、早くて安いということが言えるだろう。
There are many characteristics of fast food, but we can say it is mainly fast and cheap.
5. 奨学金をもらうためには、なぜ日本に留学したいかということについて、エッセイを書かなくてはいけない。
In order to receive the scholarship, you must write an essay that is about why you want to study aboard in Japan.

A: この質問に答えるためにはまず電卓を使って、GRAPHINGMODEを変えて、GRAPH をつくらなくちゃいけません。
B:  電卓でGRAPH をつくったということはよく分かりますが、どうして私の電卓を壊しましたか。
A: 壊していませんよ。コンセント(=プラグ)をつけるのを忘れているんじゃないですか。
B: ええっ? あ、そうか。サンキュー!

17. ・・・NはNとなっている (to result in)
成る consist of/ composed of


It turns out this movie is from 7 PM

2According to a survey, it turns out that 25% of the university is made up of graduate students.

The rule is that only foreigners that have not lived in Japan for more than one year are allowed to compete in the Speech Contest.

会話の例by Barger(学生):
セラ:先輩によると、 ベイツ大学を卒業してから結婚するベイツの学生によるカップルの割合は60%となってるらしいよ。

五課 2012年

1. #+C+当たり


1) 夏休みに1か月アルバイトをして15万円もらった。一日当たり5千万円もらったことになる。
● I received $1500 from having part time job for a month this summer. Meaning that I made $50 per day.

● There are 10 kids. Because there are 30 tangerines, how many can one child eat?

● Marathon runners seem to run 100 meters in about 16 seconds. Because they continue to run 42.195 kilos at the same speed, they’re amazing, aren’t they?

A: 明日のパーティのためにクッキーを何個作ったらいいと思う?
B:そうね。15人来ると言っていたので、多分一人当たり10個食べるとして(←食べるとする decided=assume that one person eat 10)、150個作ったらどう。?
A: えっ、150個も? ちょっと。。。

2. …のはXの方だ


1) 彼が住みたがっているのは関東だが、私が住みたいのは関西の方だ。
He (my friend) wants to live in Kantou, but Kansai is where I want to live.

2) 背が高いのは弟の方だ。でも、足が速いのは僕の方だ。
It is my brother that is tall. However, it is I who is a fast runner.

3) ひらがなとカタカナでは、難しいのはカタカナの方だ。
In hiragana and katakana, it is katakana that is difficult.

4) あのレストランはしずかだ。でも、食べ物がおいしいのはこのレストランの方だと思う.
That restaurant is quiet. But, I think it is this restaurant that has delicious food.

だいすけの友達:だいすけ、質問があるんだ。僕は日本の文学について作文を書いているんだけど、『坊っちゃん』の作家を忘れちゃった。『坊っちゃん』を書いたのは夏目漱石(なつめそうせき)? それとも太宰治(だざい・おさむ)?

3. #は/#+Cは/Nだけは


1. 一週間に一回はプールで泳ぐようにしている(←3課ー13を見なさい)
I try to (make an effort) swim in the pool at least one time a week.
2. この町は車がないと生活は出来ないから、どの家でも一台か二台は車がある。
Because this is a city in which you cannot go about your daily life without a car, each house has at least one or two cars.
3. 仕事が忙しくても、お昼ご飯だけは食べて下さいね。
If work is really busy, please at least eat lunch.
4. 30人もパーティに誘ったから、10人ぐらいは来てくれるだろう。
Because I invited more than 30 people to the party, probably at least 10 people will be able to come (as a favor to me).
5. くだけた話し方はまだあまり慣れていないけれど、少しは話せるようになった。
Although I am still not quite used to casual speech style, I have come to be able to speak at least a little bit.

ジョン: ああ、疲れた。昨日の晩 大変で、ぜんぜん 寝られなかったんだ。
キム:  医者によると 毎晩 七時間は ねた方がいいそうよ。
ジョン: もう分かったよ! でも、先生によると 宿題を 終えなきゃなんないだろう。



With Honshu being the largest, Japan has four large islands.

2. 私の家族は、父をはじめみんな辛いものが大好きだ。
In my family, we all love spicy things, most of all my dad. (英語の話し 言葉と言えるでしょう。)

3. 日本に留学中は、ホームステイの家族をはじめ色々な人にお世話になった。
I'm grateful for the many people whose care I was under in Japan, especially my host family.



以外:except ~; other than ~
以前:before (that point)
以後:after (that point)
以降(いこう):after (that point on)


1. I heard that it is better to sleep more than 6 hours for health.
2. I cannot eat any more (lit. more than this).
3. In the U.S. the R-rated movies are limited to people who are older than 18./
Only people who are older than 18 can watch the R-rated movies in the US.
4. I don't have much money, so I will buy (decide to buy) a present which is less than $50.
5. To offer a course, we need more than 5 students. It will be canceled if there are less than that.

4.[以後 at that point]明治以後日本は鎖国(さこく)を止めました。私は2時以後研究室にいる予定です。
5.[以降from that point on]今日は私は2時以降(ずっと)研究室にいる予定です。

6. NさえVば


*being somebody/something

1. 私は愛さえあれば幸せです。
If only I had love, I would be happy.

If I can find a roommate who will live with me, I can move anytime.

3. いい友だちさえいれば、他に欲しい(ほしい)ものはありません。
If I only had a good friend, I wouldn’t want anything else.

4. 雪さえ降らなければ、車の運転は怖くない。 
If only it wasn’t snowing, driving the car wouldn’t be so scary.

5. お酒さえ飲まなければ、何を飲んでも食べてもいいですよ。
As long as you don’t drink alcohol, you can drink and eat anything.

A: この夏休み、何をする?
B: 大学にいるよ。しなくちゃいけない宿題がたくさんあるから。。。
A: えーっ、韓国に帰らないの?
B: うん。でも、宿題さえ終われば/宿題が早く終わりさえすれば、すぐ家に帰りたい。



1. 4年間頑張って勉強して、ついに卒業の日が来た。うれしいけれど、ちょっと寂しい。
After 4 years of trying hard and studying, graduation day has finally come. I’m glad, but a little bit sad.

2. 2007年の夏、子供達はついにハリーポッターの最後のストーリーを読むことが出来た。
At last, in the summer of 2007, kids were able to read the end of the Harry Potter story.

