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Greek 202: Syntax.

Review Sheet 10.
Verbs of Fearing.



Works exactly like a Purpose Clause, except that you use mh instead of ina.
1. If you fear that something will happen, the word for "that" is mh.
If you fear that something will not happen, you use mh...ouk.
2. A.  If the introductory verb is in a Primary Tense (Present, Future, Perfect) 
you use the subjunctive mood.
Dedoikamen mh ouc hkwsin.
We are afraid that they will not come.
2. B.  If the introductory verb is in a Secondary Tense (Imperfect, Aorist, Pluperfect) 
you use the optative mood.
Efoboumhn mh apoqanoiV.
I was afraid that you would die.


Sometimes the Greeks ignore rule 2.B. and use the subjunctive mood instead. 
This is called the graphic construction.
Efoboumhn mh apoqanhiV.
I was afraid that you would die.

At the time, I was thinking "I am afraid that you WILL die" (Subjunctive). I had a Subjunctive in my mind, and the graphic construction graphically records that original Subjunctive.

4. As with Purpose Clauses, 
the Aorist (Subjunctive or Optative) will refer to a specific action, 
the Present (Subjunctive or Optative) will refer to action in general; 
the Perfect (Subjunctive or Optative) is usually used with verbs that have a special meaning in the Perfect Tense, e.g. esthka = "I am standing."
edeisa mh o stratiwthV endon esthkoi.
I was afraid that the soldier would be standing inside.

Click here for Aorist Subjunctive Paradigm.

Click here for Present Subjunctive Paradigm.

Click here for Aorist Optative Paradigm.
Click here for Present Optative Paradigm.


Primary Verb with Subjunctive:

foboumai mh amarthiV.
"I am afraid that you will make a mistake."

dedoikaV mh ouk afikwntai.
"You are afraid that they will not arrive."

foboumeqa mh genhtai.
"We are afraid that it will happen."

Historic Verb with Optative:

efoboumhn mh amartoiV.
"I was afraid that you would make a mistake."

edeisaV mh ouk afikointo.
"You were afraid that they would not arrive."

efoboumeqa mh genoito.
"We were afraid that it would happen."

Graphic Construction: Subjunctive (genhtai) with Historic Tense (efoboumeqa).

efoboumeqa mh genhtai.
"We were afraid that it would happen.


Use mh with the Indicative.

If you fear that something is happening, or did happen, the word for "that" is mh.
If you fear that something is not happening, or did not happen, you use mh...ouk.

foboumai mh amartaneiV.
"I am afraid that you are making a mistake.

foboumai mh hmarteV.
"I am afraid that you made a mistake.

dedoika mh ou pareisin.
"I am afraid that they are not here.

edeisamen mh eqaneV.
"We were afraid that you had died.