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Greek 202: Syntax.

Review Sheet 12.
Conditions (Future).


Protasis (if...)
Apodosis (then...)
ean + Subjunctive Future Indicative
Negative: mh Negative: ou
ean SwkrathV leghi, akousw.
If Socrates is speaking, I shall keep listening.

ean oi summacoi proselqwsin, ouk anacwrhsomen.
If the allies come, we shall not retreat.

ean mh hmaV fulasshiV, empesountai  hmin.
If you will not keep protecting us, they will attack us.


Protasis (if...)
Apodosis (then...)
ei + Optative Optative + an
Negative: mh Negative: ou

ei SwkrathV legoi, akouoimi an.
If Socrates would be speaking, I would keep listening.

ei oi summacoi proselqoien, ouk anacwrhsaimen an.
If the allies would come, we would not retreat.

ei mh fulassoiV hmaV, empesoien an hmin.
If you would not keep protecting us, they would attack us.