3. 兄は長い間頑張ってきたが、ついにプロのウットボール選手になる夢をあきらめた。
Although my older brother has tried hard for a long time, he has finally given up his dream of becoming a professional football player.

4. 20年も乗っていた車がついに動かなくなってしまった。
After running for 20 years, the car finally doesn’t work.

会話by S. Barger(友だち):
くみの友だち: くみさんのお姉さんはどう?
くみの友だち: かわいそうね。

8. {Noun/no-Adjective} + 化(する・できる)


1) 日本の有名な小説がハリウッドで映画化されることになった。
A famous Japanese novel has become filmed by Hollywood.
2) この大学は外国人の学生が多くて、国際化が進んでいる。
This school has many international students, so internationalization is advancing.
3) 「デスノート」というマンガはアニメ化もゲーム化もされました。
● A manga called Death Note was made into an anime and a game.
It is not good to generalize from what only one person says.

A: 『ティンティン』と言う映画はマンガのお話を元にして作られたみたいよね。
B: ええ、そうよ。本当は『ティンティン』はマンガだったのよ。そしてマンガが映画化されたのよ。

9. ところが


1) 先生のオフィスアワーに研究室に行った。ところが、先生はいらっしゃらなかった。
I went to office hours. However, the professor was not present.

2) 天気予報は、今日は雨だと言っていた。ところが、とてもいい天気になった。
The weather forecast said it would rain today. Nevertheless, the weather became nice.

3) 試験のために徹夜をするつもりでコーヒーをたくさん飲んだ。ところが、すぐ寝てしまった。
For the exam, I intended to pull an all-nighter and drank a lot of coffee. Nevertheless, I soon fell asleep.

4) 山田: 旅行どうだった?
Yamada: How was your trip?
Tanaka: Yeah, I brought my suitcase and went to the airport. But, the flight was canceled and I regrettably could not go.




● Because Smith-san has lived in Japan for 10 years, I’m certain that he can speak Japanese very well.

● Because those two were really close, I’m certain that after graduation, they got married.

● Because that apartment has (a lot of) many college students living in it, I’m certain that it is loud.
Because many college students live in that apartment, I'm sure that it is loud.

● Because (a lot) many of my younger brother’s friends came over yesterday, I’m certain that they are the ones who broke this game.

会話(by Patrick):



Professor Kato wrote the book based on the thesis he wrote in graduate school.
2. 日本のマンガをもとにしてたくさんのアニメやゲームが作られている。
Based on Japanese manga, lots of animation and games are being made.
3. 自由(じゆう)と独立(どくりつ)という考えをもとにその憲法(けんぽう)がつくられた。
Based on the ideas of freedom and liberty, a constitution has been made.
4. これは、私の子どもの時の経験(けいけん)をもとにした小説です。
This is a novel I wrote based on my childhood experiences

A: 試験はどうだった?
B: うーん、まだわからない。。。成績を見てからでなければわからないと思う
A: その試験は何について?
B: 今学期習った全部のことをもとにして先生が試験を作ったみたいだ。
A: 大変そうだね。。。



1. Just like my mother we are both allergic to shrimp so we try to avoid eating anything with shrimp in it.
2. Just like math students, biology students also have to study formulas.
3. Unlike snowboarding, when you ski you have to use sticks to slide.


13. Nounらしい


1. 剣道(けんどう)はとても日本らしいスポーツだと思う。
I think Kendo is a very typical Japanese sport.
2. 田中さんは長い間アメリカに住んでいたので、あまり日本人らしくない。
Because Tanaka lived in the states for a long time, he doesn’t seem very Japanese. /he doesn’t seem a typical Japanese person.
3. 今年の夏は寒い日が続いて、ぜんぜん夏らしくありません。
The cold days continued this year’s summer, so it never seems like a typical summer.
4. 「男らしい」とか「女らしい」と言う言葉は、あまり好きではありません。誰でも、その人らしく生きればいいのではないでしょうか(←4課ー8を見なさい)。
I don’t really like words like ‘man-like’ or ‘woman-like.’ I think it is all right if you live like who you are.
5. 何が言いにくいことがある時、最後まで言わないのは日本人らしい話し方です。
Not saying anything until the last moment, when you have something difficult to say, is a typical Japanese’s speaking style.

サンディ: ああー私ついに二十歳だよ。
父:  もう二十歳になったんだから今から大人らしくしなさい。
サンディ:  うん、もちろん! 

14. N的


1. 京都や奈良は歴史的な建物がたくさんある伝統的な町です。
Kyoto and Nara are both traditional towns with many historic buildings.
Since that country decided to enroll in the Olympics they have become internationalized.
Because I don’t understand technical things, please ask another person.
Because this book is written with conversational expressions, it is really easy to understand.

B: 留学している時私は日本に行ってホストファミリーの家に住んでいました。ホストファミリーの家がとても好きだったので、日本的な家に住みたいです。

15. …たらいいのになあ/よかったのになあ


1. I wish I could memorize Kanji more easily.
2. I wish the dorm room was more quiet. It is noisy that I cannot study.
3. I’m so lonely. I wish I had a sweetheart.


16. ほとんど/ほとんど…ない
almost all, mostly/rarely, hardly ever


1. 量は多かったけれど、お腹がすいていたから、ほとんど食べてしまった。
-The portions were big, but I was really hungry so I ended up eating most of it.
2. 昨日は疲れていから、一日中ほとんど寝ていました。
-I was really tired yesterday so I spent most of the day sleeping.
3. おいしい料理だったが、お腹が痛くてほとんど食べら れなかった。
- Even though it was a delicious meal, because my stomach hurt, I hardly ate any of it.
4. 寝られなくなるので、私はほとんどコーヒーは飲まない。
- Because it inhibits sleep, I hardly ever drink coffee.
5. 彼はこの大学の有名人だ。ほとんどの人が彼のことを知っている。
- He (My boyfriend/my friend/ my acquaintance) is famous at this college. Almost everybody knows who he is.
6. 今日の試験のほとんどの問題が、宿題と同じだった。
- Most of today’s homework questions are exactly like the ones on the test.

