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Greek 202: Syntax.

Review Sheet 4.
Result Clauses.


wste  with  (Accusative +) INFINITIVE
Click here for Infinitive Paradigm.
Negative is mh.
Result is expected, natural, possible. Don't explicitly say that it happened.
Focus on cause.

ei toiouton eih h sofia wste rein... (175 d 4)

"If wisdom were such a thing as to flow..."
OR "If wisdom were such a thing that it flowed..."

tosouton uperebaleto thi filiai wste apodeixai... (179 c 1)

"She surpassed them so much in love as to reveal..."
OR "She surpassed them so much in love that she revealed..."

outw tacewV edramon wste  mhdena  autouV labein.

"They ran so quicky that nobody  caught them." 
(Their speed would naturally make it impossible for anyone to catch them)

wste  with  INDICATIVE

Negative is ou.
Emphasises that the result actually happened.
Focus on result.

o SwkrathV ou parhn, wste o Agaqwn eqaumaze.

"Socrates was not there, so Agathon was surprised."

outw tacewV edramon wste oudeiV  autouV elabe.

"They ran so quicky that nobody  caught them." 
(Nobody caught them on this particular occasion)