会話: (友達)
A: 昨日の数学の試験はどうだった?
B:あまり良くなかったと思う。ほとんど答えがわからなかったから(or 問題が理解できなかったから)、多分いい点が取れなかったと思う

17. …ような気がする


1. この頃前より日本語が話せるようになってきたような気がします。
I feel that compared to before these days I have come able to speak Japanese.
2. 先生の説明を聞いて、分かったような気がしたけど、家に帰ってもう一度勉強し直したら、また分からなくなってしまった。
I listened to the professor’s explanation and I felt that I would understand, but when I went home and tried to study again, I once again did not understand.
3. 誰かがドアをノックしたような気がするから、ちょっと見てくれない?
Because I have a feeling that someone is knocking on the door, can you take a look?
4. このへんは、あまり安全じゃない気がする。
It seems to me that this is area is not really safe.
5. 2年生の日本語より3年生の日本語の方が簡単な気がする。
I have a feeling that third-year Japanese is easier than second-year Japanese.

A: 論文を書くのはとても難しくて時間がかかるそうですが、どうですか。
B: まだ書き始めていませんが、そんなに時間がかからないような気がします。

18. V+ところ


1. これから公園(こうえん)へサッカーをしに行くところです。
From here I am about to go play soccer at the park.
2. 友達の携帯(けいたい)に電話をかけているところにその友達が現れたので(あらわれる)、びっくりした。
I was surprised because I saw my friend when I was just about to call my friend (I was pushing the buttons of her number on my cellular phone) .
3. ちょうど勉強が終わったところに友達から電話がかかってきた。
When I have just finished studying for a little bit, I got a phone call from my friend.
4. ここからペンギンが水の中で泳いでいるところが見られます。
I can see the penguin swimming inside the water from here.
5. 子犬(こいぬ)が寝ているところを写真に撮った。とてもかわいい写真が撮れた。
I took a picture of the puppy sleeping. I was able to take a very cute picture.

A: サンディー、昼ご飯は何が食べたい?
A: 何をしているの?
B: 友達とインターネットでゲームをしているとごろよ。

四課 2009年

1. マット 


1. Because I like movies, I go see a movie almost every week.
2. When I was a kid, during summer break I went to the sea almost every year.
3. When I access this site, it freezes almost every time.

2. ネリッシュ


1. 日本人はいっぱんてきにていねいだと思われている。
It is believed that Japanese people are generally polite.

2. 日本の食べ物は体にいいと考えられているが、実はてんぷらやトンカツなど、油をたくさん使うカロリーの高い料理も多い。
Japanese food is considered good for the body but in fact, there are many cuisines like tempura, tonkatsu ,etc that require a lot of oil and are high in calories.

3. 将来は、宇宙にも人間が住めるようになるだろうと考えられている。
In the future, it is considered that people probably will gradually be able to live in outer space.

3. メリッサ


1. I did not know that there was a quiz today.
2. I have never heard of a Japanese person who does not like sushi.
3. I think rollerblading is easy. However, I think that skating is hard.
4. Phrases like “Sugoi” and “kawaii” are common phrases used by young people.
5. Who was the one who said this unappetiting meal was delicious?

4. ミーシャン


1. In the morning, after I wake up, I drink coffee before everything.

2. The first thing I do after I went home is to wash my hand and gargle.

3. Today we are going to make miso soup. First of all, prepare the following ingredient.

5. ジュリア

Verb minus ます + 合う

1. この問題について、グループで話合ってください。
Please talk about this problem with each other in groups.
(Maybe more natural depending on the context:) Let's talk about this problem together in groups.

2. 大きな災害(さいがい)の時は、みんなで助け合うことが大切だ。
When there is a big disaster, it's important that everyone to help each other.

3. 高校生の時、よく友達と写真を撮り合ったり見せあったりして遊んだ。
During high school, it's fun to show and take pictures of each other.

6. ゼルフォード


1. I am studying Japanese every day so that I will become better at it.
2. The teacher uses easy/simple words when she/he is explaining so that his/her students can understand.
3. Please speak a loud voice so that everyone can hear you.
4. I set my alarm clock so that I wouldn’t oversleep.
5. If you want to work in Japan, you'd better to study Japanese more so that you can get a job at a Japanese company.

7. 大藤

Please correct my English.

1. ある日突然日本人が話す普通の日本語が分かるようになった。
One day, suddenly I understood (started understanding) the natural (or standard) Japanese spoken by native people.

Long time ago, there lived an old man and woman.

I have met a famous person (or celebrity) in NYC some years ago.

8. エミリー

Sentence +{の-written/ん-spoken}+{ではないだろうか/ではないでしょうか/じゃないかな}
I think that …; Isn’t it that …

Isn’t it the case that the global warming issue is becoming much bigger?

I think that that class is tough because every day there are small tests and homework.

I think that because this apartment is spacious, two people can live there.

Uses negative, but has no negative meaning. Just soften the statement.

9. 大藤


1. I want to be able to read newspaper without looking up a dictionary.
2. I wrote this composition by hands without using computer.
3. Please use a pencil for this exam, but not a pen.
4. I decided on a study abroad without talking with (consulting) my parents.

10. マット


1. Japanese people are polite and kind. I often hear that kind of stories (aspects).
2. I am looking for the kind of book that is interesting and cheers me up.
3. Three baby pandas were born at the zoo. This kind of news is wonderful.
4. Tom: Japanese sports clubs have interesting relationships between senior and junior members.
Yamada: Yes. You probably don’t see those kinds of relationships in other countries.

11. ネリッシュ


1. ならは日本で一番れきしの古い町の一つと言えるでしょう。
It is probably right to say that Nara is one of the most historically old towns in Japan.

2. 日本語を勉強している外国人は多くなってきていると言えるだろう。
It probably can be said that the number of foreigners studying Japanese has continued to become larger.

3. 現代は、コンピュータがなければくらしにくい時代になったと言えるだろう。
It is probably right to say that the present day has become an era in which it is difficult to live if you don’t have a computer.

12. メリッサ


1. When you study foreign languages, there means that you also study the countries’ culture.
2. If you are rich, does that mean you will be happy?
3. If you receive chocolates on Valentine’s Day, then that means the girl likes you.

13. ミーシャン


1. I want to go to Osaka by Shinkansen. How much is it?
2. Sensei, I do not understand this grammar well but…(could you please explain to me again?)
3. I want to give a present for my friend’s birthday. What do you think is good?
4. I like to watch baseball, but Tom, which sports do you like?
5. This movie seems interesting. Do you want to go and watch it together?

14. 大藤

Please correct my English.

1. 今日は試験が二つもあったんです。それで、昨日は夜の二時まで勉強していたんです。
I had two exams today. Therefore, I studied until 2 a.m. last night.

I loved animation when I was a child. That's why I am studying Japanese now.

An interesting film was shown on campus last night. I think that's why not many people came to the party.

A: We have a spring break starting tomorrow. B: Ah, that's why everybody looks happy.

15. ジュリア

Question word+ ても

1. 世界中,どこに行っても、マクドナルドが食べられる。<これは「マクドナルドで」が正しい。Ofuji>
No matter where you go in the world, you can eat at McDonald's.

2. この感じは何回覚えても、すぐに忘れてしまう。
No matter how many times I try to memorize this kanji, I forget it right away.

3. 彼はギターがとても上手だ。どんな曲でも弾ける。
He (or my boyfriend depending on context) is really good at guitar. He can play any song.

4. 試合(game)に負けてどんなにくやしくても、泣いてはいけない。
くやしい - bitter, regrettable
Most natural translation (since it's casual form it's important to sound natural, I think.): It doesn't matter how bitter/upset you are about losing the game, you can't cry.

5. この問題はいくら考えても分からない。
No matter how hard I think about this problem, I can't understand it.

16. ゼルフォード


1. I want to travel many places while I am still in Japan.
2. Please partake at this meal while it is still hot.
3. Before it gets hot, it is better to take the dog for a walk.
4. I heard that your pronunciation becomes better if you study foreign languages while you are young.
5. My parents decided to travel while they are still healthy.

17. エミリー


If possible, I want to become a doctor, but because the tuition is expensive it might be difficult.
Smith-san, if you don’t mind, could you please correct this English (as it would be helpful)?
If it’s all right, would you please return the book (I lent you last month) by tomorrow?
Yamashita-san, because I am baking the cake, if you don’t mind, can you bring fruit?

18. 大藤


1. I cannot eat any more because I have just eaten and I am full.
2. This building has just been built, so it is new and pretty.
3. I had trouble just after I came to Japan, because I didn't understand Japanese culture.
4. There was an orientation for the freshman [& women ](the students who has become the 1st year) last week.

三課 2009年



1. In this class, in addition to him, are there any college students who are good at Korean?
2. In the Japanese language in addition to casual speaking style there is formal/honorific style as well. It’s tough.
3. I am thinking that in Japan, in addition to studying Japanese, I want to travel to various places.
4. Over the summer I took a college summer course. In addition to this I had a part time job and went to Japan.
5. Because I had so much homework over the weekend I couldn’t do anything other than studying.
6. Today I will appear in class, but other than that U don’t have any plans.



1. 私が今住んでいるアパートの広さは、この部屋と同じくらいです。
The apartment I live in now is about to as big as this room.

2. 今度住むアパートは、この部屋と同じくらいの広さです。
The next apartment I live in will be about the size of this room.

3. 東京の物価はニューヨークと同じくらい高い。
Tokyo’s prices are about as high as New York’s.

4. そのロボットは人間と同じくらい上手に自転車に乗れる。
The robot can ride a bike about as well as a person.

5. 田中君は僕達と同じくらいの年だと思うよ。
Tanaka is about the same age as us, I think.



1. ドラえもんは実はネコ型ロボットなんです。知っていますか?
Doraemon is actually a cat type robot. Did you know that?

2. 父は1950年型のキャデラックのクラシックカーを持っています。
My father owns the 1950 model of cadilleac’s classic car.

3. 私のけつえき型はA型ですが、母はABで父はO型、弟はB型です。
My blood type is A , but my mother’s is the AB type, my father’s is the O type, and younger brother’s is the B type.

4. 新型インフルエンザのワクチンはまだないそうです。
I hear that there is no vaccine for the new type of influenza.




If you drive, you must not drink alcohol drink.
If you like her, why don't you ask her to date?
If you feel cold, why don't you wear a sweater?
You cannot your personal check, but you can use C. cards (if you have, you can use CC).
5.X「2時に電話してくれませんか」Would you please call me at 2?
I am sorry that I can't do it at 2. I can do it at 3 if it is all right for you.
If you go to Japan, you'd better to buy a JR pass.



1. Himeji castle is known as one of Japan’s utmost beautiful castle.
2. This cell phone isn’t just for making calls, but it can also be used as a camera.
3. Next week I am going to represent my school in a speech contest.
4. My friend is working in France as a fashion model.

In my apartment, it is forbidden to have a pet.
We are supposed to inform our teacher when we are absent from a class, but I totally forgot to do it.
In my house, we are supposed to wash dishes which we used after a meal.

〜をしている;〜をしたN ―> some or something has X; used to describe a feature/characteristic.

Zou has a long nose. In addition to this, his ears are also big.

This opera singer has a truly beautiful voice.

3) フレンチブルドッグはみじかいあしをした犬だ。それに、おもしろいかおをしている。
French bulldogs are short-legged dogs. Moreover, they have interesting faces.

4) ヘビのような形をした、泳ぐことができるロボートがあるそうだ。
I heard that there is a snake-shaped, swimming-capable robot [I hear there is a snake-shaped robot that is capable of swimming.]



1. Recently I’m beginning to find it becoming a little hot.
2. Using it for about 1 year, I have become accustomed to the new textbook.
3. Due to the development in technology, living I’m beginning to find that living is becoming convenient.
4. Because this region is in the north, I’m beginning to find that the sky becomes bright before 4 o’clock in the morning during the summer.

1. Because of this, it will become move warm.
2. If you practice, your speaking will become better I hear.
3. Because the golden retriever is a big dog, it is going to become bigger.
4. It seems that robots will save many people’s lives, you dig?


(Not the speaker's decision)

1. 日本にあるオフィスで働くことになったので、日本に引っ越すことになりました。
It turns out that I will work in an office in Japan. So, I have decided I will move to Japan.

To improve the environment, I have decided to start a recycling campaign next month.

3. 奨学金がもらえることになったので、大学院に行くつもりです。
Because it turns out I can get a scholarship I intend to go to grad school.



1. 両親は私にいつも家に早く帰ってくるように言います。
My parents always tell me to come back home early.

2. パーティーをしていたら、となりのアパートの人に静かにするように言われてしまいました。
While having a party, I was told to keep quiet by my next door neighbor.

3. 病気でクラスに行けないので、代わりに友だちに宿題を出しに行ってくれるように頼んだ。
I asked my friend to go to submit my home work instead of me, because I was sick and not able to go to class.

4. ウェイターにデザートメニューを持って来てくれるように頼もうか。
Shall we ask the waiter to bring the desert menu?




1. I wonder what I’ll do for summer break.
2. This apartment seems great. But I wonder if it’s a bit expensive/too much.
3. I wonder my host mother in Hokkaido is. I think I’ll try to call how her tonight.
4. I wonder if this is the restaurant I came to last year with Sato.

Volitional とした{が/けれど} −> tried to [do something] but failed; was going to […] but failed; …{ら} ―> when [X happened] was going to do something.

I tried to make cookies, but I couldn’t because there weren’t any eggs.

2) 宿題をしようとしたが、友だちが来たから、するのを止めた。
I was going to do the homework, but I stopped because a friend came over.

3) 電車に乗ろうとしたら、目の前でドアが閉まってしまった。
I was going to get on the train when the door closed before my eyes.

4) 家を出ようとしたら、雨が降ってきた。
I was leaving the house when it started to rain.

二課 2010年



1. All citizens have to pay taxes.
2. A particle needs to be put in the parentheses.
3. I am going to the library because I have to look something up.
4. I have to go to the post office, so wait here for a little while.
5. Because I overslept and missed class this morning, tomorrow I have to wake up earlier.

Sarah (*She did an extra work. I would you to look at both translations. Ofuji)
1. All citizens must pay taxes.
2. In this space, you have to put a particle.
3. I'm going to the library, because I have to research.
4. I've got to go to the post office. Wait here for a little bit.
5. This morning, I overslept and was late to class. Tomorrow I have to wake up very early.


2. XやYなど、・・・


Some kanji like 生 and 日 (and so on) have many ways of reading, so it it hard.

There are various honorific expressions in JPN such as いらっしゃいます, めしあがります, etc.

日本人: 日本の地方のように、アメリカの地方にも、めずらしいお土産があるんですか。
アメリカ人: そうですね。日本のようには、ないかもしれませんが、メイン州にはメイプルシロップやブルーベリー・ジャムなどの名物がありますよ。

3. 〜は〜の一つだ


1.Kanji is one of the most important parts of studying Japanese.
2. Arabic is one of the most difficult languages.
3. Reading is one of my favorite things to do.
4. Mozart is one of the most popular composers.

ピーター: チェイスさんはどんな食べ物が好きですか?
チェイス: 食べ物ですか? ハンバーガーが私の一番好きな食べ物の一つです。

4. 〜にとって、 topicは・・・
〜にとっては(contrastive)、 topicは・・・


1)Who is the most important person to you?
2)The place I can't forget (for me) is the cafe where I first met her.
3)For me, the most important thing is my cat, but for my cat it seems that the most important thing is food.
4) For musicians ears are the most important part; however despite the fact Beethoven could not hear, he created the Symphony No. 9.


5. Nの代わりに、・・・


1.ペンの代わりにえんぴつを使って書いて下さい。Please use a pencil instead of a pen. (but not a pen)

2.母が病気だったので、(母の)代わりに私が晩ご飯を作りました。Because my mother was sick, I made a supper instead of her.

3.日本の若い人たちと友だちになりたかったら、「です・ます」の話し方の代わりに、カジュアルな話し方で話した方がいいよ。If you want to make JPN friends, it is better to use the casual speech style instead of the polite speech.

4.最近、日本でも現金(げんきん)の代わりにカードを使う人が多くなった。Recently, more people use a credit card instead of cash in Japan.

6. …ため(に)、MC。

- Meaning: for the purpose of, for the sake of, in order to, for
- When used with a noun or the non-past form of a verb, it indicates either purpose or reason/cause.
- Nounのため(に) can also indicate benefit
Xご飯を食べるために これからコモンズに行きます。


1. 私は健康(けんこう)のため、エレベーターに乗らないで 階段(かいだん)を使うことにしています。
For my health, I have decided to make it a habit of not using the elevator and using the stairs.

2. 日本中を安く旅行するために、JRパスを買おうと思っている。
In order to travel in Japan cheaply, I think we should buy a JR pass.

3. これは敬語の使い方を練習するためのサイトだ。
This is a site for (the purpose of) practicing how to use KEIGO.

4. 将来(しょうらい)、日本の会社で働きたいと思っている。そのためにはもっと日本語が上手にならなくてはいけない。
In the future, I think I want to work in a Japanese company. For this reason (for the sake of this goal), I must become much better at the Japanese language.

後はい: せんぱい、卒業した後で、何をしますか。
先ぱい: 私は 大学院に 入って、物理(ぶつり)を勉強するつもりです。
後はい: あっ、そのために、GRE試験を 受けなければいけないんですね。大変ですね。

7. …ため(に)、MC。


1. The computer broke, so I could not write the report.
2. Because I am busy studying, I have no time to meet with friends.
3. Because Tom is good at Japanese, an interpreter is sometimes requested. /he is sometimes asked to work as an interpreter.
4. There isn’t a lot of snow this year. Because of this I am unable to go skiing.


8. A(N/文)か、B(N/文)か


1. I haven't decided whether I'm taking a train or a plane from Tokyo to Kyushu.
2. Please wait, by the end of the week. I will either send it by mail or call.
3. Do you remember if the foods in that restaurant are delicious or unappetizing?
4. Recent cell phones are too complicated - I don't know if they are useful or not.
5. Every morning, I drink juice or water.

A:  母の誕生日(のため)に、私はプレゼントを買ってあげるか、セーターをあんであげるか、まだ決めていないんです。
B: Aさんはあむのが上手じゃなさそうなので、プレゼントを買ったらどうですか。
A: そうですね。じゃあ、ゆびわを買うことにします。

9. …でしょう/だろう


1. Tom/ Tom, you studied well yesterday, so today’s Japanese test was easy for you right?
2. This cake is tasty isn’t it? I bought it at a famous shop. It was very expensive.
3. Tanaka −san, did you see that movie too? I also saw it last week. It was very good right?
A: We are going together to the concert tomorrow right?
B: Because I have other arrangements for tomorrow, I said I couldn't go right? Did you forget it?




1.最近若い人の間で言葉の使い方に変化が見られる。As for usage o fa language, we can see some change among recent young people.

2.あいさつの仕方にも文化の違いが見られます。We can see the difference of culture in greetings.

3.これは一年生の学生によく見られる間違いです。This is a mistake which can be seen among the first year students.

11. V(普通)ようになる (start/end)
  V(可能形)ようになる(can do/ can't do now)


1. Because I started going to the gym, every morning I started to wake up early.
2. Because I made friends with Japanese people, I became able to speak better Japanese.
3. If you use this Japanese practice site, you will come to understand the grammar.
4. Because my father got sick, he gradually stopped drinking alcohol.
5. When this child was a baby he cried a lot. Once he reached four years old, he came to cry very seldom.

ジェシカ: トウニーさんの犬はとてもしずかね?
トウニー: そうね。子犬の時、 うるさかったけど、二歳になってあまりワンワンなかないようになった。

12. また(〜も)

1) again;
2) also, as well,
3) moreover, additionally, in addition


1.四国はとてもいい所だったから、また行きたいと思います。Shikoku was a nice place, so I want to go there again.

2.またねぼうをしてしまって、また授業に遅れた。I overslept again and was late for a class again.

3.この辞書は大学の本屋で買えます。また、図書館で借りることもできます。We can buy this dictionary in the bookstore at the college, but also you can borrow it in the library.

4.トマトはおいしいし、色々な料理に使える。また、体にもいい食べ物だ。Tomato is delicious and can be used for various dishes. Additionally, it is good for your health.

13. …必要がある/ない


1)It is necessary to obtain a passport before traveling abroad.
2)If you live in a dorm, you are able to eat at Commons, so there is no need to cook on your own.
3)For my country, it is not necessary to obtain a visa to travel to Japan.


14.  …場合(は/には)

- Meaning: if, when, in case
- 場合 is a noun that means “case, occasion, situation,” but with a modifier it forms an adverbial phrase
- 時 (when not referring to a specific time) can be used in place of


1. 明日になっても犬が見つからない場合は、ペットレスキューセンターに探(さが)しに行きましょう。
If (in the case that) we do not find the dog by tomorrow, we will go and look at the Pet Rescue Center.

2. 東京に来る場合は、連絡(れんらく)して下さい。会いに行きますから。
When you come to Tokyo, please contact/get in touch with me so you can come and see me.

3. 一人でするのが大変な場合は、クラスメートと一緒(いっしょに)宿題をしてもいいです。
In case it is difficult to do on by yourself, it is okay to do your homework together with a classmate.

4. 雨の場合はテニスの試合(しあい)はない。その場合、チケットは次の試合に使うことが出来る。
In case of rain, the tennis game will not happen. If this is the case, you can use your ticket at the next game.

5. 火事(かじ)や地震(じしん)の場合には、エレベーターを使わないで下さい。
In case of fire or earthquake, please do not use the elevator.

ケン: この週末には、何をするつもり?
スー: この週末? 晴れた場合には ハイキングをするつもりだけど、雪が降った場合には スキーをすることにする。
ケン: それは、楽しそうだね。それに そのような運動は けんこうのために いいことだよね。

15. Aではなく(て)、B


1. I’m taking Japanese, not Chinese.
2. You should say“しつれします”to a teacher, but not じゃあ、また”.
3. This is a book about America, but it isn’t written in English. Its written in Spanish.
A: Is this the Japanese classroom?
B: No, it’s not here. It’s over there.
A: When Japanese people talk to their parents, do they use honorific language?
B: No, when speaking to their parents, they don’t use honorific, but rather informal language.




1. Today due to the snow, some people were absent from class.
2. I bought some souvenir T-shirts.
3. If you want to park your car, you can do it in front of my house. There is some space.
4. I received some delicious Japanese oranges.

母: じゃあ、ペーパータオルを何枚か使って、きれいにしなさい。

■一課 2010年

1.〜で(tangible)/から(intangible) できる・作られる/できている・作られている(not general/ a particular situation)

~is made from~/ made of ~


1. Cheese and yogurt are made from milk.
2. Plastic is made of petroleum.
3. This plate is made of plastic and this cup is made of paper.
4. Wine is made from grapes, but sake is made from rice.
5. In Japan, many houses are made from wood, but in this country most of the houses are made of stone.

A: このあめだまの中身(なかみ)はチョコレートできていますか?

2. Adj. stem + さ

Noun Form (measuable)


1. About how many kilograms do you think the weight of this package is?
2. The height of Mt. Fuji is 3,776 meters.
3. I don’t think there is anybody who cannot understand the goodness of this story.
4. I was surprised at the usefulness of Japanese cell phones.

メアリ:ええ、たけしさんのやさしさは 本当にすごいです。 毎日私に弁当(べんとう)を作ってくれるし、宿題も手伝ってくれます。

(1)…ように+見える・聞こえる as if... ; like...

(2)…言われた・おっしゃる・書いてある・思っている+ように as ...; like...


1.This looks like chocolate; however, because it is an eraser, it can’t be eaten.
2.A small cat’s voice sounds like when a baby cries.
3.As the teacher says, you must study the words everyday; otherwise you will not become good at it.
4.As can be understood by what the picture shows, London has many famous places to visit.
5.If you make it according to what the book has written, you can make a delicious dressing.

学生1:  このことばがわからなかったので、あの先生に聞いてもいいですか?
学生2/ 先生: あの先生はアジア人のように見えるけれど、 アメリカ人だから、日本語がぜんぜんわかりませんよ。

学生: 先生、先生に言われたように、漢字を調べたら、全部読めました。
先生: そう。それはよかったですね。がんばってね。


X is famous for/known because Y


1.Egypt is famous for the Pyramids and the Sphinx.
2. This temple is known for its old cherry blossom trees.
3. I know that bears are known to hibernate, but bears in zoos also hibernate?


5. writing style :good for "parallel" sentences like #2, 3, 4 in the right.


I ate at a restaurant with my friend and then went to see a movie yesterday.

Smith goes to study at a college during daytime and do a cleaning job in a hospital at night.

3. 兄と違い、僕はスポーツがあまり得意じゃない。
Unlike my older brother, I am not good at sport.

This area has much snow in winter and is extremely hot in summer.

There are not many Japanese books or no Japanese newspaper in that library, so I went there only once.

6. Verb(short form, non-past)ことが/も ある
- Use the construction when something occurs occasionally or when someone does something only sometimes.
- Use が in generic sentences, while も is used to imply that something else may also occur.


1. 晩ご飯は たいてい家で 食べますが、時々 友達と レストランに 行くこともあります。
I usually eat dinner at home, but sometimes I go to a restaurant with my friend.
2. 文法の説明を読んでも 分からないことがある。そんな時は 先生に 聞きに行くことにしている。
There are times when I read but do not understand the grammar explanations. At these times, I have made it a habit to go and ask my teacher.
3. ハワイは 一年中気温が 高いけれど、高い山では 雪が降ることもあるそうだ。
Although the atmospheric temperature in Hawaii is hot all year round, there are times when it snows in the tall mountains.
4. 週末は たいてい 両親の家に 帰るが、忙しくて 帰れないこともある。
I usually go to my parents’ house on the weekend, but sometimes I am so busy that I cannot return home.

A: 授業が 終わった後、僕と いっしょに カラオケに 行かないか。
B: ごめん。私は すぐに アルバイトに 行かなくちゃ いけない。
A: そうか? 友達によると Bさんは 六時から九時まで アルバイトをするそうだけど・・・?
B: それは本当。私は たいてい 夜 働くけど、ボスが 病気の時とか 早く 行かなくちゃいけないことが ある。

7. XはYによる (X & Y can be a noun or a sentence with a question-particle か)
X depends on Y


1. Character differs depending on the person.
2. The age that one can get their license at differs depending on the country.
3. How much you pay for tuition is different depending on the college.
4. Which school I should study abroad at depends on the scholarship I receive.

A:  どんな車を買うことにしますか。
B:  うーん、どんな車を買うかは、・・・・?によります。

8.〜始める(vs 〜終わる)


1. In this area, as November comes, snow begins to fall.
2. When he was 1, my little brother began to walk. And when he turned 1 and a half, he began to talk.
3. Because of chorus club practice every night, I always start studying after 10 o'clock at night.

ジョン:  あれっ? 今メアリーさんとたけしさんは けんかしているんですか?
スー: うん、そうみたい。見てよ!  メアリーさんは泣き始めましたよ。
ジョン:  あ、ほんと!

9. N1 + P + の + N2

LINK Nouns


1. 友達へのプレゼント A present for a friend
2.  日本での仕事 A job in Japan
3. 先生とのミーティング  A meeting with the teacher
4.  八時からのパーティ A party which starts at eight
5. 京都までの新幹線の切符A shinkansen ticket to Kyoto

たけし: それはなんですか?
スー: これは友達からの電子メイルです。

10.Topicは …文…と言われている

It is said that ....


It is said that the longest river in the world is Nile, but there are some peope who say it is Amazon.

2.秋葉原は 前は「電気の町」と言われていたが、今は「オタクの町」と言われている。
It is said that Akihabara is the town of electronics, bu adt now it is said that it is the town of o-taku.

It is said that it's good to take lots of vitamin C when you catch a cold.


11. …と言えば、

Speaking of ... ,


A: This is a picture book of an old folktale.
B: Speaking of folktales, yesterday I watched a picture story show.

A: Tonight I will meet with Michiko.
B:Speaking of Michiko, I heard that next month she will get married with Tanaka, is this true?

A: My parents live in Hong Kong now.
B: Speaking of Hong Kong, I’ve heard the view at night from the mountain top is great.

A: ジェイソン・ステーサムと言う映画俳優(はいゆう)はすごくハンサムですね?
B: そうですね。 あ、ジェイソン・ステーサムと言えば、 今晩あの人の新しい映画、『エキスペンダボルズ』を見に行く予定なんです。

12. Xとか(YとかZとか)

things/places, etc.; like~

(パトリック 9-8)

1. I usually do laundry and cleaning on the weekend.
2. I want to try studies languages, like Finnish and Turkish, that not too many people study .
3. When studying kanji, it is good to make flash cards and to repeatedly write out the kanj, etc.


13.  …というのは Nounのこと/ということ or Sentenceということ/という意味

- This structure is used to provide the meaning or definition of a word or phrase
- “(subject) means …” “the meaning of (subject) is …”


1. パソコンというのは、パーソナル コンピュータのことです。
“PASOCON” means/is short for “personal computer.”

2. A:  あのう、すみません。学生証(がくせいしょう)というのは 何のことですか。
   A: Um, excuse me. What does “がくせいしょう”mean / What kind of thing is a “がくせいしょう”?
 B:  学生証というのは、Student IDのことですよ。
   B: It is a Student ID.

3. 留学するというのは 外国で 勉強するということだ。
Studying abroad means studying in a foreign country.

4. 「話せる」というのは、「話すことができる」という意味だ。
“話せる”has the same meaning as “話すことができる,” to be able to speak.

学生: すみません。この漢字(「大切」)の言葉は 何ですか。
先生: この漢字の 読み方は「たいせつ」です。「大切」というのは、「大事(だいじ)」という意味ですよ。

14. Xだけではなく Yも
(X & Y can be a noun or a sentence)
not only X but also Y


1. In Japanese not only is there Hiragana, but one also has to memorize katakana and kanji.
2. “すみません”not only means “I’m sorry, but also “Excuse me”.
3. Kyoto not only has an old temple, but also a famous history.
4. I have decide to lease this apartment because, not only is it a short drive from the station, but the rent is cheap as well.
5. Not only is this movie interesting, but the music is good too!

A: どうして大学でアルバイトをしたいんですか。
B: お金がためられるだけてなく、仕事が好きだから、大学でアルバイトをしたいんです。

15. Nって=は(topic)  
16.Nって(いう・聞く・書く・よぶ)=と (that ; link sentences or nous)


*Please e-mail me if you find any mistake in the following translation.



1. You may or may not remember how to write this kanji.
2. Whether you understand or not understand what is written here, let's try to read until end anyway.
3. I have to take a dog for a walk whether the weather is good or not, because a dog goes to toilet outside.
4. I think I will rend this apartment whether it is quiet or not, because the rent is inexpensive.
5. Both children and adults can enjoy this movie.



1. Noh and Kyogen are typical Japanese traditional art. The former is a tragedy, while [and] the latter is a comedy.
2.As for Japanese castles, Himeji and Osaka castles are famous. The former is in Hyogo-prefecture and the latter is in Osaka-prefecure.
3 Among the manga written by Tezuka, Jangle-Taitei and Black Jack are popular. The former is a story about a white lion and the latter is a story about a doctor who can cure any sickness.



  At this college there are many international students from Asian countries like Korea, China, and Taiwan.
  In order for one to become good at speaking Japanese, one has to practice different speech styles like honorific and casual (styles). (*The polite style is in the midde as you usually use.)
  In any foreign language, there is a trend that the more polite the sentence becomes, the longer it becomes.



1. Japan’s compulsory education is 6 years of elementary school and 3 years of middle school. On the other hand, in my country, the compulsory education is elementary school only, so it is fine whether or not one goes to middle school. However, almost all children go on to middle school.
2. Katakana is used for words that have been brought in from foreign countries or animals, and flower name etc. especially nouns. On the other hand hiragana is mostly used for particles or at the end of a sentence or complening word after the use of kanji.
3. I think I want to study abroad in Japan, on the other hand living in a foreign country is uneasy.
4. Scholarships for children are declining while enhance exams are becoming more and more intense.
5. I am busy with study, on the other hand I need to work a part time job for the sake of tuition.



1. I wish I could work in Europe or in Asia in the future.
2. In this college, students have to write a senior thesis either in English or Japanese.
3. I have to contact (to him/her) anyway, either by mail or telephone call.
4. I am still thinking that I should get a permanent job or proceed to a graduate school and continue studying.



1. The bus hasn't readily come. It seems like I am being late for class. What can I do? [I am in trouble.]
2. I could not memorize Kanji when I was in the first year, but now I can do it without taking time.
3. I have been practicing piano for 10 years now [as many as 10 years], but I still cannot play well. [It is not easy for me to play well.]
4. The concert is slow to start, so the audience started getting angry.
5. It hasn't become cold yet although it is December now. I wonder if it is due to the global warming.



1. Next week my mother's younger brother, namely my uncle, will come to visit us from China.
2. My parents got married 20 years ago, in other words, the year I was born.
3. The Japanese traditional art, Kyogen, is namely a comedy of the olden times.
4. "Juken Senso" means that students compete at study like a war, in order to get in a good school.
5. "Toko Kyohi" means that a kid stops going to school due to bullying etc.



  The students want to speak in Japanese with not only the teacher but also general Japanese people. Therefore, they decided to attend the group and party of the study abroad students.
  I think that, in the future, I want to become an elementary school teacher. Therefore, I have decided to try and teach children by volunteering.
  Christmas is very soon. Therefore, I think I want to send my host family some present, but what would be good to send, I wonder.
  I went job hunting with all my might, but I could not gain employment in a Japanese company. Therefore, I have decided to proceed with graduate school.



1. I can eat any sushi, but not sea urchin.
2. A: Is it all right if we have the next meeting on Friday?
B: I am sorry. It is not good for me... Would you please select any another day except Friday?
3. In this class, nobody has been to a foreign country except for Tanaka.
4. I do tennis and watch movies on the week end other than studying.
5. I haven't played any other instruments other than quitter.



1. I never stop studying Japanese, no matter how hard it is.
2. Today's exam was not easy at all, but you did very well.
3. He is definitely not a bad person. He is just a little selfish.
4. It is dangerous, you must [never] not enter in this fence.



1) There are students that skip school because they are busy with part-time jobs.
2) That class was regrettably canceled because there were too few registered students.
3) This game machine seem to sell well because it is cheap and easy to use.
4) In Japan it seems that sometimes because you are a foreigner you are not rented an apartment. I can’t believe it.



1. It is necessary to talk about these problems more>
2. I am going to investigate about those points once more.
3. I don't understand what they say. I wonder if they oppose our ideas.



  Boys have an interest in Otaku culture whereas “cute” culture is popular among girls.
  In Japanese, grammar is difficult whereas in Chinese, pronounciation is difficult.
  60% of middle school students are in cram school whereas 40% study at home.
  It is said that B (blood) type personalities are optimistic while A type have serious personalities.
  In Japan, there are many people who send emails by cell phone. In contrast there are many people in America who send email by computers.



1. As far as I know, there is no Japanese dictionary that is easy to use for a foreigner.
2. It is quite tough to translate this report by tomorrow, but I will try as much as I can.
3. Until I pass the placement test, I cannot enter the upper level class.
4. As long as I am the student of this college, I have to respect the rules decided on by the college.



  Despite the fact that the rain is coming down heavily, the soccer game was continued.
  Although the questions were difficult, I was able to do the test well.
3. 彼女は外国人(である)にもかかわらず、日本人より日本の文化を愛している。
  In spite of the fact that she is a foreigner, she loves Japanese culture much moe than the Japanese people.
  Despite the fact that what the boy said was true, because he lied many times before, no one believed what he said.


せっかく(with effort, energy, time)

1. I have been studying JPN for [as many as] 3 years (with all the efforts and troubles), I would like to go to Japan at least once.
2. I baked a cake (with all the efforts and troubles), but nobody ate it; therefore, I was so disappointed.
3. I went to Japan (after all the efforts and troubles), I could not stay with a host family; therefore,I regretted it.
4. The baseball game was canceled due to rain, (after all the efforts and troubles to get the ticket).
5. A: Would you please come to my house for dinner?
B: Thank you very much for your invitation. I would appreciate your kindness, but I am really busy working today...



1) Although they say it is spring, it's cold and I am still wearing a sweater.
2) Even though I say I can read kanji, because I can only read as many as 300 I am unable to read newspaper headlines.
3) Even though I say the grammar is difficult doesn’t mean that I can’t understand anything.
4) I can’t rent this room eventhough it is close to the university and convenient because the rent is too high.
5) Although they say you’re a kid you shouldn’t do foolish things.

18. 大藤


1. I am in trouble because my plan is not going well as I wish.
2. In public, I cannot tell my opinions as I wish.
3. I practiced playing piano very hard when I was a child, but I quit it [completely] because I could not play well as I wished.